Metallic coatings - Review of porosity tests (ISO 10308:2006)

This standard reviews published methods for revealing pores  and discontinuities in coatings of aluminium, anodized  aluminium, brass, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gold,  indium, lead, nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-cobalt etc. The tests  summarized in this standard are designed to react with the  substrate when exposed, by a discontinuity, in such a way as  to form an observable reaction product.

Metallische Überzüge - Übersicht der Porenprüfverfahren (ISO 10308:2006)

Diese Norm enthält eine Übersicht über veröffentlichte Verfahren zur Feststellung von Poren (siehe ISO 2080) und Unterbrechungen in Überzügen aus Aluminium, anodisch oxidiertem Aluminium, Blei, Cadmium, Chrom, Cobalt, Emaille, Gold, Indium, Kupfer, Kupfer-Zink, Nickel, Nickel-Bor, Nickel-Cobalt, Nickel-Eisen, Nickel-Phosphor, Palladium, Platin, Rhodium, Silber, Zink, Zinn, Zinn-Blei, Zinn-Nickel, Zinn-Zink und in Chromat- oder Phosphat-Umwandlungsüberzügen (einschließlich verwandten organischen Beschichtungen) auf Aluminium-, Eisen-, Kupfer-, Kupfer-Beryllium-, Kupfer-Zink-, Magnesium-, Nickel-, Nickel-Bor-, Nickel-Phosphor-, Silber-, Stahl-, Zinklegierungs- und Zinn-Nickel-Grundwerkstoffen.
Die in dieser Norm zusammengefassten Prüfungen sind so ausgelegt, dass der Grundwerkstoff an den Schichtunterbrechungen einem Angriff ausgesetzt wird und die Reaktionsprodukte des Grundwerkstoffes erkennbar sind.
ANMERKUNG 1   Poren erstrecken sich gewöhnlich senkrecht zur Oberfläche des Überzugs, können aber auch schräg zur Oberfläche des Überzugs verlaufen. Sie sind häufig zylindrisch geformt, können aber auch schraubenförmig sein (siehe Anhang C).
ANMERKUNG 2   Porosität kann in der Größe von submikroskopisch (unter einem Lichtmikroskop unsichtbar), über mikroskopisch (bei 10facher bis 1 000facher Vergrößerung sichtbar) bis makroskopisch (mit bloßem Auge sichtbar) variieren.
ANMERKUNG 3   Porosität kann durch Verfärbung der beschichteten Oberfläche sichtbar gemacht werden.
ANMERKUNG 4   Porosität in einem Überzug ist nicht immer nachteilig. Beispielsweise wird bei Chromüberzügen mit Mikrounterbrechungen eine Porosität oder Mikrorissigkeit verlangt und die Prüfungen werden zum Nachweis der Poren durchgeführt.

Revetements métalliques - Passage en revue des essais de porosité (ISO 10308:2006)

L'ISO 10308:2005 passe en revue les méthodes publiées pour révéler les pores (voir l'ISO 2080) et les discontinuités dans les revêtements d'aluminium, aluminium anodisé, laiton, cadmium, chrome, cobalt, cuivre, or, indium, plomb, nickel, nickel-bore, nickel-cobalt, nickel-fer, nickel-phosphore, palladium, platine, émail vitrifié, rhodium, argent, étain, étain-plomb, étain-nickel, étain-zinc, zinc et les revêtements de conversion au chromate ou au phosphate (y compris les pellicules organiques associées) sur un métal de base de type aluminium, cuivre-béryllium, laiton, cuivre, fer, alliages de NiFeCo, magnésium, nickel, nickel-bore, nickel-phosphore, bronze phosphoreux, argent, acier, étain-nickel et alliages de zinc.

