ISO/TR 14742:2010
(Main)Financial services — Recommendations on cryptographic algorithms and their use
Financial services — Recommendations on cryptographic algorithms and their use
ISO/TR 14742:2010 provides a list of recommended cryptographic algorithms for use within applicable financial services standards prepared by ISO/TC 68. It also provides strategic guidance on key lengths and associated parameters and usage dates. The focus is on algorithms rather than protocols, and protocols are in general not included in ISO/TR 14742:2010. ISO/TR 14742:2010 deals primarily with recommendations regarding algorithms and key lengths. The categories of algorithms covered in ISO/TR 14742:2010 are: block ciphers; stream ciphers; hash functions; message authentication codes (MACs); asymmetric algorithms; digital signature schemes giving message recovery, digital signatures with appendix, asymmetric ciphers; authentication mechanisms; key establishment and agreement mechanisms; key transport mechanisms. ISO/TR 14742:2010 does not define any cryptographic algorithms; however, the standards to which ISO/TR 14742:2010 refers may contain necessary implementation information as well as more detailed guidance regarding choice of security parameters, security analysis, and other implementation considerations.
Services financiers — Recommandations sur les algorithmes cryptographiques et leur utilisation
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
REPORT 14742
First edition
Financial services — Recommendations
on cryptographic algorithms and their
Services financiers — Recommandations sur les algorithmes
cryptographiques et leur utilisation
Reference number
ISO/TR 14742:2010(E)
ISO 2010
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ISO/TR 14742:2010(E)
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ISO/TR 14742:2010(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope.1
2 Measuring bits of security.2
3 Algorithm migration .3
4 Block ciphers .4
4.1 General .4
4.2 Keying options.4
4.3 Recommended block ciphers .5
4.4 Block size and key use .6
4.5 Modes of operation .6
4.6 Enciphering small plaintexts.7
4.7 Migrating from TDEA to AES.7
5 Stream ciphers.7
6 Hash functions.7
6.1 Hash functions and their properties.7
6.2 Hash functions based on block ciphers .8
6.3 Dedicated hash functions.8
6.4 Hash functions using modular arithmetic .10
6.5 Migrating from one hash function to another.10
7 Message authentication codes .11
7.1 Recommended MAC algorithms .11
7.2 MAC algorithms based on block ciphers.11
7.3 MAC algorithms based on hash functions .11
7.4 Length of the MAC.12
7.5 Message span of the key .12
8 Asymmetric algorithms.12
8.1 General .12
8.2 Factorization-based security mechanisms.14
8.3 Integer discrete logarithm-based security mechanisms.14
8.4 Elliptic curve discrete logarithm-based security mechanisms .15
8.5 Algorithm or key expiry .15
8.6 Digital signature schemes giving message recovery.15
8.7 Digital signatures with appendix .16
8.8 Asymmetric ciphers .16
9 Random number generation.18
Annex A (informative) Entity authentication and key management mechanisms .19
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ISO/TR 14742:2010(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
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International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
In exceptional circumstances, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that
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ISO/TR 14742 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 68, Financial services, Subcommittee SC 2,
Security management and general banking operations.
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ISO/TR 14742:2010(E)
The financial services industry has a clear need for cryptographic algorithms for a number of different
applications. ISO standards provide definitions for an extensive and comprehensive set of such algorithms.
However, as the state of the art of cryptology progresses and the power of computers increases,
cryptographic algorithms as well as cryptographic keys of a particular length all have a limited window of time
in which they can be considered secure. Furthermore, as neither the development of cryptology nor the
increase in computing power are entirely predictable, the collective wisdom of the cryptographic community as
to which algorithms and key lengths are secure is constantly evolving. For this reason it was felt that there
was an equally clear need in the financial services industry for guidance regarding the current and up-to-date
view in the cryptographic community about the security of cryptographic algorithms and their keys. It was also
felt that there was a need for appropriate guidance on migration from one algorithm or key length to another.
The ISO standards that define cryptographic algorithms for the financial services industry do not contain such
guidance, and by the evolving nature of the field, it would be difficult for them to do so. Hence, the need was
recognized for a document that could contain such guidance, and be updated more frequently than the five
year review cycle for ISO standards. This Technical Report is intended to be that document. The intention is to
update this Technical Report when the need arises, or at least every other year.
The strength requirements of a security mechanism can vary depending on the application(s) in which the
mechanism is being used and the way it is being used. The recommendations given in this Technical Report
are considered to be general purpose recommendations. Although it is accepted that there may exist low-risk
applications that do not warrant the level of cryptographic strength recommended in this Technical Report, it is
advisable that deviation from the recommendations only be made after appropriate analysis of the risks and in
the context of any rules and policies that might apply.
