ASTM D6670-01(2007)
(Practice)Standard Practice for Full-Scale Chamber Determination of Volatile Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/Products
Standard Practice for Full-Scale Chamber Determination of Volatile Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/Products
VOCs emitted from materials/products affect indoor air quality (IAQ) in buildings. To determine the impact of these emissions on IAQ, it is necessary to know their emission rates over time. This practice provides guidelines for using a full-scale environmental chamber for testing large materials and full-scale material systems/assemblies.
While this practice is developed for measuring VOC emissions, the chamber facilities and methods of evaluation presented in this practice are also useful for a variety of purposes including: (1) testing the emissions during the application process (for example, painting), or other related sources; (2) developing scaleup methods (for example, from small chamber results to a full-scale scenario); (3) studying the interaction between sources and sinks, and validating source/sink models which are the basis for IAQ prediction; and (4) testing interactions between source emissions and other compounds in the air (for example, NOx, ozone, SOx).
1.1 This practice is intended for determining volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from materials and products (building materials, material systems, furniture, consumer products, etc.) and equipment (printers, photocopiers, air cleaners, etc.) under environmental and product usage conditions that are typical of those found in office and residential buildings.
1.2 This practice is for identifying VOCs emitted and determining their emission rates over a period of time.
1.3 This practice describes the design, construction, performance evaluation, and use of full-scale chambers for VOC emission testing.
1.4 While this practice is limited to the measurement of VOC emissions, many of the general principles and procedures (such as methods for evaluating the general performance of the chamber system) may also be useful for the determination of other chemical emissions (for example, ozone, nitrogen dioxide). Determination of aerosol and particle emissions is beyond the scope of this document.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: D6670 − 01(Reapproved 2007)
Standard Practice for
Full-Scale Chamber Determination of Volatile Organic
Emissions from Indoor Materials/Products
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6670; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope terminations of Organic Emissions from Indoor Materials/
1.1 This practice is intended for determining volatile or-
D5197 Test Method for Determination of Formaldehyde and
(building materials, material systems, furniture, consumer
products, etc.) and equipment (printers, photocopiers, air
D5466 Test Method for Determination of Volatile Organic
cleaners, etc.) under environmental and product usage condi-
Chemicals inAtmospheres (Canister Sampling Methodol-
tions that are typical of those found in office and residential
D6196 Practice for Selection of Sorbents, Sampling, and
1.2 This practice is for identifying VOCs emitted and
Thermal Desorption Analysis Procedures for Volatile Or-
determining their emission rates over a period of time.
ganic Compounds in Air
1.3 This practice describes the design, construction, perfor-
D6345 Guide for Selection of Methods for Active, Integra-
mance evaluation, and use of full-scale chambers for VOC
tive Sampling of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air
emission testing.
E779 TestMethodforDeterminingAirLeakageRatebyFan
1.4 While this practice is limited to the measurement of
E1333 Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concen-
trations in Air and Emission Rates from Wood Products
(such as methods for evaluating the general performance of the
Using a Large Chamber
chamber system) may also be useful for the determination of
IEEE/ASTM SI-10 - Standard for Use of the International
other chemical emissions (for example, ozone, nitrogen diox-
System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System
the scope of this document.
2.2 Other Documents:
ACGIH 1995 (American Conference of Governmental In-
2. Referenced Documents
dustrial Hygienists), Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) for
2.1 ASTM Standards: Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Work
D1356 Terminology Relating to Sampling and Analysis of EnvironmentandBiologicalExposureIndices.Cincinnati,
Atmospheres OH
D1914 PracticeforConversionUnitsandFactorsRelatingto ASHRAE 2004, ASHRAE 62.1-2004 “Ventilation for Ac-
Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheres
ceptable Indoor Air Quality,” American Society of
D3686 Practice for Sampling Atmospheres to Collect Or- Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
ganic Compound Vapors (Activated Charcoal Tube Ad-
Atlanta, GA.
sorption Method)
ASHRAE 2004, ASHRAE 62.2-2004 “Ventilation and Ac-
D5116 Guide for Small-Scale Environmental Chamber De-
ceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential
Buildings,” American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,
and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
This practice is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D22 on Air Quality
CMEIAQ (Consortium for Material Emissions and Indoor
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D22.05 on Indoor Air.
