Road vehicles — Standardized access to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) — Part 1: General information and use case definition

ISO 18541-1:2014 provides a general overview and structure of each part of ISO 18541. It also specifies use cases related to repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize the access to RMI for independent operators. ISO 18541-1:2014 also describes the use cases applicable to the standardized access to automotive RMI. The use cases address real world scenarios (e.g. servicing vehicles) in regard to the information access necessary to perform vehicle roadside assistance, inspection, diagnosis, repair and maintenance, including the updating and replacement of Electronic Control Units (ECU). ISO 18541-1:2014 provides an overview of the entire standard and how it applies to the automotive industry. ISO 18541-1:2014 is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles as defined in regulation (EC) 715/2007 Article 2.

Véhicules routiers — Normalisation de l'accès aux informations relatives à la réparation et à la maintenance pour l'automobile (RMI) — Partie 1: Informations générales et définitions de cas d'usage

ISO 18541-1:2014 contient des « informations générales » qui donnent un aperçu général et la structure de chaque partie de la norme. Elle spécifie également des « cas d'utilisation » relatifs aux systèmes d'information de réparation et de maintenance (RMI) afin de normaliser l'accès aux RMI pour des opérateurs indépendants. Cette partie de l'ISO 18541 décrit également les cas d'utilisation applicables à l'accès normalisé aux RMI pour l'automobile. Les cas d'utilisation portent sur des scénarios réalistes (par exemple dans le cadre de la maintenance de véhicules) en ce qui concerne l'accès aux informations nécessaire pour l'assistance routière, le contrôle, le diagnostic, la réparation et la maintenance, y compris la mise à jour et le remplacement des Unités de Contrôle Électronique (UCE). Les systèmes RMI utilisés par le personnel pour réaliser les opérations d'entretien comprennent : - un système accessible sur Internet, qui donne accès aux RMI nécessaires pour réaliser la ou les opérations d'entretien ; - la fourniture de coordonnées pour des RMI spécifiques ; - un cadre de mesures destiné à sécuriser l'accès aux informations RMI liées à la sécurité du véhicule. Cette partie de l'ISO 18541 donne un aperçu général de l'ensemble de la norme et de ses modalités d'application à l'industrie automobile. Cette partie de l'ISO 18541 s'applique aux véhicules particuliers et utilitaires légers tels que définis dans le Règlement (CE) 715/2007, Article 2.[15]

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STANDARD 18541-1
First edition
Road vehicles — Standardized access
to automotive repair and maintenance
information (RMI) —
Part 1:
General information and use case
Véhicules routiers — Normalisation de l’accès aux informations
relatives à la réparation et à la maintenance pour l’automobile
(RMI) —
Partie 1: Informations générales et définitions de cas d’usage
Reference number
ISO 18541-1:2014(E)
ISO 2014

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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

© ISO 2014
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions . 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 7
4 Document overview and structure . 7
5 General information . 9
5.1 Access to vehicle RMI . 9
5.2 Standardized access to RMI benefit examples .10
6 RMI use case overview and principles .11
6.1 Overview of basic principles .11
6.2 Overview of use case clusters .11
7 RMI use cases .14
7.1 UC 1 User authentication, authorization and administration .14
7.2 UC 2 Payment for RMI .19
7.3 UC 3 Vehicle identification .20
7.4 UC 4 Provide selection methods for RMI .22
7.5 UC 5 Retrieve information packages .24
7.6 UC 6 Vehicle diagnostics .30
7.7 UC 7 Updating, replacing and tuning of modules (ECUs) .31
7.8 UC 8 Electronic maintenance history .33
7.9 UC 9 Repair assistance technical support .33
7.10 UC 10 Request contact for specific RMI .33
7.11 UC 11 Courses and training information .38
Bibliography .39
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information.
ISO 18541-1:2013 was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical
Committee CEN/TC 301, Road vehicles, in collaboration with ISO Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road
vehicles, Subcommittee SC 3, Electrical and electronic equipment, in accordance with the agreement on
technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).
ISO 18541 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Standardized access to
automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI):
— Part 1: General information and use case definition
— Part 2: Technical requirements
— Part 3: Functional user interface requirements
— Part 4: Conformance test
ISO 18542, Road vehicles — Standardized repair and maintenance information (RMI) terminology, is a
complementary standard that defines standardized RMI terminology and consists of two parts:
— Part 1: General information and use case definition
— Part 2: Standardized process implementation requirements, Registration Authority
The standardized RMI terminology is contained in a so-called ‘Digital Annex’ that is maintained and
published by the CEN-appointed Registration Authority.
iv © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

This set of standards includes the requirements to be fulfilled by Repair and Maintenance Information
(RMI) systems as applied by the European Commission — Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General,
Consumer goods — Automotive industry EC mandate M/421 , dated Brussels, 21 January 2008.
This mandate relates to the EC type-approval system for vehicles falling into the scopes of Directives
70/156/EEC (replaced by 2007/46/EC [8]), 2002/24/EC [6] and 2003/37/EC [7] and, in particular, to
requirements for access to vehicle repair and maintenance information by independent operators.
This International Standard only covers access to automotive repair and maintenance information for
light passenger and commercial vehicles (see NOTE 1) and heavy duty vehicles (see NOTE 2) based on
Directive 70/156/EEC (replaced by 2007/46/EC [8]).
The purpose of the EC Mandate M/421 is to develop a standard or set of standards which specify the
requirements to provide standardized access to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI)
for independent operators.
The information included in this part of ISO 18541 derives from the legislative requirements on European
level in the field of RMI and related security requirements and can be referenced by legislation in other
NOTE 1 Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2007 on
type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles
(Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information and Commission Regulation
(EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008 implementing and amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European
Parliament and of the Council on type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger
and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information and
amending Commission Regulation (EU) No 566/2011 of 8 June 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of
the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 as regards access to
vehicle repair and maintenance information.
NOTE 2 Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 of the European Pparliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on type-
approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro VI) and on access to vehicle
repair and maintenance information, Commission Regulation (EU) No 582/2011 of 25 May 2011 implementing
and amending Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council with respect to
emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro VI), and Commission Regulation (EU) No 64/2012 of 23 January 2012
amending Regulation (EU) No 582/2011 2011 implementing and amending Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 of the
European Parliament and of the Council with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro VI).
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved v

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Road vehicles — Standardized access to automotive repair
and maintenance information (RMI) —
Part 1:
General information and use case definition
1 Scope
This part of ISO 18541 provides a general overview and structure of each part of ISO 18541. It also
specifies use cases related to repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize
the access to RMI for independent operators.
This part of ISO 18541 also describes the use cases applicable to the standardized access to automotive
RMI. The use cases address real world scenarios (e.g. servicing vehicles) in regard to the information
access necessary to perform vehicle roadside assistance, inspection, diagnosis, repair and maintenance,
including the updating and replacement of Electronic Control Units (ECU).
The RMI systems used by personnel to perform the services consist of:
— a Web-based system, which provides access to RMI needed to perform the service(s);
— contact information for specific RMI;
— a security framework to protect access to security related RMI.
This part of ISO 18541 provides an overview of the entire standard and how it applies to the automotive
This part of ISO 18541 is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles as defined in regulation
(EC) 715/2007 Article 2.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 18541-2, Road vehicles — Standardized access to automotive repair and maintenance information
(RMI) — Part 2: Technical requirements
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
access level
level of access to RMI which is either relevant to security or not relevant to security
EXAMPLE One might consider an access to RMI relevant to security and another one to RMI not relevant to
security. They represent two different access levels.
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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

supplementary features and components selected by a vehicle owner to enhance safety, performance,
comfort, etc. and whose fitting does not impact on the vehicle approval
alternate fuel
type of fuel that is either gaseous at atmospheric temperature and pressure or substantially non-mineral
oil derived
Note 1 to entry: Adopted from Regulation (EC) 715/2007.
alternate fuels retrofit systems
engine systems mounted on an already registered vehicle for the purpose of operation with alternative
alternative fuels system manufacturer
manufacturer of an engine system operating with an alternative fuel
appropriate software level
applicable software version for the individual vehicle
authorized repairer
provider of repair and maintenance services for motor vehicles operating within the distribution system
set up by a supplier of motor vehicles
Note 1 to entry: See Regulation (EC) 461/2010 Article 1 (1)(c).
electronic document which uses a digital signature to bind a public key with an identity
converted vehicle
factory-produced vehicle which has been altered by the addition, deletion, substitution or modification
of the body, chassis or essential parts that resembles, but is no longer identical to, the original vehicle for
a special purpose e.g. to act as rescue vehicle or taxicab
detailed diagnosis
diagnostic process that identifies, with precision, potential malfunction causes
Note 1 to entry: A precise diagnosis can be achieved in several steps, whereby the user might be requested to
perform test actions on the vehicle or to enter symptoms.
diagnostic information
description of an error or symptom and a list of potential causes or hints for further investigation to the
same level and content as provided to the AR
diagnostic trouble code
numeric or alphanumeric identifier which identifies or labels a malfunction
Note 1 to entry: Adopted from United Nations Global Technical Regulation No.°5.
2 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

