Smart community infrastructure — Responsiveness assessment and maturity model

This document describes a maturity assessment model to evaluate the degree of responsiveness of the smart community infrastructure with different maturity levels. This document provides the assessment domain (e.g. governance infrastructure, health infrastructure), categories (e.g. availability, affordability, safety and security, quality of service), and the criteria of maturity levels to assess the responsiveness to promote the interaction between the residents and the community by satisfying residents’ needs. This document: — clarifies the assessment domain associated with residents’ needs in the community; — provides users with standardized assessment categories to measure the degree of responsiveness of the smart community infrastructure. This document is intended to be used by providers and operators of community infrastructure, community planners and government decision-makers. This document applies to all types of communities, regardless of their geographical location and size.

Infrastructures urbaines intelligentes — Evaluation de la conformité et modèle de maturité

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ISO 37176:2024 - Smart community infrastructure — Responsiveness assessment and maturity model Released:22. 08. 2024
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ISO 37176
First edition
Smart community infrastructure —
Responsiveness assessment and
maturity model
Infrastructures urbaines intelligentes — Evaluation de la
conformité et modèle de maturité
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
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CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Framework . 2
5 Assessment categories . 3
5.1 General .3
5.2 Definition of the assessment categories .3
5.3 Performance characteristics .6
6 Assessment domain . 6
6.1 Governance infrastructure .6
6.1.1 General .6
6.1.2 Considerations in maturity model .6
6.1.3 Performance characteristics .7
6.1.4 Data sources .7
6.2 Health infrastructure .7
6.2.1 General .7
6.2.2 Considerations in maturity model .7
6.2.3 Performance characteristics .8
6.2.4 Data sources .8
6.3 Safety infrastructure .8
6.3.1 General .8
6.3.2 Considerations in maturity model .8
6.3.3 Performance characteristics .9
6.3.4 Data sources .9
6.4 Transportation infrastructure .9
6.4.1 General .9
6.4.2 Considerations in maturity model .9
6.4.3 Performance characteristics .9
6.4.4 Data sources .9
6.5 Extended infrastructure . .9
6.5.1 General .9
6.5.2 Considerations in maturity model .10
6.5.3 Performance characteristics .10
6.5.4 Data sources .10
7 Maturity level . 10
7.1 Outline .10
7.2 Achievement criteria table .10
7.3 Maturity assessment .11
7.4 Assessment and improvement . . 12
7.4.1 General . 12
7.4.2 Assessment . 12
7.4.3 Improvement. 12
Annex A (informative) Examples of responsiveness assessment for community infrastructure .13
Bibliography .16

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Residents play the leading role in the long-term development of communities. With the rapid development
of information technology (IT), the satisfaction of individuals’ needs matters most in the long-term
development of communities. Only when the needs of residents are fully and rapidly met can people's quality
of life be truly improved. For such a process, the rapid response from the community to the residents is an
essential component to measure the residents’ satisfaction with the community, which makes new demands
on the responsiveness of the community infrastructure.
ISO 37153 describes a community infrastructure maturity model (CIMM) and a standardized approach
for the assessment and improvement using the CIMM. However, ISO 37153 assesses the community
infrastructure, which does not focus on the importance of the interaction between residents and community.
At the same time, responsiveness is an important quality of community infrastructure, which has not been
focused on in existing standards.
This document describes a maturity assessment model for the responsiveness of community infrastructure
to measure whether the localised infrastructure is sufficiently adaptable to support changing needs. The
maturity assessment model takes into consideration the assessment domain and assessment categories
to evaluate the responsiveness of the community infrastructure. In this way, the degree of community
responsiveness can be known and used to promote the building of a more responsive community. The
community can make a rapid response to the residents’ needs by the agile responsiveness of the community
infrastructure. The essence of achieving the responsiveness of the community is to enhance the interaction
between the residents and the community.

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