Standard Test Method for Air Permeability of Textile Fabrics

5.1 This test method is considered satisfactory for acceptance testing of commercial shipments since current estimates of between-laboratory precision are acceptable, and this test method is used extensively in the trade for acceptance testing.  
5.1.1 If there are differences of practical significance between reported test results for two laboratories (or more), comparative tests should be performed to determine if there is a statistical bias between them, using competent statistical assistance. As a minimum, ensure the test samples to be used are as homogeneous as possible, are drawn from the material from which the disparate test results were obtained, and are randomly assigned in equal number to each laboratory for testing. The test results from the two laboratories should be compared using a statistical test for unpaired data, at a probability level chosen prior to the testing series. If bias is found, either its cause must be found and corrected, or future test results for that material must be adjusted in consideration of the known bias.  
5.2 Air permeability is an important factor in the performance of such textile materials as gas filters, fabrics for air bags, clothing, mosquito netting, parachutes, sails, tentage, and vacuum cleaners. In filtration, for example, efficiency is directly related to air permeability. Air permeability also can be used to provide an indication of the breathability of weather-resistant and rainproof fabrics, or of coated fabrics in general, and to detect changes during the manufacturing process.  
5.3 Performance specifications, both industrial and military, have been prepared on the basis of air permeability and are used in the purchase of fabrics where permeability is of interest.  
5.4 Construction factors and finishing techniques can have an appreciable effect upon air permeability by causing a change in the length of airflow paths through a fabric. Hot calendaring can be used to flatten fabric components, thus reducing...
1.1 This test method covers the measurement of the air permeability of textile fabrics.  
1.2 This test method applies to most fabrics including woven fabrics, nonwoven fabrics, air bag fabrics, blankets, napped fabrics, knitted fabrics, layered fabrics, and pile fabrics. The fabrics may be untreated, heavily sized, coated, resin-treated, or otherwise treated.  
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values stated in inch-pound units may be approximate.  
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: D737 − 04 (Reapproved 2016)
Standard Test Method for
Air Permeability of Textile Fabrics
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D737; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This test method covers the measurement of the air
3.1 For definition of textile terms used in this test method:
permeability of textile fabrics.
air permeability, and fabric, refer to Terminology D4850.
1.2 This test method applies to most fabrics including
3.2 For definitions of cross-machine direction; machine
woven fabrics, nonwoven fabrics, air bag fabrics, blankets,
direction and other textile terms used in this test method, refer
to Terminology D123.
The fabrics may be untreated, heavily sized, coated, resin-
treated, or otherwise treated.
4. Summary of Test Method
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
4.1 The rate of air flow passing perpendicularly through a
standard. The values stated in inch-pound units may be
known area of fabric is adjusted to obtain a prescribed air
pressure differential between the two fabric surfaces. From this
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
rate of air flow, the air permeability of the fabric is determined.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
5. Significance and Use
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 5.1 This test method is considered satisfactory for accep-
tance testing of commercial shipments since current estimates
2. Referenced Documents
of between-laboratory precision are acceptable, and this test
method is used extensively in the trade for acceptance testing.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles 5.1.1 If there are differences of practical significance be-
D1776 Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles tween reported test results for two laboratories (or more),
D2904 Practice for Interlaboratory Testing of a Textile Test comparative tests should be performed to determine if there is
Method that Produces Normally Distributed Data (With- a statistical bias between them, using competent statistical
drawn 2008) assistance. As a minimum, ensure the test samples to be used
D2906 Practice for Statements on Precision and Bias for are as homogeneous as possible, are drawn from the material
Textiles (Withdrawn 2008) from which the disparate test results were obtained, and are
D4850 Terminology Relating to Fabrics and Fabric Test randomly assigned in equal number to each laboratory for
Methods testing. The test results from the two laboratories should be
compared using a statistical test for unpaired data, at a
F778 Methods for Gas Flow Resistance Testing of Filtration
Media probability level chosen prior to the testing series. If bias is
found, either its cause must be found and corrected, or future
test results for that material must be adjusted in consideration
This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D13 on Textiles
of the known bias.
