SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
(Main)Water quality - Evaluation of the elimination and biodegradability of organic compounds in an aqueous medium - Activated sludge simulation test (ISO 11733:1995)
Water quality - Evaluation of the elimination and biodegradability of organic compounds in an aqueous medium - Activated sludge simulation test (ISO 11733:1995)
Wasserbeschaffenheit - Untersuchung der Elimination und der biologischen Abbaubarkeit organischer Verbindungen in einem aquatischen Medium - Belebtschlamm-Simulationstest (ISO 11733:1995)
Diese Internationale Norm legt ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Eliminierung und der biologischen Abbaubarkeit von organischen Substanzen durch aerobe Mikroorganismen bei einer vorgegebenen Konzentration fest. Die beschriebenen Testbedingungen simulieren eine Abwasserbehandlungsanlage. Das Verfahren ist unter den gegebenen Testbedingungen für organische Stoffe anwendbar usw.
Qualité de l'eau - Evaluation de l'élimination et de la biodégradabilité des composés organiques en milieu aqueux - Essai de simulation des boues activées (ISO 11733:1995)
Kakovost vode – Vrednotenje odstranjevanja in biorazgradljivosti organskih snovi v vodi – Simulacijski preskus z aktivnim blatom (ISO 11733.1995)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
SIST ISO 11733:1998
Kakovost vode – Vrednotenje odstranjevanja in biorazgradljivosti organskih snovi
v vodi – Simulacijski preskus z aktivnim blatom (ISO 11733.1995)
Water quality - Evaluation of the elimination and biodegradability of organic compounds
in an aqueous medium - Activated sludge simulation test (ISO 11733:1995)
Wasserbeschaffenheit - Untersuchung der Elimination und der biologischen
Abbaubarkeit organischer Verbindungen in einem aquatischen Medium - Belebtschlamm
-Simulationstest (ISO 11733:1995)
Qualité de l'eau - Evaluation de l'élimination et de la biodégradabilité des composés
organiques en milieu aqueux - Essai de simulation des boues activées (ISO 11733:1995)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 11733:1998
13.060.70 Preiskava bioloških lastnosti Examination of biological
vode properties of water
SIST EN ISO 11733:2000 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
First edition
Water quality - Evaluation of the
elimination and biodegradability of organic
compounds in an aqueous medium -
Activated sludge Simulation test
Quake de I’eau - Evaluation de Mimination et de Ia biodhgradabilite des
composh organiques en milieu aqueux - Essai de Simulation des boues
Reference number
ISO 11733:1995(E)
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
ISO 11733:1995(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take patt in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard ISO 11733 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISOnC 147, Water quality, Subcommittee SC 5, Biological methods.
Annexes A, B, C and D of this International Standard are for information
0 ISO 1995
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
Water quality - Evaluation of the elimination and
biodegradability of organic compounds in an aqueous
medium - Activated sludge Simulation test
- Activated sludge and sewage may contain potentially
pathogenic organisms. Therefore appropriate precautions should be taken when handling them.
Toxic test compounds and those whose properties are unknown should be handled with care.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur-
1 Scope
rently valid International Standards.
This International Standard specifies a method for the
ISO 6060: 1989, Water quality - Determination of the
evaluation of the elimination and biodegradability of
Chemical Oxygen demand.
organic compounds at a given concentration by
aerobic microorganisms. The conditions described
ISO 8192:1986, Water quality - Test for inhibition of
simulate a waste-water treatment plant.
Oxygen consump tion by activa ted sludge.
