ASTM C1139-90(2002)
(Specification)Standard Specification for Fibrous Glass Thermal Insulation and Sound Absorbing Blanket and Board for Military Applications
Standard Specification for Fibrous Glass Thermal Insulation and Sound Absorbing Blanket and Board for Military Applications
This specification covers unfaced flexible fibrous glass blanket and faced board used for thermal and sound absorbing insulation for military applications as a replacement for MIL-I-22023D. The fibrous glass felt shall be of the following types and grades: Types I and II (Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). The insulation shall be composed of glass, processed from a molten state into a fibrous form, bonded with a chemical binder. The following test methods shall be performed: flexibility and rigidity; density; determining binder content; thermal conductivity; corrosiveness to steel; surface burning characteristics; determining the vibration resistance of fibrous glass insulation; maximum use temperature; and determination of flashover potential of a lining material using a quarter-scale room fire test.
1.1 This specification covers unfaced flexible fibrous glass blanket and faced board used for thermal and sound absorbing insulation at temperatures up to 450°F (232°C) for military applications as a replacement for MIL-I-22023D.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 The following hazard caveat pertains only to the test method section of this specification. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: C 1139 – 90 (Reapproved 2002)
Standard Specification for
Fibrous Glass Thermal Insulation and Sound Absorbing
Blanket and Board for Military Applications
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1139; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope C 612 Specification for Mineral Fiber Block and Board
Thermal Insulation
1.1 This specification covers unfaced flexible fibrous glass
C 665 Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal
blanket and faced board used for thermal and sound absorbing
Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured
insulation at temperatures up to 450°F (232°C) for military
applications as a replacement for MIL-I-22023D.
C 1101/C1101M TestMethodforClassifyingtheFlexibility
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
or Rigidity of Mineral Fiber Blanket and Board Insulation
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
E 84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of
information only.
Building Materials
1.3 The following hazard caveat pertains only to the test
2.2 U.S. Military Standards:
method section of this specification. This standard does not
MIL-STD-167-1 Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard
purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated
Equipment (Type 1 Environmental and Type II Internally
with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard
to establish appropriate safety and health practices and
MIL-Y-1140 Yarn, Cord, Sleeving, Cloth and Tape-Glass
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to
MIL-A-3316 Adhesives, Fire Resistant, Thermal Insula-
2. Referenced Documents
3. Terminology
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1 Definitions—Terminology C 168 shall apply to the
C 167 Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Blankets
terms used in this specification.
or Batt Thermal Insulations
C 168 Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulation
4. Classification
C 177 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measure-
4.1 The fibrous glass felt shall be of the following types and
ments and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of
2 grades:
the Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus
3 3
Type I, Unfaced Thermal Blanket Nominal Density, lb/ft (kg/m )
C 390 Criteria for Sampling and Acceptance of Preformed
Grade 1 0.75 (12)
Thermal Insulation Lots
Grade 2 1.00 (16)
C 411 Test Method for Hot-Surface Performance of High Grade 3 1.50 (24)
Grade 4 2.00 (32)
Temperature Thermal Insulation
Grade 5 2.50 (40)
C 423 Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Ab-
Grade 6 3.00 (48)
sorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method Type II, Unfaced Sound Absorbing
3 3
Blanket Nominal Density, lb/ft (kg/m )
C 518 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measure-
Grade 1 0.75 (12)
ments and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of
Grade 2 1.00 (16)
Grade 3 1.50 (24)
the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus
Grade 4 2.00 (32)
Grade 5 2.50 (40)
Grade 6 3.00 (48)
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C16 on
Thermal Insulation and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C16.23 on
Blanket and Loose Fill Insulation. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
Current edition approved Feb. 23, 1990. Published August 1990. AvailablefromStandardizationDocumentsOrderDesk,Bldg.4SectionD,700
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
C 1139 – 90 (2002)
7.9 Apparent Thermal Conductivity—The thermal conduc-
Type III, Faced, Thermal and Sound Density shall be 2.8 (45)
3 3
Absorbing Board lb/ft (kg/m )
tivities for Type I, Grade 1 through 6 and Type III materials
shall not exceed the values shown in Table 1. Thermal
5. Ordering Information
conductivity shall be determined by Test Methods C 177 or
5.1 The type, dimensions, density, maximum use tempera-
C 518.
ture, and facing (if required) shall be specified by the pur-
7.10 Vibration Resistance of Type II Materials—There shall
chaser.Aproduct certification may be specified in the purchase
be a maximum of 0.50 % weight loss and the insulation shall
not settle and lose thickness when subjected to the vibration
test described in 11.9.
6. Materials and Manufacture
7.11 Acoustical Performance of Type II Materials—The
6.1 Composition:
coefficients of absorption shall be not less than those shown in
6.1.1 The insulation shall be composed of glass, processed
Table 2 when Type II material is tested in accordance with
binder. Asbestos shall not be used as an ingredient or compo-
7.12 Kerfing—Type III panels shall be capable of being
nent part of the product.