Kovinske prevleke – Pregled preskusov za ugotavljanje poroznosti (ISO 10308:2006)

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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006
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Kovinske prevleke – Pregled preskusov za ugotavljanje poroznosti (ISO
Metallic coatings - Review of porosity tests (ISO 10308:2006)
Metallische Überzüge - Übersicht der Porenprüfverfahren (ISO 10308:2006)
Revetements métalliques - Passage en revue des essais de porosité (ISO 10308:2006)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 10308:2006
25.220.40 Kovinske prevleke Metallic coatings
SIST EN ISO 10308:2006 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006

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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006
EN ISO 10308
January 2006
ICS 25.220.40 Supersedes EN ISO 10308:1997
English Version
Metallic coatings - Review of porosity tests (ISO 10308:2006)
Revêtements métalliques - Passage en revue des essais Metallische Überzüge - Übersicht der Porenprüfverfahren
de porosité (ISO 10308:2006) (ISO 10308:2006)
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 28 December 2005.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
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This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006

EN ISO 10308:2006 (E)


This document (EN ISO 10308:2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 107
"Metallic and other inorganic coatings" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 262
"Metallic and other inorganic coatings", the secretariat of which is held by BSI.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of
an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 2006, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by July 2006.

This document supersedes EN ISO 10308:1997.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of
the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice

The text of ISO 10308:2006 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 10308:2006 without any


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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006

Second edition

Metallic coatings — Review of porosity
Revêtements métalliques — Passage en revue des essais de porosité

Reference number
ISO 10308:2006(E)
ISO 2006

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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006
ISO 10308:2006(E)
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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006
ISO 10308:2006(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
4 Principle. 2
5 Common features of porosity tests . 2
6 Test specimens . 2
7 Specific porosity tests. 2
7.1 Alizarin test. 2
7.2 Anthraquinone test. 3
7.3 Cadmium sulfide test. 3
7.4 Copper sulfate (Preece) test . 3
7.5 Copper sulfate (Dupernell) test . 3
7.6 Corrodkote test (CORR) . 4
7.7 Electrographic tests . 4
7.8 Ferrocyanide test. 5
7.9 Ferron test . 5
7.10 Ferroxyl test . 6
7.11 Flowers-of-sulfur porosity test. 6
7.12 Hot-water test . 6
7.13 Hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide/hydrogen sulfide test. 6
7.14 Haematoxylin test . 7
7.15 Magneson test. 7
7.16 Nitric acid vapour test . 7
7.17 Oxine test. 8
7.18 Permanganate test. 8
7.19 Polysulfide test . 8
7.20 Porotest test . 8
7.21 Salt spray tests [neutral (NSS), acetic (AASS) and cuproacetic (CASS)]. 9
7.22 Sulfur dioxide test. 9
7.23 Sulfurous acid/sulfur dioxide vapour test. 9
7.24 Thiocyanate test. 9
7.25 Thioacetamlde test (TAA) . 10
7.26 Watch-case acetic acid test . 10
7.27 Watch-case sodium bisulfite test. 10
Annex A (normative) Tables of porosity tests. 11
Annex B (informative) Typical report and evaluation of porosity tests. 14
Annex C (informative) Schematic representation of types of pore. 16
Annex D (informative) Classification of discontinuities in metallic and other inorganic coatings . 17
Annex E (informative) Classification of methods of testing coating porosity. 18
Annex F (informative) Alphabetical list of tests by substrate and coating . 19
Bibliography . 30

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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006
ISO 10308:2006(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 10308 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 107, Metallic and other inorganic coatings,
Subcommittee SC 7, Corrosion tests.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10308:1995), which has been technically