The method applies to organic compounds that under
ISO 8245: 1987, Water quality - Guidelines for the
the test conditions are
determination of total organic carbon (TOC).
a) water-soluble at the Chosen test concentration;
ISO 9408: 1991, Water quality - Evaluation in an
aqueous medium of the “ultima te ” aerobic
b) satisfactorily dispersable in water and allow dis-
biodegradability of organic compounds - Method by
solved organic carbon (DOC) measurements;
de termining the Oxygen demand in a closed
respirome ter.
c) non-volatile, or have a negligible vapour pressure;
ISO 9439: 1990, Wa ter quality - Evaluation in an
d) not inhibitory to the microorganisms of the
inoculum at the test concentration. aqueous medium of the “Ultima te ” aerobic
biodegradability of organic compounds - Method by
Inhibition tan be determined by using a suitable
analysis of released carbon dioxide.
test method (e.g. ISO 8192).
ISO 9888: 1991, Wa ter quality - Evaluation of the
aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in an
aqueous medium - Static test (Zahn-WeIlens
2 Normative references
The following Standards contain provisions which,
ISO 10304-2:1995, Water quality - Determination of
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions -
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
Part 2: Determination of bromide, chloride, nitrate,
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards
nitnte, orthophosphate and sulfate in waste water.
are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements
based on this International Standard are encouraged
ISO 10634:1995, Water quality - Guidance for the
to investigate the possibility of applying the most re-
preparation and treatment of poorly water-soluble or-
cent editions of the Standards indicated below.
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
ISO 11733:1995(E)
retention time) of 6 d to 10 d. The test compound is
ganic compounds for the subsequent evaluation of
added at a concentration between
their biodegradabiiity in an aqueous medium.
10 mg/1 DOC and 20 mg/1 DOC, to the influent (or-
ISO 11732:--J), Water quality - Determination of ganic medium) of only one of the test units; the sec-
ammonium nitrogen by flow analysis and spec- ond unit is used as a control unit to determine the
trome tric de tection. biodegradation of the organic medium.
In regularly taken samples of the effluents, the DOC
ISO 11923:-J), Wa ter quality - Determination of
or Chemical Oxygen demand (COD) and/or, if required,
suspended solids by filtra tion through glass-fibre fil-
the test compound concentration are measured by
specific analysis. The differente between the effluent
concentrations in the test and control units compared
3 Definitions with the influent concentration of the test compound
is used to determine the elimination of the test com-
For the purposes of this International Standard, the
pound. Depending on the elimination characteristics,
following definitions apply.
a biodegradability value tan be determined.
3.1 ultimate biodegradation: The level of degra-
5 Test environment
dation achieved when the test compound is totally
utilized by microorganisms resulting in the production
The test shall take place in diffused light or in the
of carbon dioxide, water, mineral salts and new
dark, in an enclosure which is free from vapours that
microbial cellular constituents (biomass).
are toxic to microorganisms and at a controlled tem-
perature in the range 20 “C to 25 “C. For special pur-
3.2 primary biodegradation: The level of degra-
poses, it is permissible to use a test temperature in
dation achieved when the test compound undergoes
another range.
any structural Change, other than mineralization, as
the result of microbial action.
6 Reagents and materials
3.3 concentration of suspended solids: The
amount of solids obtained by filtration or 6.1 Tap water, containing less than 3 mg/1 of DOC.
centrifugation of a known volume of sludge under
specified conditions and drying at 105 “C to constant
6.2 Deionized water, containing less than 2 mg/1
of DOC.
3.4 pre-exposure (or pre-adaptation): The pre-
6.3 Organic medium
incubation of an inoculum in the presence of the test
compound, with the aim of enhancing the ability of
Synthetic sewage, domestic sewage or a mixture of
the inoculum to degrade the test compound. If the
both is permissible as the organic medium. The acidity
aim is achieved, the inoculum is said to be adapted.
and alkalinity of the organic medium should be known.
Measure the DOC or COD concentration in each new
batch of organic medium.
