Standard Guide for Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Building Materials/Products

1.1 This guide presents a common framework and set of principles for potential users, such as product manufacturers, environmental analysts, consultants, architects, and the building industry in general. It describes a framework for life cycle inventory analysis, and describes various options and aspects of Impact Assessment and Interpretation.
1.2 The complexity and level of detail of an LCA will vary greatly depending on the material/product or system studied, the purpose and use of the study, the intended users of the study, and the resources committed to complete the study. The level of detail can range from generic to material/product specific.
1.3 This guide does not describe in detail the actual techniques for performing a Life Cycle Assessment.
1.4 Life Cycle Assessment is an emerging methodology, which is still evolving. This guide will present its concepts and major features. It should enable the user to better understand Life Cycle Assessment and its application to building materials/products, and help to identify sources of additional information and guidances. LCA is only one of many tools designed to aid in environmental evaluation and decision making.
1.5 The component phases of Life Cycle Assessment, including goal definition and scoping, inventory, impact assessment, interpretation, and the various methodologies used in these phases are in various stages of development. Consequently, the results of an LCA must be understood in the context of their completeness and accuracy and must be applied appropriately. LCA does not necessarily proceed as a linear process through these phases but is conducted in a iterative fashion.

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ASTM E1991-98 - Standard Guide for Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Building Materials/Products
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An American National Standard
Standard Guide for
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Building Materials/
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1991; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This is a general guide for the application of environmental Life CycleAssessment (LCA) as a tool
for evaluating the environmental aspects of materials/products, processes, and services produced and
used in buildings and the built environment. This guide does not include, necessarily, all of the
environmental features and impacts of the complete building life cycle, but focuses on those issues
directly related to building materials/products and those elements of the building’s environmental
performance affected by these materials/products. Fig. 1 illustrates the total life cycle of a building.
Fig. 2 is an example of the relationship between the life cycle processes of building materials/products
and the total life cycle of a building and illustrates how these product/material life cycle processes
merge with the total building life cycle. Fig. 3 illustrates an example of the life cycle of a building
construction material within the context of the total building life cycle.
1. Scope 1.5 The component phases of Life Cycle Assessment, in-
cluding goal definition and scoping, inventory, impact assess-
1.1 This guide presents a common framework and set of
ment, interpretation, and the various methodologies used in
principles for potential users, such as product manufacturers,
these phases are in various stages of development. Conse-
environmental analysts, consultants, architects, and the build-
quently, the results of an LCA must be understood in the
ing industry in general. It describes a framework for life cycle
context of their completeness and accuracy and must be
inventory analysis, and describes various options and aspects
applied appropriately. LCA does not necessarily proceed as a
of Impact Assessment and Interpretation.
linear process through these phases but is conducted in an
1.2 The complexity and level of detail of an LCA will vary
iterative fashion.
greatly depending on the material/product or system studied,
the purpose and use of the study, the intended users of the
2. Referenced Documents
study, and the resources committed to complete the study. The
2.1 ASTM Standards:
level of detail can range from generic to material/product
E 1765 Practice forApplying theAnalytical Hierarchy Pro-
cess (AHP) to Multiattribute Decision Analysis of Invest-
1.3 This guide does not describe in detail the actual tech-
ments Related to Buildings and Building Systems
niques for performing a Life Cycle Assessment.
1.4 Life Cycle Assessment is an emerging methodology,
3. Terminology
which is still evolving.This guide will present its concepts and
3.1 Definitions for most of the LCA terms and language
major features. It should enable the user to better understand
used in this guide can be found in Refs. (1-7). Terms specific
Life Cycle Assessment and its application to building
to this guide are as follows:
materials/products, and help to identify sources of additional
3.1.1 standard—a document that has been developed and
information and guidance. LCA is only one of many tools
established within the consensus principles of the Society and
designed to aid in environmental evaluation and decision
that meets the approval requirements ofASTM procedures and
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on
Performance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.71 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.11.
