Provides the functional requirements for the alarm systems in the main control room of nuclear power plants. Establishes the human factors requirements and the design guidelines for alarm presentation for the main control room of nuclear power plants.

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    53 pages
    English language
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IEC 62566:2012 provides requirements for achieving highly reliable 'HDL-Programmed Devices' (HPD), for use in I&C systems of nuclear power plants performing functions of safety category A as defined by IEC 61226. The programming of HPDs relies on Hardware Description Languages (HDL) and related software tools. They are typically based on blank FPGAs or similar micro-electronic technologies.

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    55 pages
    English language
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Specifies functional analysis and assignment procedures for the design of the control-room system for nuclear power plants and gives rules for developing criteria for the assignment of functions. Supplements IEC 60964. Is applicable to the design of new control-rooms or to backfits to existing control-rooms.

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    23 pages
    English language
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Instrumentation and control (I&C) systems important to safety may be implemented using conventional hard-wired equipment, computer-based (CB) equipment or by using a combination of both types of equipment (see Note 1). IEC 61513:2011 provides requirements and recommendations for the overall I&C architecture which may contain either or both technologies. The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows: - alignment with the latest revisions of IAEA documents; - alignment with new editions of IEC 60880, IEC 61226, IEC 62138, IEC 62340 and IEC 60987; - alignment with significant advances of software engineering techniques; - integration of requirements for staff training.

  • Standard
    102 pages
    English language
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IEC 61772:2009 supplements IEC 60964 and presents design requirements for the application of VDUs in main control rooms of nuclear power plants. Assists the designer in specifying VDU applications including displays on individual workstations and larger displays for group-working or distant viewing. The main technical changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows: - expand the previous text to cover the use of large screen displays, to provide improved recommendations on the use of colour, and to improve the coverage of back-fit or upgrade applications; - present examples of good practice.

  • Standard
    43 pages
    English language
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Lays down principles for testing I&C systems performing category A, B and C functions, per IEC 61226, during normal power operation and shutdown, so as to check the functional availability especially with regard to the detection of faults that could prevent the proper operation of the functions important to safety. Covers the possibility of testing at short intervals or continuous surveillance, as well as periodic testing at longer intervals. It also establishes basic rules for the design and application of the test equipment and its interface with the systems important to safety. The main change with respect to the previous edition includes an extension of the scope to cover all systems important to safety, and a requirement gradation for systems and equipment performing category A, B and C functions.

  • Standard
    27 pages
    English language
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Gives requirements related to the avoidance of CCF of I&C systems that perform category A functions; additionally requires the implementation of independent I&C systems to overcome CCF, while the likelihood of CCF is reduced by strictly applying the overall safety principles of IEC SC 45A (notably IEC 61226, IEC 61513, IEC 60880 and IEC 60709); gives an overview of the complete scope of requirements relevant to CCF.

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    25 pages
    English language
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Provides requirements for the software of computer-based instrumentation and control (I&C) systems of nuclear power plants performing functions of safety category A as defined by IEC 61226. Provides requirements for the purpose of achieving highly reliable software. Addresses each stage of software generation and documentation, including requirements specification, design, implementation, verification, validation and operation.

  • Standard
    112 pages
    English language
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Is applicable to computer-system hardware for systems of Class 1 and 2 (as defined by IEC 61513) in nuclear power plants. This new edition reflects recent developments in computer system hardware design, the use of pre-developed hardware and changes in terminology.

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    40 pages
    English language
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IEC 60965:2009 establishes requirements for the supplementary control points provided to enable the operating staff of nuclear power plants to shut down the reactor and maintain the plant in a safe shut-down state in the event that control of the safety functions can no longer be exercised from the main control room, due to unavailability of the main control room or its facilities. The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows: - to clarify the definitions and review the requirements; - to update the references to new IEC standards published since the first issue; - to align the standard with new editions of the relevant IAEA documents.

  • Standard
    19 pages
    English language
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IEC 61500:2009 establishes requirements for data communication which is used in systems performing category A functions in nuclear power plants. It covers also interface requirements for data communication of equipment performing category A functions with other systems including those performing category B and C functions and functions not important to safety. This second edition is intended to accomplish the following: - to change the focus from multiplexed data transmission to data communication; - to restrict the scope to communication in systems performing category A functions.

  • Standard
    18 pages
    English language
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Defines the technical requirements to be met for I&C systems important to safety and their cables, in order to achieve adequate physical separation between redundant sections of a system and between a system and another system.

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    23 pages
    English language
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IEC 61226:2009 establishes a method of classification of the information and command functions for nuclear power plants, and the instrumentation and control systems and equipment that provide those functions, into categories that designate the importance to safety of the function. The resulting classification then determines relevant design criteria. Is applicable to all the information and command functions and the instrumentation and control systems and equipment that provide those functions. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below: - to introduce a definition for 'non-hazardous stable state'; - to clarify limits of categories; - to clarify requirements related to equipment used for beyond design events.

  • Standard
    37 pages
    English language
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IEC 60964:2009 provides functional design requirements to be used in the design of the main control room of a nuclear power plant to meet operational and safety requirements. Also provides functional interface requirements which relate to control room staffing, operating procedures, and the training programmes which, together with the human-machine interface, constitute the control room system. This new edition takes into account the fact that software engineering techniques advanced significantly in the intervening years and introduces consistency with the latest revisions of relevant IAEA documents.

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    42 pages
    English language
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Provides requirements for the software of computer-based I&C systems performing functions of safety category B or C as defined by IEC 61226. Complements IEC 60880 and IEC 60880-2, which provide requirements for the software of computer-based I&C systems performing functions of safety category A. Is also consistent with, and complementary to, IEC 61513.

  • Standard
    51 pages
    English language
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Is applicable to computer-system hardware for systems of Class 1 and 2 (as defined by IEC 61513) in nuclear power plants. This new edition reflects recent developments in computer system hardware design, the use of pre-developed hardware and changes in terminology.

  • Standard
    34 pages
    English language
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Applies to equipment for the monitoring of radioactive substances within plant process streams of stationary nuclear power plants with light-water reactors during specified normal operation (routine operation) and during anticipated operational occurrences (incidents). Provides criteria for the design, selection, functional location, testing and calibration of stationary radiation equipment to be used for continuous monitoring of plant process streams.

  • Standardization document
    11 pages
    English language
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