4 Principle
6.3.1 Synthetic sewage
This method is designed to determine the elimination
and, under some circumstances, the primary or ulti-
Peptone 160 mg
mate biodegradation of water-soluble organic com-
Meat extract
110 mg
pounds by aerobic microorganisms in a continuously
Urea 30 mg
operated test System simulating the activated sludge
Anhydrous dipotassium hydrogen phos-
process. An easily biodegradable organic medium and
28 mg
phate (K,HPO,)
the organic test compound are the Source of carbon
and energy for the microorganisms. Sodium chloride (NaCI)
7 mg
Calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl,.ZH,O)
4 mg
Two continuously operating test units (activated
Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate
sludge plants or porous Pots) are run in parallel under
2 mg
identical conditions, with a mean hydraulic retention
Tap water (6.1) 1 litre
time of normally 6 h and a mean sludge age (sludge
1) To be published.
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
ISO 11733:1995(E)
as an analytical Parameter or whether only an analyti-
This synthetic sewage is an example and gives a
cal technique specific for the test substance tan be
mean DOC concentration in the influent of about
used. Centrifugation of the samples is required for
100 mg/l. Alternatively, use other compositions with
about the Same DOC concentration, which are closer
to real sewage.
For each new batch, measure the DOC, COD or the
test compound concentration with specific analyses.
NOTE 1 If a less concentrated influent is required, the
synthetic sewage (e.g. 1:l) should be diluted with tap water
Determine the pH of the stock Solution. Extreme pH
to obtain a DOC concentration of about 50 mg/l. A reduced
concentration of synthetic sewage will allow a better values indicate that the compound may have an influ-
growth of nitrifying microorganisms. This modification
ence on the pH of the activated sludge in the test
should be used if the Simulation of nitrifying waste water
System. In this case, neutralize the stock Solution to
treatment plants is performed.
obtain a pH of 7 r)- 0,5 with small amounts of inor-
ganic acid or base, but avoid precipitation of the test
6.3.2 Domestic sewage
Use fresh, settled and, if necessary, neutralized dom-
estic sewage largely free from coarse particles. The
7 Apparatus
sewage tan be stored for several days at about 4 “C
if it is proved that the DOC or COD has not signifi-
cantly (i.e. less than about 20 %) decreased during
7.1 Test System
The test System for one test compound consists of a
test unit and a control unit. One control unit tan be
6.3.3 Organic medium with improved buffering
used for several test units. In the case of coupling
(see 8.2) use one control unit for each test unit. The
test System shall be either an activated sludge plant
Domestic sewage of low acidity or alkalinity, or syn-
model or a porous pot (see annex A). In both cases,
thetic sewage prepared from tap water of low acidity
storage vessels of sufficient size for the influent and
or alkalinity, tan require the addition of a suitable
the effluent are needed, as well as Pumps to dose the
buffer, for example carbonate or Phosphate buffer to
maintain a pH of about 7,5 + 0,5 in the aeration
vessel during the test. In this case, add, for example,
Esch activated sludge plant unit consists of an aer-
196 mg of sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO,) or
ation vessel with a capacity for about 3 litres of acti-
1,5 g of potassium dihydrogen Phosphate (KH,PO,) to
vated sludge and a separator (secondaty clarifier)
1 litre of organic medium. How much buffer shall be
which holds about 1,5 litres. Vessels of different size
added, and when, has to be decided in each individual
are permissible if they are operated with comparable
case, depending on the acidity or alkalinity of the or-
hydraulic loads. If it is not possible to keep the test
ganic medium and the pH values measured in the
temperature in the test room in the desired range, the
aeration tank.
use of water-jacketed vessels with temperature-
controlled water is recommended. A dosing pump or
an airlift pump is used to recycle the activated sludge
64 . Test compound
from the separator to the aeration vessel, either con-
Prepare a Solution of a suitable concentration, for tinuously or intermittently.
example 5 g/l of the test compound in deionized
The porous pot System consists of an inner, porous
water (6.2).