A special case of the above relates to the lifetime of protection required by the application and its data. For
example, if protection requirements are ephemeral (e.g. confidentiality is required only for one day, or
authentication is one-time) then this may be cause for allowing a deviation from the recommendations.
Conversely, if the data must remain protected for a very long period of time, then the keys and algorithms
used to provide the protection must be good for that duration, even if the keys are no longer in active use.
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Financial services — Recommendations on cryptographic
algorithms and their use
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides a list of recommended cryptographic algorithms for use within applicable
financial services standards prepared by ISO/TC 68. It also provides strategic guidance on key lengths and
associated parameters and usage dates.
The focus is on algorithms rather than protocols, and protocols are in general not included in this Technical
Report. However, in some cases, for example for some key agreement and some authentication protocols,
there is no “underlying” algorithm, and in a sense it is the protocol that constitutes the algorithm. In this case,
the mechanisms are included, in particular where they have security parameters that can be adjusted for
higher or lower security.
Algorithmic vulnerabilities or cryptographic keys of inadequate lengths are less often the cause of security
compromises in the financial industry than are inadequate key management or other procedural flaws, or
mistakes in the implementation of cryptographic algorithms or the protocols that use them. However,
compromises caused by algorithmic vulnerabilities are more systemic and harder to recover from than other
kinds of compromises.
This Technical Report deals primarily with recommendations regarding algorithms and key lengths.
NOTE Key management is covered in ISO 11568-1, ISO 11568-2 and ISO 11568-4.
The categories of algorithms covered in this Technical Report are:
⎯ block ciphers;
⎯ stream ciphers;
⎯ hash functions;
⎯ message authentication codes (MACs);
⎯ asymmetric algorithms:
⎯ digital signature schemes giving message recovery,
⎯ digital signatures with appendix,
⎯ asymmetric ciphers;
⎯ authentication mechanisms;
⎯ key establishment and agreement mechanisms;
⎯ key transport mechanisms.
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ISO/TR 14742:2010(E)
This Technical Report does not define any cryptographic algorithms; however, the standards to which this
Technical Report refers may contain necessary implementation information as well as more detailed guidance
regarding choice of security parameters, security analysis, and other implementation considerations.
2 Measuring bits of security
For both block ciphers (Clause 4) and hash algorithms (Clause 6) the notion of “n bits of security” is introduced
(e.g. see NIST SP 800-57, 2007, 5.6.1). For a block cipher to have n bits of security means that an estimated
2 operations are needed to break the block cipher. Given a few plaintext blocks and corresponding ciphertext,
a block cipher with n bits of security would then require an average of 2 T of time to recover the encryption
key, where T is the amount of time needed to perform one encryption of a plaintext value and a comparison of
the result against the corresponding ciphertext value. For a hash algorithm to have n bits of security with
respect to collision resistance means that an estimated 2 calls to the hash function are necessary to find a
hash collision, that is, two messages that when hashed yield the same hash result.
Table 1 below reflects recommendations for when an algorithm with n bits of security can be used. The dates
coincide, where applicable, with the recommendations in NIST SP 800-57.
Table 1 — Recommended usage periods for algorithms of varying bit-strength
Bits of security Recommended usage period
80 until end 2010
96 until end 2020
112 until end 2030
W 128 as from 2030
The recommendations from Table 1 reflect that it is estimated that there is an overwhelming likelihood that an
algorithm of the indicated bit strength will remain secure (that is, unbroken) until at least the year indicated.
For other categories of algorithms, such as message authentication codes and asymmetric algorithms, the
concept of n bits of security is more difficult to define because of the nature of compromises and the
measurement of the work or cost required to accomplish a compromise. However, for each category of
algorithm, their security is still expressed in terms of bits of security. The intended interpretation is that if an
algorithm is listed as having n bits of security, then it is estimated that it will remain secure until the same year
as a symmetric cipher with n bits of security.
The efforts of breaking ciphers of different categories may have very different “profiles”. One algorithm may
require a large amount of computing power and little storage, while another may use a large amount of
storage and less computing power. One effort may be parallelizable, so that the main limitation is the number
of computers that can be recruited to participate, whereas another may require a single computer with a very
large amount of RAM. Lenstra and Verheul in Reference [52] estimate that the financial costs associated with
breaking an asymmetric cipher are 2 500 times larger than those associated with breaking a symmetric cipher,
if the computational efforts measured in MIPS years are the same. See also Reference [19] for comparisons
of cryptographic strengths of symmetric and asymmetric algorithms.
For algorithms with an estimated security of 128 bits or more, a recommendation of “past 2030” is given,
reflecting the view that any estimate beyond 2030 is so far into the future that it seems unwise to make the
estimate any more precise at this time.
