IEC TR 62543:2022
(Main)High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced converters (VSC)
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced converters (VSC)
IEC TR 62543:2022 is available as IEC TR 62543:2022 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.
IEC TR 62543:2022 gives general guidance on the subject of voltage sourced converters (VSC) used for transmission of power by high voltage direct current (HVDC). It describes converters that are not only voltage sourced (containing a capacitive energy storage medium and where the polarity of DC voltage remains fixed) but also self-commutated, using semiconductor devices which can both be turned on and turned off by control action. The scope includes 2‑level and 3-level converters with pulse-width modulation (PWM), along with multi-level converters, modular multi-level converters and cascaded two-level converters, but excludes 2‑level and 3-level converters operated without PWM, in square-wave output mode. HVDC power transmission using voltage sourced converters is known as "VSC transmission". The various types of circuit that can be used for VSC transmission are described in this document, along with their principal operational characteristics and typical applications. The overall aim is to provide a guide for purchasers to assist with the task of specifying a VSC transmission scheme. Line-commutated and current-sourced converters are specifically excluded from this document. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- in Clause 3, some redundant definitions which were identical to those listed in IEC 62747 have been deleted;
- in 4.3.4, description and diagrams have been added for the cases of a bipole with dedicated metallic return and a rigid bipole;
- in 4.4, mention is made of the bi-mode insulated gate transistor (BiGT) and injection enhanced gate transistor (IEGT) as possible alternatives to the IGBT;
- in 5.6, the reference to common-mode blocking reactors has been deleted since these are very rarely used nowadays.
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IEC TR 62543 ®
Edition 2.0 2022-03
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced
converters (VSC)
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IEC TR 62543 ®
Edition 2.0 2022-03
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced
converters (VSC)