cylinder with a conical bottom suspended in a slightly
larger vessel of the Same shape, but made of
Determine the DOC and total organic carbon (TOC)
of the stock Solution and repeat the measurement for impervious material. Separation of the sludge from
each new batch. If the differente between the DOC the treated organic medium is effected by differential
and TOC is greater than 20 %, check the water solu- passage through the porous Wall. No settlement oc-
bility of the test compound at the desired test con- curs and hence there is no sludge return. Porous pots
centration. Compare the DOC or the test compound sometimes become blocked and could overflow in the
initial stages. In such a case, replace the pot with a
concentration, measured by specific analysis of the
stock Solution, with the theoretical value, to ascertain clean one, carefully transferring the sludge to it. Clean
whether the analytical recovery is good enough blocked pots by soaking in dilute sodium hypochlorite
(normally > 90 % tan be expected). Ensure, especially Solution, then in water, followed by thoroughly rinsing
for dispersions, whether or not the DOC tan be used with water.
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SIST EN ISO 11733:2000
ISO 11733:1995(E)
NOTE 2 Porous polyethylene (e-g. Vyon, maximum pore Determine the concentration of suspended solids
size 90 Pm of 2 mm thickness) tan be used as material for
(use, for example, ISO 11923). If necessaty, concen-
the porous cylinder.
trate the sludge by settling so that the volume added
to the test System is minimal. Ensure that the starting
For aeration of the sludge in the aeration vessels of
concentration of dry matter is about 2,5 g/l.
both Systems, suitable techniques are required, for
example sintered cubes (diffuser stones) and com-
In the second case, use 2 ml/l to 10 ml/l of an effluent
pressed air. The air shall be cleaned, if necessary, by
from a domestic biological waste water treatment
passing through a suitable filter and washed. Suf- plant as the inoculum. To get as many different
ficient air shall pass through the System to maintain
species of bacteria as possible, it may be helpful to
aerobic conditions at all times during the test.
add inocula from various other sources, for example
surface water. In this case, the activated sludge will
develop and grow in the test System.
7.2 Analytical equipment
Laboratory carbon analyser to determine DOC and
8.2 Performance of the test
TOC (ISO 8245) or equipment for COD (ISO 6060)
determination. If necessary, suitable equipment for
8.2.1 Dosage of organic medium
specific analyses. Equipment to determine suspended
solids, pH, Oxygen concentration in water, tempera-
Assemble the test Systems (7.1) in a room where the
ture, acidity and alkalinity and, if the test is performed
temperature is controlled (clause 5) or use water-
under nitrifying conditions, ammonium, nitrite and ni-
jacketed test units.
Prepare a sufficient amount of the required organic
medium (6.3). Initially fill the aeration vessel and the
7.3 Filtration apparatus or centrifuge
separator with organic medium and add the inoculum
(see 8.1). Start aeration such that the sludge is kept
Device for filtration with membrane filters of suitable
in Suspension and in an aerobic state, and begin dos-
porosity (nominal aperture diameter 0,45 Pm) which
ing the influent.
adsorb organic compounds or release organic carbon
to a minimum degree. If filters are used which release
Dose organic medium out of storage vessels into the
organic carbon, wash the filters carefully with hot
aeration vessels (see 7.1) of the test and blank units.
water to remove leachable organic carbon.
To get the normal hydraulic retention time of 6 h, the
organic medium is pumped at 0,5 I/h into the aeration
Centrifuge suitable for 40 000 m/s*.
vessel, preferably at intervals, to improve the
settleability of the sludge. Measure the amount of
8 Procedure
organic medium dosed into the units.
If organic medium is prepared for a period longer than
This procedure is described for the activated sludge
1 day, cooling at about 4 “C or other appropriate
plant units. lt has to be slightly adapted for the porous
methods of conservation are necessary to prevent
pot System.
microbial growth and biodegradation outside the test
units (see 6.3.2).
8.1 Preparation of the inoculum
If synthetic sewage is used, it is possible to add sep-
Inoculate the test System at the beginning of the test
arately a concentrated stock Solution of synthetic
with either activated sludge or an inoculum containing
sewage (e.g. 10 times the concentration in 6.3.1) and
a low concentr
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