iv © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006

Metallic coatings — Review of porosity tests
WARNING —  This international Standard calls for the use of substances and/or procedures that can
be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. It refers only to technical suitability and in
no way absolves either the designer, the producer, the supplier or the user from statutory and all
other legal obligations relating to health and safety at any stage of manufacture or use.
1 Scope
This International Standard reviews published methods for revealing pores (see ISO 2080) and discontinuities
in coatings of aluminium, anodized aluminium, brass, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gold, indium, lead,
nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-cobalt, nickel-iron, nickel-phosphorus, palladium, platinum, vitreous or porcelain
enamel, rhodium, silver, tin, tin-lead, tin-nickel, tin-zinc, zinc and chromate or phosphate conversion coatings
(including associated organic films) on aluminium, beryllium-copper, brass, copper, iron, NiFeCo alloys,
magnesium, nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-phosphorus, phosphor-bronze, silver, steel, tin-nickel and zinc alloy
basis metal.
The tests summarized in this International Standard are designed to react with the substrate when exposed,
by a discontinuity, in such a way as to form an observable reaction product.
NOTE 1 Pores are usually perpendicular to the coating surface but may be inclined to the coating surface. They are
frequently cylindrical in shape but may also assume a twisted shape (see Annex C).
NOTE 2 Porosity may vary in size from the submicroscopic, invisible using a light microscope, to the microscopic,
visible from × 10 to × 1 000, to the macroscopic, visible to the naked eye.
NOTE 3 Porosity may be visibly indicated by discolouration of the coated surface.
NOTE 4 Porosity in a coating is not always detrimental. In microdiscontinuous chromium, for example, porosity or
microcracking is beneficial and tests are conducted to indicate the pores.
NOTE 5 Results obtained from porosity tests, expressed in terms such as pores per square centimeter, are relative
values associated with the specific test method used and the magnification used during examination. Annex B gives
typical report criteria.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2080:1981, Electroplating and related processes — Vocabulary
ISO 10289:1999, Methods for corrosion testing of metallic and other inorganic coatings on metallic
substrates — Rating of test specimens and manufactured articles subjected to corrosion tests
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 2080 and the following apply.
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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006
ISO 10308:2006(E)
cracks, micro-holes, pits, scratches or any other opening in the coating surface that exposes a different
underlying metal
NOTE For further information on discontinuities, see Annex D and reference [1] in the Bibliography.
4 Principle
The results of porosity tests are the end products of a chemical reaction with a metallic substrate. Some occur
in situ, others on paper or in a gel coating. Observations are made that are consistent with the test method
and the items being tested, as specified by the purchaser. These may be visual inspections (naked eye) or at
× 10 magnification (microscope). Other methods may involve enlarged photographs or photo-micrographs.
See references [1,2, 3, 5 and 6] in the Bibliography (see also Annex A for a tabular summary of the porosity
tests and Annex D for a classification of discontinuities).
5 Common features of porosity tests
Porosity tests differ from corrosion tests and, particularly, ageing tests regarding test duration. Porosity tests
are primarily short-time tests. A good porosity test process shall clean, depolarize and activate the substrate
metal exposed by the pore and attack it to such a degree as to cause the reaction product to fill the pore to the
surface of the coating. The corrosive shall not react with the coating. It is essential that the time of reaction be
limited, particularly with thin coatings, since the corrosive will attack the substrate in all directions and, in so
doing, will undermine the coatings resulting in misleading observations. When the corrosion product is soluble
in the reagent, the precipitating indicator is used to form the reaction product. (See Annex E for a classification
of methods of porosity testing).
6 Test specimens
Porosity tests are generally destructive in nature and are designed to assess the quality of the coating process
of the substrate. Therefore, as a rule, separate test specimens are not used.
7 Specific porosity tests
7.1 Alizarin test
7.1.1 Scope
For coatings of chromium (including Cr/Ni/Cu and Cr/Ni/Ni), cobalt, copper, nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-cobalt,
nickel-iron and nickel-phosphorus on aluminium substrate.
7.1.2 Summary of method
The test specimens are treated with sodium hydroxide, sodium alizarin sulfonate and glacial acetic acid under
defined conditions. Formation of red markings or spots indicates porosity. Details of the test procedure can be
found in references [9, 21 and 25] in the Bibliography.
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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006
ISO 10308:2006(E)
7.2 Anthraquinone test
7.2.1 Scope
For coatings of chromium (including Cr/Ni/Ni), cobalt, nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-cobalt, nickel-iron and nickel-
phosphorus on aluminium, magnesium or zinc alloy substrates.
7.2.2 Summary of method
The test specimens are treated with sodium hydroxide and potassium 1-aminoanthraquinone-2-carboxylic