on Sustainability. The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1998. Published January 1999. this standard.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
FIG. 1 Total Life Cycle of a Building
FIG. 2 Flow of Building Materials/Products into Building Life Cycle
3.1.2 guide—a compendium of information or series of cycle processes. In the text of this guide, this term is used in a
options that does not recommend a specific course of action. broadcontextandismeanttoincludefundamentalconstruction
3.1.3 practice—a definitive set of instructions for perform- material, for example, stone, as well as manufactured products,
ing one or more specific operations that does not produce a test such as, windows, roofing, HVAC and electrical systems,
result. interior furnishings, maintenance products, etc., used through-
3.2 Definitions of terms in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3: out the total building life cycle.
3.2.1 building, n—the complete, outfitted, and furnished 3.2.3 construction, n—the complete series of activities and
structure, operational in every way and ready for occupancy actions that begins with a building sit and results in a
and use. completed structure.
3.2.2 building material/product, n—a manufactured or pro- 3.2.4 disassembly, n—that complete series of activities and
duced unit or component that goes into any of the building life actions that eliminates the building.
FIG. 3 Example of Building Material/Product Segment of Total Building Life Cycle
3.2.5 energy input, n—all forms of energy necessary for the 3.2.17 structure, n—thecompletedbuildingenvelopeonthe
accomplishment of the particular building life cycle process site including all operating systems ready for interior furnish-
under consideration.
3.2.6 environmental releases, n—all air, water, and solid
3.2.18 target audience, n—the individual or collection of
emissions, which are given off by the building life cycle
individuals for whom the LCAis being done and to whom the
process under consideration that return to the natural environ-
results are being directed.
3.2.19 use and operation, n—the complete and ongoing
3.2.7 furnishing and outfitting, n—the complete series of
series of activities and actions that occur and are required
activities and actions that begins with a building structure and
during the life of a building from the point of occupancy to the
results in a completed building.
point where the building is obsolete and is about to be
3.2.8 interior furnishings, n—those temporary and semiper-
manent systems and components, which generally are required
for the normal utilization of the building for its intended
4. Summary of Guide
purpose including decorative components.
3.2.9 manufacturing, n—the complete series of activities
4.1 Life Cycle Assessment is a tool for identifying, assess-
and actions that produces the building material/product.
ing, and interpreting the environmental aspects, such as,
3.2.10 obsolete building, n—a building that has reached the
material, natural resource, and energy use; environmental
end of its useful life.
releases and other burdens of a product, process, or activity.A
3.2.11 raw material, n—those components and ingredients
typical LCA can be thought of as consisting of four phases:
that enter into the manufacturing process of the particular
goal definition and scoping, inventory analysis, impact assess-
building material/product under consideration.
ment, and interpretation (1-7).
3.2.12 raw material acquisition, n—the processes by which
4.2 Definingaclearandunambiguousgoalorpurposeofthe
natural resources are taken from the natural environment,
LCAis essential at the outset. Doing so will assist in imposing
including subsequent processing, to produce raw materials for
boundaries on the study and will help to establish the scope of
the manufacture of the particular building material/product
the effort. Identification of the target audience also is important
under consideration.
to establishing the scope. Depending on the goal and purpose
3.2.13 site, n—the natural location intended for the building
of the LCA, other parts of the process may involve identifying
altered, modified, and prepared to the point where construction
the relevant stakeholders throughout the life cycle, ranking the
activities can begin.
degree to which the various stakeholders interests will be
3.2.14 sit selection and preparation, n—the complete pro-
accommodated in decision making processes, and identifying
cess or series of activities and actions that converts, alters, and
stakeholder priorities regarding the various potential impacts
modifies a natural area or plot of land to a building site ready
possible throughout the life cycle.
for construction to begin.
4.3 The inventory analysis will comprise a process analysis
3.2.15 sponsor, n—the individual or individuals who have
of the Life Cycle of the subject of the LCA, in this case the
initiated and funded the LCA.
building material/product. Fig. 1 illustrates the life cycle of a
3.2.16 stakeholder, n—an individual or collection of indi-
building. Fig. 2 illustrates how the life cycle of a building
viduals who have some substantial interest or concern in the
building, its materials/products, or its life cycle processes; or, material/product merges with the life cycle of the building.
