Surface dressing - Test methods - Part 1: Rate of spread and accuracy of spread of binder and chippings

This document specifies test methods for determining the rates of spread and accuracy of spread of binder and chippings of a surface dressing on a section of road at a given time.
NOTE This test method can also be used for determining the rate of spread and accuracy of spread of sprayed bituminous emulsions, e.g. when used as bond coats or asphalt preservation systems. The performance categories for binder rate of spread and accuracy of spread in EN 12271 do not apply to bond coats and tack coats.
The test methods are used on site to check the ability of binder sprayers and chipping spreaders to meet the intended rates of spread and tolerances and coefficients of variation.
The test methods can be used to fulfil the Factory Production Control requirements:
-   equipment calibration (EN 12271:2006, Annex B - Table B.2); and
-   production inspection (EN 12271:2006, Annex B - Table B.6).
The calibration of binder and chipping spreaders requires strict application of the procedures described in this document.
Using these methods for inspections during production (FPC) allows certain changes to these methods due to the specificity of certain sites and materials used (e.g. combined chipping-binder spreaders). In this case, the changes are documented in the Factory Production Control and identified in the test reports.
Other test methods used to check the rate of spread and accuracy of spread of binder, such as the static spray bar bench test for sprayers, are not covered by this document, although the test methods in this document can be used for this purpose.

Oberflächenbehandlung - Prüfverfahren - Teil 1: Dosierung und Querverteilung von Bindemitteln und Splitt

Dieses Dokument legt Prüfverfahren für die Bestimmung der Dosierung und Genauigkeit der Verteilung von Bindemitteln und Splitt bei einer Oberflächenbehandlung zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt und in einem bestimmten Abschnitt einer Straßenoberfläche fest.
ANMERKUNG   Dieses Prüfverfahren kann auch für die Bestimmung der Dosierung und Querverteilung von zum Beispiel als Haftvermittler oder Asphaltschutzsystem aufgespritzten Bitumenemulsionen verwendet werden. Die Produktleistungskategorien für die Dosierung und Querverteilung des Bindemittels in EN 12271 gelten nicht für Haftvermittler und Bindeschichten.
Die Prüfungen werden auf Baustellen benutzt, um zu überprüfen, ob die Bindemittel- und Splittverteiler die angegebenen Dosierungen und Variationskoeffizienten der Querverteilung einhalten.
Die Prüfverfahren können verwendet werden, um die Anforderungen an die werkseigene Produktionskontrolle (WPK) zu erfüllen:
-   Kalibrierung der Ausrüstung (EN 12271:2006, Anhang B - Tabelle B.2); und
-   Produktionsüberwachung (EN 12271:2006, Anhang B - Tabelle B.6).
Die Kalibrierung von Bindemittel- und Splittverteilern erfordert eine strikte Anwendung der in diesem Dokument beschriebenen Verfahren.
Bei der Anwendung dieser Verfahren für Inspektionen während der Produktion (WPK) sind bestimmte Änderungen der Verfahren aufgrund lokaler Besonderheiten und aufgrund der Eigenschaften der verwendeten Ausrüstung (zum Beispiel kombinierte Splitt-Bindemittelverteiler) zulässig. In diesem Fall werden die Änderungen bei der werkseigenen Produktionskontrolle dokumentiert und in den Prüfberichten angegeben.
Andere Prüfverfahren für die Überprüfung der Dosierung und Querverteilung des Bindemittels wie die Prüfung mit der statischen Spritzbalkenbank für Verteiler werden in diesem Dokument nicht behandelt, obwohl die in diesem Dokument beschriebenen Prüfverfahren für diesen Zweck angewendet werden können.

