Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for spacers

IEC 61854:2020 is available as IEC 61854:2020 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.
IEC 61854:2020 applies to spacers for conductor bundles of overhead lines. It covers rigid spacers, flexible spacers and spacer dampers.
It does not apply to interphase spacers, hoop spacers and bonding spacers.
This document is written to cover the line design practices and spacers most commonly used at the time of writing. There may be other spacers available for which the specific tests reported in this document may not be applicable.
In some cases, test procedures and test values are left to agreement between purchaser and supplier and are stated in the procurement contract. The purchaser is best able to evaluate the intended service conditions, which should be the basis for establishing the test severity.
In Annex A, the minimum technical details to be agreed between purchaser and supplier are listed.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1998. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Consider the application of spacers on high temperature conductors specifying additional high temperature tests in clamp slip tests and for the characterization of elastic and damping properties;
b) Specify as far as possible test parameters and acceptance values;
c) Avoid as far as possible the alternative procedures for the same test;
d) Introduce a simpler test device for the simulated short circuit current test;
e) Introduce test at low temperature on fastener components such as break away bolts and conical spring washers;
f) Prescribe a different procedure for subspan oscillation tests on spacers equipped with clamps having rod attachments;
g) Modify the test procedure for the aeolian vibration tests;
h) Prescribe a different procedure for aeolian vibration tests on spacers equipped with clamps having rod attachments;
i) Re-edit all the figures in order to make them more clear and homogeneous;
j) Introduce an additional test device for the simulated short circuit current test.
Key words: Overhead Lines, Spacers

Lignes aériennes - Exigences et essais applicables aux entretoises

IEC 61854:2020 est disponible sous forme de IEC 61854:2020 RLV qui contient la Norme internationale et sa version Redline, illustrant les modifications du contenu technique depuis l'édition précédente.
IEC 61854:2020 s'applique aux entretoises destinées aux faisceaux de conducteurs de lignes aériennes. Il couvre les entretoises rigides, les entretoises souples et les entretoises amortisseuses. Il ne s'applique pas aux espaceurs, aux écarteurs à anneaux et aux entretoises de mise à la terre.
Le présent document a été élaboré pour couvrir les pratiques de conception de lignes, ainsi que les entretoises les plus couramment utilisées au moment de sa rédaction. Il peut exister d'autres entretoises pour lesquelles les essais spécifiques décrits dans le présent document peuvent ne pas s'appliquer.
Dans certains cas, les procédures d'essai et les valeurs d'essai sont convenues entre l'acheteur et le fournisseur et sont indiquées dans le contrat d'approvisionnement. L'acheteur est le mieux à même d'évaluer les conditions de service prévues, qu'il convient d'utiliser comme base pour la définition de la sévérité des essais.
L'Annexe A répertorie les informations techniques minimales à convenir entre l'acheteur et le fournisseur.
Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition parue en 1998. Cette édition constitue une révision technique.
Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition précédente:
a) prise en compte de l'application des entretoises sur des conducteurs haute température, avec la spécification d'essais à haute température supplémentaires dans le cadre des essais de glissement des pinces et la caractérisation des propriétés élastiques et d'amortissement;
b) spécification la plus large possible des paramètres d'essai et des valeurs de réception associées;
c) affranchissement, dans la mesure du possible, par rapport aux procédures alternatives pour le même essai;
d) introduction d'un dispositif d'essai plus simple pour l'essai de courant de court-circuit simulé;
e) introduction d'un essai à basse température sur les composants de fixation tels que les boulons fusibles et les rondelles élastiques coniques;
f) prescription d'une procédure différente pour les essais d'oscillation de sous-portée sur les entretoises équipées de pinces avec garnitures;
g) modification de la procédure d'essai pour les essais de vibrations éoliennes;
h) prescription d'une procédure différente pour les essais de vibrations éoliennes sur les entretoises équipées de pinces avec garnitures;
i) reprise de l'ensemble des figures afin de les rendre plus claires et homogènes;
j) introduction d'un dispositif d'essai supplémentaire pour l'essai de courant de court-circuit simulé.
Mots-clés: lignes aériennes, entretoises