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.59 on Fabric Test Methods,
5.2 Air permeability is an important factor in the perfor-
Current edition approved July 1, 2016. Published July 2016. Originally approved
mance of such textile materials as gas filters, fabrics for air
in 1943 . Last previous edition approved in 2012 as D737 – 04(2012). DOI:
bags, clothing, mosquito netting, parachutes, sails, tentage, and
vacuum cleaners. In filtration, for example, efficiency is
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
used to provide an indication of the breathability of weather-
the ASTM website.
resistant and rainproof fabrics, or of coated fabrics in general,
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on and to detect changes during the manufacturing process.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D737 − 04 (2016)
5.3 Performance specifications, both industrial and military, test apparatus must provide a pressure drop of 125 Pa (12.7
have been prepared on the basis of air permeability and are mm or 0.5 in. of water) across the specimen.
used in the purchase of fabrics where permeability is of 6.1.4 Pressure Gage or Manometer, connected to the test
interest. headunderneaththetestspecimentomeasurethepressuredrop
across the test specimen in pascals (millimetres or inches of
5.4 Construction factors and finishing techniques can have
water) with an accuracy of 62%.
6.1.5 Flowmeter, volumetric counter or measuring aperture
in the length of airflow paths through a fabric. Hot calendaring
3 2
to measure air velocity through the test area in cm /s/cm
can be used to flatten fabric components, thus reducing air
3 2
(ft /min/ft ) with an accuracy of 62%.
permeability. Fabrics with different surface textures on either
6.1.6 Calibration Plate, or other means, with a known air
side can have a different air permeability depending upon the
direction of air flow.
the apparatus.
5.4.1 Forwovenfabric,yarntwistalsoisimportant.Astwist
6.1.7 Means of calculating and displaying the required
increases, the circularity and density of the yarn increases, thus
results, such as scales, digital display, and computer-driven
reducing the yarn diameter and the cover factor and increasing
the air permeability.Yarn crimp and weave influence the shape
and area of the interstices between yarns and may permit yarns 6.2 Cutting Dies or Templates, to cut specimens having
toextendeasily.Suchyarnextensionwouldopenupthefabric, dimensions at least equal to the area of the clamping surfaces
increase the free area, and increase the air permeability. of the test apparatus (optional).
5.4.2 Increasingyarntwistalsomayallowthemorecircular,
7. Sampling and Test Specimens
high-density yarns to be packed closely together in a tightly
woven structure with reduced air permeability. For example, a
7.1 Lot Sample—As a lot sample for acceptance testing,
worsted gabardine fabric may have lower air permeability than
randomly select the number of rolls or pieces of fabric directed
a woolen hopsacking fabric.
in an applicable material specification or other agreement
between the purchaser and the supplier. Consider the rolls or
6. Apparatus
pieces of fabric to be the primary sampling units. In the
absence of such an agreement, take the number of fabric rolls
6.1 Air Permeability Testing Apparatus consisting of the
or pieces specified in Table 1.
6.1.1 Test Headthatprovidesacirculartestareaof38.3cm
NOTE 3—An adequate specification or other agreement between the
(5.93 in. )6 0.3 %.
purchaser and the supplier requires taking into account the variability
between rolls or pieces of fabric and between specimens from a swatch
2 2
NOTE 1—Alternate test areas may be used, such as 5 cm (0.75 in. ),
2 2 2 2
6.45 cm (1.0 in. ), and 100 cm (15.5 in. ).
producer’s risk, consumer’s risk, acceptable quality level, and limiting
quality level.
6.1.2 Clamping System to Secure Test Specimens, of differ-
ent thicknesses under a force of at least 50 65N(11 6 1 lbf)
7.2 Laboratory Sample—For acceptance testing, take a
to the test head without distortion and minimal edge leakage
swatch extending the width of the fabric and approximately 1
underneath the test specimen.
m (1 yd) along the lengthwise direction from each roll or piece Asuitable means to minimize edge leakage is to use
in the lot sample. For rolls of fabric, take a sample that will
a 55 Type A durometer hardness polychloroprene (neoprene)
exclude fabric from the outer wrap of the roll or the inner wrap
clamping ring 20 mm (0.75 in.) wide and 3 mm (0.125 in.)
around the core of the roll of fabric.
