SIST ISO 28560-2:2024
(Main)Information and documentation — RFID in libraries — Part 2: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962
Information and documentation — RFID in libraries — Part 2: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962
This document specifies a data model and encoding rules for the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags for items appropriate for the needs of all types of libraries (including national, academic, public, corporate, special, and school libraries). The rules for encoding a subset of data elements taken from the total set of data elements defined in ISO 28560-1 are based on ISO/IEC 15962, which uses an object identifier structure to identify data elements.
This document defines the technical characteristics required to encode the data elements defined in ISO 28560-1 in accordance with ISO/IEC 15962. These subsets of data elements can be different on different items in the same library. The encoding rules also enable the optional data to be organized on the RFID tag in any sequence. In addition, the encoding rules provide for flexible encoding of variable length and variable format data.
This document provides essential standards-based information about RFID in libraries. A source of additional information about implementation issues is provided in Annex A.
Information et documentation — RFID dans les bibliothèques — Partie 2: Encodage des éléments de données RFID fondé sur les règles de l'ISO/CEI 15962
Informatika in dokumentacija - RFID v knjižnicah - 2. del: Kodiranje podatkovnih elementov RFID po pravilih iz ISO/IEC 15962
Ta dokument določa podatkovni model in pravila kodiranja za uporabo oznak za radiofrekvenčno identifikacijo (RFID) za elemente, primerne za potrebe vseh vrst knjižnic (vključno z nacionalnimi, akademskimi, javnimi, poslovnimi, posebnimi in šolskimi knjižnicami). Pravila za kodiranje podniza podatkovnih elementov, izvzetih iz celotnega niza podatkovnih elementov iz standarda ISO 28560-1, temeljijo na standardu ISO/IEC 15962, ki uporablja strukturo identifikatorja objekta za določitev podatkovnih elementov.
Ta dokument določa tehnične značilnosti, zahtevane za kodiranje podatkovnih elementov, opredeljenih v standardu ISO 28560-1, v skladu s standardom ISO/IEC 15962. Ti podnizi podatkovnih elementov se lahko za različne elemente v isti knjižnici razlikujejo. Pravila kodiranja omogočajo tudi ureditev poljubnih podatkov na oznaki RFID v poljubnem zaporedju. Poleg tega pravila kodiranja omogočajo prilagodljivo kodiranje podatkov različne dolžine in različnih oblik zapisa.
Ta dokument podaja osnovne informacije na osnovi standardov o radiofrekvenčni identifikaciji v knjižnicah. Vir dodatnih informacij o vprašanjih glede izvajanja je podan v dodatku A.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
SIST ISO 28560-2:2019
Informatika in dokumentacija - RFID v knjižnicah - 2. del: Kodiranje podatkovnih
elementov RFID po pravilih iz ISO/IEC 15962
Information and documentation — RFID in libraries — Part 2: Encoding of RFID data
elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962
Information et documentation — RFID dans les bibliothèques — Partie 2: Encodage des
éléments de données RFID fondé sur les règles de l'ISO/CEI 15962
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 28560-2:2023
35.040.50 Tehnike za samodejno Automatic identification and
razpoznavanje in zajem data capture techniques
35.240.30 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in information,
informatiki, dokumentiranju in documentation and
založništvu publishing
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
STANDARD 28560-2
Fourth edition
Information and documentation —
RFID in libraries —
Part 2:
Encoding of RFID data elements based
on rules from ISO/IEC 15962
Information et documentation — RFID dans les bibliothèques —
Partie 2: Encodage des éléments de données RFID fondé sur les règles
de l'ISO/CEI 15962
Reference number
© ISO 2023
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Applicability and relationship with other systems . 3
5 Requirements . 5
5.1 Data elements . 5
5.2 RFID air interface . 6
