Safety of toys — Part 2: Flammability

This document specifies the categories of flammable materials that are prohibited in all toys, and requirements concerning flammability of certain toys when they are subjected to a small source of ignition. The test methods described in Clause 5 are used for the purposes of determining the flammability of toys under the particular test conditions specified. The test results thus obtained cannot be considered as providing an overall indication of the potential fire hazard of toys or materials when subjected to other sources of ignition. This document includes general requirements relating to all toys and specific requirements and test methods relating to the following toys, which are considered as being those presenting the greatest hazard: — toys intended to be worn on the head, such as beards, moustaches and wigs made from pile or flowing elements, masks, hoods and headdresses; however, paper and paperboard hats without embellishments or attachments are excluded; — toy disguise costumes and toys intended to be worn by a child in play; — toys intended to be entered by a child and constructed from textiles and/or polymer sheets and films; — soft-filled toys (see A.6).

Sécurité des jouets — Partie 2: Inflammabilité

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ISO/DIS 8124-2
ISO/TC 181 Secretariat: DS
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2022-04-15 2022-07-08
Safety of toys —
Part 2:
Sécurité des jouets —
Partie 2: Inflammabilité
ICS: 97.200.50
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 8124-2:2022(E)
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ISO/DIS 8124-2:2022(E)
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Contents Page

Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms and definitions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

4 Requirements .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

4.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

4.2 Toys to be worn on the head (See A.3) .............................................................................................................................. 4

4.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4

4.2.2 Beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from pile, or flowing elements which

protrude 50 mm or more from the surface of the toy ....................................................................... 4

4.2.3 Beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from pile, or flowing elements which

protrude less than 50 mm from the surface of the toy .................................................................... 5

4.2.4 Full or partial moulded head masks ................................................................................................................. 5

4.2.5 Toys to be worn on the head (except those covered by 4.2.2 and 4.2.3),
hoods, headdresses, including upward protruding items and masks not
covered by 4.2.4 which partially or fully cover the head (e.g. fabric and
paperboard masks, eye masks, face masks), but excluding those items

covered by 4.3 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5

4.3 Toy disguise costumes and toys intended to be worn by a child in play ............................................ 5

4.4 Toys intended to be entered by a child .............................................................................................................................. 5

4.5 Soft-filled toys ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

5 Test methods ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6

5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

5.1.1 Test burner .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6

5.1.2 Conditioning and test chamber ............................................................................................................................. 6

5.1.3 Test flame .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

5.2 Test relating to beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from pile, or flowing elements

which protrude 50 mm or more from the surface of the toy ........................................................................ 7

5.2.1 Test flame .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

5.2.2 Test burner position ........................................................................................................................................................ 7

5.2.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

5.3 Test relating to beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from pile, or flowing elements

which protrude less than 50 mm from the surface of the toy, and full or partial

moulded head masks (See A.7) ................................................................................................................................................ 7

5.3.1 Test flame ........................................................................................................................................... ....................................... 7

5.3.2 Test burner position ........................................................................................................................................................ 7

5.3.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

5.4 Test relating to toys to be worn on the head (4.2.5), hoods, headdresses including

upward protruding items and masks not covered by 4.2.4 which partially or fully
cover the head (e.g. fabric and paperboard masks, eye masks, face masks), toy
disguise costumes and toys intended to be worn or toys intended to be entered by

a child (See A.8) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

5.4.1 Preparation of test specimen .................................................................................................................................. 8

5.4.2 Holding and positioning the test specimen ............................................................................................. 11

5.4.3 Test flame ........................................................................................................................................... ....................................12

5.4.4 Test burner position .....................................................................................................................................................12

5.4.5 Test performance ............................................................................................................................................................ 13

5.4.6 Results ......................................................................................................................................................................................13

5.5 Test for soft-filled toys and certain soft-filled parts of toy disguise costumes .......................... 14

5.5.1 Test flame ............................................................................................................................................................................... 14

5.5.2 Test burner position ..................................................................................................................................................... 14

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5.5.3 Test performance ............................................................................................................................................................ 14

Annex A (informative) Background and rationale for this document ..........................................................................15

Annex B (informative) Significant technical changes between this document and the

previous version ................................................................................................................................................................................................27

Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................29

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ISO/DIS 8124-2:2022(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out

through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical

committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International

organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of

electrotechnical standardization.

