Wildland firefighting personal protective equipment — Requirements and test methods — Part 5: Helmets

This document specifies the minimum performance requirements and methods of test for helmets used for wildland firefighting. This document covers the general design of wildland firefighting helmets, the minimum levels of performance for the materials employed and the methods of test used. The personal protection equipment (PPE) is not intended to provide protection during fire entrapment. This document does not cover PPE for structural firefighting (see ISO 11999 series), for use against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards, or for use where a reflective outer surface is required (see ISO 15538). Activities in support of wildland firefighting, such as the cutting of trees and the use of a chainsaw can require additional protection to that provided in this document. Users are directed to those relevant standards for the requirements associated with such protection.

Équipement de protection individuelle pour la lutte contre les feux d'espaces naturels — Exigences et méthodes d'essai — Partie 5: Casques

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ISO 16073-5:2019 - Wildland firefighting personal protective equipment -- Requirements and test methods
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STANDARD 16073-5
First edition
Wildland firefighting personal
protective equipment —
Requirements and test methods —
Part 5:
Équipement de protection individuelle pour la lutte contre les feux
d'espaces naturels — Exigences et méthodes d'essai —
Partie 5: Casques
Reference number
ISO 16073-5:2019(E)
ISO 2019

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ISO 16073-5:2019(E)

© ISO 2019
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ISO 16073-5:2019(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Design and general requirements . 2
4.1 General . 2
4.2 Helmet shell . 2
4.3 Vertical clearance . 2
4.4 Horizontal clearance . 2
4.5 Wearing height . 2
4.6 Mass . 2
4.7 Shell conspicuity . 2
4.8 Retroreflective material . 3
4.9 Neck protector . 3
4.10 Retention system . 3
4.11 Accessories attached on the helmet . 3
5 Performance requirements . 4
5.1 Shock absorption . 4
5.1.1 Crown impact . . 4
5.1.2 Off-crown impacts . 4
5.2 Resistance to penetration . 4
5.3 Retention system strength . 4
5.4 Lateral rigidity . 4
5.5 Flame resistance . 4
5.6 High-temperature stability . 4
5.7 High radiant heat environments . 4
5.8 Electrical insulation . 5
5.9 Optional low-temperature tests . 5
6 Test requirements . 6
6.1 Samples . 6
6.2 Conditioning for testing . 6
6.2.1 Preconditioning chamber . 6
6.2.2 Preconditioning . 6
6.2.3 Low temperature conditioning. 7
6.2.4 High temperature conditioning. 7
6.2.5 Wet conditioning . 7
6.3 Headforms . 7
6.3.1 Construction . 7
6.3.2 Selection of size . . 7
6.3.3 Measurement of clearances and wearing height. 7
6.4 Shock absorption test . 8
6.4.1 Principle . 8
6.4.2 Apparatus . 9
6.4.3 Test procedures.10
6.5 Penetration resistance test .10
6.5.1 Apparatus .10
6.5.2 Test procedure .11
6.6 Retention system strength test .11
6.6.1 Principle .11
6.6.2 Apparatus .11
6.6.3 Procedure .12
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6.7 Lateral rigidity test .13
6.8 Flame resistance test .13
6.8.1 General.13
6.8.2 Apparatus .13
6.8.3 Test procedure .13
6.9 Electrical insulation test .13
7 Marking and labelling .14
7.1 General marking requirements .14
7.2 Label durability and legibility .14
7.3 Compliance marking requirements .14
8 Manufacturer’s information .15
Annex A (normative) Conditioning and testing schedule .17
Annex B (informative) Guidelines for personal protective equipment (helmet) design .18
Annex C (normative) Thermal stability of helmets at elevated temperatures .19
Annex D (informative) Recommendations for the materials and construction of helmets .21
Bibliography .22
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ISO 16073-5:2019(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 94, Personal safety — Protective
equipment, Subcommittee SC 14, Firefighters personal equipment.
This first edition of ISO 16073-5, together with ISO 16073-1 to ISO 16073-8, cancels and replaces
ISO 16073:2011.
The main changes are as follows:
— the content has been reviewed and separated into several parts;
— the respiratory protection has been deleted from the document.
A list of all parts in the ISO 16073 series can be found on the ISO website.
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ISO 16073-5:2019(E)