This analysis of the life cycle process then is followed by a
whose environment is or will be influenced by the building and
its life cycle. compilation of the relevant inputs and outputs of the processes
making up the total system. The depth of this analysis will be 5.2.4 See Appendix X1 for some specific examples of the
consistent with the goal, scope, and intended use of the study potential applications or uses of Life Cycle Assessment as
(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7). suggested in this guide.Application and use can have either an
4.4 Impact assessment will consist of an evaluation of the internal or external focus. An internal application is intended
potential environmental impacts of the inputs and outputs of primarily for the use of the sponsor and focuses on some
the total system. The general categories of environmental internal aspect, material, or process over which the sponsor has
impacts to be considered may include resource use, human primary control and influence. In this case, the sponsor is the
health, and ecological consequences. (1, 4). exclusive audience. An external application is intended either
4.5 Interpretationoftheresultsoftheinventoryanalysisand primarily or secondarily for use by some stakeholder external
the impact assessment must be made in relation to the goal and to the sponsor. In this case, the sponsor and one or more
intended use of the LCA. external stakeholders are the audience for the LCA. A critical
4.6 The application of the Life CycleAssessment concept to review by knowledgeable expects should be done for all
decision making processes for the reduction of the environ- external applications of an LCA.
mental consequences of a building, and its materials/products 5.2.5 In the application of LCA to building materials/
is an iterative process and generally will involve the examina- products, the environmental information developed by the
tion of a variety of options. Because this takes into consider- LCAoften will be only part of a series of issues and factors to
ation impacts on all environmental media and examines the be considered in a more complex decision making process. In
entire material/product life cycle, LCA provides the user with the building industry decisions generally will depend on more
an opportunity to achieve actual reduction in environmental than an assessment of environmental impact. Other factors and
impact and not a shift of impact from one medium to another, considerations, such as economics, material/product perfor-
from one geographical area to another, or from one part of the manceandfunction,aesthetics,availability,timing,etc.,almost
life cycle to another. always will intervene. The decision making process must
4.7 This guide provides general guidance for initiating the accommodate these factors. Procedures exist, which will be
performance of a LCA for buildings and building materials/ useful in this process (see Practice E 1765 and Ref 8).
products and illustrates some of the potential benefits derived 5.2.6 It should be recognized that in conducting an LCAon
from its use. building materials/products there are certain considerations
that differentiate it from an LCA on nondurable consumer
5. Significance and Use
products, such as:
5.1 Life Cycle Assessment in its broadest context is a Durability of alternative materials/products for a
holistic, comprehensive concept with many potential applica-
given application may vary significantly.
tions. Currently, there are numerous organizations, from both Building use patterns can change during the life of
the public and private sectors, such as the Society of Environ-
the materials/products.
mental Toxicologists and Chemists (SETAC), ISO, many Environmental effects during the use stage can
national standards organizations, universities, private compa-
dominate the total environmental impact.
nies, consulting groups, etc., working in the area of environ- Building site and location can affect the environ-
mental life cycle assessment. Each group has its own specific
mental profile.
set of objectives and requirements. This guide includes the Materials/products often are incorporated into as-
elements of Life Cycle Assessment on which general consen-
semblies with other materials/products and must be considered
sus has been reached and incorporates them into a guide
in the context of those assemblies and their environmental
tailored to buildings and building materials/products.
5.2 This guide provides general guidance for the practice of Environmental impacts may depend on how
materials/products are used and maintained.
of making decisions and choices.
6. Procedure
5.2.1 Those who specify or select materials for use in
buildings will benefit from the guidance provided here in that 6.1 The following section describes in more detail the
it will provide a means of incorporating environmental consid- content and components of an LCA as it relates to building
erations into their decision-making processes. materials/products. The information contained herein is not
5.2.2 Thosewhodevelop,manufacture,andmarketbuilding intended to be exhaus

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