Gas turbine combined cycle power plants — Thermal performance tests

ISO 18888:2017 specifies standard rules for preparing, conducting, evaluating and reporting thermal performance tests on combined cycle and cogeneration power plants driven by gas turbines for base and part load operation with or without supplementary firing. ISO 18888:2017 is applicable to - thermal performance tests for general information, - thermal acceptance tests for determining the performance of the combined cycle plant in relation to a contractual guarantee, and - comparative tests designed to check the performance differentials of the combined cycle and cogeneration power plants, for testing before and after modifications, upgrades or overhauls. It can be used to determine the following thermal performance test goals and expected values, under specific operating and reference conditions within defined test boundaries: - electrical power output; - heat rate or thermal efficiency; - process steam and/or district heat w/o generation of electrical power output by means of a steam turbine. ISO 18888:2017 does not apply to individual equipment component testing, which is covered by corresponding standards. It is not intended to be applied to the following test goals: - environmental testing for example emissions, noise; - vibration testing; - operational testing; - absolute or comparative performance of specific components of the combined cycle covered by dedicated standards (e.g. gas turbines).

Turbines à gaz — Centrales à cycle combiné — Essais de performance thermique

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9092 - International Standard to be revised
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ISO 18888:2017 - Gas turbine combined cycle power plants -- Thermal performance tests
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73 pages
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First edition
Gas turbine combined cycle power
plants — Thermal performance tests
Turbines à gaz — Centrales à cycle combiné — Essais de performance
Reference number
ISO 2017
© ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland
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Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 2
4 Symbols and units . 6
5 Test boundary . 7
6 Preparation for test .11
6.1 General .11
6.2 Performance degradation .12
6.3 Measurement classification .12
6.4 Design and construction phase recommendations .12
6.5 Test procedure .13
6.6 Field preparations for the performance test .14
6.7 Instruments and measuring methods .16
6.7.1 General.16
6.7.2 Electrical power measurement .16
6.7.3 Flow measurements . .17
6.7.4 Temperature measurements .18
6.7.5 Relative humidity measurements .22
6.7.6 Pressure measurements .23
6.7.7 Data acquisition system .25
6.7.8 Wind velocity .25
6.7.9 Storage vessel levels .25
6.7.10 Data sampling .26
6.8 Determination of fuel properties .26
6.8.1 General.26
6.8.2 Tests on fuel gas .27
6.8.3 Tests on liquid fuel .27
6.9 Determination of cooling water flow into the condenser .28
6.9.1 General.28
6.9.2 Energy balance method .28
6.9.3 Cooling water pump performance curves .31
6.9.4 Direct flow measurement .32
6.10 Measurement uncertainties .32
6.11 Maximum allowable uncertainties .34
6.12 Calibration .35
7 Execution of test .36
7.1 Base reference conditions .36
7.1.1 General.36
7.1.2 Specified gaseous fuel.37
7.1.3 Specified liquid fuel .37
7.2 Preliminary test .38
7.3 Performance test .38
7.4 Duration of test runs .39
7.5 Auxiliary equipment operation.39
7.6 Tests with inlet air heating system .39
7.7 Tests with inlet air cooling system . .40
7.8 Maximum permissible variation in operation conditions .40
8 Calculation of results for absolute test .41
8.1 General .41
8.2 Correction to base reference conditions .41
8.2.1 General.41
8.2.2 Correction curves based correction approach .42
8.2.3 Thermodynamic heat balance model based correction approach.43
8.2.4 Boundary parameters for correction .44
8.2.5 Description of corrections to base reference conditions .46
8.3 Power output for combined cycle overall test .50
8.3.1 Measured power output .50
8.3.2 Power output corrected to nominal power factor .52
8.3.3 Corrected power output .52
8.4 Heat rate for combined cycle overall test .53
8.4.1 Measured heat rate/measured thermal efficiency .53
8.4.2 Corrected heat rate / corrected thermal efficiency .53
8.5 Power output of steam turbine determination for combined cycle in single
shaft configuration.54
9 Part load tests .54
9.1 General .54
9.2 Test set up and conduct .55
9.3 Correction method for part loads .57
10 Calculation of results for comparative test .57
10.1 General .57
10.2 Comparative performance test uncertainty .57
10.3 Preparation for comparative test .58
10.3.1 Instrumentation .58
10.3.2 Preliminary activities and plant settings .58
10.4 Execution of comparative tests and calculation of results .59
11 Test report .

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