Enduits superficiels d'usure - Méthode d'essai - Partie 1: Taux d'épandage et régularité transversale du liant et des gravillons

Le présent document spécifie les méthodes d'essai à employer pour la détermination des taux d'épandage et de la régularité transversale du liant et des gravillons d'un enduit superficiel d'usure sur une section de route à un instant donné.
NOTE Cette méthode d’essai peut également être utilisée pour déterminer le taux d’épandage et la régularité transversale des émulsions bitumineuses répandues, par exemple lorsqu’elles sont utilisées comme enduits de scellement ou dispositifs d’étanchéité. Les catégories de performance pour le taux d’épandage et la régularité transversale des liants dans la norme EN 12271 ne s’appliquent pas aux enduits de scellement et aux couches d’accrochage.
Les méthodes d'essai sont utilisées sur site pour contrôler la capacité des répandeuses de liant et des gravilonneurs à respecter les taux d'épandage, tolérances et coefficients de variation prescrits.
Les méthodes d’essai peuvent être utilisées pour satisfaire aux exigences du Système de Maitrise de la Production
- étalonnage de l’atelier (EN 12271:2006, annexe B - tableau B.2); et
- inspection en cours de chantier (EN 12271:2006, annexe B - tableau B.6).-
L’étalonnage des répandeuses de liant et des gravillonneurs nécessite une application stricte des procédures décrites dans le présent document.
L’utilisation de ces méthodes pour les inspections en cours de mise en oeuvre (SMP) conduit à certaines adaptations en raison de la spécificité de certains chantiers et matériels utilisés (p. ex., Répandeur Gravillonneur Synchrone). Dans ce cas, les modifications sont documentées dans le Système de Maitrise de Production et identifiées dans les rapports d’essai.
D’autres méthodes d’essai utilisées pour vérifier le taux d’épandage et la régularité transversale du liant, comme la methode d’essai sur banc à poste fixe, ne sont pas couvertes par le présent document, bien que les méthodes d’essai qui y figurent puissent être utilisées à cette fin.

Površinske prevleke - Preskusne metode - 1. del: Količina pobrizga veziva in posipa drobirja

General Information

Not Published
Public Enquiry End Date
Technical Committee
Current Stage
98 - Abandoned project (Adopted Project)
Start Date
Due Date
Completion Date


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prEN 12272-1:2021 - BARVE
English language
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Standards Content (Sample)

Površinske prevleke - Preskusne metode - 1. del: Količina pobrizga veziva in
posipa drobirja
Surface dressing - Test methods - Part 1: Rate of spread and accuracy of spread of
binder and chippings
Oberflächenbehandlung - Prüfverfahren - Teil 1: Dosierung und Querverteilung von
Bindemitteln und Splitt
Enduits superficiels d'usure - Méthode d'essai - Partie 1: Taux d'épandage et régularité
transversale du liant et des gravillons
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 12272-1
93.080.20 Materiali za gradnjo cest Road construction materials
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

July 2021
ICS 93.080.20 Will supersede EN 12272-1:2002
English Version
Surface dressing - Test methods - Part 1: Rate of spread
and accuracy of spread of binder and chippings
Enduits superficiels d'usure - Méthode d'essai - Partie Oberflächenbehandlung - Prüfverfahren - Teil 1:
1: Taux d'épandage et régularité transversale du liant Dosierung und Querverteilung von Bindemitteln und
et des gravillons Splitt
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 227.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2021 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 12272-1:2021 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms and definitions . 4
4 Determination of the rate of spread of binder . 5
4.1 Principle . 5
4.2 Apparatus . 5
4.3 Procedure . 6
4.4 Expression of results . 8
4.5 Test report . 9
5 Determination of the accuracy of spread of binder . 9
5.1 Principle . 9
5.2 Apparatus . 10
5.3 Procedure . 10
5.4 Expression of results . 10
5.5 Test report . 12
6 Determination of the rate of spread of chippings . 13
6.1 Principle . 13
6.2 Apparatus . 13
6.3 Procedure . 14
6.4 Expression of results . 15
6.5 Proportional range calculation . 17
6.6 Test report . 18
7 Determination of the accuracy of spread of chippings . 18
7.1 Principle . 18
7.2 Apparatus . 18
7.3 Procedure . 19
7.4 Expression of results . 20
7.5 Test report . 21
Annex A (informative) Determination of the “shoulder to shoulder” rate of spread of
chippings . 22
Annex B (informative) Example of equipment used in the determination of the accuracy of spread
of binder test . 23
Annex C (informative) Determination of the accuracy of spread of binder . 29
Annex D (informative) The picking frame, used in the determination of the accuracy of spread of
chipping test . 31
Bibliography . 33