electronic maintenance history
digital information package with virtual stamps that confirms the execution of the prescribed
maintenance actions according to the VM’s schedule
global technical regulation
World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics Global Technical Regulation No.°5
Note 1 to entry: See Reference.
independent operator
company or legal entity other than authorized dealers and repairers who is directly or indirectly
involved in the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles
EXAMPLE Repairers, manufacturers or distributors of repair equipment, tools or spare parts, publishers of
technical information, automobile clubs, roadside assistance operators, operators offering inspection and testing
services, operators offering training for installers, manufacturers and repairers of equipment for alternative fuel
IO approval
process by which, upon payment of a reasonable and proportionate fee, the CAB sanctions or approves
a legitimate commercial enterprise to engage in security-related RMI activities
IO authorization
process by which, upon payment of a reasonable and proportionate fee, the CAB assesses that an
individual employee of an approved IO complies with the requirements specified in this part of ISO 18541
and is entitled to be given access to security-related RMI
Note 1 to entry: As part of this authorization, the individual employee will be allocated, upon payment of a
reasonable and proportionate fee, a secure hardware token containing a personal digital certificate and a PIN
that will be supplied by the Trust Centre
IO legal representative
natural person empowered to legally represent the IO in all aspects of the access to vehicle RMI
information package
collection of information provided by the VM’s RMI system in response to a specific request
information type
category, group or set of information
EXAMPLE Workshop procedures (for body repair, temporary repair, periodic technical inspection), wiring
diagrams, technical service bulletins, recall information and maintenance information.
integrated diagnostics
process which interprets via an integrated application the memory content of ECUs and provides a
diagnostic and repair recommendation
Note 1 to entry: Diagnostic application and VM RMI systems cooperate online, so technical information is provided
during the diagnostics process and used for the diagnostic steps.
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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

IO employee
natural person employed by the IO
maintenance history
history of the performed, prescribed actions for maintaining a vehicle
EXAMPLE Oil changes and other periodic maintenance.
maintenance schedule
prescribed sequence of maintenance actions for a vehicle following the requirements of the manufacturer
on-board diagnostics
system on board a vehicle or engine which is capable of detecting malfunctions and, if applicable, of
indicating their occurrence by means of an alert system, identifying the likely area of the malfunctions
by means of information stored in computer memory, and/or communicating that information off-board
Note 1 to entry: Module ‘A’ of GTR No.°5 concerns the whole vehicle. By referring to that module, the OBD
definition is understood as not being restricted to emissions.
standardized DTC for powertrain errors according to ISO 15031-6
partnered accessories
accessories which have been tested, quality assured and certified by the VM and for which the VM
assumes product liability
potential repair descriptions
list of potential causes and possible actions recommended to fix a problem
product features
features of a specific vehicle that may be used for navigation through the VM RMI system
EXAMPLE Engine type (petrol/diesel), transmission type (manual/automatic).
product structure
inter-related set of units and sub-units in which a vehicle can be divided
Note 1 to entry: The product structure is VM specific.
periodic technical inspection service
PTI service
particular procedure for testing a vehicle during a PTI
EXAMPLE Procedure for testing brake lights.
process whereby a VM notifies all owners of a specific vehicle of a condition or defect that could affect
safety, safe operation or environmental issues of that vehicle
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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

IO offering RMI within their own internal (closed) network
EXAMPLE RAC, ADAC, garage networks.
process of overhauling an engine, major assembly or component, to return the engine, major assembly
or component to the VM’s original specification
repair and maintenance information
all information required for diagnosis, servicing, inspection, periodic monitoring, repair, re-programming
or re-initialising of the vehicle and which the manufacturers provide for their authorized dealers and
repairers, including all subsequent amendments and supplements to such information
Note 1 to entry: This information includes all information required for fitting parts or equipment on vehicles.
Note 2 to entry: Adapted from Regulation (EC) 715/2007.
IO who publishes RMI to an external network using the RMI of the VM
security framework
set of processes, roles and technical devices for access to security-related RMI recommended by the EC
Forum on Vehicle RMI to the EC
[15] [14]
Note 1 to entry: As mandated in the Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EC) 692/2008.
Note 2 to entry: The framework is based on the approval and authorization of IOs by certified entities to access
security related RMI at the VM RMI system. The physical access to the VM RMI system for security related RMI is
bound to a digital certificate.
security-related RMI
RMI subject to protection measures in the security framework
security repair and maintenance information
de-facto association founded by IO and VM organizations to act as the owner for the process and scheme
defined in the EC Forum for Access to Vehicle RMI, Report on Access to security-related RMI, version 1.1
selection methods
possible methods of selecting RMI
EXAMPLE Searches for a term in the document titles, information type, document ID or other criteria.
standardized non-proprietary VCI functionality
current standards for communication with a vehicle
EXAMPLE ISO 22900-2, SAE J2534–1/2.
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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

technical service bulletin
bulletin issued by the manufacturer detailing a fix for a known concern
Note 1 to entry: The bulletin is for informational purposes only.
temporary repair procedure
temporary solution to a problem that is usually available at roadside services
EXAMPLE Closing the roof of a convertible.
vehicle communication interface functionality
VCI functionality
set of functions to provide communication between vehicle systems and a software application for
diagnostics or reprogramming according to the requirements specified in ISO 18541-2
vehicle identification number
unique 17-character serial number given by the VM to identify individual motor vehicles
vehicle manufacturer
person or body who is responsible to the approval authority for all aspects of the type approval or
authorization process and for ensuring conformity of production of a vehicle
Note 1 to entry: It is not essential that the person or body be directly involved in all stages of the construction of
the vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit which is the subject of the approval process.
Note 2 to entry: Adapted from Directive 2007/46/EC.
vehicle manufacturer repair and maintenance information system
VM RMI system
information system by which the VM provides access to RMI through a website
workshop procedure
information provided by a VM describing specific repair and maintenance
EXAMPLE Repair procedures, working advice or other instructions.
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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

3.2 Abbreviated terms
AR authorized repairer
BP basic principle
CAB conformity assessment body
DRP direct re-publisher
DTC diagnostic trouble code
ECU electronic control unit
GTR global technical regulations
GUI graphical user interface
HMI human machine interface
IO independent operator
IR independent repairer
MI malfunction indicator
OBD on-board diagnostic
PIN personal identification number
PTI periodic technical inspection
PTT pass-thru tool
RMI repair and maintenance information
SERMI security repair and maintenance information
TSB technical service bulletin
VCI vehicle communication interface
VIN vehicle identification number
VM vehicle manufacturer
4 Document overview and structure
The ISO 18541 document set provides an implementer with all documents and references required to
support the implementation of the requirements related to standardized access to automotive RMI in
accordance with the requirements set forth in EC mandate M/421.
— This part of ISO 18541: General information and use case definition
This part provides an overview of the document set and structure along with the use case
definitions and a common set of resources (definitions, references) for use by all subsequent parts.
The standardized access to Automotive RMI shall be implemented by the VMs in their RMI systems.
— ISO 18541-2: Technical requirements
Part 2 specifies all technical requirements related to a VM RMI system. These requirements will
reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in Part 1.
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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

EXAMPLE (not a complete list):
— access-related data administration;
— information technology architecture;
— external interfaces;
— technical infrastructure recommendations;
— operations.
— ISO 18541-3: Functional user interface requirements
Part 3 specifies all functional user interface requirements related to a VM RMI system e.g.
navigational pathway and user guidance. These requirements will reflect the deriving needs from
the use cases as specified in Part 1.
— ISO 18541-4: Conformance test
Part 4 specifies conformance test cases for a self-conformance test by the
provider of the VM RMI system. The conformance test cases will follow the
use case definition of Part 1 as well as the requirements stated in Parts 2 and 3.
The purpose of Part 4 is to provide information to the VM RMI system provider to build and test the
VM RMI system against the conformance test cases. This final step in the development process of
the VM RMI system is an enabler for all providers that their VM RMI system meets a high degree of
functional requirements expected by the end user.
Figure 1 illustrates the document structure of ISO 18541 with reference to ISO 18542.
Figure 1 — Document structure
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ISO 18541-1:2014(E)

5 General information
5.1 Access to vehicle RMI
This part of ISO 18541 specifies use cases and requirements to be supported by VM RMI systems.
Figure 2 illustrates a typical example of an implementation scenario of a VM RMI, Diagnostics and Flash
Programming Web-based server environment. The Independent Operators use RMI clients (meeting the
specification in ISO 18541-2:2014, Annex A) which shall have access to the Internet.
Multiple VM RMI system configuration scenarios related to the server and client software architecture
are possible and a purely online solution is not precluded. It is the VM’s responsibility to support an RMI
system configuration scenario which meets the requirements and objectives of standardized access to
automotive RMI from a user’s point of view.
VM RMI system configuration scenarios are described in ISO 18541-2. The following VM RMI system
configuration scenarios are examples and should not be considered a complete list of possible
configurations to satisfy the use cases and requirements.
— Configuration scenario #1 describes the following server and client installation:
— Server(s): VM RMI Web system, VM Diagnostic software and configuration data for download
by all clients, VM Flash Programming software and ECU files for download by all clients;
— Client(s): Browser capable computing hardware platform, diagnostic software installation
downloaded from the server, Flash programming software installation downloaded from the
server, VCI con

ISO/TC 22/SC 3 Secretariat: DIN
Voting begins on Voting terminates on

2011-01-20 2011-06-20

Road vehicles — Standardized access to automotive repair and
maintenance information (RMI) —
Part 1:
General information and use case definition
Véhicules routiers — Standardisation des accès aux informations de réparation et de maintenance pour
l'automobile (RMI) —
Partie 1: Informations générales et définitions de cas d'utilisation
ICS 43.040.15; 43.180

This draft has been developed within the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), and
processed under the CEN-lead mode of collaboration as defined in the Vienna Agreement.
This draft is hereby submitted to the ISO member bodies and to the CEN member bodies for a parallel
five-month enquiry.
Should this draft be accepted, a final draft, established on the basis of comments received, will be
submitted to a parallel two-month approval vote in ISO and formal vote in CEN.

