ISO 15029-2:2018
(Main)Petroleum and related products — Determination of spray ignition characteristics of fire-resistant fluids — Part 2: Spray test — Stabilised flame heat release method
Petroleum and related products — Determination of spray ignition characteristics of fire-resistant fluids — Part 2: Spray test — Stabilised flame heat release method
ISO 15029-2:2018 specifies a method by which the fire hazards of pressurised sprays of fire-resistant fluids can be compared. Two sizes of propane flame are used to ignite and stabilise combustion of an air-atomised release of fluid. Measurements related to the rate of heat release, length of flame and density of smoke give quantitative information on the fire behaviour of the fluid.
Produits pétroliers et produits connexes — Détermination des caractéristiques d'inflammation des fluides difficilement inflammables en jet pulvérisé — Partie 2: Essai de pulvérisation — Méthode par dégagement de chaleur d'une flamme stabilisée
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 15029-2
First edition
Petroleum and related products —
Determination of spray ignition
characteristics of fire-resistant
fluids —
Part 2:
Spray test — Stabilised flame heat
release method
Produits pétroliers et produits connexes — Détermination
des caractéristiques d'inflammation des fluides difficilement
inflammables en jet pulvérisé —
Partie 2: Essai de pulvérisation — Méthode par dégagement de
chaleur d'une flamme stabilisée
Reference number
ISO 15029-2:2018(E)
ISO 2018
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ISO 15029-2:2018(E)
© ISO 2018
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15029-2:2018(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Principle . 2
5 Reagents and materials . 2
6 Apparatus . 3
7 Sampling and sample preparation .11
8 Apparatus preparation .11
9 Procedure.12
9.1 Measurements at a propane flow rate of 0,13 Nm /h .12
9.2 Measurements at a propane flow rate of 0,4 Nm /h .13
9.3 Rejection of test data .13
9.4 Repeat testing .13
9.5 Number of tests .14
9.5.1 General.14
9.5.2 Calculation .14
9.5.3 Marginal values .
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