Air Quality) Final Report 1.1 AMethod for Sampling and
Current edition approved April 1, 2007. Published June 2007. Originally
Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Emission
approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as D6670 - 01. DOI:
Testing of Building Materials. Institute for Research in
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa,
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. CMEIAQ Final Report 3.1 Models for Predicting Volatile
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D6670 − 01 (2007)
Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions from Building Depending on the type of source, the amount of source may be
Materials, Institute for Research in Construction, National expressed by its exposed surface area (that is, an area source
Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, such as a painted gypsum wallboard surface), its dominant
Canada dimension (that is, a line source such as a caulk or sealant), its
ECA-IAQ (European Collaborative Action) “Indoor Air
mass, or its standard setup (that is, a “unit” source such as a
Quality and Its Impact on Man,” 1997. Total volatile predefined work station system). As a result, the unit for the
organic compounds (TVOCs) in indoor air quality inves-
emission factor will be mg/h, mg/(m h), mg/(m h), mg/(kg h),
tigations. Report No. 19. EUR 17675 EN. Luxembourg: and mg/(m h) for the “unit,” line, area, mass, and volume
Office for Official Publications of the European Commu-
emission sources, respectively.
3.2.5 emission rate—the mass of a VOC or total VOC
U.S. EPA Compendium of Methods for Determination of
emitted from all the test specimen(s) present in the space per
Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air, Report EPA-
unit time, mg/h. It is equal to the emission factor times the
600/4-89/017 available through the National Technical
amount of emission source.
Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161; PB90-
116989. This report contains TO-17 3.2.6 full-scale chamber—a room-size chamber that can
World Health Organization, 1989 “Indoor Air Quality: Or- house the material/product to be tested in its real dimensions,
ganic Pollutants,” EURO Reports and Studies No. 111, and provide the required environmental conditions
World Health Organization, Copenhagen, pp. 1-64 (temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity) that are
similar to the material/product use in full-scale room condi-
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions—or definitions and terms commonly used in
3.2.7 time zero—the start time when the emission factor is
ASTM standards, including this standard, refer toTerminology
measured. It will depend on the purpose of the testing. For
D1356. For an explanation of units, symbols, and conversion
example, time zero may be defined as the time when the test
factors, refer to Practice D1914.
specimen is loaded into the chamber if the test specimen is
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 chamber loading ratio—the total amount of test speci-
during an application process (for example, painting) is to be
men divided by the net air volume of the environmental test
tested, time zero may be defined as the time when the
3 3 2 3 3 3
chamber in 1/m , m/m,m /m , and m /m for unit, line, area,
application begins.
and volume emission sources, respectively (see 3.2.4).
3.2.8 total volatile organic compound (TVOC)— the sum of
3.2.2 clean air—defined in this practice as air that satisfies
all of the following criteria:
by a given sorbent, or a given combination of several sorbents,
(1) concentrations of total VOCs ≤ 10 µg/m ;
thermally desorbed into and eluted from a given gas chromato-
(2) concentration of any individual compound to be mea-
graphic system, and measured by a given detector. For VOC
sured ≤ 2.0 µg/m ;
definition, see Terminology D1356.
(3) particle concentrations ≤ 100 particles/ft of 0.5 µm
NOTE 1—The measured value of TVOC will depend on the collection
1995 (1) clean room requirement for >0.5 µm diameter and desorption efficiency of the sorbent trap; the efficiency of transfer to
the GC column; the type and size of the GC column; the GC temperature
program and other chromatographic parameters; and the type of GC
(4) concentrations of ozone and other potentially reactive
species such as nitrogen oxides (NO ) and sulfur oxides (SO )
x x
3.2.9 tracer gas—a gaseous compound that can be used to
should be at or below detectable levels (for example, <10
µg/m ).
a cross-check of the air change rate.The tracer gas must not be
3.2.3 clean air change rate (1/h)—the flow rate of clean air
emitted by the test specimen and must not be contained in the
(defined in 3.2.2)inm /h supplied into the chamber divided by
supply air.
the net air volume (in m ) of the environmental test chamber
(that is, volume of an empty chamber minus the volume taken
4. Summary of Practice
by all contents in the chamber during testing such as the test
specimen, sampling ports). The clean air flow rate may be
4.1 Materials or products are placed in a full-scale test
measured directly at the clean air supply duct. The clean air
chamber within which temperature, relative humidity, and air
change rate can also be determined by conducting a tracer gas
change rate are controlled according to set parameters. Air is
test (for example, a tracer gas decay test) in the chamber. Note
sampled at the exhaust of or inside the chamber, and analyzed
that the air exchange rate (in units of 1/h) is abbreviated as
by appropriate methods to identify the major emitted com-
pounds and their concentrations as a function of time. The
measured concentrations are then used to determine the emis-
3.2.4 emission factor—the mass of a VOC or total VOC
emitted per unit time and per unit amount of source tested.
product. This information can be used to assess the contribu-
tion of the materials and products to the concentrations in the
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
this practice. space of interest (for example, the occupied zone).
