CEN/TC 371 - Project Committee - Energy Performance of Building project group
CEN/TC 371 ‘Energy performance of buildings’ is concerned with standardization related to the energy performance of buildings (EPB). The TC ensures the development, alignment and maintenance of a coherent set of standards for the determination of the EPB. It does so by (I) developing standards at overarching EPB level and by (II) coordinating the activities of related and specialized TCs that are responsible for the development of EPB standards within their scope, thereby ensuring harmonisation. CEN/TC 371 produced and maintains documents providing guidance and requirements to be met by EPB standards. 1. Developing standards at overarching EPB level The scope of EPB consists of the interrelated energy effects of indoor environmental quality, outdoor climate, thermal properties, heating and cooling systems, domestic hot water, ventilation, lighting, (de)humidification, building automation and control, energy sources and connected energy grid, and related environmental and economic impacts, and not of these topics themselves. CEN/TC 371 focusses on systems’ standards limited to buildings and the direct environment of the building if it effects the energy performance of that building. Product standards and non-EPB parameters are not part of its scope. 2. Coordinating the activities of related and specialized TCs The following specialised TCs are responsible for the development of the specialized standards that together, using a holistic or systematic approach, make up the set of EPB standards. These TCs have the responsibility for subjects on technical issues that belong exclusively to them even if it is an EPB standard. Requirements for indoor environmental quality (IEQ) parameters are fully within the responsibility of the related and specialized CEN/TCs and are not within the scope of this committee. CEN/TC 371 and the TC’s listed below shall refer to each other’s documents to prevent overlap: - CEN/TC 089 ‘Thermal performance of buildings and building com
Project Committee - Energy Performance of Building project group
CEN/TC 371 ‘Energy performance of buildings’ is concerned with standardization related to the energy performance of buildings (EPB). The TC ensures the development, alignment and maintenance of a coherent set of standards for the determination of the EPB. It does so by (I) developing standards at overarching EPB level and by (II) coordinating the activities of related and specialized TCs that are responsible for the development of EPB standards within their scope, thereby ensuring harmonisation. CEN/TC 371 produced and maintains documents providing guidance and requirements to be met by EPB standards. 1. Developing standards at overarching EPB level The scope of EPB consists of the interrelated energy effects of indoor environmental quality, outdoor climate, thermal properties, heating and cooling systems, domestic hot water, ventilation, lighting, (de)humidification, building automation and control, energy sources and connected energy grid, and related environmental and economic impacts, and not of these topics themselves. CEN/TC 371 focusses on systems’ standards limited to buildings and the direct environment of the building if it effects the energy performance of that building. Product standards and non-EPB parameters are not part of its scope. 2. Coordinating the activities of related and specialized TCs The following specialised TCs are responsible for the development of the specialized standards that together, using a holistic or systematic approach, make up the set of EPB standards. These TCs have the responsibility for subjects on technical issues that belong exclusively to them even if it is an EPB standard. Requirements for indoor environmental quality (IEQ) parameters are fully within the responsibility of the related and specialized CEN/TCs and are not within the scope of this committee. CEN/TC 371 and the TC’s listed below shall refer to each other’s documents to prevent overlap: - CEN/TC 089 ‘Thermal performance of buildings and building com
General Information
This document describes the detailed technical rules to be followed in the development and maintenance of standards intended to support the assessment of the overall energy performance of a building (EPB) using a holistic approach.
This document supports the development and maintenance of a set of EPB standards that provides a systematic, clear, consistent and comprehensive methodology for the benefit of professionals and government entities. The main application is the assessment of the overall energy performance of a building in the context of building regulations, e.g. to specify EP requirements, EP rating and EP certificates.
The rules cover general and common aspects on the required quality, accuracy, usability, consistency and interoperability of the EPB standards as a set and individually. For that purpose, this document provides guidance on the process, structure and layout of these EPB standards and accompanying publications, complementary to the CEN and ISO internal regulations.
This document is based on the basic principles given in CEN/TS 16628, and is complemented by the overarching EPB standard, EN ISO 52000-1 and supporting documents.
- Technical specification40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document describes the basic principles to be followed in the development and maintenance of standards intended to support the assessment of the overall energy performance of a building (EPB) using a holistic approach.
This document supports the development and maintenance of a set of EPB standards that provides a systematic, clear, consistent and comprehensive methodology for the benefit of professionals and government entities. The main application is the assessment of the overall energy performance of a building in the context of building regulations, e.g. to specify EP requirements, EP rating and EP certificates.
The principles cover general and common aspects on the required quality, accuracy, usability, consistency and interoperability of the EPB standards as a set and individually. For that purpose, this document provides guidance on the process, structure and layout of these EPB standards and accompanying publications, complementary to the CEN and ISO internal regulations.