6.1.2 The facing shall be a polyester film reinforced with
is folded to a right angle. The facing material shall be flexible
glass yarns (MIL-I-1140). The laminating adhesive shall con-
to form a neat square corner at the kerfed joint (see 11.11).
7.13 FlashoverTime—Flashovertimeshallnotoccurwithin
used as an ingredient or component part of the product.
10 min when tested in accordance with
7. Physical Requirements
8. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
7.1 A 1-in. (25-mm) thick sample of the insulation shall be
flexible when tested in accordance with 11.1.
8.1 The standard sizes and tolerances of Types I, II, and III
7.2 The insulation shall be of the nominal density specified
materials are listed in Table 3.
for its grade with a tolerance of 610 %. Density shall be
determined in accordance with 11.2.
9. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
7.3 Maximum Temperature of Use—When tested in accor-
9.1 The insulation units shall indicate good workmanship
dance with 11.10 at the insulation’s maximum use temperature
of 450°F (232°C), the insulation shall not crack, warp, flame,
and service qualities.
glow, smolder, or show evidence of fused fibers.
7.4 The nonfibrous material (shot) content shall not be
10. Sampling
greater than 1.5 % by weight when tested in accordance with
10.1 Inspection and qualification shall be in accordance
7.5 Binder Content—When tested in accordance with 11.4, with Criteria C390. Other provisions for sampling can be
agreed upon between the purchaser, seller, and manufacturer.
the binder content shall not exceed 30 % by weight.
7.6 CorrosivenesstoSteel—Whentestedinaccordancewith
11.6, steel plates in contact with the insulation shall show no 11. Test Methods
11.1 Flexibility—Rigidity—Test in accordance with Test
Method C 1101/C 1101M.
7.7 Surface Burning Characteristics Type I and II—The
11.2 Density—Test in accordance withTest Methods C 167.
insulation shall have a flame spread index not greater than 25
11.3 Nonfibrous Shot Content—Test in accordance with the
and a smoke developed index not greater than 50 when tested
Annex in Specification C 612.
in accordance with Test Method E 84.
11.4 Test Method for Determining Binder Content:
7.8 QuarterScaleRoomFireTestofTypeIII—TypeIIIshall
meet the requirements of the Quarter-Scale Room-Fire Test 11.4.1 Scope—This test method provides a test to determine
Method described in 11.12. the amount of organic binder present in the insulation.
TABLE 1 Type I and Type III Thermal Insulation Blanket Physical Requirements
Type I Type I Type I Type I Type I Type I
Type I Type III
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Nominal Density (lb/ft ) 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.8
Thermal Conductivity, max Btu·in./h ft ·°F (W/m·K)
Mean Temperature,° F (°C)
25 (−4) 0.27 (0.039) 0.26 (0.037) 0.24 (0.035) 0.22 (0.032) 0.22 (0.032) 0.22 (0.032) 0.22 (0.032)
50 (10) 0.29 (0.042) 0.28 (0.040) 0.26 (0.037) 0.24 (0.035) 0.23 (0.033) 0.23 (0.033) 0.23 (0.033)
75 (24) 0.32 (0.046) 0.30 (0.043) 0.27 (0.039) 0.25 (0.036) 0.24 (0.035) 0.24 (0.035) 0.24 (0.035)
100 (38) 0.35 (0.050) 0.32 (0.046) 0.29 (0.042) 0.27 (0.039) 0.26 (0.037) 0.25 (0.036) 0.26 (0.037)
200 (93) 0.49 (0.071) 0.43 (0.062) 0.38 (0.055) 0.34 (0.049) 0.31 (0.045) 0.30 (0.043) 0.31 (0.045)
300 (149) 0.70 (0.101) 0.58 (0.083) 0.50 (0.072) 0.44 (0.063) 0.38 (0.055) 0.37 (0.053) 0.38 (0.055)
C 1139 – 90 (2002)
TABLE 2 Coefficients of Sound Absorption Minimum, Using a
Type “A” Mounting (Types II and III)
B = percent binder,
NOTE 1— Data on Type “A” Mounting is for comparison only and not W = initial weight, and
meant to indicate characteristics in service.
W = final weight after 1 h.
Frequency, Hz 11.4.7 Precision and Bias—The precision of this test
Nominal Insula-
Noise Reduc-
method is not known because interlaboratory data are not
tion Thickness,
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 tion Coefficient
in. (mm)
available. This test method may not be suitable for use in
Type II, All Grades specificationsorincaseofdisputedresultsaslongasthesedata
0.75 (19) 0.04 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.55 0.55 0.30
are not available.
1.0 (25) 0.06 0.20 0.45 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.50
11.5 Thermal Conductivity—Test in accordance with Test
2.0 (51) 0.15 0.40 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.70 0.65
3.0 (75) 0.20 0.60 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.75 0.80 Methods C 177 or C 518.
4.0 (100) 0.25 0.65 0.95 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.85
11.6 Corrosiveness to Steel—Test in accordance with the
Type III
corrosiveness method of Specification C 665.
2 (51) 0.43 0.96 1.00 0.70 0.51 0.35 0.80
11.7 Surface Burning Characteristics—Test in accordance
with Test Method E 84.