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are

described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the

different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the

editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of

patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of

any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or

on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not

constitute an endorsement.

For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and

expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to

the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 181, Safety of toys.

This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 8124-2:2014). A list of the main technical

changes between this version and the previous one is given in Annex B.
A list of all parts in the ISO 8124 series can be found on the ISO website.

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A

complete listing of these bodies can be found at
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This document is largely based upon an existing standard in the European Union (EN 71-2).

Compliance with the requirements of this document will minimize potential hazards associated with

toys resulting from their use in their intended play modes (normal use) as well as unintended play

modes (reasonably foreseeable abuse).

This document will not, nor is it intended to, eliminate parental responsibility in the appropriate

selection of toys. In addition, this document will not eliminate the need for parental supervision in

situations where children of various ages may have access to the same toy(s).

Although Annex A is for information purposes only, it is crucial for the correct interpretation of this


Additional requirements for the flammability of electric toys are described in IEC 62115 .

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Safety of toys —
Part 2:
1 Scope

This document specifies the categories of flammable materials that are prohibited in all toys, and

requirements concerning flammability of certain toys when they are subjected to a small source of


The test methods described in Clause 5 are used for the purposes of determining the flammability of

toys under the particular test conditions specified. The test results thus obtained cannot be considered

as providing an overall indication of the potential fire hazard of toys or materials when subjected to

other sources of ignition.

This document includes general requirements relating to all toys and specific requirements and test

methods relating to the following toys, which are considered as being those presenting the greatest


— toys intended to be worn on the head: beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from pile or flowing

elements; masks; hoods, headdresses, etc.; However, paper and paperboard hats without

embellishments or attachments are excluded
— toy disguise costumes and toys intended to be worn by a child in play

— toys intended to be entered by a child and constructed from textiles and/or polymer sheets and

— soft-filled toys (see A.6)
2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content

constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 2431:2019, Paints and varnishes — Determination of flow time by use of flow cups

ISO 6941:2003, Textile fabrics — Burning behaviour — Measurement of flame spread properties of

vertically oriented specimens
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
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chemical toy

toy intended for the direct handling of chemical substances and mixtures, and which is used in a manner

appropriate to a given age group and under the supervision of an adult
wipe with dry or damp cloth to remove surface soiling
extremely flammable liquid
liquid having a flash point < 23 °C and initial boiling point ≤ 35 °C
flaming debris

material that becomes detached from the specimen during the test procedure and continues to flame as

it falls

ability of a material or a product to burn with a flame under specified test conditions

flammable gas

gas or gas mixture having a flammable range with air at 20 °C and a standard pressure of 101,3 kPa

flammable liquid
liquid having a flash point ≥ 23 °C and ≤ 60 °C
flowing elements

loosely hanging elements having the ability to flow like hair, to hang closely to the shape of the head and

continue to move on their own after the head is rotated then stopped

Note 1 to entry: Imitation hair, free hanging ribbons and paper or cloth strands are examples of flowing elements

highly flammable liquid
liquid having a flash point < 23 °C and initial boiling point > 35 °C
highly flammable solid

material with similar behaviour in fire as celluloid (cellulose nitrate), i.e. ignites instantaneously as a

result of a brief contact with a flame and proceeds to burn very rapidly
molten drips
falling droplets of molten material
moulded head mask
mask that is moulded to the contours of the head or face
soft-filled toy

toy, clothed or unclothed, with soft body surfaces and filled with soft materials or a combination of soft

and non-soft materials (e.g. pellets), allowing compression of the main part readily with the hand

Note 1 to entry: A soft-filled toy may only be filled with a combination of soft and non-soft material if the main

part of the toy can still be readily compressed with the hand.
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[SOURCE: ISO 8124-1:2018 3.62]
surface flash

rapid spread of flame over the surface of a material without ignition of its base structure at the same

toy disguise costume

costume intended to be worn by a child to facilitate imaginative play where the child pretends to be a


Note 1 to entry: Costumes and garments for children less than 12 months old are not regarded as toy disguise

costumes since such children are unable to engage in character role-play (see A.4).