In accordance with the provisions of Council Resolution 15/1993 this document is circulated in
the English language only.
Conformément aux dispositions de la Résolution du Conseil 15/1993, ce document est distribué
en version anglaise seulement.

To expedite distribution, this document is circulated as received from the committee
secretariat. ISO Central Secretariat work of editing and text composition will be undertaken at
publication stage.
Pour accélérer la distribution, le présent document est distribué tel qu'il est parvenu du
secrétariat du comité. Le travail de rédaction et de composition de texte sera effectué au
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ISO/DIS 18541-1
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ISO/DIS 18541-1
Contents Page
Forew ord .4
Introduction .4
1 Scope .5
2 Normative references .5
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms .6
3.1 Terms and definitions .6
3.2 Abbreviated terms .10
4 Document overview and structure .10
5 General information .12
5.1 Access to vehicle RMI .12
5.2 Standardized access to RMI benefit examples .14
5.2.1 Independent Operators .14
5.3 VMs .14
6 RMI use case overview and principles .14
6.1 Overview .14
6.1.1 Basic principles for use case definition .14
6.1.2 Use case clusters.15
7 RMI use case definition .18
7.1 UC 1 User authentication, authorization and administration .18
7.1.1 UC 1.1 Register for use of the VM RMI system .18
7.1.2 UC 1.2 Maintain user status .19
7.1.3 UC 1.3 Disable user .19
7.1.4 UC 1.4 Login to VM RMI system .20
7.2 UC 2 Payment for RMI .21
7.3 UC 3 Identify vehicle and product structure .22
7.3.1 UC 3.1 Vehicle identification through use of the VIN .22
7.3.2 UC 3.2 Vehicle identification through product features .23
7.4 UC 4 Provide selection methods for RMI .24
7.4.1 UC 4.1 Select information type .24
7.4.2 UC 4.2 Search by (standardized RMI terminology) terms .24
7.4.3 UC 4.3 Navigate using product structure .25
7.4.4 UC 4.4 Select by document ID .26
7.5 UC 5 Retrieve information packages .26
7.5.1 UC 5.1 Information packages - Workshop procedures .26
7.5.2 UC 5.2 Wiring diagrams .30
7.5.3 UC 5.3 Technical service bulletin .30
7.5.4 UC 5.4 Recall information .31
7.5.5 UC 5.5 Service schedule .32
7.5.6 UC 5.6 Spare parts .32
7.5.7 UC 5.7 Accessories .34
7.5.8 UC 5.8 Labour times .36
7.5.9 UC 5.9 Converted vehicles .36
7.5.10 UC 5.10 Special tools .37
7.6 UC 6 Vehicle diagnostics .38
7.6.1 UC 6.1 DTC resolution .38
7.6.2 UC 6.2 VM symptom resolution .38
7.6.3 UC 6.3 Integrated diagnostics .39
7.7 UC 7 Updating and replacing modules .40
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7.8 UC 8 Electronic service history . 41
7.9 UC 9 Repair assistance technical support. 42
7.10 UC 10 Request contact for specific RMI . 43
7.10.1 UC 10.1 Electronic tool information (Diagnostic, Re-programming, VCI) . 43
7.10.2 UC 10.2 Test equipment and diagnostic tool manufacturers . 43
7.10.3 UC 10.3 Training material (delegate information) . 44
7.10.4 UC 10.4 Re-distributors . 45
7.10.5 UC 10.5 Re-publishers . 45
7.10.6 UC 10.6 Inspection and testing services . 46
7.10.7 UC 10.7 Alternative fuels retrofit systems . 47
7.10.8 UC 10.8 Engine and components remanufacturing . 47
7.10.9 UC 10.9 Component and parts manufacturers . 48
7.10.10 UC 10.10 Register and log in through a re-publisher . 49
7.11 UC 11 Courses and training information . 50
Bibliography . 51

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This document (TC 301 WI 301023.7) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 301 “Road
vehicles”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EC Directive(s).
This set of standards includes the requirements to be fulfilled by Repair and Maintenance Information (RMI)
systems as applied by the
- Automotive industry EC mandate M/421 [1]
dated Brussels, 21 January 2008.
This mandate relates to the EC type-approval system for vehicles falling into the scopes of Directives
70/156/EEC [1], 2002/24/EC [2] and 2003/37/EC [3] and, in particular, to requirements for access to vehicle
repair and maintenance information by independent operators.
This standard only covers the access to Automotive repair and maintenance information based on Directive
70/156/EEC [1]. The Directive 70/156/EEC [1] is replaced by 2007/46/EC [4].
The purpose of the EC Mandate M/421 [1] is to develop a standard or set of standards which specify the
requirements to provide "standardized access to repair and maintenance information (RMI)" for independent
The information included in this part of the standard derives from the legislative requirements on European
level in the field of repair and maintenance information and related security requirements.