thick around the test area above and underneath the test
7.3 Test Specimens—From each laboratory sampling unit,
take ten specimens unless otherwise agreed upon between
NOTE 2—Since air leakage may affect test results, precautions must be
purchaser and supplier. Use the cutting die or template de-
taken, especially with very heavy or lofty fabrics, to prevent leakage. The
scribed in 6.2, or if practical, make air permeability tests of a
use of a weighted ring and rubber gaskets on the clamp surfaces has been
textile fabric without cutting.
found to be helpful. Methods F778 describes a series of usable clamping
7.3.1 Cutting Test Specimens—When cutting specimens, cut
adaptions to eliminate edge leakage. Gaskets should be used with caution
because in some cases, and with repeated-use gaskets may deform having dimensions at least equal to the area of the clamping
resulting in a small change in test area.Aweighted ring can be used with
mechanism. Label to maintain specimen identity.
fabrics, such as knits or those that readily conform to the test head. The Take specimens or position test areas representing a
weighted ring is not recommended for lofty or stiff fabric.
6.1.3 Means for drawing a steady flow of air perpendicu-
the diagonal of the laboratory sample, and no nearer the edge
larly through the test area and for adjusting the airflow rate that
preferably provides pressure differentials of between 100 and
TABLE 1 Number of Rolls or Pieces of Fabric in the Lot Sample
2500 Pa (10 and 250 mm or 0.4 and 10 in. of water) between
Number of Rolls or Pieces in Number of Rolls or Pieces
the two surfaces of the fabric being tested. At a minimum, the
Lot, Inclusive in Lot Sample
1to3 all
4to24 4
For additional information on obtaining apparatus, equipment, or supplies that
25 to 50 5
may be suitable for use in this standard, please visit the ASTM Manufacturers’ over 50 10 % to a maximum of 10 rolls or pieces
Equipment Directory at
D737 − 04 (2016)
than one tenth its width unless otherwise agreed upon between 10.6 Remove the tested specimen and continue as directed
the purchaser and supplier. Ensure specimens are free of folds, in 10.3 – 10.5 until ten specimens have been tested for each
creases, or wrinkles. Avoid getting oil, water, grease, and so laboratory sampling unit.
forth, on the specimens when handling. 10.6.1 When a 95 % confidence level for results has been
agreed upon in a material specification or contract order, fewer
8. Preparation of Test Apparatus and Calibration
test specimens may be sufficient. In any event, the number of
8.1 Set-up procedures for machines from different manufac-
tests should be at least four.
turers may vary. Prepare and verify calibration of the air
permeability tester as directed in the manufacturer’s instruc- 11. Calculation
11.1 Air Permeability, Individual Specimens—Calculate the
air permeability of individual specimens using values read
8.2 When using microprocessor automatic data gathering
3 2
directlyfromthetestinstrumentinSIunitsascm /s/cm andin
systems, set the appropriate parameters as specified in the
3 2
inch-pound units as ft /min/ft , rounded to three significant
manufacturer’s instructions.
digits. When calculating air permeability results, follow the
8.3 For best results, level the test instrument.
manufacturer’s instructions as applicable.
8.4 Verify calibration for the range and required water
NOTE 4—For air permeability results obtained 600 m (2000 ft) above
pressure differential that is expected for the material to be
sea level, correction factors may be required.
11.2 Air Permeability, Average—Calculate the average air
9. Conditioning
permeability for each laboratory sampling unit and for the lot.
9.1 Precondition the specimens by bringing them to ap-
11.3 Standard Deviation, Coeffıcient of Variation—
proximate moisture equilibrium in the standard atmosphere for
Calculate when requested.
preconditioning textiles as specified in Practice D1776.
11.4 Computer-Processed Data—When data are automati-
9.2 After preconditioning, bring the test specimens to mois-
cally computer-processed, calculations are generally contained
ture equilibrium for testing in the standard atmosphere for
in the associated software. It is recommended that computer-
testing textiles as specified in Practice D1776 or, if applicable,
processed data be verified against known property values and
in the specified atmosphere in which the testing is to be
its software described in the report.
