Product standard covering luminous signs with discharge lamps and/or LED (light emitting diodes) and/or EL (electroluminescent) lightsources with a nominal voltage not exceeding 1000 V, with the exclusion of general lighting, traffic- or emergency related purpose

A luminous sign, light-artwork or architectural accent lighting (finished functional sign, abbreviated: sign) shall comply with this product standard.
The finished functional sign as a product fulfilling its intended purpose as luminous sign can be achieved by combining products with similar purpose through installation (according to HD 384/HD 60364 series) in order to yield a new product by itself.
NOTE 1: The scope of this product standard is specified by the areas C,D and E in the figure of Annex A.
NOTE 2: Even if the physical execution of a particular luminous sign might qualify the luminous sign to meet the requirements of a luminaire according to EN 60598, the exclusion of general lighting, traffic and emergency related purpose is intended to avoid the requirements of EN 60598 which are impracticable and/or impossible to fulfil for most luminous signs. To cover the special safety problems related with luminous signs, the present product standard is intended.

Produktnorm für Lichtwerbeanlagen mit Entladungslampen und/oder LED- (lichtemittierende Dioden) und/oder EL- (elektrolumineszierende) Lichtquellen mit einer Nennspannung bis einschließlich 1 000 V, ausgenommen Allgemeinbeleuchtung, Verkehrs- oder Notbeleuchtung

Norme de produit couvrant les enseignes lumineuses avec des lampes à décharge et/ou à LED (diodes électroluminescentes) et/ou les sources lumineuses électroluminescentes (EL) avec une tension nominale ne dépassant pas 1000 V, à l'exclusion de l'éclairage général ainsi que des enseignes relatives à la circulation routière et aux situations d'urgence

Standard za proizvod, ki zajema svetlobne znake z razelektritvenimi sijalkami in/ali diodami LED (svetlečimi diodami) in/ali EL (elektroluminescenčnimi) svetlobnimi viri z nazivno napetostjo, ki ne presega 1000 V, razen splošne, cestne ali zasilne razsvetljave - Popravek AC

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EN 50107-3:2018/AC:2019
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Produktnorm für Lichtwerbeanlagen mit Entladungslampen und/oder LED- (lichtemittierende Dioden) und/oder EL- (elektrolumineszierende) Lichtquellen mit einer Nennspannung bis einschließlich 1 000 V, ausgenommen Allgemeinbeleuchtung, Verkehrs- oder NotbeleuchtungNorme de produit couvrant les enseignes lumineuses avec des lampes à décharge et/ou à LED (diodes électroluminescentes) et/ou les sources lumineuses électroluminescentes (EL) avec une tension nominale ne dépassant pas 1000 V, à l'exclusion de l'éclairage général ainsi que des enseignes relatives à la circulation routière et aux situations d'urgenceProduct standard covering luminous signs with discharge lamps and/or LED (light emitting diodes) and/or EL (electroluminescent) lightsources with a nominal voltage not exceeding 1000 V, with the exclusion of general lighting, traffic- or emergency related purpose29.140.30Fluorescent lamps. Discharge lampsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 50107-3:2018/AC:2018-10SIST EN 50107-3:2018/AC:2019en01-januar-2019SIST EN 50107-3:2018/AC:2019SLOVENSKI

SIST EN 50107-3:2018/AC:2019

EN 50107-3:2018/AC:2018-10
Corrigendum to EN 50107-3:2018 English version

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