20 June 2007 on type approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and
commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information [5] and
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008 implementing and amending Regulation (EC)
No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to
emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and
maintenance information [6].
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ISO/DIS 18541-1
1 Scope
This part of the standard includes "General Information" which provides a general overview and structure
about each part of the standard. It also specifies "Use Cases" related to Repair and Maintenance Information
(RMI) systems in order to standardize the access to RMI for independent operators.
The TC 301 WI 301023.7 standard is structured into four parts:
⎯ Part 1: General information and use case definition
⎯ Part 2: Technical requirements
⎯ Part 3: Functional user interface requirements
⎯ Part 4: Conformance test
This part of the standard describes the use cases applicable to the standardized access to RMI. The use
cases address real world scenarios when e.g. servicing vehicles in regard to information access necessary to
perform vehicle roadside assistance, inspection, diagnostic symptom analysis, repair and maintenance,
including re-programming and re-calibration of Electronic Control Units (ECU).
The RMI systems used by personnel to perform the services consist of:
⎯ a Web-based system, which provides access to RMI needed to perform the service(s);
⎯ a diagnostic system, which provides the capability to access the status of the vehicle's electronic systems
with diagnosis capability and to assist in customer's vehicle symptom analysis and repair. This equipment
may be comprised of a PC-compatible diagnostic application, a VCI which connects the vehicle electronic
systems with the PC;
⎯ a security framework to protect access to security related RMI;
Reading part 1 of this standard will provide an overview about the entire standard and how it applies to the
automotive industry.
This part of TC 301 WI 301023.7 is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles (EURO 5 and
EURO 6) as defined in regulation (EC) 715 /2007. Art. 2 [5].
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 15031-6, Road vehicles — Communication between vehicle and external test equipment for emissions-
related diagnostics — Part 6: Diagnostic Trouble Code Definitions
ISO 22900 (all parts), Road vehicles — Modular vehicle communication interface (MVCI)
SAE J2534-1, Recommended Practice for Pass-Thru Vehicle Programming
SAE J2534-2, Optional Pass-Thru Features
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3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
Access levels
at least two levels in the VM RMI system are provided: relevant, and not relevant, to security.
Alternate fuels retrofit systems
are retrofit systems which use materials or substances that can be used as fuels, other than conventional
fuels. Conventional fuels include: fossil fuels (petroleum (oil), coal, propane, and natural gas). Some well-
known alternative fuels include biodiesel, bioalcohol (methanol, ethanol, and butanol), electricity chemically
stored (batteries) or created (fuel cells), hydrogen, non-fossil methane, non-fossil natural gas, vegetable oil
and other biomass sources.
Alternative fuels system manufacturer
manufacturers of fuel systems designed to be capable of running on at least one type of fuel that is either
gaseous at atmospheric temperature and pressure, or substantially non-mineral oil derived.
Appropriate software level
the required software version for the individual vehicle.
Authorized Repairer
is part of the distribution and service network of a vehicle manufacturer.
contains a user´s digital identity information.
Converted vehicle
is a factory-produced vehicle which has been altered by the addition, deletion, substitution or modification of
the body, chassis or essential parts that resembles, but is no longer identical to, the original vehicle, for a
special purpose e.g. to act as rescue vehicle or taxicab.
Diagnostic information
a description of an error or symptom and a list of potential causes or hints for further investigation to the same
level and content as provided to AR.
Diagnostic trouble code
an alphanumeric identifier for a fault condition identified by the On-Board Diagnostic system. There are other
words in use for this term, e.g. fault codes, error codes.
Direct re-publisher
//TODO: definition to be submitted as public enquiry voting comment by Independent Operators.
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Electronic service history
is a digital information package according to the VM's schedule with virtual stamps to confirm the execution of
the prescribed maintenance actions.
Global technical regulation
is the World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics Global Technical Regulation.
Independent Operator
means undertakings other than authorized dealers and repairers which are directly or indirectly involved in the
repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, in particular repairers, manufacturers or distributors of repair
equipment, tools or spare parts, publishers of technical information, automobile clubs, roadside assistance
operators, operators offering inspection and testing services, operators offering training for installers,
manufacturers and repairers of equipment for alternative fuel vehicles.
Information package
is a collection of information provided by the VM RMI system in response to a specific request.
Information type
different information categories like technical data, repair descriptions, workshop procedures, service
information, required special tools, wiring diagrams.
Integrated diagnostics
the VM RMI system interprets via an integrated application the memory content of ECUs and gives a
diagnostic and repair recommendation. Diagnostic application and VM RMI system cooperate online, so
technical information is provided during the diagnostics process and used for the diagnostic steps
on-board diagnostics system means a system in the vehicle which has the capability of identifying the likely
area of malfunction by means of fault codes stored in a computer memory. The OBD system is not restricted
to emissions-related components and systems but covers all aspects of a vehicle subject to type-approval
within the scope of the Regulations 715/2007 [5] and 692/2008 [6].
Partnered accessories
accessories which have been tested, quality assured and certified by the VM and for which the VM assumes
product liability.
Potential repair descriptions
a list of potential causes and possible actions recommended to fix a problem.
Precise diagnosis
the VM system gives a detailed diagnostic to identify potential problem causes. This can be done through
many steps, whereby the user may be requested to perform test actions on the vehicle or to enter symptoms.
Product features
features of a specific vehicle e.g. type of gearbox, air conditioning etc. May be used for navigation through the
VM RMI system.
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Product structure
the vehicle is divided in units like engine or chassis. These units are further sub-divided into units like engine
block, oil pan, etc. The product structure is VM-specific and the navigation follows these divisions.
standardized DTC for powertrain errors according to ISO 15031-6.
Periodic Technical Inspection service
PTI service
procedure for testing a vehicle within the scope of a PTI (e.g. test of the brake lights).
takes place when a VM notifies all owners of a specific vehicle of a condition or defect that could affect safety
or safe operation of the vehicle. Work dictated by a recall is completed at no charge for the vehicle owner.
IO offering RMI within their own internal (closed) network e.g. RAC, ADAC, garage networks.
a process of overhauling an engine, major assembly or component, to return the engine, major assembly or
component to the VM original specification.
an IO offering RMI in an external (open) network.
Security framework
the set of processes, roles and technical devices for access to security-related RMI recommended by the EC
Forum on Vehicle RMI to the EC as mandated in the Regulations 715/2007 [5] and 692/2008 [6]. The
framework is based on the approval and authorization of independent operators by certified entities to access
security related RMI at the VM RMI system. The physical access to the VM RMI system for security related
RMI is bound to a digital certificate.
Security related
referring to components of the vehicle dealing with theft protection, access to the vehicle, vehicle parameters
and emissions.
Selection methods
the user could for instance request for a term in document titles of a single type or select information by
document ID or other criteria.
Service history
the service history allows a repairer to track the executed prescribed actions for servicing a vehicle e.g. oil
changes and other periodic maintenance.
Service schedule
a prescribed sequence of maintenance actions for a vehicle following the requirements of the manufacturer.
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Standardized non-proprietary VCI functionality
current standards for communication with a vehicle: SAE J2534-1/-2, ISO 22900-2.
Technical Service Bulletin
a bulletin issued by the manufacturer detailing a fix for a known concern; the bulletin is for informational
purposes only.
Temporary fix
is a temporary solution to a problem that is usually made available to roadside services, e.g. close the roof of
a convertible.
Temporary repair procedure
Equivalent to temporary fix.
Vehicle Identification Number
a unique 17 characters serial number, given by the VM to identify individual motor vehicles.
Vehicle Communication Interface functionality
VCI functionality
set of functions to provide communication between vehicle systems and a software application for diagnostics
or re-programming complying with SAE J2534-1 / -2 (using a device known as PTT, Pass-thru-Tool) or
ISO 22900-2 (using a MVCI, Modular Vehicle Communication Interface).
Vehicle Manufacturer
means the person or body who is responsible to the approval authority for all aspects of the type approval or
authorization process and for ensuring conformity of production of a vehicle. It is not essential that the person
or body be directly involved in all stages of the construction of the vehicle, system, component or separate
technical unit which is the subject of the approval process (according to Directive 2007/46/EC [4]).
Vehicle Manufacturer Repair and Maintenance Information system
VM RMI system
Website provided by the VM offering access to vehicle repair and maintenance information to independent
Workshop procedure
information provided by a VM describing a specific repair and maintenance, e.g. repair procedures, working
advices or other instructions.
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3.2 Abbreviated terms
AR Authorized Repairer
DRP Direct Re-Publisher
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
ECU Electronic Control Unit
GTR Global Technical Regulations
GUI Graphical User Interface
HMI Human Machine Interface
IO Independent Operator
IR Independent Repairer
MI Malfunction Indicator
OBD On-Board Diagnostic
PTI Periodic Technical Inspection
PTT Pass-Thru Tool
RMI Repair and Maintenance Information
TSB Technical Service Bulletin
VCI Vehicle Communication Interface
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
VM Vehicle Manufacturer
4 Document overview and structure
The TC 301 WI 301023.7 document set provides an implementer with all documents and references required
to support the implementation of the requirements related to standardized access to automotive repair and
maintenance information in accordance with the requirements set forth in EC mandate M/421 [1].
⎯ TC 301 WI 301023.7-1: General information and use case definitions
This part provides an overview of the document set and structure along with the use case definitions and a
common set of resources (definitions, references) for use by all subsequent parts. The standardized access to
Automotive RMI shall be implemented by the VMs in their RMI systems.
⎯ TC 301 WI 301023.7-2: Technical requirements
This part specifies all technical requirements related to a VM RMI system. These requirements will reflect the
deriving needs from the use cases as specified in part 1.

The following are examples (not a complete list):
⎯ Vehicle Identification requirements,
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⎯ Product Information Structure and Navigational Pathway requirements,
⎯ Diagnostic Configuration Scenarios and Communication Interface requirements,
⎯ Security

ISO/TC 22/SC 3 Secretariat: DIN
Voting begins on Voting terminates on

2012-02-02 2012-04-02

Road vehicles — Standardized access to automotive repair and
maintenance information (RMI) —
Part 1:
General information and use case definition
Véhicules routiers — Normalisation de l'accès aux informations relatives à la réparation et à la maintenance
pour l'automobile (RMI) —
Partie 1: Informations générales et définitions de cas d'usage
ICS 43.040.15; 43.180

This draft has been developed within the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), and
processed under the CEN-lead mode of collaboration as defined in the Vienna Agreement.
This draft is hereby submitted to the ISO member bodies and to the CEN member bodies for a parallel
five-month enquiry.
Should this draft be accepted, a final draft, established on the basis of comments received, will be
submitted to a parallel two-month approval vote in ISO and formal vote in CEN.

To expedite distribution, this document is circulated as received from the committee
secretariat. ISO Central Secretariat work of editing and text composition will be undertaken at
publication stage.
Pour accélérer la distribution, le présent document est distribué tel qu'il est parvenu du
secrétariat du comité. Le travail de rédaction et de composition de texte sera effectué au
Secrétariat central de l'ISO au stade de publication.

©  International Organization for Standardization, 2012

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ISO/DIS 18541-1.2

Copyright notice
This ISO document is a Draft International Standard and is copyright-protected by ISO. Except as permitted
under the applicable laws of the user’s country, neither this ISO draft nor any extract from it may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission being secured.
Requests for permission to reproduce should be addressed to either ISO at the address below or ISO’s
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Reproduction may be subject to royalty payments or a licensing agreement.
Violators may be prosecuted.

ii © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved

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ISO/DIS 18541-1.2

Contents Page
Foreword . iv
Introduction . v
1  Scope . 1
3  Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms . 2
3.1  Terms and definitions . 2
3.2  Abbreviated terms . 7
4  Document overview and structure . 8
5  General information . 10
5.1  Access to vehicle RMI . 10
5.2  Standardized access to RMI benefit examples . 11
6  RMI use case overview and principles . 12
6.1  Overview . 12
7  RMI use cases . 16
7.1  UC 1 User authentication, authorization and administration . 16
7.2  UC 2 Payment for RMI . 18
7.3  UC 3 Identify vehicle and product features . 19
7.4  UC 4 Provide selection methods for RMI . 20
7.5  UC 5 Retrieve information packages . 21
7.6  UC 6 Vehicle diagnostics . 28
7.7  UC 7 Updating, replacing and tuning of modules (ECUs) . 30
7.8  UC 8 Electronic maintenance history . 31
7.9  UC 9 Repair assistance technical support. 32
7.10  UC 10 Request contact for specific RMI . 32
7.11  UC 11 Courses and training information . 37
Bibliography . 38

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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 18541-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles and by Technical Committee
CEN/CENELEC/TC 301, Road vehicles in collaboration.
ISO 18541 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Standardized access to
automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI):
⎯ Part 1: General information and use case definition
⎯ Part 2: Technical requirements
⎯ Part 3: Functional user interface requirements
⎯ Part 4: Conformance test
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This set of standards includes the requirements to be fulfilled by Repair and Maintenance Information (RMI)
systems as applied by the
- Automotive industry EC mandate M/421 [1]
dated Brussels, 21 January 2008.
This mandate relates to the EC type-approval system for vehicles falling into the scopes of Directives
2007/46/EC [4], 2002/24/EC [2] and 2003/37/EC [3] and, in particular, to requirements for access to vehicle
repair and maintenance information by independent operators.
This standard only covers the access to automotive repair and maintenance information for light passenger
and commercial vehicles based on Directive 2007/46/EC [4].
The purpose of the EC Mandate M/421 [1] is to develop a standard or set of standards which specify the
requirements to provide "standardized access to repair and maintenance information (RMI)" for independent
The information included in this part of the standard derives from the legislative requirements on European
level in the field of repair and maintenance information and related security requirements and can be
referenced by legislation in other countries.