D6670 − 01 (2007)
5. Significance and Use is, multiplied by the ratio of exhaust to supply air temperature
in degrees Kelvin) before it is used for determining the
5.1 VOCs emitted from materials/products affect indoor air
emission rate.
quality (IAQ) in buildings. To determine the impact of these
Note that, in addition to the uniform VOC concentration
emissions on IAQ, it is necessary to know their emission rates
assumption, Eq 1 also assumes no chemical reaction in the
over time. This practice provides guidelines for using a
chamber, no air entry into the chamber other than the supply
full-scale environmental chamber for testing large materials
air, and a negligible VOC concentration at the supply air,
and full-scale material systems/assemblies.
compared to that measured at the chamber exhaust. The
5.2 While this practice is developed for measuring VOC validity of using Eq 1 depends on how well the chamber’s
actual operation meets these assumptions. Therefore, the per-
emissions, the chamber facilities and methods of evaluation
formance of the chamber must be evaluated against certain
presented in this practice are also useful for a variety of
criteria in order to obtain reliable and reproducible test results
purposes including: (1) testing the emissions during the appli-
(see Section 8).
(2) developing scaleup methods (for example, from small
6.2 Tests Under Non-Uniform Concentration Conditions—
chamber results to a full-scale scenario); (3) studying the
The full-scale chamber system can also be used to simulate the
interaction between sources and sinks, and validating source/
room airflow conditions in real buildings, which are not
sink models which are the basis for IAQ prediction; and (4)
necessarily well mixed (for example, in the case of a displace-
testing interactions between source emissions and other com-
ment ventilation system). In this case, the VOC concentrations
pounds in the air (for example, NO , ozone, SO ).
x x
measured within a defined occupied zone in the chamber (for
example, concentrations measured at the center of or various
6. Principles
locations within the chamber) can be used directly to simulate
the impact of the test materials/products on the VOC concen-
6.1 Tests Under Uniform Chamber Concentration
tration levels in the room under a specified material/product
Conditions—Assuming that the concentration of each emitted
loading ratio and ventilation rate conditions that are similar to
VOC tested in the chamber air is uniform as a result of good
those expected in real buildings. Such tests may be useful in
evaluating complex field situations. However, a detailed un-
derstanding of air movement and emission dynamics for each
dC t
~ !
V 5 R~t! 2 QC~t! 2 S~t! (1)
other field situations.
Typical airflow patterns and air distributions in ventilated
spaces may be simulated by appropriate designs of supply air
V = air volume of the chamber excluding air volume
diffusers and return air grilles with appropriate recirculated
taken by test specimens, m ;
airflow rate if the goal is to assess emissions under realistic
t = time, h;
airflow conditions. The total air change rate (outdoor/clean
C(t) = concentration of the emitted VOC in the air ex-
airflow rate plus the recirculated airflow rate) in office build-
hausted from the chamber (can be measured at the
ings may range from 1.0 to 9.0/h, depending on the heating/
chamber return or exhaust air ducts), mg/m ;
R(t) = emission rate of the source(s) in the chamber, mg/h; cooling requirements for the space. Typical types of air
Q = cleanairflowratesuppliedtothechamber(measured diffusers and airflow patterns in ventilated rooms are described
at clean air supply duct or determined by a tracer gas
in ASHRAE 1997c (1).
test), m /h; and,
6.3 Variables Affecting Emission Rates—The emission of
S(t) = sink term representing loss (or re-emission if nega-
pollutants from indoor materials/products generally involves
tive) of the VOC due to adsorption/desorption effect
three mass transfer processes: (1) diffusion of pollutants from
on the interior surfaces of the chamber and ducts,
within the material to the surface; (2) thermal dynamic mass
mg/h (see section 8.6 for its determination).
equilibrium conditions at the material/air interface (that is, at
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