Standard Guide for Selection of Airborne Remote Sensing Systems for Detection and Monitoring of Oil on Water

The contributions that an effective remote sensing system can make are:
2.1.1 Provide a strategic picture of the overall spill,
2.1.2 Assist in detection of slicks when they are not observable by persons operating at, or near, the water’surface or at night,
2.1.3 Provide location of slicks containing the most oil,
2.1.4 Provide input for the operational deployment of equipment,
2.1.5 Extend the hours of clean-up operations to include darkness and poor visibility,
2.1.6 Identify oceanographic and geographic features toward which the oil may migrate,
2.1.7 Locate unreported oil-on-water,
2.1.8 Collect evidence linking oil-on-water to its source,
2.1.9 Help reduce the time and effort for long range planning,
2.1.10 A log, or time history, of the spill can be compiled from successive data runs, and
2.1.11 A source of initial input for predictive models and for “truthing” or updating them over time.
1.1 This guide provides information and criteria for selection of remote sensing systems for the detection and monitoring of oil on water.
1.2 This guide applies to the remote sensing of oil-on-water involving a variety of sensing devices used alone or in combination. The sensors may be mounted in helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft or lighter-than-air platforms. Excluded are situations where the aircraft is used solely as a telemetry or visual observation platform and exo-atmosphere or satellite systems.
1.3 The context of sensor use is addressed to the extent it has a bearing on their selection and utility for certain missions or objectives.
1.4 This guide is generally applicable for all types of crude oils and most petroleum products, under a variety of marine or fresh water situations.
1.5 Many sensors exhibit limitations with respect to discriminating the target substances under certain states of weathering, lighting, wind and sea, or in certain settings.
1.6 This guide gives information for evaluating the capability of a remote surveillance technology to locate, determine the areal extent, as well as measure or approximate certain other characteristics of oil spilled upon water.
1.7 Remote sensing of oil-on-water involves a number of safety issues associated with the modification of aircraft and their operation, particularly at low altitudes. Also, in some instances, hazardous materials or conditions (for example, certain gases, high voltages, etc.) can be involved. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use.

