Water quality - Test for the inhibition of oxygen consumption by activated sludge (ISO 8192:1986)

Wasserbeschaffenheit - Bestimmung der Hemmung des Sauerstoffverbrauchs von Belebtschlamm (ISO 8192:1986)

1.1 Diese Norm beschreibt ein Verfahren zur Abschätzung der Hemmwirkung eines Untersuchungsmaterials auf den Sauerstoffverbrauch von Mikroorganismen im Belebtschlamm. Die Hemmwirkung kann die Wirkung sowohl auf die Atmung als auch auf die Nitrifikation einschließen. 1.2 Mit dem Verfahren werden Informationen über hemmende oder stimulierende Wirkung des Untersuchungsmaterials auf die Mikroorganismen des Belebtschlammes nach kurzer Einwirkungßeit (bis zu 180 min)erhalten.

Qualité de l'eau - Essai d'inhibition de la consommation d'oxygene par des boues activées (ISO 8192:1986)

La CEI 61753-121-3 :2010 spécifie les exigences relatives aux essais appliqués aux cordons finis utilisés en tant que cordons de brassage, cordons de zone de travail et cordons d'équipement, en vue d'applications dans un environnement non contrôlé (U) conformément à la CEI 61753-1, là où les connecteurs sont déjà conformes, conjointement avec les exigences de la catégorie U de la CEI 61753-1. Les ensembles sont constitués de câbles à fibres optiques simplex ou duplex munis à chaque extrémité du câble de connecteurs à fibres optiques unimodales polies sans angle (PC) ou à angle (APC), comportant des férules cylindriques. La longueur d'onde de fonctionnement est comprise entre 1 260 nm et 1 625 nm.

Kakovost vode - Preskus zaviranja porabe kisika z aktivnim blatom (ISO 8192:1986)

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EN ISO 8192:1997
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SIST EN ISO 8192:1997
Kakovost vode - Preskus zaviranja porabe kisika z aktivnim blatom (ISO
Water quality - Test for the inhibition of oxygen consumption by activated sludge (ISO
Wasserbeschaffenheit - Bestimmung der Hemmung des Sauerstoffverbrauchs von
Belebtschlamm (ISO 8192:1986)
Qualité de l'eau - Essai d'inhibition de la consommation d'oxygene par des boues
activées (ISO 8192:1986)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 8192:1995
13.060.70 Preiskava bioloških lastnosti Examination of biological
vode properties of water
SIST EN ISO 8192:1997 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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International Standard
Water quality - Test for inhibition of Oxygen
consumption by activated sludge
Qual.&! de l’eau - Essai d’inhibition de Ia consommation d’oxyg&ne par des boues activbes
First edition - 1986-07-15
UDC 614.777
Ref. No. ISO 8192-1986 (E)
Descriptors : water, quality, sewage treatment sludges, tests,
determination, inhibition, consumption, Oxygen, apparatus.
Price based on 9 pages

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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 8192 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 147,
Wa ter quality.
Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time
and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its
latest edition, unless otherwise stated.
0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1986
Printed in Switzerland