This document forms the basis for detailed technical rules given in CEN/TS 16629, in the overarching EPB standard, EN ISO 52000-1:2017, and in supporting documents.
- Technical specification32 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Technical specification32 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document provides a transparent framework for reporting on the choices related to the procedure to determine primary energy factors (PEFs) and CO2 emission coefficients for energy delivered to and exported from the buildings as described in EN ISO 52000-1.
This document specifies the choices to be made to calculate the PEF(s) and CO2 emission coefficients related to different energy carriers. PEFs and CO2 emission coefficients for exported energy can be different from those chosen for delivered energy.
This document is primarily intended for supporting and complementing EN ISO 52000-1, as the latter requires values for the PEFs and CO2 emission coefficients to complete the EPB calculation. But it can also be used for other applications.
NOTE The CO2 emission coefficients allow calculating greenhouse gas emissions. According to the choices made, the CO2 emission coefficients represent only CO2 emissions or also other greenhouse gases.
Table 1 shows the position (marked by "X") of this document within the modular structure as set out in EN ISO 52000-1.
The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard may cover more than one module and one module may be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively.
- Standard45 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 52000-1:2017 establishes a systematic, comprehensive and modular structure for assessing the energy performance of new and existing buildings (EPB) in a holistic way.
It is applicable to the assessment of overall energy use of a building, by measurement or calculation, and the calculation of energy performance in terms of primary energy or other energy-related metrics. It takes into account the specific possibilities and limitations for the different applications, such as building design, new buildings 'as built', and existing buildings in the use phase as well as renovation.
NOTE Table 1 in the Introduction shows the relative position of ISO 52000-1:2017 within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in ISO 52000-1:2017.
- Standard141 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TR 52000-2:2017 refers to the overarching EPB-standard, ISO 52000‑1[1].
It contains information to support the correct understanding, use and national implementation of ISO 52000‑1. This includes:
- explanation on the procedures and background information and justification of the choices that have been made;
- reporting on validation of calculation procedures given in the standard;
- explanation for the user and for national standards writers involved with implementation of the set of EPB standards, including detailed examples.
- Technical report193 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification provides guidance in the form of detailed technical rules based on the basic principles, both for the overarching standard and for each standard within the set of EPB-standards.
These detailed technical rules give practical rules on the following subjects for EPB-standards:
- the standardisation process, including collaborations and consultations;
- the application range of the standards;
- common general organisation of each standard and the national implementation;
- the overarching structure for the energy performance assessment;
- common model(s) and editorial rules for each standard;
- common quality aspects for each standard.
- Technical specification38 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification describes the basic principles to be followed in the development of standards intended to support the assessment of the energy performance of buildings using a holistic approach. The main goal is to obtain a set of EPB-standards that are a systematic, clear and comprehensive package for the benefit of professionals and government entities.
This Technical Specification gives general, qualitative guidance on the required quality, accuracy, usability and consistency of EPB-standards in order to provide a balance between:
- the accuracy and level of detail, and
- the simplicity and availability of input data.
Hidden complexities are also taken into account, such as the impact of differences in the overall legal frameworks on the national choices and national input data.
The basic principles are the basis for detailed technical rules and for a common overarching structure for the set of EPB-standards.
The basic principles for EPB-standards cover the following aspects:
- the standardization process, including collaborations and consultations;
- the application range of the standards;
- common general organisation of each standard and the national implementation;
- the overarching structure for the energy performance assessment;
- common model(s) and editorial rules for each standard;
- common quality aspects for each standard.
- Technical specification38 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The purpose of the standard is to:
a) collate results from other standards that calculate energy use for specific services within a building;
b) account for energy generated in the building, some of which may be exported for use elsewhere;
c) present a summary of the overall energy use of the building in tabular form;
d) provide energy ratings based on primary energy, carbon dioxide emission or other parameters defined by national energy policy;
e) establish general principles for the calculation of primary energy factors and carbon emission coefficients.
This standard defines the energy services to be taken into account for setting energy performance ratings for planned and existing buildings, and provides for this:
f) method to compute the standard calculated energy rating, a standard energy use that does not depend on occupant behaviour, actual weather and other actual (environment or indoor) conditions;
g) method to assess the measured energy rating, based on the delivered and exported energy;
h) methodology to improve confidence in the building calculation model by comparison with actual energy use;
i) method to assess the energy effectiveness of possible improvements.
This European standard is applicable to a part of a building (e.g. flat), a whole building, or several buildings.
It is up to national bodies to define under which conditions, for which purposes and for which types of buildings the various ratings apply.
This standard handles the energy performance of a building as a whole. The assessment of the energy performance of specific technical building systems is handled in the appropriate part of EN 15241, prEN 15243 and EN 15316 series.
- Standard62 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day