Note 2 to entry: A toy disguise costume can be a single article or a clothing ensemble with multiple articles. A

wizard’s cloak or a princess’s dress are examples of single article toy disguise costumes. A superhero’s cape and

bodice and gloves are examples of a clothing ensemble with multiple articles.
toys intended to be entered by a child

toys constructed from fabric and/or polymer sheets and films that are intended to fully or almost fully

enclose a child

Note 1 to entry: Tents, puppet theatres, wigwams, tepees and play tunnels are examples of toys intended to be

entered by a child (see A.5).
process designed to clean textile articles in an aqueous bath

Note 1 to entry: Washing includes all or some of the following operations in relevant combinations:

— Soaking, pre-washing and main washing - carried out usually with heating, mechanical action and in the

presence of detergents or other products - and rinsing

— Water extraction, i.e. spinning or wringing performed during and/or at the end of the operations mentioned

These operations may be carried out by machine or by hand.
[SOURCE: ISO 3758:2012 2.2]
4 Requirements
4.1 General
See A.2.
The following materials shall not be present in toys:

— celluloid (cellulose nitrate), except when used in varnish, paint, glue, or in balls of the type used for

table tennis or similar games
— highly flammable solids

— materials with a piled surface which produce surface flash when a flame is applied to the tested

material under the conditions described in 5.5 (test for soft-filled toys). Piled surfaces showing no

momentary area of flame over the area of the piled surface remote from the test flame are considered

to meet this requirement
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Specific materials to which the test flame is applied in order to check compliance of the toy with

requirements in 4.2 to 4.5 are considered to comply with this requirement if the toy meets its

appropriate requirements in 4.2 to 4.5.

In addition, toys shall not contain flammable gases, extremely flammable liquids, highly flammable

liquids, flammable liquids, and flammable gels except as provided for below:

— flammable liquids and flammable gels supplied in sealed containers having a maximum volume of

15 ml per container

— highly flammable liquids and flammable liquids being entirely retained within a porous material in

capillary channels of writing instruments
−6 2

— flammable liquids with a viscosity greater than 260 × 10 m /s corresponding to a flow time of

more than 38 s when determined in accordance with ISO 2431:2019 using cup No. 6

— highly flammable liquids contained in chemical toys, and in olfactory board games, cometic kits and

gustative games that conform to EN 71-13
4.2 Toys to be worn on the head (See A.3)
4.2.1 General
The requirements of 4.2 apply to:
— beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from pile, or flowing elements,
— masks,
— hats, hoods, headdresses, etc.

but not to paper or paperboard hats unless they have embellishments or attachments that form flowing


When a product incorporates several features, for example a hat with an attached mask and hair, each

part shall be tested separately to the applicable clause relevant to that particular part of the toy.

Attachments which are used for the purpose of securing a mask, hat, etc. on the head (e.g. string, elastic,

plastic strap) shall not be tested.

4.2.2 Beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from pile, or flowing elements which protrude

50 mm or more from the surface of the toy

When tested in accordance with 5.2, the duration of flaming shall not be more than 2 s after the removal

of the test flame.

In addition, if ignition occurs, the maximum burnt length of pile or flowing elements shall not be

a) more than 50 % of the greatest initial length, when the initial length was 150 mm or more, or

b) more than 75 % of the greatest initial length, when the initial length was less than 150 mm.

When determining whether materials are required to be tested under 4.2.2, the distance by which the

material protrudes shall be measured without applying tension to the protruding part, e.g. curly hair

is not straightened. Plaits or braided hair shall be fully released and combed, where possible, before

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4.2.3 Beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from pile, or flowing elements which protrude less

than 50 mm from the surface of the toy

Beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from pile, or flowing elements which protrude 5 mm or less from

the surface of the toy are regarded as headdresses and are covered by 4.2.5.

When tested in accordance with 5.3, the duration of flaming shall not be more than 2 s after the removal

of the test flame, and the maximum distance between the upper edge of the burnt area and the point of

application of the test flame shall not be more than 70 mm.
4.2.4 Full or partial moulded head masks

When tested in accordance with 5.3, the duration of flaming shall not be more than 2 s after the removal

of the test flame. The maximum distance between the upper edge of the burnt area and the point of

application of the test flame shall not be more than 70 mm.

This requirement does not apply to moulded eye masks nor face masks that neither cover the chin nor a

cheek as they are covered by 4.2.5.