European foreword
This document (prEN 12272-1:2021) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 227 “Road
materials”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede EN 12272-1:2002.
This document is one of a series of standards as listed below:
— EN 12272-1, Surface dressing – Test methods – Part 1: Rate of spread and accuracy of spread of binder
and chippings
— EN 12272-2, Surface dressing – Test methods – Part 2: Visual assessment of defects
— EN 12272-3, Surface dressing – Test methods – Part 3: Determination of binder aggregate adhesivity
by the Vialit plate shock test method
In this document, the Annexes A, B and C are informative.
1 Scope
This document specifies test methods for determining the rates of spread and accuracy of spread of
binder and chippings of a surface dressing on a section of road at a given time.
NOTE This test method can also be used for determining the rate of spread and accuracy of spread of sprayed
bituminous emulsions, e.g. when used as bond coats or asphalt preservation systems. The performance categories
for binder rate of spread and accuracy of spread in EN 12271 do not apply to bond coats and tack coats.
The test methods are used on site to check the ability of binder sprayers and chipping spreaders to meet
the intended rates of spread and tolerances and coefficients of variation.
The test methods can be used to fulfil the Factory Production Control requirements:
— equipment calibration (EN 12271:2006, Annex B – Table B.2); and
— production inspection (EN 12271:2006, Annex B – Table B.6).
The calibration of binder and chipping spreaders requires strict application of the procedures described
in this document.
Using these methods for inspections during production (FPC) allows certain changes to these methods
due to the specificity of certain sites and materials used (e.g. combined chipping-binder spreaders). In
this case, the changes are documented in the Factory Production Control and identified in the test reports.
Other test methods used to check the rate of spread and accuracy of spread of binder, such as the static
spray bar bench test for sprayers, are not covered by this document, although the test methods in this
document can be used for this purpose.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
surface dressing
surface treatment consisting of the successive laying of at least one layer of binder and at least one layer
of chippings
coarse aggregate within a narrow grading range, practically free of fines
Note 1 to entry: Chippings can have specified values for strength, soundness, shape, polishing resistance, resistance
to abrasion, purity, durability and affinity to bituminous binder. Chippings should be washed to achieve the required
fines content.
rate of spread of binder
2 2
average mass of binder in kilograms per square metre (kg/m ), or average volume of binder in L/m
applied to the road surface when measured in accordance with this document
rate of spread of chippings
2 2
average bulk volume in litres per square metre (L/m ) or, mass in kilograms per square metre (kg/m )
applied to the road surface, when measured in accordance with this document
proportional range
difference between the maximum and minimum individual values of rates of spread of binder or
chippings determined divided by the mean value, using the test methods in this document
accuracy of spread of binder
coefficient of variation of the mass of binder applied to the road surface when measured in accordance
with this document
Note 1 to entry: The value and graph indicate the ability of the sprayer to apply binder evenly across the road.
accuracy of spread of chippings
coefficient of variation of the mass of chippings applied to the road surface when measured in accordance
with this document
Note 1 to entry: The value and graph indicate the ability of the chipping spreader to apply the chippings evenly
across the road.
4 Determination of the rate of spread of binder
4.1 Principle
Samples of the binder sprayed by the binder sprayer are collected to determine the average rate of
spread. The minimum total test area shall be 0,5 m with the collectors where possible spaced evenly
across the full width of the road to be sprayed.
4.2 Apparatus
4.2.1 Collectors
Collectors shall be of material sufficiently robust to resist deformation in use and be capable of retaining
100 % applied binder.
The sprayer shall achieve a consistent operation before the test commences.
4.2.2 Portable balance
Portable balance, readable to 1 g and of sufficient capacity to weigh one tray with 1,5 × the maximum rate
of spread of binder.
4.2.3 Plastic bags
Plastic bags or similar, if used, shall be lightweight and capable of containing the binder and collector for
weighing without any loss by leakage or evaporation.
4.2.4 Tape
Adhesive tape, if used, to ho

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