Performance requirements for standards on concrete structures

This document provides performance requirements for standards on concrete structures. It can be used for international alignment of design, assessment and construction requirements. This document includes: a) principles, which guide the selection of requirements that translate societal and owner’s expectations for the performance of the concrete structure; b) requirements, which define the required performance of the concrete structure; c) criteria, which give means for expressing the requirements; d) evaluation clauses, which give acceptable methods of verifying the specific criteria.

Exigences de performance pour les normes relatives aux structures en béton

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ISO 19338:2025 - Performance requirements for standards on concrete structures Released:3. 03. 2025
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ISO 19338
Fourth edition
Performance requirements for
standards on concrete structures
Exigences de performance pour les normes relatives aux
structures en béton
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
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ISO copyright office
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Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 General principles . 5
5 General requirements . 6
5.1 Overall structural concept .6
5.2 Structural integrity .6
5.3 Design and assessment approach .6
5.4 Service life .6
5.5 Workmanship, materials and quality assurance .6
6 Performance requirements . . 6
6.1 General .6
6.2 Structural safety and ultimate limit states .6
6.3 Serviceability limit states .6
6.3.1 General .6
6.3.2 Vibration .7
6.4 Restorability .7
6.5 Durability .7
6.6 Fire resistance .7
6.7 Fatigue .7
7 Sustainability . 7
8 Loadings and actions . 8
8.1 General .8
8.2 Load factors .8
8.3 Action combinations .8
8.4 Permanent loads .8
8.5 Variable loads .8
8.6 Accidental loads .8
8.7 Construction loads .8
8.8 Impact load .8
8.9 Seismic actions .9
8.10 Wind forces .9
8.11 Environmental actions .9
8.12 Investigation actions .9
9 Resistance . 9
9.1 Materials .9
9.2 Resistance calculation .9
9.2.1 General .9
9.2.2 Flexure and combined flexure and axial load .9
9.2.3 Shear and torsion .9
9.2.4 Bond, anchorage and splices .10
9.2.5 Bearing .10
9.3 Partial safety factors for materials .10
9.4 Resistance factors .10
10 Per f or m a nc e ev a lu at ion .10
10.1 Analysis of concrete structures .10
10.1.1 Analysis for ultimate limit states .10
10.1.2 Analysis for serviceability limit states .10
10.1.3 Theoretical and numerical analyses .11

10.1.4 Experimental analysis .11
10.2 Safety criteria .11
10.3 Stability .11
10.3.1 General .11
10.3.2 Design for stability .11
10.4 Precast concrete . .11
10.5 Prestressed concrete .11
10.5.1 Design and assessment of prestressed concrete structures .11
10.5.2 Prestress losses .11
10.5.3 Grouting of tendons .11
10.5.4 Design, assessment and detailing of the prestressing system . 12
10.6 Design and assessment for earthquake resistance . 12
10.7 Detailing requirements . . 12
10.7.1 Design and assessment standards for detailing. 12
10.8 Durability . 12
10.9 Fire .

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