20 June 2007 on type approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and
commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information [5] and
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008 implementing and amending Regulation (EC)
No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to
emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and
maintenance information [6].
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Road vehicles — Standardized access to automotive repair and
maintenance information (RMI) —
Part 1:
General information and use case definition
1 Scope
ISO 18541 is structured into four parts:
⎯ Part 1: General information and use case definition
⎯ Part 2: Technical requirements
⎯ Part 3: Functional user interface requirements
⎯ Part 4: Conformance test
This part of the standard includes "General Information" which provides a general overview and structure
about each part of the standard. It also specifies "Use Cases" related to Repair and Maintenance Information
(RMI) systems in order to standardize the access to RMI for independent operators.
This part of the standard also describes the use cases applicable to the standardized access to automotive
RMI. The use cases address real world scenarios when e.g. servicing vehicles in regard to information access
necessary to perform vehicle roadside assistance, inspection, diagnosis, repair and maintenance, including
updating and replacement of Electronic Control Units (ECU).
The RMI systems used by personnel to perform the services consist of:
⎯ a Web-based system, which provides access to RMI needed to perform the service(s);
⎯ provides contact information for specific RMI;
⎯ a security framework to protect access to security related RMI;
Reading part 1 of this standard will provide an overview about the entire standard and how it applies to the
automotive industry.
This part of ISO 18541 is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles as defined in regulation
(EC) 715/2007 Article 2 [5].
ISO 18542 is a complementary standard that defines the ‘Standardized RMI terminology’ and consists of two
⎯ Part 1: General information and use case definition
⎯ Part 2: Standardized process implementation requirements and Registration Authority
The standardized RMI terminology is contained in a so-called ‘Digital Annex’.
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2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 15031-6, Road vehicles — Communication between vehicle and external test equipment for emissions-
related diagnostics — Part 6: Diagnostic Trouble Code Definitions
ISO 18542-DA, Road vehicles — Standardized repair and maintenance information (RMI) terminology —
Digital Annex
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
access levels
one of the levels of access to RMI.
EXAMPLE One may consider an access to RMI relevant to security and another one to RMI not relevant to security.
They represent two different access levels.
supplementary features and components selected by a vehicle owner to enhance safety, performance,
comfort, etc.
alternate fuels retrofit systems
engine systems mounted on an already registered vehicle for the purpose of operation with alternative fuels.
alternate fuel
a type of fuel that is either gaseous at atmospheric temperature and pressure or substantially non-mineral oil
NOTE Adopted from Regulation (EC) 715/2007 [5].
alternative fuels system manufacturer
manufacturer of an engine system operating with an alternative fuel.
appropriate software level
applicable software version for the individual vehicle.
authorized repairer
a provider of repair and maintenance services for motor vehicles operating within the distribution system set
up by a supplier of motor vehicles; see Regulation (EC) 461/2010 article 1 (1)(c) [7].
an electronic document which uses a digital signature to bind a public key with an identity.
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converted vehicle
is a factory-produced vehicle which has been altered by the addition, deletion, substitution or modification of
the body, chassis or essential parts that resembles, but is no longer identical to, the original vehicle, for a
special purpose e.g. to act as rescue vehicle or taxicab.
diagnostic information
a description of an error or symptom and a list of potential causes or hints for further investigation to the same
level and content as provided to AR.
diagnostic trouble code
a numeric or alphanumeric identifier which identifies or labels a malfunction.
NOTE Adopted from United Nations – Global Technical Regulation N°5 [8].
electronic maintenance history
a digital information package with virtual stamps that confirms the execution of the prescribed maintenance
actions according to the VM's schedule.
global technical regulation
is the World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics Global Technical Regulation N°5 [8].
independent operator
means undertakings other than authorized dealers and repairers which are directly or indirectly involved in the
repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, in particular repairers, manufacturers or distributors of repair
equipment, tools or spare parts, publishers of technical information, automobile clubs, roadside assistance
operators, operators offering inspection and testing services, operators offering training for installers,
manufacturers and repairers of equipment for alternative fuel vehicles.
information package
is a collection of information provided by the VM RMI system in response to a specific request.
information type
a category, group or set of information.
EXAMPLE Workshop procedures (for body repair, temporary repair, periodic technical inspection), wiring diagrams,
technical service bulletins, recall information and maintenance information.
integrated diagnostics
a process which interprets via an integrated application the memory content of ECUs and gives a diagnostic
and repair recommendation.
NOTE Diagnostic application and VM RMI system cooperate online, so technical information is provided during the
diagnostics process and used for the diagnostic steps.
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on-board diagnostics
a system on board of a vehicle or engine which has the capability of detecting malfunctions, and, if applicable,
of indicating their occurrence by means of an alert system, of identifying the likely area of the malfunctions by
means of information stored in computer memory, and/or communicating that information off-board.
NOTE Module 'A' of GTR N°5 [8] concerns the whole vehicle. By referring to that module, the OBD definition shall be
understood as not being restricted to emissions.
partnered accessories
accessories which have been tested, quality assured and certified by the VM and for which the VM assumes
product liability.
potential repair descriptions
a list of potential causes and possible actions recommended to fix a problem.
detailed diagnosis
a diagnostic process that identifies, with precision, potential malfunction causes.
NOTE A precise diagnosis may be achieved in several steps, whereby the user may be requested to perform test
actions on the vehicle or to enter symptoms. .
product features
features of a specific vehicle that may be used for navigation through the VM RMI system.
EXAMPLE engine type (petrol/diesel), transmission type (manual/automatic), etc.
product structure
the inter-related set of units and sub-units in which a vehicle can be divided.
NOTE The product structure is VM-specific.
standardized DTC for powertrain errors according to ISO 15031-6.
periodic technical inspection service
PTI service
a particular procedure for testing a vehicle during a PTI.
EXAMPLE procedure for testing brake lights.
the process where a VM notifies all owners of a specific vehicle of a condition or defect that could affect
safety, safe operation or environmental issues of the vehicle.
IO offering RMI within their own internal (closed) network e.g. RAC, ADAC, garage networks.
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a process of overhauling an engine, major assembly or component, to return the engine, major assembly or
component to the VM original specification.
repair and maintenance information
all information required for diagnosis, servicing, inspection, periodic monitoring, repair, re-programming or re-
initialising of the vehicle and which the manufacturers provide for their authorized dealers and repairers,
including all subsequent amendments and supplements to such information.
NOTE 1 This information includes all information required for fitting parts or equipment on vehicles.
NOTE 2 adopted from Regulation (EC) 715/2007 [5].
an IO offering RMI in an external (open) network.
security framework
the set of processes, roles and technical devices for access to security-related RMI recommended by the EC
Forum on Vehicle RMI to the EC as mandated in the Regulations (EC) 715/2007 [5] and (EC) 692/2008 [6].
NOTE The framework is based on the approval and authorization of independent operators by certified entities to
access security related RMI at the VM RMI system. The physical access to the VM RMI system for security related RMI is
bound to a digital certificate.
security related RMI
RMI subject to protection measures in the security framework.
selection methods
possible methods to select RMI
EXAMPLE searches for a term in the document titles, information type, document ID or other criteria.
maintenance history
history of the performed, prescribed actions for maintaining a vehicle
EXAMPLE oil changes and other periodic maintenance.
maintenance schedule
a prescribed sequence of maintenance actions for a vehicle following the requirements of the manufacturer.
standardized non-proprietary VCI functionality
current standards for communication with a vehicle.
EXAMPLE ISO 22900-2, SAE J2534-1/-2.
technical service bulletin
a bulletin issued by the manufacturer detailing a fix for a known concern; the bulletin is for informational
purposes only.
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temporary repair procedure
a temporary solution to a problem that is usually made available to roadside services.
EXAMPLE close the roof of a convertible.
vehicle identification number
a unique 17 characters serial number, given by the VM to identify individual motor vehicles.
vehicle communication interface functionality
VCI functionality
set of functions to provide communication between vehicle systems and a software application for diagnostics
or reprogramming according to the requirements specified in ISO 18541-2.
vehicle manufacturer
the person or body who is responsible to the approval authority for all aspects of the type approval or
authorization process and for ensuring conformity of production of a vehicle. It is not essential that the person
or body be directly involved in all stages of the construction of the vehicle, system, component or separate
technical unit which is the subject of the approval process.
NOTE adopted from Directive 2007/46/EC [4].
vehicle manufacturer repair and maintenance information system
VM RMI system
the information system by which the vehicle manufacturer provides access to RMI through a website.
workshop procedure
information provided by a VM describing a specific repair and maintenance, e.g. repair procedures, working
advices or other instructions.
6 © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved

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ISO/DIS 18541-1.2

3.2 Abbreviated terms
AR Authorized Repairer
DRP Direct Re-Publisher
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
ECU Electronic Control Unit
GTR Global Technical Regulations
GUI Graphical User Interface
HMI Human Machine Interface
IO Independent Operator
IR Independent Repairer
MI Malfunction Indicator
OBD On-Board Diagnostic
PTI Periodic Technical Inspection
PTT Pass-Thru Tool
RMI Repair and Maintenance Information
TSB Technical Service Bulletin
VCI Vehicle Communication Interface
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
VM Vehicle Manufacturer
© ISO 2011 – All rights reserved 7

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ISO/DIS 18541-1.2

4 Document overview and structure
The ISO 18541 document set provides an implementer with all documents and references required to support
the implementation of the requirements related to standardized access to automotive repair and maintenance
information in accordance with the requirements set forth in EC mandate M/421 [1].
⎯ ISO 18541-1: General information and use case definitions
This part provides an overview of the document set and structure along with the use case definitions and
a common set of resources (definitions, references) for use by all subsequent parts. The standardized
access to Automotive RMI shall be implemented by the VMs in their RMI systems.
⎯ ISO 18541-2: Technical requirements
This part specifies all technical requirements related to a VM RMI system. These requirements will reflect
the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in part 1.