12. Report
9.3 When it is known that the material to be tested is not
affected by heat or moisture, preconditioning and conditioning 12.1 Report that the air permeability was determined in
is not required when agreed upon in a material specification or
accordance with Test Method D737. Describe the material or
contract order.
product sampled and the method of sampling used.
12.2 Report the following information for each laboratory
10. Procedure
sampling unit and for the lot as applicable to a material
10.1 Test the conditioned specimens in the standard atmo-
specification or contract order:
sphere for testing textiles, which is 21 6 1°C (70 6 2°F) and
12.2.1 Air permeability.
65 6 2 % relative humidity, unless otherwise specified in a
12.2.2 When calculated, the standard deviation or the coef-
material specification or contract order.
ficient of variation.
10.2 Handle the test specimens carefully to avoid altering
12.2.3 Pressure differential between the fabric surfaces.
the natural state of the material.
12.2.4 For computer-processed data, identify the program
(software) used.
10.3 Place each test specimen onto the test head of the test
12.2.5 Manufacturer and model of test instrument.
instrument, and perform the test as specified in the manufac-
12.2.6 Any modification of this test method or equipment
turer’s operating instructions.
including changing or adding gaskets.
10.3.1 Place coated test specimens with the coated side

This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation: D737 − 04 (Reapproved 2012) D737 − 04 (Reapproved 2016)
Standard Test Method for
Air Permeability of Textile Fabrics
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D737; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the measurement of the air permeability of textile fabrics.
1.2 This test method applies to most fabrics including woven fabrics, nonwoven fabrics, air bag fabrics, blankets, napped
fabrics, knitted fabrics, layered fabrics, and pile fabrics. The fabrics may be untreated, heavily sized, coated, resin-treated, or
otherwise treated.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values stated in inch-pound units may be approximate.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
D1776 Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles
D2904 Practice for Interlaboratory Testing of a Textile Test Method that Produces Normally Distributed Data (Withdrawn 2008)
D2906 Practice for Statements on Precision and Bias for Textiles (Withdrawn 2008)
D4850 Terminology Relating to Fabrics and Fabric Test Methods
F778 Methods for Gas Flow Resistance Testing of Filtration Media
3. Terminology
3.1 For definition of textile terms used in this test method: air permeability, and fabric, refer to Terminology D4850.
3.2 For definitions of cross-machine direction; machine direction and other textile terms used in this test method, refer to
Terminology D123.
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The rate of air flow passing perpendicularly through a known area of fabric is adjusted to obtain a prescribed air pressure
differential between the two fabric surfaces. From this rate of air flow, the air permeability of the fabric is determined.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 This test method is considered satisfactory for acceptance testing of commercial shipments since current estimates of
between-laboratory precision are acceptable, and this test method is used extensively in the trade for acceptance testing.
5.1.1 If there are differences of practical significance between reported test results for two laboratories (or more), comparative
tests should be performed to determine if there is a statistical bias between them, using competent statistical assistance. As a
minimum, ensure the test samples to be used are as homogeneous as possible, are drawn from the material from which the disparate
test results were obtained, and are randomly assigned in equal number to each laboratory for testing. The test results from the two
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 on Textiles and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.59 on Fabric Test Methods, General.
Current edition approved July 1, 2012July 1, 2016. Published August 2012July 2016. Originally approved in 1943 . Last previous edition approved in 20082012 as
D737 – 04(2008).(2012). DOI: 10.1520/D0737-04R12.10.1520/D0737-04R16.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D737 − 04 (2016)
laboratories should be compared using a statistical test for unpaired data, at a probability level chosen prior to the testing series.
If bias is found, either its cause must be found and corrected, or future test results for that material must be adjusted in
consideration of the known bias.
5.2 Air permeability is an important factor in the performance of such textile materials as gas filters, fabrics for air bags,
clothing, mosquito netting, parachutes, sails, tentage, and vacuum cleaners. In filtration, for example, efficiency is directly related
to air permeability. Air permeability also can be used to provide an indication of the breathability of weather-resistant and rainproof
fabrics, or of coated fabrics in general, and to detect changes during the manufacturing process.
5.3 Performance specifications, both industrial and military, have been prepared on the basis of air permeability and are used
in the purchase of fabrics where permeability is of interest.