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Test for inhibition of Oxygen
Water quality -
consumption by activated sludge
WARNING AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - Activated sludge and sewage may contain potentially pathogenic
organisms. Therefore appropriate precautions should be taken when handling them.
Toxic test materials and those whose properties are unknown should be handled with care.
0 Introduction NOTES
1 Results with volatile material should be interpreted with caution and
This International Standard specifies a method for assessing
are likely to underestimate any inhibitory effects because of the difficul-
the potential toxicity of substances, mixtures or waste water to
ty of maintaining the initial concentration.
activated sludge. Information generated by this method may be
2 Results with insoluble materials should similarly be treated with
helpful in estimating the effect of a test material on mixed
caution and cannot be easily quantified; again, inhibitory effects may
bacterial communities in the aquatic environment especially in
be underestimated if the solubility of the compound in the test medium
aerobic biological treatment Systems.
The annex forms an integral part of the Standard.
1.4 The results from this test should be considered only as a
guide to the likely toxicity of the test material, since sludges of
different sources may differ in bacterial composition and con-
centration. Also, laboratory tests cannot truly simulate en-
vironmental conditions. For example no account is taken of
1 Scope and field of application
longer-term adaptation of the activated sludge micro-
organisms to the test material, or of materials which may ad-
1.1 This International Standard specifies a method for sorb on to the sludge and build up to a toxic concentration over
assessing the inhibitory effect of a test material on the Oxygen a longer period of time than that allowed in the test.
consumption of activated sludge micro-organisms. The in-
hibitory effect may include the effect on respiration and
2 Definitions
For the purpose of this International Standard, the following
1.2 This method gives information on inhibitory or
definitions apply.
stimulatory effects after a short exposure (up to 180 min) of the
test material on activated sludge micro-organisms.
2.1 activated sludge : Accumulated biological mass (floc)
produced in the treatment of waste water by the growth of
1.3 This method is applicable to Chemical substances which
bacteria and other micro-organisms in the presence of dis-
are soluble under the conditions of the test. Special care has to
solved Oxygen. (Definition taken from ISO 6107/1.)
be taken with those materials of low water solubility and with
materials which consume or produce Oxygen physico-
2.2 suspended solids: Solids removed from activated
sludge by filtration or centrifuging and dried at about 100 OC to
a constant mass.
Two examples of the application are given in the annex.
Method A is intended to represent the conditions in sur-face
waters, while method B is intended to represent the conditions Determined as dry mass per unit volume, this quantity is ex-
pressed in grams per litre or milligrams per litre.
in biological waste water treatment plants. Results obtained by
these two approaches may be different. lt is essential that the
test report identifies which method was selected.
2.3 Oxygen consumption rate: Uptake of Oxygen by ac-
tivated sludge micro-organisms per unit volume of sludge, in
For volatile materials only the first example may be applicable.
unit time.
This method tan also be used to test waste waters.
This quantity is expressed in milligrams per litre per hour.

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ISO 8192-1986 US
The pH of this Solution shall be 7,5 zt: 0,5.
2.4 specific Oxygen consumption rate: Uptake of Oxygen
by activated sludge micro-organisms per unit mass of micro-
organisms (suspended solid& in unit time.
If the prepared medium is not used immediately, it shall be
stored in the dark at 0 to 4 OC, for no longer than 1 week, in
This quantity is expressed in milligrams per gram per hour.
conditions which do not produce any Change in its compo-
25 inhibition of Oxygen consumption: Decrease of the
Oxygen consumption rate of an activated sludge in the
NOTE - Alternatively, sterilize the medium Prior to storage, or add the
presence of the test material, compared with that of a similar
peptone and meat extract shortly before carrying out the test. Before
mixture without test material.
use, ensure the medium is mixed thoroughly and adjust the pH as
This quantity is expressed as a percentage.
The range of concentration of a test
2.6 toxic range:
4.3 Test material, stock Solution.
material over which 0 to 100 % inhibition occurs.
The test material may be pure chemicals, mixtures of
2.7 EC 50: Effective concentration of the test material giving
chemicals, Chemical products, or waste waters.
a calculated or interpolated inhibition of Oxygen consumption
of 50 % compared with a blank control.
Prepare a stock Solution of the test material in water at a
suitable concentration, for example 1 g/l or 10 g/l. Waste
water may be used without dilution.
3 Principle
For insoluble materials a Suspension or dispersion may be
Activated sludge in the presence of a suitable, easily
prepared or the test material may be added directly to the test
biodegradable Substrate will consume Oxygen rapidly at a rate
vessel. Take care to ensure as much homogeneity as possible.
depending on, among other factors, the concentration of
micro-organisms. Addition of a toxic concentration of a test
material tan result in a decrease in the Oxygen consumption
4.4 Reference substance, stock Solution.
rate. The rates are measured using an Oxygen electrode. The
percentage inhibition of the Oxygen consumption is estimated
Dissolve a suitable quantity of the reference substance in
by comparison with a control mixture containing no test
water. 1 g of 3,5-dichlorophenol in 1 000 mf of water has been
found to be suitable.
The sensitivity of the activated sludge tan be checked with a
suitable reference substance. Any abiotic Oxygen consumption
4.5 lsotonic Solution (sec table 2).
due to physico-Chemical processes tan also be detected.
Table 2 - Isotonic Solution
4 Medium and reagents
Constituent 1 Quantity 1
4.1 General
Sodium chloride ( NaCI)
Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate (MgSO4 = 7H20)
The Chemical products used for the preparation of the medium
and the reagents shall be of recognized analytical grade.
The water used shall be distilled or deionized water, free from
substances that might inhibit the growth of micro-organisms
5 Inoculum
under the test conditions.
Measurements of pH shall be made using a pH meter,
For general use, activated sludge should be taken from the
measurements being referred to the temperature of test.
aeration tank of a waste water plant treating predominantly
domestic sewage and working normally. Depending on the pur-
4.2 Synthetic medium, stock Solution (see table 1).
pose of the test, any type of activated sludge at a suitable con-
centration, for example 2 to 4 g/l, tan also be used. However,
Table 1 - Synthetic medium
activated sludges from different treatment plants may have dif-
(IOO-fold OECD synthetic sewage)
ferent characteristics and sensitivities.
Where possible, aerate the activated sludge and use it within
16 g
24 h of collection. If this is not possible, feed it daily with an ap-
Meat extract
11 9
propriate Substrate, for example a synthetic medium (sec 4.2).
Sodium chloride (NaCI)
017 g
Calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl2 . 2H20) Where necessary, remove coarse particles by settling for a
0,4 g
Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate (MgS04 . 7H20) 02 9
short period, for example 15 min, and decanting the upper
Dipotassium hydrogen Phosphate (K,HPOa)
23 g
layer of finer solids for use. Alternatively, the sludge may be
1000 ml
mixed using a blender for a few seconds.