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ASTM F2327-03 - Standard Guide for Selection of Airborne Remote Sensing Systems for Detection and Monitoring of Oil on Water
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Standard Guide for
Selection of Airborne Remote Sensing Systems for
Detection and Monitoring of Oil on Water
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2327; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2. Significance and Use
1.1 This guide provides information and criteria for selec- 2.1 The contributions that an effective remote sensing sys-
tion of remote sensing systems for the detection and monitor- tem can make are:
ing of oil on water. 2.1.1 Provide a strategic picture of the overall spill,
1.2 This guide applies to the remote sensing of oil-on-water 2.1.2 Assist in detection of slicks when they are not observ-
involving a variety of sensing devices used alone or in able by persons operating at, or near, the water’s surface or at
combination. The sensors may be mounted in helicopters, night,
fixed-wing aircraft or lighter-than-air platforms. Excluded are 2.1.3 Provide location of slicks containing the most oil,
situations where the aircraft is used solely as a telemetry or 2.1.4 Provideinputfortheoperationaldeploymentofequip-
visual observation platform and exo-atmosphere or satellite ment,
systems. 2.1.5 Extend the hours of clean-up operations to include
1.3 The context of sensor use is addressed to the extent it darkness and poor visibility,
has a bearing on their selection and utility for certain missions 2.1.6 Identify oceanographic and geographic features to-
or objectives. ward which the oil may migrate,
1.4 This guide is generally applicable for all types of crude 2.1.7 Locate unreported oil-on-water,
oils and most petroleum products, under a variety of marine or 2.1.8 Collect evidence linking oil-on-water to its source,
fresh water situations. 2.1.9 Help reduce the time and effort for long range plan-
1.5 Many sensors exhibit limitations with respect to dis- ning,
criminating the target substances under certain states of weath- 2.1.10 A log, or time history, of the spill can be compiled
ering, lighting, wind and sea, or in certain settings. from successive data runs, and
1.6 This guide gives information for evaluating the capabil- 2.1.11 Asource of initial input for predictive models and for
ity of a remote surveillance technology to locate, determine the “truthing” or updating them over time.
areal extent, as well as measure or approximate certain other
3. Remote Sensing Equipment Capabilities and
characteristics of oil spilled upon water.
1.7 Remote sensing of oil-on-water involves a number of
3.1 The capability of remote sensing equipment is, in large
safety issues associated with the modification of aircraft and
their operation, particularly at low altitudes. Also, in some measure, determined by the physical and chemical properties
of the atmosphere, the water and the target oil. There may be
instances, hazardous materials or conditions (for example,
certain gases, high voltages, etc.) can be involved. This variations in the degree of sophistication, sensitivity and
spacial resolution of sensors using the same portion of the
standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,
if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user electromagnetic spectrum and detector technology. Sensors
within a given class tend to have the same general capabilities
of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory require- and typically suffer from the same limitations.
3.2 Combinations of sensors offer broader spectral coverage
ments prior to use.
which, in turn, permit better probability of detection, better
discrimination, and effective operation over a broader range of
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F20 on Hazardous
weather and lighting conditions. Certain combinations, or
Substances and Oil Spill Response and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
sensor suites, are well documented, and their use is particularly
F20.16 on Surveillance and Tracking.
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2003. Published December 2003. suited to oil spill response missions.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
3.3 The performance of virtually all sensors can be en- 3.6 A responder may require the data on an oil spill, 24
hanced by a variety of real-, near real-time or post processing hours per day, independent of the prevailing weather.
3.7 Information from remote sensing is required in a timely
techniques applied to the acquired data or imagery. Further-
more, image or data fusion can greatly enhance the utility of manner. Strategic or enforcement information, such as the
overall extent and location of a spill, should be available
the remote sensing output or product. Similarly, there exists a
preferably within two to four hours from information gathering
variety of technological considerations and organizational
to presentation.
ramifications that relate to the delivery of the remote sensing
3.8 Tactical information, such as steering information for
information to the user.
response vessels, should be available in as little as five minutes
3.4 Certain parameters need to be identified and quantified
from detection to communication.The acceptable data delivery
to provide an oil spill response decision-maker with all of the
time is a function of the dynamics of the slick, proximity to
information needed to best respond to a spill. These are:
critical areas, and the availability of clean-up resources.
3.4.1 Location—of the approximate center and edges of the
3.9 No sensor is currently available to give information on
oil thickness. Relative thickness information of the form, thick
3.4.2 Geometry—source or origin, total area, orientation
or thin, can be derived from an infrared camera.
and lengths of major and minor axes, fragmentation, and
3.10 Table 1 lists sensors based upon their mode of opera-
tion. Summary information on their advantages and disadvan-
3.4.3 Physical conditions—oil appearance, entrained debris,
tages is presented.
3.11 Table 2 presents a summary of key attributes which
3.4.4 Environmental conditions—wave height and direc-
generally influence the selection of remote sensing instrumen-
tion; water temperature; position of oceanic fronts, conver-
gence and divergence zones,
3.12 Table3addressesthemissionspecificaspectsofsensor
3.4.5 Proximity of threatened resources, and
3.4.6 Location of response equipment.
4. Summary
3.5 Remote sensing can contribute to all of the above data
needs. Depending on the spill situation and the employment of
4.1 The information presented in this guide should be
remote sensing, some of this information may already be considered a starting point for sensor selection. In addition to
available, or can be determined more cost effectively by other
the context of use and the attributes of the various types of
means. For example, in a response mode, or tactical employ- sensors, the system planner will have to give due consideration
ment of remote sensing, it is likely that the source, general
to the capabilities of the aircraft and the information needs of
location and type of oil have been reported well in advance of the users before finalizing the system design. Both sensor
the launch of the remote sensing platform. In a regulatory or
technology, and image and data analysis capabilities are
patrol context, this information may not be available. The spill evolving rapidly. Most equipment is not commercially-
situation influences the priorities among the elements of available and requires assembly and in some cases requires
information and, thereby, influences the selection priorities for development. Up to two years lead time may be required for
sensors. some equipment.
TABLE 1 Sensor Characteristics
Sensor/ Band Principal of Operation Positive Features Limitations
Visual Operate in, and near, the (human) visible spec- Equipment is widely available, generally Oil is generally perceptible over the entire visible
trum (400 to 750 nm). Using photographic films, inexpensive, light and easily accommodated spectrum, but not uniquely so. As such, instances
scanners with one or more narrow band detectors on most any aerial platform. Imagery is in every- of not being able to discriminate the oil from its
or charge coupled devices (CCD) to capture an day use and the layman can easily relate to its background, or differentiate it from other
image. content. This characteristic makes the imagery substances or phenomena in or on the water’s
an excellent base for recording and presenting surface, lead to frequent non-detects and false
other data. positives.
Low level light TV may extend the operational
window, but visual technologies are limited by
available light.
Infrared While the infrared (IR) spectrum ranges from 750 Fresh oil shows a somewhat contrast to open S

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