For symmetric algorithms, Grover's algorithm (see Reference [17]) means that if a quantum computer were to
be implemented, key sizes should be roughly doubled to maintain the same level of security. All the
asymmetric algorithms mentioned in this Technical Report are vulnerable to quantum computing algorithms
(see Reference [69]), and hence any leaps in progress in the area of implementing quantum computers could
render the recommendations in Table 1 void. However, the commonly established wisdom is currently that
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quantum computing on the scale necessary, say to factor a 1 024-bit RSA modulus, is at least 20 to 25 years
away. On the other hand, if and when quantum computers are realized, it would be expected that increases in
key lengths would be much less a barrier to compromise than now, so that the mentioned asymmetric
algorithms would quickly become obsolete.
3 Algorithm migration
As the state of the art of cryptology progresses and the power of computers increases, cryptographic
algorithms and key lengths that once were secure may no longer be so. For algorithms that have security
parameters, security can be improved by adjusting the security parameters rather than migrating to a new
algorithm. Examples include RSA-based crypto systems where the RSA key length can be increased and
AES where the choice is between key lengths of 128, 192 and 256 bits.
Migration where only the security parameters are changed is mostly less onerous than migration where the
cryptographic algorithm itself changes, and although performance in general would be expected to deteriorate
with a more secure choice of security parameters, improvements in computer performance may make up for
such a deterioration.
However, specific applications, implementations, data formats or indeed performance considerations may
impose limits on the values of certain security parameters such that at some point it becomes impossible,
infeasible or un-economical to maintain adequate security by only adjusting the security parameters.
It must further be assumed that no cryptographic algorithm will continue forever to provide adequate and cost-
efficient security, regardless of the choice of security parameters. Hence it must be assumed that although
increasing the security parameters for an existing algorithm may buy some time, eventually any application of
a cryptographic algorithm will face a migration from that algorithm to a newer one.
Any such migration will be likely to incur both cost and disruption, but it is also an opportunity to take
advantage of cryptographic and technical progress in modernizing the use of cryptographic algorithms, to
what should be a faster, more secure and more cost-effective solution.
Experience gained in migrating from DES to TDEA has highlighted that the financial industry must establish a
long-term and holistic (as opposed to piecemeal) approach to cryptographic algorithms. Lying as they do at
the heart of all data security systems, changes to such algorithms are difficult, sensitive and expensive, and
they take a long time to implement.
Thus, apart from identifying and preparing the financial industry for migration to other algorithms and longer
key lengths with associated changes in key management, there is also a need to ensure that
⎯ the structure of stored and transmitted data is suitable to be processed by generic cryptographic
algorithms, and
⎯ systems are designed to be sufficiently flexible to enable the negotiation of cryptographic algorithms and
associated parameters.
For this reason, in order to create systems that are sufficiently flexible to withstand algorithm migration in the
future, it is important to first start migrating to more flexible data structures and methods for processing such
data structures. A good example of this is the adoption by ISO/TC 68 (e.g. see ISO 16609) of ISO/IEC 10116
in place of ISO 8372.
Because of the complexity of the task and the lifetime of relevant system components, a migration time of
10 to 15 years may well be realistic. Example steps that may need to be completed are:
a) development of flexible data structures;
b) agreement on algorithms and APIs;
c) development of plans to ensure interoperability through migration phase;
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d) product development and test;
e) product implementation;
f) phased migration, including stopping the use of old algorithms;
g) protected data lifetime: this is the period after any new use of the old algorithms has ceased, but while
data must still remain protected by the old algorithms.
See Figure 1.
2010 2020 2030
10 year migration (a – f) Data retention time (g)
Start migration Cease use of old Old algorithms need no
algorithms longer be secure
Figure 1 — Example of migration from old to new algorithms
The individual clauses below will highlight any particular migration issues there may be for the algorithms they
4 Block ciphers
4.1 General
This clause lists block ciphers that may be used within applicable ISO/TC 68 standards.
A block cipher maps a block of n plaintext bits to a block of n ciphertext bits using a key of k bits. The block
ciphers listed in Table 2 below are defined in ISO/IEC 18033-3.
Table 2 — Block ciphers
Block length Algorithm name Key length
TDEA 128 or 192 bits
64 bits
128 bits
128, 192 or 256 bits
128 bits
SEED 128 bits
4.2 Keying options
4.2.1 Keying options for TDEA
Keying option 1, also known as 2-key Triple DES: 128-bit key represented as two 64-bit DEA keys, where for
each DEA key 56 bits can be chosen arbitrarily and the rest can be used for error detection.
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ISO/TR 14742:2010(E)
Keying option 2, also known as 3-key Triple DES: 192-bit key represented as three 64-bit DEA keys, where for
each DEA key 56 bits can be chosen arbitrarily and the rest can be used for error detection.
4.2.2 Keying options for AES
Keying option 1: 128-bit, where all 128 bits can be chosen arbitrarily.
Keying option 2: 192-bit, where all 192 bits can be chosen arbitrarily.
