This document provides a Guide to Intelligent transport system standards deliverables from CEN and ISO, and other associated deliverables from other SDOs, together with hotlinks to their source, and to other relevant and related information and Regulations.

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This document identifies traffic management interfaces between central stations and specifies related ITS communication profiles enabling standardized data exchange over these communication interfaces, applicable for a variety of platforms including ITS station units (ITS-SUs) compliant with ISO 21217:2014. This document further specifies requirements on encoding of data.
These traffic management interfaces enable
-   the provision of appropriate and relevant traffic information, e.g. congestion and travel times, to users across a variety of platforms;
-   exchange of data such as:
-   network performance data, e.g. traffic conditions, travel times, and
-   planned and unplanned events and incidents, e.g.
-   roadworks,
-   closures of roads, bridges, and tunnels,
-   bad weather,
-   road surface conditions.
This document recognizes specifications from DATEX II in order to avoid duplicate specifications. In doing so, this document aligns with existing products of CEN/TC 278/WG 8 and the additional work being undertaken within the DATEX community.

  • Technical specification
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This document constitutes a part of the CEN 16157 DATEX II series of standards and technical specifications. This series specifies and defines component facets supporting the exchange and shared use of data and information in the field of traffic and travel. The component facets include the framework and context for exchanges, the modelling approach, the data content, the data structure and relationships and the communications specification.
Part 9, this document, specifies additional data model structures that are applicable for traffic signal management applications in the urban environment. This part specifies data concepts to support the exchange of traffic signal status messaging, intersection geometry definition and attribution in a consistent way with existing C-ITS standards and technical specifications.
It establishes specifications for data exchange between any two instances of the following actors:
- Traffic Information Centres (TICs),
- Traffic Control Centres (TCCs),
- Service Providers (SPs).
Use of this document may be applicable for use by other actors.

  • Technical specification
    114 pages
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This document constitutes a Part of the CEN 16157 DATEX II series of standards and technical specifications. This series specifies and defines component facets supporting the exchange and shared use of data and information in the field of traffic and travel. The component facets include the framework and context for exchanges, the modelling approach, the data content, the data structure and relationships and the communications specification.
Part 8, this document, specifies additional data model structures that are applicable for traffic management applications in the urban environment. This Part addresses data concepts to support the exchange of Traffic Management Plans, rerouting, extensions of the existing DATEX II core model to better support application to the urban environment.
It establishes specifications for data exchange between any two instances of the following actors:
- Traffic Information Centres (TICs),
- Traffic Control Centres (TCCs),
- Service Providers (SPs).
Use of this document may be applicable for use by other actors.

  • Technical specification
    96 pages
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This TS will focus on the principal aspects of urban ITS where vendor lock-in is a technical and financial problem: primarily centre-tofield communications and traffic management systems. It will cover the following scope:
- Analysis of vendor lock-in challenges, and mitigation and migration options
- Technical options for interworking multiple vendors' products
- Review of principal approaches taken to date to implement these options in comunity frameworks and specifications
- Translation between frameworks/products
- Technical and management protocols to achieve interworking, using product/interface adaptation, translation products, replacement/reengineering, and other migration strategies

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This document will provide a background to the relevance of standards concerning mixed vendor environments in the context of urban-ITS. It will describe key mixed vendor environments interfaces.
It will define:
- Open specifications for sensor systems: existing open specifications and provides common specifications
- Open specifications for traffic control: existing open specifications and provides common specifications
- Open specifications for traffic information: existing open specifications and provides common specifications
- Open specifications for public transport information systems: existing open specifications and provides common specifications
- Open specifications for distributed C-ITS: existing open specifications and provides common specifications
- Open specifications for central systems: existing open specifications and provides common specifications
It will describe openly plied proprietary standards and extant communications protocols that can be used in mixed vendor environments in the context of urban-ITS.

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    103 pages
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This document will provide specifications for a “Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for the introduction and maintenance of a “Mixed Vendor Environment” (MVE) in the domain of urban-ITS. Structured as:
PART I "Context and issues to be addressed"
Describing the context, background, objective of the MVE Guide, and the architectural context.
PART II "Work concepts"
Examines aspects of system design and architecture , and presents the basic knowledge required for the application of Part III.
PART III "Practice"
Provides system design and procurement on three levels against the background of a procedure model.
- user level
- conceptual explanation
- examples.
PART IV "Outlook"
Specifies guidance and requirements for the application of MVE for future business.

  • Technical report
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This document provides information and specifications enabling management of road traffic in controlled zones applying geofencing. Specifically, this document provides
-   a "Controlled Zone Data Dictionary" (CZDD) for management of controlled zones providing an extendible toolkit that regulators can use e.g. to inform potential CZ users, e.g. vehicles, about
   -   the CZ area, i.e. the geographical boundaries of the CZ;
   -   CZ access conditions including exempts;
   -   time windows indicating when these CZ access conditions are applicable, allowing the potential CZ users to select an appropriate routing, either by pre-trip planning or ad hoc re-routing,
   -   and illustrations and guidelines on how to use this toolkit.
The toolkit is designed in compliance with the general ITS station and communications architecture specified in ISO 21217, and optionally applicable C-ITS protocols and procedures, e.g. ISO 22418:2018 [8] on "Service Announcement", EN ISO 18750 on the "Local Dynamic Map", and EN ISO 17419 [5] on globally unique identifiers.
Enforcement is out of scope of this document.

