Standard Specification for Fusion Bonded Epoxy-Coated Structural Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling

1.1 This specification covers structural steel H-piles and sheet piling with protective fusion-bonded epoxy coating applied by the electrostatic spray, flocking, or fluidized bed process.
Note 1—The coating applicator is identified throughout this specification as the manufacturer.
1.2 Requirements for coatings are contained in .
1.3 This specification is applicable for orders in either inch-pound units (as Specification A 950) or SI units (as Specification A 950M). The values stated in either inch-pound or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address any of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM A950/A950M-99(2003) - Standard Specification for Fusion Bonded Epoxy-Coated Structural Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: A 950/A 950M – 99 (Reapproved 2003)
Standard Specification for
Fusion-Bonded Epoxy-Coated Structural Steel H-Piles and
Sheet Piling
This standard is issued under the fixed designationA 950/A 950M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope A 857 Specification for Steel Sheet Piling, Cold-Formed,
Light Gage
1.1 This specification covers structural steel H-piles and
B 117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
sheet piling with protective fusion-bonded epoxy coating
D 2200 Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards for Painting
applied by the electrostatic spray, flocking, or fluidized bed
Steel Surfaces
D 3451 Practices for Testing Polymeric Powders and Pow-
NOTE 1—The coating applicator is identified throughout this specifica- 4
der Coatings
tion as the manufacturer.
G 8 Test Methods for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline
1.2 Requirements for coatings are contained in Annex A1.
1.3 This specification is applicable for orders in either
G 12 Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of Film
inch-pound units (as Specification A 950) or SI units (as
Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Steel
Specification A 950M). The values stated in either inch-pound
G 14 Test Method for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coat-
or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the
ings (Falling Weight Test)
text, the SI units are shown in brackets.
G 20 Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Pipeline
1.4 This standard does not purport to address any of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
2.2 American Petroleum Institute Specification:
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
API RP 5L7 Recommended Practice for Internal Fusion
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
Bonded Epoxy Coating of Line Pipe
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2.3 National Association of Corrosion Engineers Standard:
TM0175 Visual Standard for Surfaces of New Steel Cen-
2. Referenced Documents
trifugally Blast Cleaned with Steel Shot or Steel Grit
2.1 ASTM Standards:
(Nace No. 2)
A 6/A6M Specification for General Requirements for
2.4 Steel Structures Painting Council Standards:
Rolled Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet
SSPC VIS 1 Visual Standards
SSPC-SP 1 Surface Preparation Specification No. 1: Sol-
A 36/A36M Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
vent Cleaning
A 328/A328M Specification for Steel Sheet Piling
SSPC-SP 10 Near-White Blast Cleaning
A 572/A572M Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy
3. Ordering Information
Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel
A 588/A588M Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy
3.1 Information items to be considered, if appropriate, for
Structural Steel with 50 ksi [345 MPa] Minimum Yield
inclusion in purchase orders are as follows:
Point to 4 in. [100 mm] Thick
3.1.1 Specification designation and year of issue for H-pile
A 690/A690M Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy
or sheet piling,
Steel H-Piles and Sheet Piling for Use in Marine Environ-
3.1.2 Section,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.02.
1 4
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.02.
Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys and is under the direct responsibility of Available from the American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L St., Washington, DC
SubcommitteeA01.02onStructuralSteelforBridges,Buildings,RollingStock,and 20005.
Ships. Available from the National Institute of Corrosion Engineers, 1440 South
Current edition approved Sept. 10, 2003. Published October 2003. Originally Creek, Houston, TX 77084.
approved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as A 950/A 950M – 99. Available from the Steel Structures Painting Council, 40 24th St., Pittsburgh,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.04. PA 15213.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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A 950/A 950M – 99 (2003)
3.1.3 Quantity, 5. Surface Preparation
3.1.4 Length,
5.1 Prior to blast cleaning, the surfaces of steel H-piles and
3.1.5 Portions to be coated (full length or distance from end
sheet piling to be coated shall be precleaned, as required, in
to remain bare),
accordance with SSPC-SP1. Steel surfaces shall be cleaned by
3.1.6 Requirements for certifications (see 13.1),
abrasive blast cleaning to near-white metal in accordance with
3.1.7 Requirements for material samples (see 4.3)

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