acid under defined conditions. The formation of red markings or spots indicates porosity. Details of the test
procedure can be found in reference [13] in the Bibliography.
7.3 Cadmium sulfide test
7.3.1 Scope
For metallic coatings of chromium (including Cr/Ni/Ni), gold, palladium, platinum and rhodium on beryllium-
copper, brass, copper, phosphor-bronze and silver substrates.
7.3.2 Summary of method
Filter paper is soaked in cadmium chloride and then treated with sodium sulfide to precipitate cadmium sulfide.
The sample is sandwiched between the cadmium sulfide paper (which acts as the anode) and the moistened
blotting paper fastened to a high-purity clean aluminium or stainless steel platen (which acts as the cathode).
D.C. current is applied for a specific time. Brown stains on the paper indicate pores. Details of the test
procedure can be found in ISO 4524-3.
7.4 Copper sulfate (Preece) test
7.4.1 Scope
Variation A. For coatings of cadmium and zinc on iron, steel or iron-based alloy substrates.
Variation B. For thin (< 5 µm) anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloy substrates.
7.4.2 Summary of method
The test specimen is immersed in a solution of copper sulfate; different solution compositions are used for
aluminium alloy and iron alloy substrates. Reddish markings or spots, of copper, indicate pores on ferrous
substrates; black markings or spots indicate pores on aluminium alloy substrates. Details of the test
procedures can be found in ISO 2085. See also reference [26] in the Bibliography.
7.5 Copper sulfate (Dupernell) test
7.5.1 Scope
For coatings of chromium and micro-cracked or microporous chromium on nickel/copper or nickel/nickel on
iron, steel, zinc alloys, copper and copper alloys, aluminium and aluminium alloy, plastic substrates.
7.5.2 Summary of method
The test specimen is used as the cathode in an acid copper plating bath. Copper is deposited only where the
basis metal or the substrate is exposed, the chromium remaining passive. After the test, examine the surface
for cracks using an optical microscope. Details of the test procedure can be found in ISO 1456, ISO 4525 and
ISO 6158. See also references [27 and 28] in the Bibliography.
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ISO 10308:2006(E)
7.6 Corrodkote test (CORR)
7.6.1 Scope
For coatings of chromium and micro-cracked or microporous chromium on nickel/copper or nickel/nickel on
aluminium alloy, plastic, steel and iron alloy or zinc alloy substrates.
7.6.2 Summary of method
The test specimen is coated with a slurry of corrosive salts and dried. The coated specimens are exposed to
high relative humidity for a specified period of time, then cleaned and treated for redeveloping the points of
failure, e.g. in a salt spray cabinet. Porosity is indicated by black markings or red rust on the iron-based
substrates or by white markings on the aluminium and zinc substrates (see ISO 10289). Details of the test
procedure can be found in ISO 4541. See also reference [ 38] in the Bibliography.
7.7 Electrographic tests
7.7.1 Scope
Variation A. Acrylamide electrography (See warning in 7.7.2.)
For gold coatings on nickel and silver, or nickel coatings on copper substrates.
Variation B. Gel bulk electrography.
For gold, cobalt, nickel and palladium coatings on copper; gold, copper, cobalt and paIIadium coatings on
nickel; gold on silver substrates.
Variation C. Paper electrography.
For the following combinations of indicator-coatings/substrate that have flat or nearly flat surfaces.
Indicator Coating/substrate
1. Cadmium sulfide Chromium, gold, palladium, platinum and rhodium on beryllium-copper, brass,
copper, phosphor-bronze and silver substrates
2. Dimethylglyoxime Gold, palladium, platinum, rhodium and silver on brass, beryllium-copper, copper,
phosphor-bronze, nickel, nickel-boron and nickel-phosphorus substrates
3. Dithioxamide Chromium, gold, palladium, platinum and rhodium on beryllium-copper, brass,
copper and phosphor-bronze substrates
4. Nioxime Gold, palladium, platinum and rhodium on nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-iron, nickel-
phosphorus and tin-nickel substrates
5. Potassium ferrocyanide Chromium, gold, palladium platinum and rhodium on brass, beryllium-copper,
copper and phosphor-bronze substrates
6. Potassium ferricyanide Cadmium, nickel, tin and zinc on brass, silver and steel substrates
7. Magneson Chromium, cobalt, copper, nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-cobalt, nickel-iron and
nickel-phosphorus on magnesium substrates
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SIST EN ISO 10308:2006
ISO 10308:2006(E)
7.7.2 Summary of methods
Variation A. Acrylamide electrography.
Acrylamide solution containing a hardener and an indicator is poured onto the sample shortly before
gelatinizing. The sample is made the anode in a cell with a chloride solution and electrolized. Pores are
revealed as coloured marks or spots. Details of the test procedure can be found in reference [7] in the
WARNING —  Acrylamide has been identified as a neurotoxin and carcinogen; use with extreme
Variation B. Gel bulk electrography.
A mixture of clear gelatin, conducting salts and an indicator are poured into an electrolytic cell with a gold or
platinum cathode and with the specimen as the anode. The composite gel solution is allowed to solidify,
following which the cell is electrolized. Pores are revealed as coloured spots or blooms. Details of the test
procedure can be found in ISO 15720. See also reference [39] in the Bibliography.
Variation C. Paper electrography.
Test specimens are sandwiched as an anode between electrolyte-soaked paper and indicator paper and
clamped with two cathode covers (of non-reactive materials such as gold or stainless steel). A specified