Keying option 3: 256-bit, where all 256 bits can be chosen arbitrarily.
4.2.3 Keying options for Camellia
Keying option 1: 128-bit, where all 128 bits can be chosen arbitrarily.
Keying option 2: 192-bit, where all 192 bits can be chosen arbitrarily.
Keying option 3: 256-bit, where all 256 bits can be chosen arbitrarily.
4.3 Recommended block ciphers
Table 3 contains a list of recommended block ciphers and their current estimated security in bits. The
recommendations are based on the analyses and recommendations provided in the ECRYPT yearly report on
algorithms and key sizes (see References [13] and NIST SP 800-57).
Table 3 — Security of block ciphers
Algorithm Keying option Key length Security in bits
TDEA 1 128 bits 80 – 112
2 192 bits 112
AES 1 128 bits 128
2 192 bits 192
3 256 bits 256
Note that:
min (112, 120-t) t
⎯ 2-key Triple DES (TDEA with keying option 1) has effective strength 2 where 2 is the
number of plaintext ciphertext pairs available to an attacker.
⎯ 3-key Triple DES (TDEA with keying option 2) has effective strength exceeding 2 . Typically, its
strength is cited as 2 , but in general its strength is best expressed as in Reference [55], Note 7.38, as
a trade-off between memory and computation, where a “meet-in-the-middle” attack requires 2 space
and 2 time, for 1 u s u 56.
The recommended end date for use of 2-key Triple DES (TDEA with keying option 1) ranges from 2010 to
2030. Which date is appropriate for a given implementation depends on the way in which the keys are being
used in that implementation. If the key usage provides a potential attacker with a large number of plaintext-
ciphertext pairs for the same key (e.g. 1 000 000 000 000 ≈ 2 pairs), the security of the key is approximately
80 bits and hence the recommended use is until 2010. If only a few (fewer than 256) pairs are available, it
may be acceptable to continue use until 2030.
Interpolating, by way of example, if an estimated maximum of 16 million plaintext-ciphertext pairs might
become available to an attacker, the estimated security of the key would be approximately 96 bits (since
2 ≈ 16 million), and the recommended use would be until 2020. Hence, proper use of session keys will
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greatly extend the usable life of a 2-key Triple DES (TDEA with keying option 1) implementation, as will
frequent change of keys. If it is not possible to estimate a limit on the number of plaintext-ciphertext pairs that
may become available to an attacker, then the most conservative recommendation (to stop use by 2010)
Notice also that in the absence of session keys, 64-bit MACs may provide an attacker with plaintext-ciphertext
pairs (in particular for messages less than 8 bytes) and thus aid in reducing the security of the key used.
For example, consider PIN entry devices that use a fixed key versus those that use unique keys per
transaction, such as DUKPT (Derived Unique Key Per Transaction, as specified in ANSI X9.24-1). Fixed-key
devices could provide an attacker with a large number of plaintext-ciphertext pairs (one pair for each
encryption), weakening the strength of the key, whereas devices that use a unique key per transaction provide
at most one plaintext-ciphertext pair for each session key. Particular implementations or formats may also limit
the availability of plaintexts to attackers (e.g. by including randomness in the encrypted values, such as in PIN
block format 3), thereby protecting the strength of the encipherment key.
The other symmetric algorithms from Table 2 (MISTY1, CAST-128, Camellia and SEED) should only be used
when legacy applications require it. In this case, the maximum strength of the algorithm would be expected to
be similar to that of AES with the same keying option, and hence the recommendations from Table 3 can be
carried over for those key lengths. Consideration should however be given to the fact that these algorithms
have received significantly less scrutiny in the cryptographic community than TDEA and AES. Note that there
are recent research papers which propose theoretical related-key attacks against AES using keying options
2 and 3 (192-bit and 256-bit keys respectively). See Reference [75].
When evaluating the suitability of a particular block cipher for a given implementation, it is important to take
into account the length of time it is necessary to protect the data that the block cipher is used to encrypt. For
example, if a 3-key Triple DES (TDEA with keying option 2) implementation is used to encrypt data which
needs to be protected for 10 years after it is encrypted, then encipherment of new data should stop in 2020
[because in terms of years, 2020 + 10 = 2030, the last year where 3-key Triple DES (TDEA with keying
option 2) is recommended].
4.4 Block size and key use
Besides key length, block size is an important security parameter, e.g. the French government IT Security
Agency recommends against using 64-bit block ciphers for encryption or MAC-ing. The concern with small
block size is mainly that text dictionary attacks and matching ciphertext attacks become feasible, as outlined in
Reference [55], Note 7.8. A text dictionary attack builds a dictionary of known plaintext-ciphertext pairs (each
1 block), and a complete dictionary for a 64-bit block cipher can thus be built if 2 plaintext-ciphertext pairs
are available. Matching ciphertext attacks exploit that the birthday par
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