ICS 29.200; 29.240.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-1090-6
– 2 – IEC TR 62543:2022 © IEC 2022
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 8
3.1 General . 8
3.2 Letter symbols . 10
3.3 VSC transmission . 10
3.4 Power losses . 11
4 VSC transmission overview . 11
4.1 Basic operating principles of VSC transmission . 11
4.1.1 Voltage sourced converter as a black box . 11
4.1.2 Principles of active and reactive power control . 12
4.1.3 Operating principles of a VSC transmission scheme . 14
4.1.4 Applications of VSC transmission . 15
4.2 Design life. 15
4.3 VSC transmission configurations . 15
4.3.1 General . 15
4.3.2 DC circuit configurations . 16
4.3.3 Monopole configuration . 16
4.3.4 Bipolar configuration . 17
4.3.5 Parallel connection of two converters . 18
4.3.6 Series connection of two converters . 19
4.3.7 Parallel and series connection of more than two converters . 19
4.4 Semiconductors for VSC transmission . 19
5 VSC transmission converter topologies . 21
5.1 General . 21
5.2 Converter topologies with VSC valves of switch type . 21
5.2.1 General . 21
5.2.2 Operating principle . 22
5.2.3 Topologies . 22
5.3 Converter topologies with VSC valves of the controllable voltage source type . 25
5.3.1 General . 25
5.3.2 MMC topology with VSC levels in half-bridge topology . 26
5.3.3 MMC topology with VSC levels in full-bridge topology . 28
5.3.4 CTL topology with VSC cells in half-bridge topology . 28
5.3.5 CTL topology with VSC cells in full-bridge topology . 28
5.4 VSC valve design considerations . 29
5.4.1 Reliability and failure mode . 29
5.4.2 Current rating . 29
5.4.3 Transient current and voltage requirements . 29
5.4.4 Diode requirements . 30
5.4.5 Additional design details . 30
5.5 Other converter topologies . 31
5.6 Other equipment for VSC transmission schemes . 31
5.6.1 General . 31
5.6.2 Power components of a VSC transmission scheme . 31
5.6.3 VSC substation circuit breaker . 32
5.6.4 AC system side harmonic filters . 32
5.6.5 Radio frequency interference filters . 32
5.6.6 Interface transformers and phase reactors . 32
5.6.7 Valve reactor . 33
5.6.8 DC capacitors . 33
5.6.9 DC reactor . 35
5.6.10 DC filter . 36
5.6.11 Dynamic braking system . 36
6 Overview of VSC controls . 36
6.1 General . 36
6.2 Operational modes and operational options . 37
6.3 Power transfer . 38
6.3.1 General . 38
6.3.2 Telecommunication between converter stations . 38
6.4 Reactive power and AC voltage control . 38
6.4.1 AC voltage control . 38
6.4.2 Reactive power control . 39
6.5 Black start capability . 39
6.6 Supply from a wind farm . 39
7 Steady-state operation . 40
7.1 Steady-state capability . 40
7.2 Converter power losses . 41
8 Dynamic performance . 42
8.1 AC system disturbances. 42
8.2 DC system disturbances . 42
8.2.1 DC cable fault . 42
8.2.2 DC overhead line fault . 43
8.3 Internal faults . 43
9 HVDC performance requirements . 44
9.1 Harmonic performance . 44
9.2 Wave distortion . 45
9.3 Fundamental and harmonics . 45
9.3.1 Three-phase 2-level VSC . 45
9.3.2 Multi-pulse and multi-level converters . 45
9.4 Harmonic voltages on power systems due to VSC operation . 46
9.5 Design considerations for harmonic filters (AC side) . 46
9.6 DC side filtering . 46
10 Environmental impact . 47
10.1 General . 47
10.2 Audible noise . 47
10.3 Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) . 47
10.4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) . 47
11 Testing and commissioning. 48
11.1 General . 48
11.2 Factory tests . 49
11.2.1 Component tests . 49
11.2.2 Control system tests . 49
– 4 – IEC TR 62543:2022 © IEC 2022
11.3 Commissioning tests/system tests. 49
11.3.1 General . 49
11.3.2 Precommissioning tests . 50
11.3.3 Subsystem tests .
IEC TR 62543 ®
Edition 2.0 2022-03
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced
converters (VSC)
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IEC Secretariat Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
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IEC TR 62543 ®
Edition 2.0 2022-03
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission using voltage sourced
converters (VSC)
ICS 29.200; 29.240.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-4546-0
– 2 – IEC TR 62543:2022 RLV © IEC 2022
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 8
3.1 General . 9
3.2 Letter symbols . 11
3.3 VSC transmission . 11
3.4 Power losses . 12
4 VSC transmission overview . 11
4.1 Basic operating principles of VSC transmission . 13
4.1.1 Voltage sourced converter as a black box . 13
4.1.2 Principles of active and reactive power control . 14
4.1.3 Operating principles of a VSC transmission scheme . 16
4.1.4 Applications of VSC transmission . 17
4.2 Design life. 17
4.3 VSC transmission configurations . 17
4.3.1 General . 17
4.3.2 DC circuit configurations . 18
4.3.3 Monopole configuration . 18
4.3.4 Bipolar configuration . 19
4.3.5 Parallel connection of two converters . 20
4.3.6 Series connection of two converters . 21
4.3.7 Parallel and series connection of more than two converters . 21
4.4 Semiconductors for VSC transmission . 21
5 VSC transmission converter topologies . 23
5.1 General . 23
5.2 Converter topologies with VSC valves of switch type . 23
5.2.1 General . 23
5.2.2 Operating principle . 24
5.2.3 Topologies . 24
5.3 Converter topologies with VSC valves of the controllable voltage source type . 28
5.3.1 General . 28
5.3.2 MMC topology with VSC levels in half-bridge topology . 30
5.3.3 MMC topology with VSC levels in full-bridge topology . 32
5.3.4 CTL topology with VSC cells in half-bridge topology . 33
5.3.5 CTL topology with VSC cells in full-bridge topology . 33
5.4 VSC valve design considerations . 33
5.4.1 Reliability and failure mode . 33
5.4.2 Current rating . 34
5.4.3 Transient current and voltage requirements . 34
5.4.4 Diode requirements . 34
5.4.5 Additional design details . 35
5.5 Other converter topologies . 35
5.6 Other equipment for VSC transmission schemes . 36
5.6.1 General . 36
5.6.2 Power components of a VSC transmission scheme . 36
5.6.3 VSC substation circuit breaker . 36
5.6.4 AC system side harmonic filters . 36
5.6.5 Radio frequency interference filters . 37
5.6.6 Interface transformers and phase reactors . 37
5.6.7 Valve reactor . 38
5.6.8 DC capacitors . 38
5.6.9 DC reactor . 40
5.6.10 Common mode blocking reactor .
5.6.10 DC filter . 40
5.6.11 Dynamic braking system . 40
6 Overview of VSC controls . 41
6.1 General . 41
6.2 Operational modes and operational options . 42
6.3 Power transfer . 43
6.3.1 General . 43
6.3.2 Telecommunication between converter stations . 44
6.4 Reactive power and AC voltage control . 44
6.4.1 AC voltage control . 44
6.4.2 Reactive power control . 44
6.5 Black start capability . 45
6.6 Supply from a wind farm . 45
7 Steady-state operation . 45
7.1 Steady-state capability . 45
7.2 Converter power losses . 47
8 Dynamic performance . 47
8.1 AC system disturbances. 47
8.2 DC system disturbances . 48
8.2.1 DC cable fault . 48
8.2.2 DC overhead line fault . 48
8.3 Internal faults . 48
9 HVDC performance requirements . 49
9.1 Harmonic performance . 49
9.2 Wave distortion . 50
9.3 Fundamental and harmonics . 50
9.3.1 Three-phase 2-level VSC . 50
9.3.2 Multi-pulse and multi-level converters . 51
9.4 Harmonic voltages on power systems due to VSC operation . 51
9.5 Design considerations for harmonic filters (AC side) . 52
9.6 DC side filtering . 52
10 Environmental impact . 52
10.1 General . 52
10.2 Audible noise . 52
10.3 Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) . 53
10.4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) . 53
11 Testing and commissioning. 54
11.1 General . 54
11.2 Factory tests . 54
11.2.1 Component tests . 54
– 4 – IEC TR 62543:2022 RLV © IEC 2022
11.2.2 Control system tests . 54
11.3 Commissioning tests/system tests. 55
11.3.1 General . 55
11.3.2 Precommissioning tests . 55
11.3.3 Subs
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