5.2.1 General . 6
5.2.2 Air interface conformance . 6
5.2.3 Tag performance . 6
5.3 Data protocol . 6
5.4 RFID readers . 6
6 Data elements . 6
6.1 General . 6
6.2 Primary item identifier . 8
6.3 Content parameter . 8
6.4 Owner institution (ISIL) . 9
6.5 Set information. 9
6.6 Type of usage . 10
6.7 Shelf location . 10
6.8 ONIX media format . 10
6.9 MARC media format . 10
6.10 Supplier identifier . 10
6.11 Order number . 10
6.12 ILL borrowing institution . 10
6.13 ILL transaction number . 10
6.14 GS1 product identifier . 10
6.15 Alternative unique item identifier . 11
6.16 Local data . 11
6.17 Title . 11
6.18 Product identifier (local) . .12
6.19 Media format (other) . 12
6.20 Supply chain stage .12
6.21 Supplier invoice number .12
6.22 Alternative item identifier .12
6.23 Alternative owner institution .12
6.24 Subsidiary of an owner institution .12
6.25 Alternative ILL borrowing institution . 13
6.26 Other reserved data elements . 13
7 Data encoding . .13
7.1 Data protocol overview .13
7.2 Data constructs . 13
7.2.1 General .13
7.2.2 AFI . 13
7.2.3 Data format . 14
7.2.4 Object identifier for library applications . 14
7.2.5 Object identifier for the primary item identifier . 14
7.2.6 DSFID and access method . 14
7.3 ISO/IEC 15961-1 commands and responses . 15
7.4 ISO/IEC 15962 encoding rules .15
7.4.1 General .15
7.4.2 Logical memory . 16
7.4.3 Configuration of the RFID tag . 17
7.4.4 Data compaction . 17
7.4.5 Creating the encoded data set(s) . 18
8 RFID tag requirements .20
8.1 Air interface protocol . 20
8.1.1 General .20
8.1.2 Declaring memory parameters . 21
8.1.3 AFI memory . 21
8.1.4 DSFID memory . 21
8.1.5 Required air interface commands . 21
8.2 Bit and byte sequence.
STANDARD 28560-2
Fourth edition
Information and documentation —
RFID in libraries —
Part 2:
Encoding of RFID data elements based
on rules from ISO/IEC 15962
Information et documentation — RFID dans les bibliothèques —
Partie 2: Encodage des éléments de données RFID fondé sur les règles
de l'ISO/CEI 15962
Reference number
© ISO 2023
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Applicability and relationship with other systems . 3
5 Requirements . 5
5.1 Data elements . 5
5.2 RFID air interface . 6
5.2.1 General . 6
5.2.2 Air interface conformance . 6
5.2.3 Tag performance . 6
5.3 Data protocol . 6
5.4 RFID readers . 6
6 Data elements . 6
6.1 General . 6
6.2 Primary item identifier . 8
6.3 Content parameter . 8
6.4 Owner institution (ISIL) . 9
6.5 Set information. 9
6.6 Type of usage . 10
6.7 Shelf location . 10
6.8 ONIX media format . 10
6.9 MARC media format . 10
6.10 Supplier identifier . 10
6.11 Order number . 10
6.12 ILL borrowing institution . 10
6.13 ILL transaction number . 10
6.14 GS1 product identifier . 10
6.15 Alternative unique item identifier . 11
6.16 Local data . 11
6.17 Title . 11
6.18 Product identifier (local) . .12
6.19 Media format (other) . 12
6.20 Supply chain stage .12
6.21 Supplier invoice number .12
6.22 Alternative item identifier .12
6.23 Alternative owner institution .12
6.24 Subsidiary of an owner institution .12
6.25 Alternative ILL borrowing institution . 13
6.26 Other reserved data elements . 13
7 Data encoding . .13
7.1 Data protocol overview .13
7.2 Data constructs . 13
7.2.1 General .13
7.2.2 AFI . 13
7.2.3 Data format . 14
7.2.4 Object identifier for library applications . 14
7.2.5 Object identifier for the primary item identifier . 14
7.2.6 DSFID and access method . 14
7.3 ISO/IEC 15961-1 commands and responses . 15
7.4 ISO/IEC 15962 encoding rules .15
7.4.1 General .15
7.4.2 Logical memory . 16
7.4.3 Configuration of the RFID tag . 17
7.4.4 Data compaction . 17
7.4.5 Creating the encoded data set(s) . 18
8 RFID tag requirements .20
8.1 Air interface protocol . 20
8.1.1 General .20
8.1.2 Declaring memory parameters . 21
8.1.3 AFI memory . 21
8.1.4 DSFID memory . 21
8.1.5 Required air interface commands . 21
8.2 Bit and byte sequence. 22
8.3 Air interface conformance . 24
8.4 Performance . 24
9 Data integrity, security and privacy issues .24
9.1 Data integrity . 24
9.2 Item security . 24
9.2.1 General .
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