2 2
current (usually 0,15 mA/cm to 1,55 mA/cm ) for a specified time (usually 10 s to 30 s) is applied. After
exposure, the test paper is wetted with indicator and allowed to dry. Pores are revealed as coloured spots.
A variety of commercially prepared test papers is available. Details of the test procedures can be found in
ISO 4524-3. See also references [15, 18, 24 and 29] in the Bibliography.
7.8 Ferrocyanide test
7.8.1 Scope
For coatings of chromium, cobalt, gold, nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-iron, nickel-phosphorus, palladium,
platinum and rhodium on copper substrate.
7.8.2 Summary of method
The test specimens are treated with glacial acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide under defined conditions.
Formation of brown markings or spots indicates porosity. Details of the test procedure can be found in
references [12 and 37] in the Bibliography.
7.9 Ferron test
7.9.1 Scope
For coatings of aluminium, brass, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, indium, lead, nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-
phosphorus, organic films, silver, tin, tin-lead, tin-nickel, tin-zinc and zinc, on iron and steel substrates.
7.9.2 Summary of method
The test specimens are treated with acid and a 0,1 % solution of ferron (8-hydroxyquinoline 7-iodo-5-sulfonic
acid), under defined conditions. Formation of red markings or spots indicates porosity. Details of the test
procedure can be found in reference [4] in the Bibliography.
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ISO 10308:2006(E)
7.10 Ferroxyl test
7.10.1 Scope
For metallic coatings, such as brass, chromium, cobalt, copper, gold, indium, lead, nickel, nickel-boron, nickel-
phosphorus, organic films, silver, tin, tin-lead and tin-nickel, that are resistant, for the duration of the test
period, to ferricyanide and chloride and are also cathodic to their iron or steel alloy substrates.
7.10.2 Summary of method
Electrolyte-wetted, gel-chloride-treated paper strips are placed firmly in contact with test specimen surfaces
for a specified time. After the allotted time, the paper strips are wetted adequately with ferricyanide indicator
solution. Blue markings or spots indicate pores. Details of the test procedure can be found in ISO 4526 and
ISO 10309. See also references [20 and 30] in the Bibliography.
7.11 Flowers-of-sulfur porosity test
7.11.1 Scope
For coatings of gold, nickel, tin, tin-lead, palladium and their alloys on copper, copper alloy or silver substrates.
It may be used with other coatings that do not significantly tarnish in a reduced-sulfur atmosphere.
7.11.2 Summary of method
Test specimens are suspended on non-reactive supports in a non-reactive container with controlled humidity
and elevated temperature (50 °C) for a specified time in a closed system over the flowers of sulfur. Brown or
black tarnish marks or spots indicate porosity. Details of the test procedure can be found in ISO 12687. See
also reference [31] in the Bibliography.
7.12 Hot-water test
7.12.1 Scope
For metallic coatings cathodic to a ferrous substrate: for example, brass, copper, gold, indium, nickel, nickel-
boron, nickel-phosphorus, tin, tin-lead and tin-nickel on iron, NiFeCo alloys or steel substrates; organic films
on steel substrate.
7.12.2 Summary of method
The test specimens are placed in a glass vessel filled with distilled or deionized and aerated water (pH 6,0 to
7,5, conductivity not higher than 0,5 mS/m). Water is heated to 85 °C and the temperature shall be maintained
throughout 60 min (test period). After exposure and drying, black markings or spots and red rust indicate
porosity. Details of the test procedure can be found in ISO 4526. See also references [25 and 30] in the
7.13 Hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide/hydrogen sulfide test
7.13.1 Scope
Variation A. For coatings of less than 5 µm of gold, palladium or rhodium on beryllium-copper, brass, copper,
phosphor-bronze and silver substrates.
Variation B. For coatings of more than 5 µm of gold, palladium, rhodium, tin, tin-lead, or tin-nickel on
beryllium-copper, brass, copper,

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