4.2.5 Toys to be worn on the head (except those covered by 4.2.2 and 4.2.3), hoods,

headdresses, including upward protruding items and masks not covered by 4.2.4 which partially

or fully cover the head (e.g. fabric and paperboard masks, eye masks, face masks), but excluding

those items covered by 4.3

When tested in accordance with 5.4, the rate of spread of flame of the test specimen shall not exceed

10 mm/s or the test specimen shall self-extinguish.
4.3 Toy disguise costumes and toys intended to be worn by a child in play
See A.4.

This requirement does not apply to separate toys to be worn on the head, which are supplied with a toy

disguise costume.

Parts of toy disguise costumes and toys intended to be worn by a child in play which contain loose

stuffing which would fall out if prepared in accordance with shall be tested in accordance with

5.5, and the rate of spread of flame of the test specimen shall not exceed 30 mm/s or the test specimen

shall self-extinguish.

This requirement does not apply to soft-filled parts which, when positioned in accordance with 5.5.3,

present a maximum unhindered vertical soft-filled height of 150 mm or less.

All other toy disguise costumes and toys intended to be worn by a child in play (and parts thereof) shall

be tested in accordance with 5.4, and the rate of spread of flame of the test specimen shall not exceed

30 mm/s or the test specimen shall self-extinguish.

In all cases, if the rate of spread of flame is between 10 mm/s and 30 mm/s, the appropriate part(s) of

the toy and the packaging shall be permanently marked with the following warning:

“Warning! Keep away from fire.”
See ISO 8124-1:2018, B.2.1, for guidance.
4.4 Toys intended to be entered by a child
See A.5.

These include for example toy tents, puppet theatres, wigwams, tepees and play tunnels.

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When tested in accordance with 5.4, the rate of spread of flame of the test specimen shall not exceed

30 mm/s or the test specimen shall self-extinguish.

If the test specimen has a rate of spread of flame greater than 20 mm/s when tested in accordance with

5.4, there shall be no flaming debris or molten drips.
If the material has non-identical surfaces, both sides shall be tested.

If the rate of spread of flame is between 10 mm/s and 30 mm/s, the appropriate component(s) of the toy

and the packaging shall be permanently marked with the following warning:
“Warning! Keep away from fire.”
See ISO 8124-1:2018, B.2.1, for guidance.
4.5 Soft-filled toys
See A.6.
This requirement does not apply to

— soft-filled toys or soft-filled parts of a toy that cannot be cuddled or hugged by a child during play,

— toys which, when positioned in accordance with 5.5.3, present a maximum unhindered vertical soft-

filled height of 150 mm or less.

When tested in accordance with 5.5, the rate of spread of flame on the surface of the toy shall not be

more than 30 mm/s or the toy shall be self-extinguishing.
5 Test methods
5.1 General
5.1.1 Test burner

The test flame shall be obtained from a burner as described in ISO 6941:2003, Annex A, and shall be

operated with butane or propane gas.
5.1.2 Conditioning and test chamber

Before each test, the toys or test specimens shall be conditioned for at least 7 h in an atmosphere having

a temperature of (20 ± 5) °C and a relative humidity of (65 ± 5) %.

Carry out the tests in a test chamber in which the movement of air is less than 0,2 m/s at the start of

the test and is not affected by operation of mechanical apparatus during the test. It is essential that the

volume of air in the test chamber is not affected by a reduction in the level of oxygen concentration.

When an open-fronted chamber is used for the test, ensure that the test specimen is at least 300 mm

from the walls of the chamber. Maintain the chamber at 10 °C to 30 °C and at a relative humidity of 15 %

to 80 % prior to the test being carried out.

The toys or test specimens shall be tested within 5 min of removal from the conditioning atmosphere.

5.1.3 Test flame
Light the burner described in 5.1.1 and pre-heat for a minimum of 2 min.

The required height of the flame shall be measured from the end of the burner tube to the top of the

flame with the burner in the vertical position.
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5.2 Test relating to beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from pile, or flowing elements

which protrude 50 mm or more from the surface of the toy
5.2.1 Test flame
Adjust the flame height to (20 ± 2) mm.
5.2.2 Test burner position
Position the burner at (90± 2) ° to the horizontal.
5.2.3 Test performance

Measure the length of the pile or flowing elements and position the toy so that the largest dimension of

the pile, or flowing elements hangs

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