The following are examples (not a complete list):
⎯ Access-related data administration
⎯ IT architecture
⎯ External interfaces
⎯ Technical infrastructure recommendations
⎯ Operations
⎯ ISO 18541-3: Functional user interface requirements
This part specifies all functional user interface requirements related to a VM RMI system. These
requirements will reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in part 1.

The following is an example (not a complete list):
⎯ Navigational pathway and user guidance;
⎯ ISO 18541-4: Conformance test
This part specifies conformance test cases for a self-conformance test by the provider of the VM RMI
system. The conformance test cases will follow the use case definition of part 1 as well as the
requirements stated in parts 2 and 3.
The purpose of this part of the standard is to provide information to the VM RMI system provider to build
and test the VM RMI system against the conformance test cases. This final step in the development
process of the VM RMI system is an enabler for all providers that their VM RMI system meets a high
degree of functional requirements expected by the end user.
8 © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved

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ISO/DIS 18541-1.2

Figure 1 illustrates the document structure of the "Standardized access to Automotive RMI" standard and the
reference to the "Standardized RMI Terminology" standard.

Figure 1 — Document structure

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ISO/DIS 18541-1.2

5 General information
5.1 Access to vehicle RMI
This standard specifies use cases and requirements to be supported by VM RMI systems.
Figure 2 illustrates a typical example of an implementation scenario of a VM RMI, Diagnostics and Flash
Programming Web based server environment. The Independent Operators use RMI clients which shall have
access to the Internet.
Multiple VM RMI system configuration scenarios related to the server and client software architecture are
possible and a purely online solution is not precluded. It is the VM's responsibility to support an RMI system
configuration scenario which meets the requirements and objective of "Standardized Access to Automotive
RMI" from a user' point of view.
VM RMI system configuration scenarios are described in Part 2 of this standard. The following VM RMI
system configuration scenarios are examples and should not be considered a complete list of possible
configurations to satisfy the use cases and requirements:
⎯ Configuration scenario #1 describes the following server and client installation:
⎯ Server(s): VM RMI Web system, VM Diagnostic software and configuration data for download by all
clients, VM Flash Programming software and ECU files for download by all clients,
⎯ Client(s): Browser capable computing hardware platform, Diagnostic software installation
downloaded from the server, Flash Programming software installation downloaded from the server,
VCI connected to vehicle and computing hardware platform with vehicle communication protocol
support to retrieve data from the vehicle through the diagnostic connector, Diagnostics and Flash
Programming executed on the client computing hardware platform;
⎯ Configuration scenario #2 describes the following server and client installation:
⎯ Server(s): VM RMI Web system, VM Diagnostic software and configuration data for download by all
clients, VM Flash Programming software and ECU files for download by all clients, Diagnostics and
Flash Programming executed on the server for all clients;
⎯ Client(s): Browser capable computing hardware platform, Diagnostic software installation
downloaded from the server, Flash Programming software installation downloaded from the server,
VCI connected to vehicle and computing hardware platform with vehicle communication protocol
support to retrieve data from the vehicle through the diagnostic connector, the Diagnostics and Flash
Programming user interface is separated from the server applications and executed on the client
computing hardware platform;
10 © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved

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ISO/DIS 18541-1.2

Figure 2 depicts the access to vehicle RMI.

1 Repair and Maintenance Information
2 Vehicle Communication Interface
Figure 2 — Access to vehicle RMI

5.2 Standardized access to RMI benefit examples
5.2.1 Independent operators
The following benefits are applicable to the independent repairers:
⎯ Similar functional GUI for all vehicle brands,
⎯ Same functional RMI search terminology,
⎯ Functionally

Première édition

Véhicules routiers — Normalisation de
l'accès aux informations relatives à la
réparation et à la maintenance pour
l'automobile (RMI) —
Partie 1:
Informations générales et définitions de
cas d'usage
Road vehicles — Standardized access to automotive repair and
maintenance information (RMI) —
Part 1: General information and use case definition

Numéro de référence
ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
ISO 2014

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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)


©  ISO 2014
Droits de reproduction réservés. Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous
quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie, l’affichage sur l’internet ou sur un
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ISO copyright office
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Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
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Publié en Suisse

ii © ISO 2014 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos . iv
Introduction . vi
1  Domaine d'application . 1
2  Références normatives . 1
3  Termes, définitions, symboles et abréviations . 2
3.2  Abréviations . 8
4  Aperçu et structure du document . 9
5  Informations générales . 10
5.1  Accès aux RMI d’un véhicule . 10
5.2  Exemples d’avantages offerts par un accès normalisé aux RMI . 12
6  Aperçu et principes des cas d’utilisation des RMI . 13
6.1  Aperçu . 13
7  Cas d’utilisation des RMI . 22
7.1  UC 1 Authentification, autorisation et administration des utilisateurs . 22
7.2  UC 2 Paiement pour des RMI . 28
7.3  UC 3 Identification d'un véhicule . 29
7.4  UC 4 Méthodes de sélection pour les RMI . 32
7.5  UC 5 Recherche de dossiers d’information . 34
7.6  UC 6 Diagnostic relatif au véhicule . 43
7.7  UC 7 Mise à jour, remplacement et réglage de modules (UCE) . 45
7.8  UC 8 Historique de maintenance électronique . 47
7.9  UC 9 Assistance technique et aide à la réparation . 48
7.10  UC 10 Demande de coordonnées pour des RMI spécifiques . 48
7.11  UC 11 Cours et informations relatives à la formation. 56
Bibliographie . 57

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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est
en général confiée aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le
droit de faire partie du comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales,
gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux.
L'ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui
concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées et maintenues conformément aux règles données dans les
Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 1. En particulier, il est à noter que les différents critères d'approbation
nécessaires pour la différents types de documents de l'ISO se font conformément aux règles des
directives ISO / CEI, Partie 2 (voir
Il est attiré l'attention sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
droits de brevet. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue responsable d'identifier de tels droits de brevets. Les
détails des droits de brevet identifiés lors de l'élaboration du document seront dans l'introduction et /
ou sur la liste ISO des déclarations de brevets reçus (voir
Tout nom de marque utilisé dans ce document est fourni pour la commodité des utilisateurs et ne
constitue pas une approbation.
Pour une explication sur la signification des termes et expressions spécifiques de l’ISO liés à l’évaluation
de la conformité, ainsi que des informations sur l'adhésion de l'ISO aux principes de l'OMC pour les
obstacles techniques au commerce (OTC), voir l'adresse suivante: Avant‐propos ‐ Les informations
L'ISO 18541‐1 a été élaborée par le comité technique CEN/TC 301, Véhicules routiers en collaboration
avec le comité technique ISO/TC 22, Véhicules routiers, sous‐comité SC 3, équipements électriques et
électroniques, selon l’accord de coopération technique entre le CEN et l’ISO (accord de Vienne).
L'ISO 18541 comprend les parties suivantes, présentées sous le titre général Véhicules routiers —
Normalisation de l'accès aux informations relatives à la réparation et à la maintenance pour l'automobile
 Partie 1: Informations générales et définition de cas d'utilisation
 Partie 2 : Exigences techniques
 Partie 3 : Exigences fonctionnelles relatives à l’interface utilisateur
 Partie 4 : Test de conformité
L’ISO 18542, Véhicules routiers — Terminologie normalisée pour l'information sur la réparation et la
maintenance (RMI), est une norme complémentaire qui définit la terminologie normalisée des RMI et
comprend deux parties:
 Partie 1: Informations générales et définition de cas d'utilisation
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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
— Partie 2: Exigences de mise en œuvre des procédés normalisés, Autorité d'Enregistrement
La terminologie normalisée des RMI est contenue dans ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler l'‘Annexe
Digitale’ qui est maintenue et publiée par l’Autorité d’Enregistrement nommée par le CEN.
© ISO 2014 – Tous droits réservés v

