Transaction assurance in E-commerce — Relevant factors of evaluation and selection of indicators

This document provides the description of relevant factors for evaluating E-commerce transactions, which can help in identifying indicators, evaluation toolkits and an approach for selection of indicators. This document focuses on E-commerce transaction assurance by providing the relevant factors of evaluations including quality of E-commerce transaction platforms and sites, quality of E-commerce transaction services, local external environments for E-commerce transactions and sustainability of E-commerce transactions. This document also explains the way to set up a set of E-commerce transaction evaluation indicators that enables monitoring and improvement of the quality of E-commerce transactions.

Assurance des transactions de commerce électronique — Facteurs pertinents pour l'évaluation et sélection des indicateurs

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ISO 32112:2025 - Transaction assurance in E-commerce — Relevant factors of evaluation and selection of indicators Released:7. 01. 2025
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ISO 32112
First edition
Transaction assurance in
E-commerce — Relevant factors
of evaluation and selection of
Assurance des transactions de commerce électronique —
Facteurs pertinents pour l'évaluation et sélection des indicateurs
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Conducting evaluations for E-commerce transactions . 2
4.1 Understanding the context of conducting evaluations .2
4.1.1 What are the purposes and features of evaluations? .2
4.1.2 Why are evaluations useful? .3
4.2 Benefits of conducting evaluations by various interested parties .3
4.2.1 Who should be involved when conducting evaluations? .3
4.2.2 Where and when can the results of evaluations be used? .3
4.3 Adopting the evaluation approach using indicators .4
5 Relevant factors for conducting evaluations . 4
5.1 General .4
5.2 Quality of E-commerce transaction platforms and sites .5
5.2.1 Processing capacity .5
5.2.2 Interface .6
5.2.3 Information security and management measures .6
5.2.4 Compliance .6
5.2.5 Trust and brand reputation .7
5.3 Quality of E-commerce transaction services .7
5.3.1 Pre-sale services .7
5.3.2 Order services .7
5.3.3 Payment services .8
5.3.4 Logistic services .8
5.3.5 After-sales services .9
5.3.6 Miscellaneous services .9
5.4 Local external environments for E-commerce transactions.9
5.4.1 Business environment .9
5.4.2 Initiatives and measures .10
5.4.3 Supervision . .10
5.4.4 Availability of financing .10
5.5 Sustainability of E-commerce transactions .10
5.5.1 Sustainability in economy .10
5.5.2 Sustainability in society .11
5.5.3 Sustainability in environment.11
6 Guidelines on selection of indicators in relevant factors .11
6.1 Identifying the role of indicators .11
6.2 Characteristics of selected indicators . 12
6.3 Steps to select indicators . 12
Annex A (informative) Examples for indicators in relevant factors of E-commerce transaction
assurance . 14
Annex B (informative) Matrix of factors and themes to be considered for evaluations .18
Bibliography . 19

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 321, Transaction assurance in E-commerce.
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E-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate and has become an important driver of economic
growth worldwide. The increasing number of E-commerce users has spurred growth in other digital
industries, for example, mobile technology, information and communications technology (ICT), and digital
advertising. Local governments view E-commerce as a new engine of economic growth, while entrepreneurs
see it as an opportunity to tap into a larger market and ensure the security of their transactions.
Meanwhile, E-commerce has been a rapidly evolving field, with various emerging "new norm" digital
commerce trends such as live commerce, social E-commerce, AI-driven commerce, crowdfunding
E-commerce, Internet of Things (IoT) in E-commerce, and data analytics and consumer profiling. These
trends also have significant impacts related to the assurance of E-commerce transactions.
E-commerce transactions offer numerous benefits for businesses and consumers, but they can also come
with inherent risks, for example, fraud and abuse. As such, transaction assurance has become crucial for all
interested parties involved in E-commerce. To reduce legal uncertainties and mitigate risks, the approach of
carrying out evaluations is necessary. Evaluations of various targets enable E-commerce platform operators,
buyers and sellers to check the security and privacy of online transaction information, ensuring that all
interested parties are satisfied with the convenience, safety and confidentiality of the entire transaction
process. Moreover, the evaluation also plays an important role in market vitality, policy-making, reliability
of cross-border transactions, etc.
This document provides a comprehensive evaluation approach to aid selection of indicators for various
factors and themes. It elaborates four relevant factors that should be considered when carrying out
evaluations of E-commerce transactions, including the quality of E-commerce transaction platforms and
sites, the quality of E-commerce transaction services, the local external environments for E-commerce
transactions and the sustainability of E-commerce transactions.
Figure 1 illustrates the positioning of relevant evaluation factors in the transaction process. The quality
of E-commerce transaction platforms and sites is evaluated with regard to their abilities and capabilities
to enhance security and privacy. The quality of E-commerce transaction services represents the services
provided throughout the process of E-commerce transactions. The local external environment for
E-commerce transactions measures the impact of external aspects. The sustainability of E-commerce
transactions emphasizes the impacts on the economy, society, and environment, reflecting the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG

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