5.4 Construction factors and finishing techniques can have an appreciable effect upon air permeability by causing a change in
the length of airflow paths through a fabric. Hot calendaring can be used to flatten fabric components, thus reducing air
permeability. Fabrics with different surface textures on either side can have a different air permeability depending upon the
direction of air flow.
5.4.1 For woven fabric, yarn twist also is important. As twist increases, the circularity and density of the yarn increases, thus
reducing the yarn diameter and the cover factor and increasing the air permeability. Yarn crimp and weave influence the shape and
area of the interstices between yarns and may permit yarns to extend easily. Such yarn extension would open up the fabric, increase
the free area, and increase the air permeability.
5.4.2 Increasing yarn twist also may allow the more circular, high-density yarns to be packed closely together in a tightly woven
structure with reduced air permeability. For example, a worsted gabardine fabric may have lower air permeability than a woolen
hopsacking fabric.
6. Apparatus
6.1 Air Permeability Testing Apparatus consisting of the following:
2 2
6.1.1 Test Head that provides a circular test area of 38.3 cm (5.93 in. )6 0.3 %.
2 2 2 2 2 2
NOTE 1—Alternate test areas may be used, such as 5 cm (0.75 in. ), 6.45 cm (1.0 in. ), and 100 cm (15.5 in. ).
6.1.2 Clamping System to Secure Test Specimens, of different thicknesses under a force of at least 50 6 5 N (11 6 1 lbf) to the
test head without distortion and minimal edge leakage underneath the test specimen. A suitable means to minimize edge leakage is to use a 55 Type A durometer hardness polychloroprene (neoprene)
clamping ring 20 mm (0.75 in.) wide and 3 mm (0.125 in.) thick around the test area above and underneath the test specimen.
NOTE 2—Since air leakage may affect test results, precautions must be taken, especially with very heavy or lofty fabrics, to prevent leakage. The use
of a weighted ring and rubber gaskets on the clamp surfaces has been found to be helpful. Methods F778 describes a series of usable clamping adaptions
to eliminate edge leakage. Gaskets should be used with caution because in some cases, and with repeated-use gaskets may deform resulting in a small
change in test area. A weighted ring can be used with fabrics, such as knits or those that readily conform to the test head. The weighted ring is not
recommended for lofty or stiff fabric.
6.1.3 Means for drawing a steady flow of air perpendicularly through the test area and for adjusting the airflow rate that
preferably provides pressure differentials of between 100 and 2500 Pa (10 and 250 mm or 0.4 and 10 in. of water) between the
two surfaces of the fabric being tested. At a minimum, the test apparatus must provide a pressure drop of 125 Pa (12.7 mm or 0.5
in. of water) across the specimen.
6.1.4 Pressure Gage or Manometer, connected to the test head underneath the test specimen to measure the pressure drop across
the test specimen in pascals (millimetres or inches of water) with an accuracy of 62 %.
3 2
6.1.5 Flowmeter, volumetric counter or measuring aperture to measure air velocity through the test area in cm /s/cm
3 2
(ft /min/ft ) with an accuracy of 62 %.
6.1.6 Calibration Plate, or other means, with a known air permeability at the prescribed test pressure differential to verify the
6.1.7 Means of calculating and displaying the required results, such as scales, digital display, and computer-driven systems.
6.2 Cutting Dies or Templates, to cut specimens having dimensions at least equal to the area of the clamping surfaces of the
test apparatus (optional).
7. Sampling and Test Specimens
7.1 Lot Sample—As a lot sample for acceptance testing, randomly select the number of rolls or pieces of fabric directed in an
applicable material specification or other agreement between the purchaser and the supplier. Consider the rolls or pieces of fabric
to be the primary sampling units. In the absence of such an agreement, take the number of fabric rolls or pieces specified in Table
For additional information on obtaining apparatus, equipment, or supplies that may be suitable for use in this standard, please visit the ASTM Manufacturers’ Equipment
Directory at
D737 − 04 (2016)
TABLE 1 Number of Rolls or Pieces of Fabric in the Lot Sample
Number of Rolls or Pieces in Number of Rolls or Pieces
Lot, Inclusive in Lot Sample
1 to 3 all
4 to 24 4
25 to 50 5
over 50 10 % to a maximum of 10 rolls or pieces
NOTE 3—An adequate specification or other agreement between the purchaser and the supplier requires taking into account the variability between rolls
or pieces of fabric and between specimens from a swatch from a roll or piece of fabric to provide a sampling plan with a meaningful producer’s risk,
consumer’s risk, acceptable quality level, and limiting quality level.