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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
La présente série de normes contient les exigences auxquelles doivent se conformer les systèmes
d'Information sur la Réparation et la Maintenance (RMI) en application du Mandat CE M/421 relatif à
l'industrie automobile donné par la Commission Européenne – Direction Générale Entreprise et
Industrie, Biens de consommation, fait à Bruxelles le 21 janvier 2008.
Ce mandat porte sur le système de réception CE des véhicules relevant des domaines d’application des
Directives 70/156/CEE (remplacée par 2007/46/CE [8]), 2002/24/CE [6] et 2003/37/CE [7] et, en
particulier, sur les exigences concernant l'accès aux informations relatives à la réparation et à la
maintenance des véhicules par des opérateurs indépendants.
La présente norme traite uniquement de l'accès aux informations sur la réparation et la maintenance
des véhicules particuliers et utilitaires légers (voir NOTE 1) et des véhicules utilitaires lourds (voir
NOTE 2) fondé sur la Directive 70/156/CEE (remplacée par 2007/46/CE [8]).
Le Mandat CE M/421 a pour objet l'élaboration d'une norme ou d'une série de normes spécifiant les
exigences pour fournir à des opérateurs indépendants un « accès normalisé aux informations relatives à
la réparation et à la maintenance (RMI) pour l'automobile ».
Les informations contenues dans la présente partie de la norme découlent des exigences législatives au
niveau européen dans le domaine des informations relatives à la réparation et à la maintenance et des
prescriptions de sécurité associées, et peuvent être citées en référence par la législation dans d’autres
NOTE 1 REGLEMENT (CE) n° 715/2007 DU PARLEMENT EUROPEEN ET DU CONSEIL du 20 juin 2007 relatif à la réception
des véhicules à moteur au regard des émissions des véhicules particuliers et utilitaires légers (Euro 5 et Euro 6) et aux
informations sur la réparation et l'entretien des véhicules [9] et REGLEMENT (CE) n° 692/2008 DE LA COMMISSION du
18 juillet 2008 portant application et modification du Règlement (CE) n° 715/2007 du Parlement européen et du Conseil
relatif à la réception des véhicules à moteur au regard des émissions des véhicules particuliers et utilitaires légers (Euro 5
et Euro 6) et aux informations sur la réparation et l’entretien des véhicules [14] et REGLEMENT (UE) n° 566/2011 DE LA
COMMISSION du 8 juin 2011 [10] portant modification du règlement (CE) n° 715/2007 du Parlement européen et du
Conseil et du Règlement (CE) n° 692/2008 de la Commission en ce qui concerne l’accès aux informations sur la réparation
et l’entretien des véhicules.

NOTE 2 REGLEMENT (CE) n° 595/2009 DU PARLEMENT EUROPEEN ET DU CONSEIL du 18 juin 2009 relatif
à la réception des véhicules à moteur et des moteurs au regard des émissions des véhicules utilitaires lourds
(Euro VI) et à l’accès aux informations sur la réparation et l’entretien des véhicules, REGLEMENT (UE)
n° 582/2011 de la COMMISSION du 25 mai 2011 portant modalités d'application et modification du
Règlement (CE) n° 595/2009 du Parlement européen et du Conseil au regard des émissions des véhicules
utilitaires lourds (Euro VI), et REGLEMENT (UE) n° 64/2012 de la COMMISSION du 23 janvier 2012 modifiant le
règlement (UE) n° 582/2011 portant modalités d’application et modification du règlement (CE) n° 595/2009 du
Parlement européen et du Conseil au regard des émissions des véhicules utilitaires lourds (Euro VI).

vi PROOF/ÉPREUVE © ISO 20## – Tous droits réservés

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Véhicules routiers — Normalisation de l'accès aux informations
relatives à la réparation et à la maintenance pour l'automobile
(RMI) —
Partie 1:
Informations générales et définitions de cas d'usage
1 Domaine d'application
La présente partie de la norme ISO 18541 contient des « informations générales » qui donnent un
aperçu général et la structure de chaque partie de la norme. Elle spécifie également des « cas
d’utilisation » relatifs aux systèmes d’information de réparation et de maintenance (RMI) afin de
normaliser l’accès aux RMI pour des opérateurs indépendants.
Cette partie de l’ISO 18541 décrit également les cas d’utilisation applicables à l’accès normalisé aux RMI
pour l’automobile. Les cas d’utilisation portent sur des scénarios réalistes (par exemple dans le cadre de
la maintenance de véhicules) en ce qui concerne l’accès aux informations nécessaire pour l’assistance
routière, le contrôle, le diagnostic, la réparation et la maintenance, y compris la mise à jour et le
remplacement des Unités de Contrôle Électronique (UCE).
Les systèmes RMI utilisés par le personnel pour réaliser les opérations d’entretien comprennent :
 un système accessible sur Internet, qui donne accès aux RMI nécessaires pour réaliser la ou les
opérations d’entretien ;
 la fourniture de coordonnées pour des RMI spécifiques ;
 un cadre de mesures destiné à sécuriser l'accès aux informations RMI liées à la sécurité du véhicule.
Cette partie de l’ISO 18541 donne un aperçu général de l’ensemble de la norme et de ses modalités
d’application à l’industrie automobile.
Cette partie de l’ISO 18541 s'applique aux véhicules particuliers et utilitaires légers tels que définis
dans le Règlement (CE) 715/2007, Article 2.
2 Références normatives
Les documents suivants, en tout ou partie, sont référencés de façon normative dans le présent
document et sont indispensables à son application. Pour les références datées, seule l'édition citée
s'applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du document de référence s'applique (y
compris les éventuels amendements).
ISO 18541‐2, Véhicules routiers — Normalisation de l'accès aux informations relatives à la réparation et à
la maintenance pour l'automobile (RMI) — Partie 2 : Exigences techniques
© ISO 2014 – Tous droits réservés 1