Wildland firefighting involves work carried out mostly in summer temperatures and for many hours,
during which the firefighter can develop high levels of metabolic heat. Consequently, a helmet should be
light and commensurate with the risks to which the firefighter can be exposed in order to be effective
without introducing excessive heat stress to the wearer.
It is important to train firefighters in the selection, use, care and maintenance of the personal protective
equipment (PPE) covered by this document, including an understanding of its limitations.
It is intended that a risk assessment be undertaken to determine if the PPE covered by this document is
suitable for its intended use and the expected exposure.
This document provides minimum performance requirements for wildland firefighters' personal
protective equipment designed for use for extended periods during wildland firefighting.
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Wildland firefighting personal protective equipment —
Requirements and test methods —
Part 5:
1 Scope
This document specifies the minimum performance requirements and methods of test for helmets used
for wildland firefighting.
This document covers the general design of wildland firefighting helmets, the minimum levels of
performance for the materials employed and the methods of test used. The personal protection
equipment (PPE) is not intended to provide protection during fire entrapment.
This document does not cover PPE for structural firefighting (see ISO 11999 series), for use against
chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards, or for use where a reflective outer surface is
required (see ISO 15538).
Activities in support of wildland firefighting, such as the cutting of trees and the use of a chainsaw can
require additional protection to that provided in this document. Users are directed to those relevant
standards for the requirements associated with such protection.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 13688:2013, Protective clothing — General requirements
ISO 15025, Protective clothing — Protection against flame — Method of test for limited flame spread
ISO/TR 19591, Personal protective equipment for firefighters — Standard terms and definitions
EN 960, Headforms for use in the testing of protective helmets
CIE 54.2, Retroreflection — Definition and measurement
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions in ISO/TR 19591 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
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ISO 16073-5:2019(E)

