This document specifies test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of multipoint data on the following thermal and processing properties of plastics: — enthalpy/temperature curve; — linear-expansion/temperature curve; — melt shear viscosity.

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This document specifies test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of multipoint data which demonstrate the behaviour of plastics under the following environments: — prolonged exposure to heat; — liquid chemicals; — environmental stress cracking under a constant tensile stress; — artificial weathering. The tests are listed in order of increasing severity of the environment. By testing under the least severe environments first, it is possible to make informed judgements regarding whether tests under more severe conditions are worthwhile.

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This document specifies test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of multipoint data on the following mechanical properties of plastics: — dynamic modulus; — tensile properties at constant test speed; — ultimate stress and strain; — tensile stress-strain curves; — tensile creep; — Charpy impact strength; — puncture impact behaviour. The test methods and test conditions apply predominantly to those plastics that can be injection- or compression-moulded or prepared as sheets of specified thickness from which specimens of the appropriate size can be machined.

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ISO 10350 identifies specific test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of comparable data for certain basic properties of plastics. In general, each property is specified by a single experimental value, although in certain cases properties are represented by two values obtained under different test conditions or along different directions in the material. The properties included are those presented conventionally in manufacturers' data sheets. This document applies to reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting materials where the reinforcement fibres are either discontinuous with a fibre length prior to processing greater than 7,5 mm or continuous (e.g. fabric, continuous-strand mat or unidirectional). ISO 10350-1 deals specifically with unreinforced and filled plastics, including those using fibres less than 7,5 mm in length.

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The ISO 10350 series identifies specific test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of comparable data for certain basic properties of plastics. In general, each property is specified by a single experimental value, although in certain cases properties are represented by two values obtained under different test conditions. The properties included are those presented conventionally in manufacturers' data sheets. ISO 10350-1 applies predominantly to unreinforced and reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting materials that may be injection- or compression-moulded or prepared as sheets of specified thickness. For the purposes of ISO 10350-1, long-fibre-reinforced plastics are considered to have fibre lengths greater than 7,5 mm prior to moulding. NOTE ISO 10350-2 deals specifically with long- or continuous-fibre-reinforced plastics.

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    11 pages
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ISO 17282:2004 gives guidelines for the acquisition and presentation of data that can be used for design with plastics. Emphasis is given to the acquisition of data needed by computerised methods for design. It includes data needed for the analysis of the flow of polymer melts during the manufacture of a component as well as data needed for the prediction of mechanical performance of the component in service. The data requirements cover design with unfilled plastics as well as filled, short-fibre reinforced and continuous-fibre reinforced materials.

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    76 pages
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    76 pages
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ISO 11403-3:2014 specifies test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of multipoint data which demonstrate the behaviour of plastics under the following environments: prolonged exposure to heat; liquid chemicals; environmental stress cracking under a constant tensile stress; artificial weathering. The tests are listed in order of increasing severity of the environment. By testing under the least severe environments first, it is possible to make informed judgements regarding whether tests under more severe conditions are worthwhile.

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    14 pages
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    16 pages
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ISO 11403-1:2014 specifies test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of multipoint data on the following mechanical properties of plastics: dynamic modulus; tensile properties at constant test speed; ultimate stress and strain; tensile stress-strain curves; tensile creep; Charpy impact strength; puncture impact behaviour.

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    12 pages
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ISO 11403-2:2012 specifies test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of multipoint data on the following thermal and processing properties of plastics: enthalpy/temperature curve; linear-expansion/temperature curve; melt shear viscosity.

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    8 pages
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ISO 10350 identifies specific test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of comparable data for certain basic properties of plastics. In general, each property is specified by a single experimental value, although in certain cases properties are represented by two values obtained under different test conditions or along different directions in the material. The properties included are those presented conventionally in manufacturers' data sheets. ISO 10350-2:2011 applies to reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting materials where the reinforcement fibres are either discontinuous with a fibre length prior to processing greater than 7,5 mm or continuous (e.g. fabric, continuous-strand mat or unidirectional). ISO 10350-1 deals specifically with unreinforced and filled plastics, including those using fibres less than 7,5 mm in length.

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    9 pages
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    10 pages
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ISO 10350 identifies specific test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of comparable data for certain basic properties of plastics. In general, each property is specified by a single experimental value, although in certain cases properties are represented by two values obtained under different test conditions. The properties included are those presented conventionally in manufacturers' data sheets. ISO 10350-1:2007 applies predominantly to unreinforced and reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting materials that may be injection- or compression-moulded or prepared as sheets of specified thickness. Part 2 of ISO 10350 deals specifically with long- or continuous-fibre-reinforced plastics. For the purposes of ISO 10350, long-fibre-reinforced plastics are considered to have fibre lengths greater than 7,5 mm prior to moulding.

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    10 pages
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    11 pages
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ISO 11403-2:2004 specifies test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of multipoint data on the following thermal and processing properties of plastics: enthalpy/temperature curve; linear-expansion/temperature curve; melt shear viscosity.

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    8 pages
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Describes test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of comparable multipoint data on the following thermal and processing properties of plastics such as enthalpy/temperature curve, linear-expansion/temperature curve, melt shear viscosity.

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    6 pages
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    7 pages
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    7 pages
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Specifies test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of multipoint data on the following mechanical properties of plastics: dynamic modulus; tensile properties at constant test speed, ultimate stress and strain, tensile stress-strain curves; tensile creep; charpy impact strength. The test methods and test conditions apply predominantly to those plastics that can be injection- or compression-moulded or prepared as sheets of specified thickness from which specimens of the appropriate size can be machined.

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    11 pages
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  • Standard
    11 pages
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  • Standard
    11 pages
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Identifies specific test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of comparable data for certain basic properties of plastics. In general, each property is specified by a single experimental value although in certain cases properties are represented by two values obtained under different test conditions. The properties included are those presented conventionally in manufacturer's data sheets. Applies predominantly to those plastics that may be injection- or compression-moulded or prepared as sheets of specified thickness.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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  • Standard
    8 pages
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