General Information

Publication Date
Technical Committee
Drafting Committee
Current Stage
PPUB - Publication issued
Start Date
Completion Date
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IEC 61854:2020 RLV - Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for spacers Released:2/18/2020 Isbn:9782832279007
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IEC 61854:2020 - Overhead lines - Requirements and tests for spacers
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IEC 61854 ®
Edition 2.0 2020-02
Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for spacers

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IEC 61854 ®
Edition 2.0 2020-02
Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for spacers

ICS 29.240.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-7900-7

– 2 – IEC 61854:2020 RLV © IEC 2020
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 General requirements . 8
4.1 Design . 8
4.2 Materials . 9
4.2.1 General . 9
4.2.2 Non-metallic materials . 9
4.3 Mass, dimensions and tolerances . 9
4.4 Protection against corrosion . 9
4.5 Manufacturing appearance and finish . 9
4.6 Marking . 10
4.7 Installation instructions . 10
4.8 Specimen . 10
5 Quality assurance . 10
6 Classification of tests. 10
6.1 Type tests . 10
6.1.1 General . 10
6.1.2 Application . 10
6.2 Sample tests . 11
6.2.1 General . 11
6.2.2 Application . 11
6.2.3 Sampling and acceptance criteria . 11
6.3 Routine tests. 11
6.3.1 General . 11
6.3.2 Application and acceptance criteria . 11
6.4 Table of tests to be applied . 11
7 Test methods . 14
7.1 Visual examination . 14
7.2 Verification of dimensions, materials and mass . 14
7.3 Corrosion protection test . 14
7.3.1 Hot dip galvanized components (other than stranded galvanized steel
wires) . 14
7.3.2 Ferrous components protected from corrosion by methods other than
hot dip galvanizing . 15
7.3.3 Stranded galvanized steel wires . 15
7.3.4 Corrosion caused by non-metallic components . 15
7.4 Non-destructive tests . 15
7.5 Mechanical tests . 15
7.5.1 Clamp slip tests . 15
7.5.2 Tests on bolt sets . 23
7.5.3 Simulated short-circuit current test and compression and tension tests . 26
7.5.4 Characterisation of the elastic and damping properties . 33
7.5.5 Flexibility tests . 37
7.5.6 Fatigue tests . 40

7.6 Tests to characterise elastomers . 45
7.6.1 General . 45
7.6.2 Tests . 45
7.6.3 Ozone resistance test . 45
7.7 Electrical tests . 47
7.7.1 Corona and radio interference voltage (RIV) tests. 47
7.7.2 Electrical resistance test . 48
7.8 Verification of vibration behaviour of the bundle/spacer system . 49
Annex A (normative) Minimum technical details to be agreed between purchaser and
supplier . 50
Annex B (informative) Compressive forces in the simulated short-circuit current test . 51
Annex C (informative) Characterisation of the elastic and damping properties
Stiffness-Damping Method . 52
Annex D (informative) Verification of vibration behaviour of the bundle/spacer system . 54
D.1 General . 54
D.2 Aeolian vibration . 54
D.3 Subspan oscillation . 55
Annex E (informative) Description of HT conductors as given in
CIGRE TB 695‑2017 [7] . 56
Bibliography . 57

Figure 1 – Test arrangements for longitudinal slip tests . 18
Figure 2 – Test arrangement for torsional slip tests . 22
Figure 3 – Test arrangement for the spring force test at room temperature . 24
Figure 4 – Test arrangement for permanent load test on conical washers . 25
Figure 5 – Test arrangements for simulated short-circuit current tests . 30
Figure 6 – Test arrangements for compression and tension test . 32
Figure 7 – Typical logaritmic decrement graph . 36
Figure 8 – Sketch of longitudinal displacement test . 38
Figure 9 – Sketch of vertical displacement test . 39
Figure 10 – Sketch of conical displacement test . 39
Figure 11 – Sketch of transverse horizontal displacement test . 40
Figure 12 – Test arrangements for subspan oscillation tests . 43
Figure 13 – Test arrangement for aeolian vibration test . 45
Figure C.1 – Rotation of spacer arm around the centre of the hinge . 52
Figure C.2 – Vector representation of formula C.2 . 53

