Road vehicles — Test procedures — Evaluating small female dummy arm and forearm interactions with driver frontal airbags and side airbags

ISO/TS 15827:2007 describes test procedures for evaluating the effects of the interactions between driver frontal airbags or side airbags (excluding curtains) and small female arms. It recommends dummies, procedures, instrumentation and test configurations that can be used for investigating the interactions that occur between a deploying airbag and a vehicle occupant. Driver frontal airbags deploy from the steering wheel and side airbags can deploy from the door, side trim panel, armrest, seat back or seat cushion. Occupants can range in size from young children to very large adults. However, the small adult female is considered to be the most at risk of arm injury from airbags. Therefore, this test procedure only addresses the small adult female occupant. Recommended measurements are summarized. ISO/TS 15827:2007 encourages the use of a wide range of test configurations and conditions, while recognizing that the range of possible airbag interactions is essentially limitless and beyond testing capability.

Véhicules routiers — Méthodes d'essai — Évaluation des interactions du bras et de l'avant-bras du mannequin femme de petite taille avec les sacs gonflables conducteur frontal et latéral

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ISO/TS 15827:2007 - Road vehicles -- Test procedures -- Evaluating small female dummy arm and forearm interactions with driver frontal airbags and side airbags
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First edition
Road vehicles — Test procedures —
Evaluating small female dummy arm and
forearm interactions with driver frontal
airbags and side airbags
Véhicules routiers — Méthodes d'essai — Évaluation des interactions
du bras et de l'avant-bras du mannequin femme de petite taille avec les
sacs gonflables conducteur frontal et latéral

Reference number
ISO 2007
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Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
4 Test devices . 2
4.1 Hybrid III small female dummy. 2
4.2 SID-IIs small adult/adolescent side impact dummy . 2
4.3 SAE small female instrumented arm and the enhanced airbag interaction arm . 3
5 Instrumentation. 3
5.1 Hybrid III small female dummy. 3
5.2 SID-IIs small adult/adolescent side impact dummy . 3
5.3 SAE small female instrumented arm . 3
5.4 Impact response measurements. 3
5.5 Dummy injury criteria. 3
6 Condition of the test vehicle. 5
6.1 General conditions . 5
6.2 Seat adjustment . 6
6.3 Steering wheel adjustment . 6
6.4 Pedal adjustment . 6
6.5 Dummy test temperature . 6
6.6 Electrical grounding . 6
7 Test configurations. 6
7.1 Driver frontal airbag tests . 6
7.2 Side airbag static deployment tests . 8
8 Test procedure . 9
Bibliography . 10

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ISO/TS 15827 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 10,
Impact test procedures.
iv © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved

Driver frontal airbags and side airbags are inflatable devices intended to help reduce the risk of injury to the
head and/or the chest and/or the pelvis of vehicle occupants. During its inflation process an airbag generates
a considerable amount of energy and, as a result, substantial forces can be developed between the deploying
airbag and the nearby occupant. Preliminary laboratory tests indicate that these forces can potentially, in
certain circumstances, be sufficient to injure the vehicle occupant. A considerable but unknown portion of the
occupant population does not drive/ride in exactly the vehicle design position, but rather leans/rests in various
ways against the steering wheel, armrest, door or vehicle side interior, where airbag reaction forces can be
particularly high. Through normal occupant preferences or during turning manoeuvres, the hand/forearm can
be in various locations on/across the steering wheel rim, and thus interact with a deploying driver frontal
airbag. These test procedures were developed to improve the understanding of such interactions and to help
aid in the assessment of future airbag designs.
References [2], [4], [5], [8], [9], [12], [13] and [18] in the bibliography give some background on human impact
tolerance and criteria, while references [15] and [17] describe scaling techniques for different size occupants
and offer interpretations of dummy responses relative to human injury potential that might be helpful in the
evaluation. References [1], [3], [7], [10], [11], [14], [16] and [19-22] describe the dummies used, and
references [6] and [23] describe the filtering techniques used, in this test procedure.


Road vehicles — Test procedures — Evaluating small female
dummy arm and forearm interactions with driver frontal airbags
and side airbags
1 Scope
This Technical Specification describes test procedures for evaluating the effects of the interactions between
driver frontal airbags or side airbags (excluding curtains) and small female arms.
This Technical Specification recommends dummies, procedures, instrumentation and test configurations that
can be used for investigating the interactions that occur between a deploying airbag and a vehicle occupant.
Driver frontal airbags deploy from the steering wheel and side airbags can deploy from the door, side trim
panel, armrest, seat back or seat cushion. Occupants can range in size from young children to very large
adults. However, the small adult female is considered to be the most at risk of arm injury from airbags.
Therefore, this test procedure only addresses the small adult female occupant.
Recommended measurements are summarized in Clause 5. This Technical Specification encourages the use
of a wide range of test configurations and conditions, while recognizing that the range of possible airbag
interactions is essentially limitless and beyond testing capability.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 6487, Road vehicles — Measurement techniques in impact tests — Instrumentation
ISO 7862, Road vehicles — Sled test procedure for the evaluation of restraint systems by simulation of frontal
ISO TR 12349-1, Road vehicles — Dummies for restraint system testing — Part 1: Adult dummies
SAE J211, Instrumentation for impact test — Part 1: Electronic instrumentation
SAE J1733, Sign convention for vehicle crash testing
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
driver frontal airbag
airbag attached to the steering wheel designed primarily to help reduce occupant injury potential where the
significant collision force vector is longitudinal and from the front of the vehicle
side airbag
seat or door-mounted airbag (excluding curtains) designed primarily to help reduce occupant injury potential
where the significant collision force vector is lateral
SAE small female instrumented arm
fully instrumented arm developed to measure the impact response of the small female arm interacting with a
deploying airbag(s)
NOTE See references [16] and [21] in the bibliography.
upper arm
portion of the dummy's arm between the elbow and the shoulder
portion of the dummy's arm from the elbow to the wrist, including the hand
enhanced airbag interaction arm
modified version of the SAE small female instrumented arm with additional measurement capabilities
NOTE See reference [3] in the bibliography.
midsagittal plane
imaginary vertical plane that separates the dummy into equal left and right halves
coronal plane
imaginary vertical plane that separates the dummy into front and back halves
4 Test devices
The Hybrid III small female dummy shall be used for driver frontal airbag interactions. It is briefly described in
4.1. The SID-IIs dummy shall be used for side airbag interactions. It is briefly described in 4.2. These
dummies will be instrumented with one of the two optional small female instrumented arms described in 4.3.
4.1 Hybrid III small female dummy
The Hybrid III small female dummy [16, 20] is representative of the fifth percentile adult female, designed to
evaluate injury potential to the head, neck, shoulder, arm, chest, abdomen, lumbar spine, pelvis, thighs and
legs. For these tests, the Hybrid III small female dummy will be instrumented with the SAE small female
instrumented arm or the enhanced airbag interaction arm on the outboard side of the dummy.
4.2 SID-IIs small adult/adolescent side impact dummy
The SID-IIs is representative of the fifth percentile adult female and also approximates the height and weight
of a 12–13-year-old adolescent child. It is a g

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