Soil quality — Vocabulary

ISO 11074:2015 defines a list of terms used in the preparation of the standards in the field of soil quality. The terms are classified under the following main headings: - general terms (terms relating to soil, soil materials, land, and sites); - description of soil (soil characteristics, soil water, properties of soils and substances, processes in soil, contamination, pollution, background content); - sampling (general terms, sample types/sampling type, sampling stages, execution of sampling, quality control samples, sample pretreatment); - terms relating to the assessment of soils (quality, assessment of soil and sites with respect to risk, hazard and exposure, soil protection); - remediation (general terms, principal remediation types, engineering-based methods, process-based treatment methods); - soil ecotoxicology. NOTE: In addition to text written in the official ISO languages (English, French), this document gives text in German. This text is published under the responsibility of the Member Body for Germany (DIN) and is given for information only. Only the text given in the official lan­guages can be considered as ISO text.

Qualité du sol — Vocabulaire

L'ISO 11074:2015 définit une liste de termes utilisés lors de l'élaboration des normes dans le domaine de la qualité du sol. Ces termes sont classés selon les rubriques principales suivantes: - termes et définitions généraux (termes relatifs au sol, aux matériaux du sol, aux terrains et aux sites); - description du sol (caractéristiques du sol, eau du sol, propriétés du sol et des constituants, processus d'évolution du sol, contamination, pollution, teneur de fond); - échantillonnage (termes généraux, types d'échantillon/type d'échantillonnage, phases d'échantillonnage, exécution de l'échantillonnage, échantillons de contrôle qualité, prétraitement des échantillons); - termes et définitions relatifs à l'évaluation des sols (qualité, évaluation du sol et des sites eu égard au risque, à la dangerosité et à l'exposition, protection du sol); - remédiation (termes généraux, principaux types de remédiation, méthodes de génie civil, méthodes de traitement technologiques); - écotoxicologie du sol. NOTE: En complément du texte rédigé dans les langues officielles de l'ISO (anglais, français), le présent document contient du texte en allemand; ce texte est publié sous la responsabilité du Comité membre allemand (DIN) et est donné uniquement pour information. Seul le texte rédigé dans les langues officielles peut être considéré comme étant un texte de l'ISO.

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ISO 11074:2015
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Second edition
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Soil quality — Vocabulary
Qualité du sol — Vocabulaire
Bodenbeschaffenheit —Wörterbuch
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ISO 2015
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Contents Page
Foreword .v
1 Scope . 1
2 General terms and definitions . 1
2.1 Terms and definitions relating to soil . 1
2.2 Terms and definitions relating to soil materials . 4
2.3 Terms and definitions relating to land and sites . 5
3 Description of soil . 7
3.1 Soil characteristics . 7
3.2 Terms and definitions relating to soil water . 8
3.3 Terms and definitions relating to processes in soils . 9
3.4 Terms and definitions relating to contamination .12
3.5 Terms and definitions relating to background content .15
3.6 Terms and definitions relating to sampling gases .17
4 Sampling .18
4.1 General terms and definitions .18
4.2 Sample types/sampling type .22
4.3 Sampling stages .25
4.4 Execution of sampling .27
4.5 Quality control samples . .30
4.6 Sample pretreatment .32
4.7 Terms and definitions relating to geostatistics .32
5 Terms and definitions relating to the assessment of soils .33
5.1 Terms and definitions relating to quality .33
5.2 Terms and definitions relating to assessment of soil and sites with respect to risk, hazard,
and exposure.34
5.3 Terms and definitions relating to soil protection . .37
6 Remediation .37
6.1 General terms and definitions .37
6.2 Principal remediation types .40
6.3 Engineering-based methods .40
6.4 Process-based treatment methods .42
7 Soil ecotoxicology .47
7.1 Biodegradability .47
7.2 Soil fauna .49
7.3 Soil flora .50
7.4 Soil microorganisms .50
Annex A (informative) Relationships between sampling operations .53
Annex B (informative) Index .54
Bibliography .72
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This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 11074:2005), which has been technically
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Soil quality — Vocabulary
1 Scope
This International Standard defines a list of terms used in the preparation of the standards in the field
of soil quality.
The terms are classified under the following main headings:
— general terms (terms relating to soil, soil materials, land, and sites);
— description of soil (soil characteristics, soil water, properties of soils and substances, processes in
soil, contamination, pollution, background content);
— sampling (general terms, sample types/sampling type, sampling stages, execution of sampling,
quality control samples, sample pretreatment);
— terms relating to the assessment of soils (quality, assessment of soil and sites with respect to risk,
hazard and exposure, soil protection);
— remediation (general terms, principal remediation types, engineering-based methods, process-
based treatment methods);
— soil ecotoxicology.
NOTE See also the ISO online browsing platform (OBP):
2 General terms and definitions
2.1 Terms and definitions relating to soil
descriptive of a condition with molecular oxygen available
descriptive of a condition with no molecular oxygen available
available water capacity
soil water content usable by plants based on the effective root penetration depth
Note 1 to entry: The usable field capacity in the effective root zone is expressed in mm water column.
Note 2 to entry: The available water capacity (AWC) is generally taken to be the water content between field
capacity (FC) and the permanent wilting point (PWP) or 10 kilopascals to 1 500 kilopascals. See readily available
water capacity.
dissolved organic carbon
concentration of organic carbon remaining in solution after filtration and/or centrifugation under
defined conditions
Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in mg/l, g/m .
field capacity
maximum water content expressed in percent (w/w or v/v) that an unsaturated soil can retain against
gravity under undisturbed soil conditions (conventionlly stated as water content two days to three days
after full saturation with water)
Note 1 to entry: Conventionally stated as water content 48 h after saturation under conditions of free drainage.
total of all dead plant and animal substances and their organic transformation products, as well as
organic material inserted through anthropogenic activities appearing in and on mineral soil
Note 1 to entry: Living plants and soil organisms, as well as coal, are not counted among humus but are often
methodically not separatable.
organic carbon
summarizing parameter including all of the carbon forms for dissolved (DOC: dissolved organic carbon
– see 2.1.4) and total organic compounds (TOC: total organic carbon- see 2.1.22)
Note 1 to entry: Organic carbon is not synonymous with organic matter content (see 2.1.8).
organic matter
matter consisting of plant and/or animal organic materials, and the conversion products of those
parent material
unweathered inorganic solid or unconsolidated rock from which soil developed or originated
Note 1 to entry: It can include material from alluvial, colluvial, and aeolian origins.
perched groundwater
groundwater above a non-saturated zone
upper layer of the Earth’s crust transformed by weathering and physical/chemical and biological
processes and composed of mineral particles, organic matter, water, air, and living organisms organized
in generic soil horizons
Note 1 to entry: In a broader civil engineering sense, soil includes topsoil and sub-

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