ASTM D1129-06ae1
(Terminology)Standard Terminology Relating to Water
Standard Terminology Relating to Water
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Standard Terminology Relating to
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1129; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
´ NOTE—Previously approved terms from the Terminology sections of all D19 standards have been editorially included (in
accordance with D19 bylaws) in August 2008.
absolute filter rating, n—particle size above which 100% of accuracy, n—measure of the degree of conformity of a single
particles that are trapped on or within the filter medium. test result generated by a specific procedure to the assumed
D6161 or accepted true value, and includes both precision and bias.
absorbance, n—logarithm to the base 10 of the reciprocal of D2777
the transmittance (T). A = log (1/ T) = –log T. D4691 accuracy, n—proportion of the observed count to the true
10 10
absorption, n—release for desorption holding of a substance density of a sample. D5392
within a solid by cohesive or capillary forces. D6161 accuracy, n—refers to how close a measurement is to the true
absorptivity, n—absorbance (A) divided by the product of the or actual value. (See Terminology D1129.) D5906
sample path length (b) and the concentration (c). a = A/bc. acid error, n—in very acid solutions, the activity of water is
D4691 reduced (less than unity) causing a non-Nernstian response
acceleratederosion, n—erosionatarategreaterthangeologic inglasselectrodes.ApositiveerrorinthepHreadingresults.
or natural erosion. D4410 D4127
acidity, n—thequantitativecapacityofaqueousmediatoreact
DISCUSSION—Accelerated erosion is usually associated with anthro-
with hydroxyl ions.
pogenic activities and usually reduces plant cover and increases runoff.
acidity, n—quantitative capacity of aqueous media to react
acceptable holding time, n—any period of time less than or
with hydroxyl ions. D6161
equal to the maximum holding time. D4841
acidity, free mineral, n—the quantitative capacity of aqueous
acceptable verification ratio (AVR)—ratio of the difference
media to react with hydroxyl ions to pH 4.3.
between measured value of the verification sample and the
acidity, theoretical free mineral, n—the free mineral acidity
known value added to the verification sample to the square
root of the sum of the squares of their associated combined
acids in solution to their respective free acids.
standard uncertainties. See Eq. 8 in 16.2.13. D7282
acoustic path, n—straight line between the centers of two
accretion, n—process of sediment accumulation. D4410
acoustic transducers. D5389
accumulator, n—pulsation dampener installed on the suction
acoustic path length, n—face-to-face distance between trans-
and/or discharge lines of pumps, generally plunger type, to
ducers on an acoustic path. D5389
minimize pressure surges and provide uniformity of flow.
acoustic transducer, n—device that is used to generate
acoustic signals when driven by an electric voltage, and
accuracy, n—ameasureofthedegreeofconformityofavalue
conversely, a device that is used to generate an electric
voltage when excited by an acoustic signal. D5389
true value, and includes both precision and bias.
acoustic travel time, n—time required for an acoustic signal
accuracy, n—closeness of agreement between an observed
to propagate along an acoustic path, either upstream or
value and an accepted reference value. Where an accepted
downstream. D5389
reference value is not available, accuracy is a description of
action level, n—concentration of the analyte of concern at
a measure of the degree of conformity of a value generated
which some further action is required or suggested. D6850
by a specific procedure to the assumed or accepted true
activated carbon, n—granulated or powdered activated car-
value, including both precision and bias. D6161
bon used to remove tastes, odor, chlorine, chloramines, and
some organics from water. A family of carbonaceous sub-
1 stances manufactured by processes that develop adsorptive
This terminology is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D19 on Water
properties. D6161
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.02 on Quality Systems,
Specification, and Statistics.
activity, n—thermodynamically effective concentration of a
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2006. Published September 2006. Originally
free ion in solution. In dilute solutions, ionic activity and
approved in 1950. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as D1129–06. DOI:
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO
This document is not anASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of anASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation:D 1129–06 Designation:D1129–06a
Standard Terminology Relating to
Water ,
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1129; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has
´ NOTE—Previously approved terms from the Terminology sections of all D19 standards have been approved for use by
agencies of the Department of Defense. editorially included (in accordance with D19 bylaws) in August 2008.
absolute filter rating, n—particle size above which 100% of particles that are trapped on or within the filter medium. D6161
absorbance, n—logarithm to the base 10 of the reciprocal of the transmittance (T). A = log (1/ T) = –log T. D4691
10 10
absorption, n—release for desorption holding of a substance within a solid by cohesive or capillary forces. D6161
absorptivity, n—absorbance (A) divided by the product of the sample path length (b) and the concentration (c). a = A/bc.
accelerated erosion, n—erosion at a rate greater than geologic or natural erosion. D4410
DISCUSSION—Accelerated erosion is usually associated with anthropogenic activities and usually reduces plant cover and increases runoff.
acceptable holding time, n—any period of time less than or equal to the maximum holding time. D4841
acceptable verification ratio (AVR)—ratio of the difference between measured value of the verification sample and the known
value added to the verification sample to the square root of the sum of the squares of their associated combined standard
uncertainties. See Eq. 8 in 16.2.13. D7282
accretion, n—process of sediment accumulation. D4410
accumulator, n—pulsationdampenerinstalledonthesuctionand/ordischargelinesofpumps,generallyplungertype,tominimize
pressure surges and provide uniformity of flow. D6161
accuracy, n—a measure of the degree of conformity of a value generated by a specific procedure to the assumed or accepted true
value, and includes both precision and bias.
accuracy, n—closeness of agreement between an observed value and an accepted reference value. Where an accepted reference
value is not available, accuracy is a description of a measure of the degree of conformity of a value generated by a specific
procedure to the assumed or accepted true value, including both precision and bias. D6161
accuracy, n—measure of the degree of conformity of a single test result generated by a specific procedure to the assumed or
accepted true value, and includes both precision and bias. D2777
accuracy, n—proportion of the observed count to the true density of a sample. D5392
accuracy, n—refers to how close a measurement is to the true or actual value. (See Terminology D1129.) D5906
acid error, n—in very acid solutions, the activity of water is reduced (less than unity) causing a non-Nernstian response in glass
electrodes. A positive error in the pH reading results. D4127
acidity, n—the quantitative capacity of aqueous media to react with hydroxyl ions.
acidity, n—quantitative capacity of aqueous media to react with hydroxyl ions. D6161
acidity, free mineral, n—the quantitative capacity of aqueous media to react with hydroxyl ions to pH 4.3.
acidity, theoretical free mineral, n— the free mineral acidity that would result from the conversion of the anions of strong acids
in solution to their respective free acids.
acoustic path, n—straight line between the centers of two acoustic transducers. D5389
acoustic path length, n—face-to-face distance between transducers on an acoustic path. D5389
acoustic transducer, n—device that is used to generate acoustic signals when driven by an electric voltage, and conversely, a
device that is used to generate an electric voltage when excited by an acoustic signal. D5389
acoustic travel time, n—time required for an acoustic signal to propagate along an acoustic path, either upstream or downstream.
action level, n—concentration of the analyte of concern at which some further action is required or suggested. D6850
activated carbon, n—granulated or powdered activated carbon used to remove tastes, odor, chlorine, chloramines, and some
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D19 on Water and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.02 on General Specifications,
Technical Resources, Quality Systems, Specification, and Statistical Methods. Statistics.
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