4 Design and general requirements
4.1 General
Wildland firefighters require helmets to minimize the impact or penetration caused by falling
tree branches as well as to provide protection to the head from flames, flying embers and radiant
heat. Helmets shall also be fitted with securing mechanisms to prevent them from being dislodged
during wildland firefighting operations. Recommendations for general consideration of design and
construction of helmets are given in Annex B and Annex D. A summary of design and performance
requirements are given in Table 1.
The helmet may be required to interface with other items of PPE used for wildland firefighting.
The helmet shall meet the requirements as detailed in ISO 13688:2013, 4.2.
NOTE For more information, see ISO/TS 11999-2.
4.2 Helmet shell
There shall be no sharp edges, roughness or projection on any part of the helmet which may cause
injury to the wearer, in contact or potential contact with the wearer when it is worn.
There shall be no holes on the shell’s surface that may allow ingression of flying embers or hot debris.
The profile at the front edge of the shell shall not prevent the wearing of spectacles or goggles.
4.3 Vertical clearance
The vertical clearance between the top of the headform and the inside of the shell as shown in Figure 1,
when measured under the conditions given in 6.3.3, shall be no more than 50 mm.
4.4 Horizontal clearance
The horizontal clearance at the front and sides of the helmet, when measured under the conditions
given in 6.3.3. shall be no less than 5 mm.
4.5 Wearing height
The wearing height, being the distance between the top of the headform and the bottom edge of the
headband, when measured either at the front of the headform or at the side under the conditions given
in 6.3.3, shall be no less than:
— 80 mm for helmets mounted on headform size designation 525 (as per EN 960);
— 85 mm for helmets mounted on headform size designation 555 (as per EN 960);
— 90 mm for helmets mounted on headform size designation 585 (as per EN 960).
4.6 Mass
If the mass of a complete helmet, including harness but without accessories, exceeds 800 g, this mass,
determined to the nearest 30 g, shall be shown on a label attached to the helmet.
4.7 Shell conspicuity
The helmet shell shall have retroreflective markings in accordance with 4.8 adhered to the shell exterior.
A minimum of 26 cm of the markings shall be visible when the helmet is viewed from any angle at the
reference plane (see figure footnote b on Figure 2). A material which combines both the fluorescent and
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retroreflective properties may be used. Care should be exercised when selecting marking materials to
ensure they will not degrade the helmet shell.
4.8 Retroreflective material
The material shall have a coefficient of luminous intensity per square meter (CIL/m ) of not less than
85 cd/lx/m when measured in accordance with CIE 54.2 with an observation angle of 0,2° and entrance
angle of −4°.
4.9 Neck protector
A neck protector shall be fitted and designed to protect the wearer’s neck from heat and embers and as
such when fitted:
— the helmet continues to comply with requirements in this document;
— the limited flame spread test shall be performed in accordance with ISO 15025, Procedure A (Surface
ignition) for an application time of 10 s with the following acceptable performance requirements:
1) no specimen shall give hole formation;
2) no specimen shall give molten or flaming debris;
3) the mean value of the afterflame time shall be ≤2 s;
4) the mean value of the afterglow time shall be ≤2 s.
— the material when tested together with the helmet in test methods given in C.4 (Test 1) and C.5
(Test 2), shall not ignite, melt or drip.
4.10 Retention system
The helmet shall be fitted with a retention system, including a chin strap. The chin strap shall be
adjustable in length.
A minimum of three-point retention system shall have at least three separate points of attachment to
the shell. That part of the chin strap which comes into contact with the jaw shall have a minimum width
of 15 mm under an intermediate load of 250 N (see 5.3).
4.11 Accessories attached on the helmet
Any accessories, whether permanently attached on or detachable from the helmet, when fitted shall
continue to meet the requirements of this standard. Accessories that are permanently attached to the
helmet, e.g. lamp bracket, cable clips, mounting points, attachment rails, badges and trims, shall be
considered as part of the helmet for the purpose of testing.
Certain accessories or non-integral additional protective devices like earmuffs and mesh face shield are
suited only for non-firefighting activities like road clearance and wood cutting. Information should be
provided by the manufacturer as to the circumstances under which such items may be used.
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5 Performance requirements
5.1 Shock absorption
5.1.1 Crown impact
The helmet shall be tested to the method given in at low temperature, high temperature, and wet
conditions, and the force transmitted to the headform shall not exceed 5,0 kN, for an impact energy of
(50 ± 2) J.
5.1.2 Off-crown impacts
The helmet shall be tested to the method given in at low temperature, high temperature, and
wet conditions, and the force transmitted to the headform shall not exceed 5,0 kN, for an impact energy
of (25 ± 1) J.
5.2 Resistance to penetration
The helmet shall be tested to the method given in 6.5, and the point of the striker shall not contact the
surface of the headform, for an impact energy of (30 ± 1) J.
5.3 Retention system strength
The chinstrap on the helmet shall be tested to the method given in 6.6, and the following shall apply:
a) Maximum dynamic elongation shall not exceed 25 mm under the intermediate load (250 N);
b) Minimum width of the chin strap under an intermediate load (250 N) shall be 15 mm;
c) The release point of the retention system shall be between 500 N and 1 000 N.
5.4 Lateral rigidity
The helmet shall be tested to the method given in 6.7, where the maximum lateral deformation of the
shell shall not exceed 40 mm, and the residual deformation shall not exceed 15 mm.
5.5 Flame resistance
The helmet shell shall be tested to the method given in 6.8, and the material shall not burn with the
emission of flame after a period of 5 s has elapsed following removal of the flame source.
5.6 High-temperature stability
The helmet shall be tested in accordance with C.4 (Test 1), and there shall be no visible distortion of
the shell.
Any failure of headbands or other internal components during this test (e.g. melting or collapse of the
headband) shall not be the basis for rejection of the helmet.
NOTE The purpose of this test is to ensure the suitability of the shell material when it is exposed to high heat
sources capable of raising the temperature of the helmet shell to 180 °C. Headbands within the helmet and in
contact with the wearer's head are not in contact with or exposed to such sources.
5.7 High radiant heat environments
The helmet shall be tested in accordance with C.5 (Test 2), and it shall meet the following requirements.
a) no part of the helmet shell shall touch the headform;
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b) no shell distortion in the posterior portion of the helmet brim shall extend more than 20 mm below
the original position;
c) no distortion of the anterior and lateral portions of the helmet brim shall extend more than 15 mm
below the original position;
d) no ignition of any part of the helmet assembly shall occur;
e) no melting or dripping of the helmet shell, including the labels on the interior of the helmet.
Any failure of headbands or other internal components during this test (e.g. melting or collapse of the
headband), shall not be the basis of rejection of the head protective device.
NOTE The purpose of this test is to ensure the suitability of the shell material when it is exposed to radiant
heat sources capable of raising the temperature of the helmet shell to 260 °C for a short period of time. Headbands
within the helmet and in direct contact with the wearer's head are not in contact with or exposed to such sources.
5.8 Electrical insulation
The helmet shall be tested to the method given in 6.9, and the leakage current shall not exceed 1,2 mA.
NOTE This requirement is intended to ensure protection from voltages of up to 440 V.
5.9 Optional low-temperature tests
When (−20 ± 2) °C is selected, conditioning at −10 °C is not required. Following conditioning, helmets
shall be tested for shock absorption in accordance with 6.4 and for resistance to penetration in
accordance with 6.5 and shall meet the requirements of 5.1 and 5.2 respectively.
The test report shall identify the temperature used. Helmets meeting these requirements (see Table 1)
shall state this fact on the label attached to the helmet.
Table 1 — Summary of design and performance requirements
Performance Requirements Clause Criteria
Design Vertical clearance 4.3 ≤50 mm
Horizontal clearance 4.4 ≥5 mm
Wearing height 4.5 ≥80 mm for 525 headform
≥85 mm for 555 headform
≥90 mm for 585 headform
Mechanical Shock absorption, crown and off- 5.1 ≤5 kN
Resistance to penetration 5.2 No contact with the surface

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