Table 1 – Tests on spacers . 13
Table 2 – Tests on elastomers . 47

– 4 – IEC 61854:2020 RLV © IEC 2020

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IEC 61854 ®
Edition 2.0 2020-02
Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for spacers

Lignes aériennes – Exigences et essais applicables aux entretoises

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IEC 61854 ®
Edition 2.0 2020-02
Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for spacers

Lignes aériennes – Exigences et essais applicables aux entretoises

ICS 29.240.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-7798-0

– 2 – IEC 61854:2020 © IEC 2020
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 General requirements . 8
4.1 Design . 8
4.2 Materials . 9
4.2.1 General . 9
4.2.2 Non-metallic materials . 9
4.3 Mass, dimensions and tolerances . 9
4.4 Protection against corrosion . 9
4.5 Manufacturing appearance and finish . 9
4.6 Marking . 9
4.7 Installation instructions . 9
4.8 Specimen . 9
5 Quality assurance . 10
6 Classification of tests. 10
6.1 Type tests . 10
6.1.1 General . 10
6.1.2 Application . 10
6.2 Sample tests . 10
6.2.1 General . 10
6.2.2 Application . 10
6.2.3 Sampling and acceptance criteria . 11
6.3 Routine tests. 11
6.3.1 General . 11
6.3.2 Application and acceptance criteria . 11
6.4 Table of tests to be applied . 11
7 Test methods . 13
7.1 Visual examination . 13
7.2 Verification of dimensions, materials and mass . 13
7.3 Corrosion protection test . 13
7.3.1 Hot dip galvanized components (other than stranded galvanized steel
wires) . 13
7.3.2 Ferrous components protected from corrosion by methods other than
hot dip galvanizing . 14
7.3.3 Stranded galvanized steel wires . 14
7.3.4 Corrosion caused by non-metallic components . 14
7.4 Non-destructive tests . 14
7.5 Mechanical tests . 14
7.5.1 Clamp slip tests . 14
7.5.2 Tests on bolt sets . 19
7.5.3 Simulated short-circuit current test and compression and tension tests . 21
7.5.4 Characterisation of the elastic and damping properties . 27
7.5.5 Flexibility tests . 31
7.5.6 Fatigue tests . 33

7.6 Tests to characterise elastomers . 36
7.6.1 General . 36
7.6.2 Tests . 36
7.6.3 Ozone resistance test . 36
7.7 Electrical tests . 38
7.7.1 Corona and radio interference voltage (RIV) tests. 38
7.7.2 Electrical resistance test . 38
7.8 Verification of vibration behaviour of the bundle/spacer system . 39
Annex A (normative) Minimum technical details to be agreed between purchaser and
supplier . 40
Annex B (informative) Compressive forces in the simulated short-circuit current test . 41
Annex C (informative) Characterisation of the elastic and damping properties
Stiffness-Damping Method . 42
Annex D (informative) Verification of vibration behaviour of the bundle/spacer system . 44
D.1 General . 44
D.2 Aeolian vibration . 44
D.3 Subspan oscillation . 45
Annex E (informative) Description of HT conductors as given in
CIGRE TB 695‑2017 [7] . 46
Bibliography . 47

Figure 1 – Test arrangements for longitudinal slip tests . 16
Figure 2 – Test arrangement for torsional slip tests . 19
Figure 3 – Test arrangement for the spring force test at room temperature . 20
Figure 4 – Test arrangement for permanent load test on conical washers . 21
Figure 5 – Test arrangements for simulated short-circuit current tests . 25
Figure 6 – Test arrangements for compression and tension test . 26
Figure 7 – Typical logaritmic decrement graph . 30
Figure 8 – Sketch of longitudinal displacement test . 32
Figure 9 – Sketch of vertical displacement test .

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