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ISO 8192-1986 (E)
7.3 Reference mixtures
If inhibitory material is thought to be present, the sludge may
be washed as follows: first centrifuge the sludge for about
10 min at approximately 10 000 m/s* and discard the super-
Prepare mixtures, F,, wi th a suitable reference compound in
natant. Resuspend the sludge in chlorine-free tap water or an
the same way if required
(sec 7.7).
isotonic washing Solution (4.5), remove this by recentrifuging
and then repeat if necessary the washing and centrifuging pro-
7.4 Blank control
cess. Determine the dry mass of a Sample of the sludge. Finally
resuspend the sludge in chlorine-free tap water or the isotonic
At least one blank control, F,, shall be prepared which contains
Solution to obtain a suitable concentration of activated sludge,
an equal volume of activated sludge and synthetic medium as
for example about 3 g/l suspended solids.
the test mixture but no test material. Dilute with water to the
same volume as the test mixtures.
In all cases the origin, the concentratio n and pretreatme nt
of the activated sludg e sh all be stated in the test
7.5 Physico-Chemical test
If required, prepare mixtures, F,c, to measure the physico-
6 Apparatus
Chemical Oxygen consumption. They contain test material, syn-
thetic medium and water as the test mixtures, but no activated
Usual laboratory equipment, and sludge. If required, add an inhibitor such as mercury chloride to
prevent a biological Oxygen consumption.
6.1 Test vessels, such as 300 ml BOD bottles or Erlenmeyer
7.6 Preliminary test
flasks with Stoppers (see clause A.l) or 1 000 ml beakers (see
clause A.2). To measure the Oxygen concentration in a BOD
bottle a suitable pre-bored stopper as an adapter for the Oxygen
To estimate the range of concentrations needed in a definitive
electrode is required. To avoid loss of displaced liquid on inser-
test for determining the inhibition of Oxygen consumption, a
tion of the Oxygen electrode, first insert a funnel or glass tube
preliminary test is useful.
through the stopper.
Carry out the test using at least three concentrations of test
material, for example 1; 10; and 100 mg/l, a blank control and,
6.2 Device for measuring Oxygen: a suitable Oxygen elec-
if necessary, a physico-Chemical control with the highest con-
trode and a recorder (see ISO 5814, VlMer quality - Deter-
centration of test material. If possible the lowest concentration
mination of dissolved Oxygen - Electrochemical probe
of test material used shall have no effect on the Oxygen
63 . Magnetit stirrers.
7.7 Definitive test
6.4 Aeration device. If necessary, pass air through an ap- Carry out the test using a

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