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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
3 Termes, définitions, symboles et abréviations
3.1 Termes and définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s'appliquent.
niveaux d’accès
un des niveaux d’accès aux RMI. Deux niveaux d'accès sont définis dans la présente norme : un accès
aux RMI liées à la sécurité et un autre aux RMI non liées à la sécurité
EXEMPLE Il est possible d’envisager un accès aux RMI à travers deux critères : la sécurité et les RMI non liées
à la sécurité. Ils représentent deux niveaux d’accès différents.
caractéristiques et composants supplémentaires choisis par le propriétaire d'un véhicule pour
améliorer la sécurité, les performances, le confort, etc. et dont l'installation n'a pas d'incidence sur la
réception du véhicule
carburant alternatif
type de carburant qui est ou bien gazeux à la température et à la pression de l’air ou bien d’origine
principalement non pétrolière
NOTE D'après le Règlement (CE) 715/2007.
systèmes de retrofit pour carburants alternatifs
systèmes de motorisation montés sur un véhicule déjà enregistré dans le but de le faire fonctionner
avec des carburants alternatifs
fabricant de systèmes pour carburants alternatifs
fabricant d’un système de motorisation fonctionnant avec un carburant alternatif
niveau logiciel approprié
version logicielle applicable pour le véhicule considéré
réparateur agréé
prestataire de services de réparation et d'entretien de véhicules automobiles qui opère au sein du
système de distribution créé par un fournisseur de véhicules automobiles ; voir Règlement (CE)
461/2010, article 1 (1)(c)[
document électronique qui utilise une signature numérique pour associer une clé à une identité
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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
véhicule transformé
véhicule de série qui, dans un but particulier, par exemple pour servir de véhicule de secours ou de taxi,
a été modifié par l’ajout, la suppression, la substitution ou la modification de la carrosserie, du châssis
ou de pièces essentielles, qui ressemble, mais n’est plus identique, au véhicule d’origine
diagnostic détaillé
processus de diagnostic qui identifie avec précision les causes possibles d’un dysfonctionnement
NOTE Un diagnostic précis peut être obtenu en plusieurs étapes au cours desquelles il peut être
demandé à l’utilisateur de procéder à des opérations de contrôle sur le véhicule ou de simuler des
causes de défaillance.
informations de diagnostic
description d’une erreur ou d’un symptôme et liste des causes potentielles ou messages d’aide pour une
recherche approfondie de même niveau et contenu que ceux fournis à un RA
code de diagnostic d’anomalie
identifiant numérique ou alphanumérique qui identifie un dysfonctionnement
NOTE D'après le Règlement technique mondial n° 5 des Nations Unies n°5[
historique de maintenance électronique
dossier d’information numérique portant un marquage virtuel qui confirme l'exécution des opérations
d’entretien prescrites conformément au programme du constructeur de véhicules (CV)
règlement technique mondial
règlement technique mondial harmonisé n° 5 relatif aux systèmes de diagnostic embarqué[
opérateur indépendant
entreprises, autres que des revendeurs et réparateurs agréés, qui sont directement ou indirectement
impliqués dans la réparation et la maintenance de véhicules à moteur, notamment les réparateurs, les
fabricants ou les distributeurs de matériels de réparation, d’outils ou de pièces de rechange, les éditeurs
d’informations techniques, les automobiles clubs, les opérateurs d’assistance routière, les opérateurs
proposant des services de contrôle et d’essai, les opérateurs proposant la formation d’installateurs, de
fabricants et de réparateurs d’équipements pour véhicules à carburant alternatif
NOTE Le terme « entreprise » désigne une société ou une entité juridique.
agrément d'un OI
processus par lequel, moyennant le paiement d'une redevance raisonnable et proportionnée,
l'organisme d'évaluation de la conformité (OEC) agrée ou approuve une entreprise commerciale
légitime et l'autorise à accéder aux RMI liées à la sécurité
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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
autorisation d'un OI
processus par lequel, moyennant le paiement d'une redevance raisonnable et proportionnée, l'OEC
évalue qu'un employé d'un OI agréé satisfait aux exigences spécifiées dans le présent document et est
autorisé à accéder aux RMI liées à la sécurité. Dans le cadre de cette autorisation, l'employé se verra
attribuer, moyennant le paiement d'une redevance [raisonnable et proportionnée], un jeton matériel
sécurisé contenant un certificat numérique personnel et un PIN qui sera fourni par le centre
représentant légal de l'OI
personne physique habilitée à représenter légalement l'OI dans tous les aspects de l'accès aux RMI de
recueil d’information
ensemble d’informations fourni par le système RMI du constructeur de véhicules (CV) en réponse à une
demande spécifique
type d’informations
catégorie, groupe ou ensemble d’informations
EXEMPLE Procédures d’atelier (pour une réparation de la carrosserie, une réparation provisoire, un contrôle
technique périodique), schémas de câblages, bulletins techniques d’entretien, informations de rappel et
informations sur la maintenance.
diagnostic intégré
processus qui interprète, au moyen d’une application intégrée, le contenu de la mémoire des UCE et
fournit un diagnostic et une recommandation de réparation
NOTE L’application de diagnostic et le système RMI du constructeur de véhicules coopèrent en ligne, de telle
sorte que les informations techniques soient fournies durant le processus de diagnostic et utilisées pour les étapes
de diagnostic.
employé d'un OI
personne physique employée par l'OI
historique de maintenance
historique des opérations prescrites réalisées pour la maintenance d’un véhicule
EXEMPLE Vidanges et autre entretien périodique.
programme de maintenance
séquence d’opérations de maintenance prescrite pour un véhicule suivant les exigences du constructeur
système de diagnostic embarqué
système embarqué sur un véhicule ou un moteur qui a la capacité de détecter les dysfonctionnements
et, le cas échéant, d’indiquer leur apparition au moyen d’un système d’alerte, d’identifier le domaine
4 © ISO 2014 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
probable des dysfonctionnements au moyen d’informations stockées dans une mémoire d’un
calculateur et/ou de transmettre ces informations à l’extérieur du véhicule
NOTE Le module « A' »du RTM n° 5 concerne le véhicule dans son intégralité. En se référant à ce module, il
faut comprendre que la définition de l’OBD ne se limite pas aux émissions.
CDA normalisé pour les erreurs du groupe motopropulseur conformément à l’ISO 15031‐6
pièces d'origine fournies par un partenaire
pièces d'origine qui ont été soumises à essai et dont la qualité est assurée et certifiée par le constructeur
de véhicules et pour lesquels le constructeur de véhicules assume la responsabilité du fait du produit
descriptions des réparations possibles
liste des causes potentielles et des actions possibles recommandées pour régler un problème
caractéristiques du produit
caractéristiques d’un véhicule spécifique qui peuvent être utilisées pour naviguer dans le système RMI
du constructeur du véhicule
EXEMPLE Type de moteur (essence/diesel), type de transmission (manuelle/automatique), etc.
structure du produit
ensemble interdépendant d’unités et de sous‐unités composant un véhicule
NOTE La structure d’un produit est propre au constructeur de véhicules.
contrôle technique périodique
service CTP
procédure particulière de contrôle d’un véhicule lors d’un CTP
EXEMPLE Procédure pour contrôler les feux de freinage.
processus au cours duquel un constructeur de véhicules informe tous les propriétaires d’un véhicule
particulier d’une condition ou d’un défaut susceptible d’affecter la sécurité, la sécurité de
fonctionnement ou les questions environnementales associées à un véhicule
opérateur indépendant offrant des RMI sur son propre réseau interne (fermé), par exemple réseaux
RAC, ADAC, de garages
processus de révision complète d'un moteur, d'un ensemble ou d'un composant majeur, afin de rendre
le moteur, l'ensemble ou le composant majeur à nouveau conforme aux spécifications d'origine du
constructeur de véhicules
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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
informations relatives à la réparation et à la maintenance
toute information nécessaire pour le diagnostic, la maintenance, l’inspection, la surveillance périodique,
la réparation, la reprogrammation ou la réinitialisation du véhicule et que les constructeurs fournissent
pour leurs concessionnaires et réparateurs agréés, notamment toutes les modifications ultérieures et
les suppléments à cette information
NOTE 1 Cette information comprend toutes les informations nécessaires sur les accessoires ou équipements de
NOTE 2 D'après le Règlement (CE) 715/2007.
opérateur indépendant qui publie des RMI sur un réseau externe en utilisant les RMI du constructeur de
cadre de mesures destiné à sécuriser l'accès aux informations RMI liées à la sécurité du véhicule
ensemble de processus, de rôles et de dispositifs techniques permettant d'accéder à des RMI relatives à
la sécurité recommandé à la CE par le Forum européen sur les RMI des véhicules, en application des
[15] [14]
Règlements (CE) 715/2007 et (CE) 692/2008
NOTE Le cadre est fondé sur l’approbation et l’agrément d’opérateurs indépendants par des organismes
certifiés leur permettant d’accéder aux RMI relatives à la sécurité au niveau du système RMI du constructeur de
véhicules. L’accès physique au système RMI du constructeur de véhicules pour des RMI relatives à la sécurité est
associé à un certificat numérique.
RMI relatives à la sécurité
RMI faisant l’objet de mesures de protection dans le cadre de la sécurité
informations sur la réparation et la maintenance relatives à la sécurité
association fondée de facto par les organisations d'opérateurs indépendants (OI) et de constructeurs de
véhicules (CV) pour agir en tant qu'utilisateurs du processus et du programme défini dans le Forum
européen sur l'accès aux RMI des véhicules, Rapport sur l'accès aux RMI relatives à la sécurité, version 1.1
méthodes de sélection
méthodes possibles pour sélectionner des RMI
EXEMPLE Recherches d’un terme dans les titres de document, d’un type d’information, de l’identificateur
d’un document ou d’autres critères.
fonctionnalités standardisées des VCI non propriétaires
normes en vigueur pour la communication avec un véhicule
EXEMPLE ISO 22900‐2, SAE J2534‐1/‐2.
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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
bulletin technique d'entretien
bulletin publié par le constructeur détaillant une réparation pour un problème connu ; le bulletin est
publié uniquement à titre d’information
procédure de réparation provisoire
solution provisoire à un problème qui est habituellement mise à la disposition des services d’assistance
EXEMPLE Fermer le toit d’une voiture décapotable.
fonctionnalité de l’interface de communication avec un véhicule
fonctionnalité VCI
ensemble de fonctions assurant la communication entre les systèmes d’un véhicule et une application
logicielle à des fins de diagnostic ou de reprogrammation conformément aux exigences spécifiées dans
l’ISO 18541‐2
numéro d’identification du véhicule
numéro de série unique à 17 caractères, attribué par le constructeur de véhicules pour identifier
chaque véhicule à moteur
constructeur de véhicules
personne ou organisme responsable devant l’autorité compétente en matière de réception de tous les
aspects du processus de réception par type ou de l’autorisation et de la conformité de la production
d’un véhicule. Cette personne ou cet organisme ne doit pas nécessairement intervenir directement à
toutes les étapes de la construction d'un véhicule, d'un système, d'un composant ou d'une entité
technique soumis à réception
NOTE D'après la Directive 2007/46/CE.
système d’information relatif à la réparation et à la maintenance des véhicules d’un
constructeur de véhicules
système RMI d'un CV
système d’information par lequel le constructeur de véhicules donne accès aux RMI par le biais d’un site
procédure d’atelier
informations fournies par un constructeur de véhicules décrivant une réparation ou une maintenance
spécifique, par exemple procédures de réparation, conseils de travail ou autres instructions
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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
3.2 Abréviations
RA Réparateur Agréé
PF Principe Fondamental
OEC Organisme d'Évaluation de la Conformité
DRP ré‐éditeur direct (Direct Re‐Publisher)
CDA Code de Diagnostic d’Anomalie
UCE Unité de Contrôle Électronique
RTM Règlements Techniques Mondiaux
GUI interface graphique utilisateur (Graphical User Interface)
IHM Interface Homme‐Machine
OI Opérateur Indépendant
RI Réparateur Indépendant
MI indicateur de dysfonctionnement (Malfunction Indicator)
OBD système de diagnostic embarqué (On‐Board Diagnostic)
PIN numéro d’identification personnel (Personal Identification Number)
CTP Contrôle Technique Périodique
PTT outil d’intercommunication (Pass‐Thru Tool)
RMI informations relatives à la réparation et à la maintenance (Repair and Maintenance
SERMI informations sur la réparation et la maintenance relatives à la sécurité (SEcurity Repair
and Maintenance Information)
BTE Bulletin Technique d'Entretien
VCI interface de communication avec le véhicule (Vehicle Communication Interface)
VIN numéro d’identification du véhicule (Vehicle Identification Number)
CV constructeur de véhicules
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ISO 18541-1:2014(F)
4 Aperçu et structure du document
La série de normes ISO 18541 fournit à un ingénieur d'application la totalité des documents et des
références nécessaires à la mise en œuvre des exigences relatives à l'accès normalisé aux informations
relatives à la réparation et à la maintenance des véhicules conformément aux exigences spécifiées dans
le mandat CE M/421 [1].
 ISO 18541‐1 : Informations générales et définition de cas d'utilisation
Cette partie fournit un aperçu de l’ensemble des documents et de leur structure ainsi que des
définitions de cas d’utilisation

Questions, Comments and Discussion

Ask us and Technical Secretary will try to provide an answer. You can facilitate discussion about the standard in here.