  • Technical specification
    26 pages
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This document provides
• information, guidance and specifications on how
o to set up an air quality and emissions management policy;
o to deploy reliable and scalable technologies to monitor air quality on a continuous or regular basis;
o to react with adequate measures;
o to specify air quality levels for triggering a scenario;
• a toolkit of parameters and data definitions that a regulator can use;
• means to measure the air quality required by relevant EU directives
• to specify use of TS Intelligent transport systems - Urban-ITS - 'Controlled Zone' management using C-ITS, for the purposes of geofenced controlled zones for emissions management
NOTE: In order to maximise European harmonisation, it is recommended that this specification is used in combination with a module of standardised data concepts, however, this version of this document, which is focussed on policies and procedures, does not provide these data concept specifications.

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    57 pages
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This document specifies requirements, recommendations, and permissions related to translations between location referencing methods applicable in the urban transport environment.

  • Technical specification
    44 pages
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This document presents:
-   a concise tutorial on location referencing methods;
-   applicable location referencing specifications, standards and directives;
-   an introduction into challenges given by a multiplicity of different location referencing systems.

  • Technical report
    55 pages
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This document:
-   illustrates quality and performance criteria, and approaches to their evaluation, for the operation of traffic management systems, including factors affecting the effective integration of field and centre systems and services, and
-   specifies a data model for system status and faults of components of traffic management systems.
This document provides supporting information in a use case for the use of the quality and performance criteria, considering design, procurement, and performance management.

  • Technical specification
    67 pages
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The scope of this project is to undertake a pre-study providing stakeholder mapping, framework identification, gap analysis and identification of standards and related actions required to address the urban infrastructure aspects: the provision of
a)   multimodal information services;
b)   traffic management;
c)   urban logistics,
that are required to support the provision of Urban-ITS.
Specifically, the scope of this pre-study is to produce a technical report that will (by December 2015), for each area, specifically address the standardisation requirements to meet the following technical challenges:
-   stakeholder engagement;
-   common/interoperable data;
-   multimodality;
-   creation of (multimodal) transport datasets;
-   multiple means of communication;
-   urban logistics management
-   creation of urban-interurban interfaces;
-   use of open standards, architectures and specifications;
-   enable rather than prescribe or proscribe.
It is the intention that, while the formal deliverable of this pre-study will be a technical report, that the project team will also identify areas for draft ‘New Work Item Proposals’ (and justifications) for work items to fill the identified gaps, where those gaps can be filled by Standards deliverables, and that the pre-study will also consider and make recommendations for any other support measures that are considered important or essential in order for the successful implementation, management and support of Urban-ITS in an environment where this is an administration controlled and led activity and not a community-wide managed or controlled activity.
The pre-study report, in addition to its submission to the European Commission, shall be in a format suitable for adaptation to a European standardisation deliverable on Use Cases addressing the three areas of this request and highlighting their possible interdependencies. Specifically, a gap analysis identifying additional requirements and priorities for:
d)   Architecture: high level proposals outlining the parameters for a European standardisation deliverable for Urban-ITS architecture integrating the three areas of this request and highlighting connexions or interfaces with surrounding ITS applications as well as compatibility or coherence with existing standards, technical specifications, data models.
e)   Multimodal Information Services: Standardisation deliverables in support of new mobility services, such as car sharing, car-pooling, public bike sharing services, park & ride, bike & ride, etc. Alternative fuel infrastructure, including information on location and availability of stations, charging models and capacity at stations, (integrated) payment schemes, etc. A European standardisation deliverable on reference data model, common data dictionary and metadata structure for multimodal information services.
f)   Traffic Management: Standardisation deliverables in support of European standards for: a set of traffic management measures (encompassing the necessary infrastructure / static road data, dynamic road status data, traffic data or traffic control data, weather data), a set of traffic re-routing, traffic prioritisation and access regulation measures including intersections management (supplemented by vehicle identification data). In particular, the different types of road user charging models set up in various cities as well as the modalities of shared use of dedicated lanes by different types of vehicles (e.g. freight, public transport, emergency vehicles) should be considered. European standards or European Standardisation deliverables on reference data model, common data dictionary and metadata structure for traffic management including access regulation.
g)   Urban Logistics (Including parking management): Standardisation deliverables in support of European standards for: Intelligent parking for light vehicles, commercial vehicles and trucks. (...)

  • Technical report
    639 pages
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The proposed Part 13 will specify a DATEX II platform-independent model for expression of intelligent transport system device status and fault data. It will follow the EN 16157-1 methodology and reuse common concepts from EN 16157-2 and EN 16157-7.
It will define a UML model with a corresponding data dictionary and XML Schema.
The model will define a device publication which identifies static data, a device status publication, and a device faults publication.
Devices in scope are any that participate in intelligent transport systems.
This specification may be used in system-to-system exchanges about device status and faults, for example a traffic management system that performs operational control of devices may provide information about the status and faults of those devices to a separate technology status and fault management system.

  • Draft
    66 pages
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The management of electronic transport regulations (METR) provides a means for METR users to obtain trustworthy, authoritative, machine-interpretable, publicly available and transport-related information for the use of the road network, in order to provide safer and more efficient, sustainable, comfortable, and equitable transport services.
The scope of METR includes both rules that are relatively static (e.g. static speed limits) as well as those that are dynamic (e.g. variable speed limits, signalized intersections). Where appropriate, METR incorporates existing documents (e.g. ISO/TS 19091 for signalized intersections).
This document defines terms specific to the ISO 24315 series on the management of electronic transport regulations.

  • Draft
    32 pages
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This document defines new modes in a reference data model, in order to allow integration of these modes into urban multimodal travel services (e.g. trip planning systems).

  • Technical specification
    124 pages
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