7.2 Laboratory Sample—For acceptance testing, take a swatch extending the width of the fabric and approximately 1 m (1 yd)
along the lengthwise direction from each roll or piece in the lot sample. For rolls of fabric, take a sample that will exclude fabric
from the outer wrap of the roll or the inner wrap around the core of the roll of fabric.
7.3 Test Specimens—From each laboratory sampling unit, take ten specimens unless otherwise agreed upon between purchaser
and supplier. Use the cutting die or template described in 6.2, or if practical, make air permeability tests of a textile fabric without
7.3.1 Cutting Test Specimens—When cutting specimens, cut having dimensions at least equal to the area of the clamping
mechanism. Label to maintain specimen identity. Take specimens or position test areas representing a broad distribution across the length and width, preferably along the
diagonal of the laboratory sample, and no nearer the edge than one tenth its width unless otherwise agreed upon between the
purchaser and supplier. Ensure specimens are free of folds, creases, or wrinkles. Avoid getting oil, water, grease, and so forth, on
the specimens when handling.
8. Preparation of Test Apparatus and Calibration
8.1 Set-up procedures for machines from different manufacturers may vary. Prepare and verify calibration of the air
permeability tester as directed in the manufacturer’s instructions.
8.2 When using microprocessor automatic data gathering systems, set the appropriate parameters as specified in the
manufacturer’s instructions.
8.3 For best results, level the test instrument.
8.4 Verify calibration for the range and required water pressure differential that is expected for the material to be tested.
9. Conditioning
9.1 Precondition the specimens by bringing them to approximate moisture equilibrium in the standard atmosphere for
preconditioning textiles as specified in Practice D1776.
9.2 After preconditioning, bring the test specimens to moisture equilibrium for testing in the standard atmosphere for testing
textiles as specified in Practice D1776 or, if applicable, in the specified atmosphere in which the testing is to be performed.
9.3 When it is known that the material to be tested is not affected by heat or moisture, preconditioning and conditioning is not
required when agreed upon in a material specification or contract order.
10. Procedure
10.1 Test the conditioned specimens in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles, which is 21 6 1°C (70 6 2°F) and 65 6
2 % relative humidity, unless otherwise specified in a material specification or contract order.
10.2 Handle the test specimens carefully to avoid altering the natural state of the material.
10.3 Place each test specimen onto the test head of the test instrument, and perform the test as specified in the manufacturer’s
operating instructions.
10.3.1 Place coated test specimens with the coated side down (towards low pressure side) to minimize edge leakage.
10.4 Make tests at the water pressure differential specified in a material specification or contract order. In the absence of a
material specification or contract order, use a water pressure differential of 125 Pa (12.7 mm or 0.5 in. of water).
3 2 3 2
10.5 Read and record the individual test results in SI units as cm /s/cm and in inch-pound units as ft /min/ft rounded to three
significant digits.
10.5.1 For special applications, the total edge leakage underneath and through the test specimen may be measured in a separate
test, with the test specimen covered by an airtight cover, and subtracted from the original test result to obtain the effective air
D737 − 04 (2016)
10.6 Remove the tested specimen and continue as directed in 10.3 – 10.5 until ten specimens have been tested for each
laboratory sampling unit.
10.6.1 When a 95 % confidence level for results has been agreed upon in a material specification or contract order, fewer test
specimens may be sufficient. In any event, the number of tests should be at least four.
11. Calculation
11.1 Air Permeability, Individual Specimens—Calculate the air permeability of individual specimens using values read directly
3 2 3 2
from the test instrument in SI units as cm /s/cm and in inch-pound units as ft /min/ft , rounded to three significant digits. When
calculating air permeability results, follow the manufacturer’s instructions as applicable.
NOTE 4—For air permeability resul

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