TABLE 3 Type I, II, and III Tolerances for Standard Sizes
11.8 Acoustical Performance—Test in accordance withTest
Standard Sizes Types I and II Tolerances
Method C 423 using an “A” mounting.
Length ft (m) 4 (1.22), 8 (2.43) 6 ⁄4 in. (0.64 cm) 11.9 Test Method for Determining the Vibration Resistance
50 (15.24), 75 (22.86), 100 66 in. (15.24 cm)
of Fibrous Glass Insulation:
11.9.1 Scope—This test method provides a test to determine
150 (45.73), 200 (61)
Width in. (cm) 24 (61.68), 36 (91.44), 48 6 ⁄4 in. (0.64 cm)
the effect of vibration, at ambient temperature, on fibrous glass
72 (183)
1 11.9.2 Summary of Test Method—A12-in. (30.5-cm) square
Thickness in. (cm) 0.75 (1.9), 1.0 (2.54), 1.5 (3.8), 6 ⁄8 in. (0.32 cm)
2.0 (5.1), 2.5 (6.35), 30 (7.62),
specimen is subjected to a 0.13-in. (3-mm) amplitude vibration
3.5 (8.9), 4.0 (10.2)
with a 12-Hz frequency in a horizontal plane for a period of
Standard Sizes Types III Tolerances
100 h. After the 100 h of vibration, the specimen is examined
Length, in. (cm) 36 (91.44), 48 (122) 6 ⁄4 in. (0.64 cm)
for weight loss and loss of thickness due to settling.
Width, in. (cm) 24 (61.68) 6 ⁄4 in. (0.64 cm)
11.9.3 Significance and Use—This is a test method to test
Thickness, in. (cm) 0.75 (1.9), 1.0 (2.54), 1.5 (3.8), 6 ⁄8 in. (0.32 cm)
2.0 (5.1) productsthatareinstalledinanaboveambienttemperatureand
vibrating environment.
11.9.4 Apparatus: Pin Probe, as described in Test Methods C 167.
11.4.2 Summary of Test Method—The percent binder by Sheet Metal Box, 12-in. (30.5-cm) Square, with a
weight is measured by determining the weight lost by the
16-mesh wire screen tightly stretched over one open side.
insulation after it is placed in a 1000°F (538°C) furnace for 1 Vibration Testing Fixture, capable of vibrating at a
12 Hz frequency and a 0.13-in. (3-mm) amplitude in the
11.4.3 Significance and Use—There is a susceptibility of
horizontal plane.
11.9.5 Test Specimen—Cut a 12-in. (30.5-cm) square, full
11.4.4 Apparatus:
thicknesssampleoftheinsulationandblowitcleanofallloose Furnace, capable of maintaining a 1000°F (538°C)
or cut surface particles.
11.9.6 Procedure: Scales, accurate to 0.1 % of specimen weight. Measure the thickness of the specimen in 5 places
11.4.5 Test Specimen:
to the nearest 0.1 in. (2.5 mm) using a pin probe described in Three test specimens shall be tested.
Test Methods C 167. The test specimen shall be between 0.17 lb (75 g) Subject the test specimen to the endurance test for
and 0.33 lb (150 g).
Type I of MIL-STD-167-1 except that the total period of the
11.4.6 Procedure:
test shall be 100 h at a frequency of 12 Hz with an amplitude Weigh the specimens; then place the specimens in
of vibration of 0.13 6 0.006 in. (3.3 mm 6 0.065 mm) only.
the 1000°F (538°C) furnace for 1 h.
In preparation for the test, the test specimen shall be blown Remove the specimens from the furnace and let
clean of all loose or cut surface particles and weighed to the
them cool to room temperature in the same laboratory atmo-
sphere (temperature and relative humidity) as they were
be placed in a tight fitting five-sided sheet metal box covered
previous to placing them in the furnace.
with a No. 16-mesh wire screen tightly stretched and firmly Weigh the specimens when they have cooled to
attached to the box over the open side. The specimen shall be
ambient temperature. The percent binder is the average of the
in intimate contact with the screen and five sides of the box.
following calculation for the three specimens:
The method of attachment shall be in accordance with MIL-
W 2 W STD-167-1, allowing the test specimen to have the exposed
B,% 5 3 100
W face down and in a horizontal position.Apan shall be installed
C 1139 – 90 (2002)
below the test specimen to catch all material particles that fall a30by80-in.highdoorway),aone-quarter-scaleroomfiretest
from the test specimen during the test. The test shall be was devised to predict flashover potential of lining materials
conducted with the specimen in the horizontal position only. exposed to fire.
Thevibrationexcitationshallbeinthehorizontalpositiononly. 11.12.3 Apparatus: Atthecompletionofthe100hofvibration,remove The Quarter-Scale Room—The quarter-scale
the test specimen from its mounting attachments and sheet room shall be constructed from a suitable ceramic insulation
metal box. Weigh the specimen again to the nearest 0.002 lb
board and shall form an airtight box having a ceiling and four
(0.1 g) and calculate the percent weight loss.Also measure the sides. The box shall si
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