ASTM D5359-98(2010)
(Specification)Standard Specification for Glass Cullet Recovered from Waste for Use in Manufacture of Glass Fiber
Standard Specification for Glass Cullet Recovered from Waste for Use in Manufacture of Glass Fiber
This specification describes glass cullet recovered from municipal waste destined for disposal, but intended for the manufacture of glass fiber for use in insulation-type products. The glass cullet shall primarily be soda-lime bottle glass and shall be one of three grades depending upon the total usage rate requirement of the user. The three grades shall satisfy the specified chemical composition, color mix, contamination, and particle size requirements.
1.1 This specification describes glass cullet recovered from municipal waste destined for disposal. The recovered cullet is intended for use in the manufacture of glass fiber used for insulation-type products.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Designation:D5359 −98(Reapproved 2010)
Standard Specification for
Glass Cullet Recovered from Waste for Use in Manufacture
of Glass Fiber
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5359; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope state of cullet added to the fiberglass batch can shift the glass
oxidation state causing the release of dissolved SO gas, which
1.1 This specification describes glass cullet recovered from
can upset the furnace.Achange in the glass oxidation state also
municipal waste destined for disposal. The recovered cullet is
means a change in the glass FeO content. This affects the heat
intended for use in the manufacture of glass fiber used for
transfer in the melt and can affect furnace efficiency and glass
insulation-type products.
quality. See Table 2.
2. Referenced Documents
4.4 Contaminants—Free metals, magnetic or nonmagnetic,
are not oxidized in the glass melting process and, therefore, are
2.1 ASTM Standards:
C162 Terminology of Glass and Glass Products insoluble. Metals will pool on the furnace floor and leak
through joints causing premature wear of refractories and
D4129 Test Method for Total and Organic Carbon in Water
by High Temperature Oxidation and by Coulometric electrical shorts, which can lead to glass leaks. Some metals
will attack and destroy precious metal skimmers and thermo-
E688 Test Methods for Waste Glass as a Raw Material for couples and molybdenum electrodes. Examples are silver, tin,
lead, and aluminum.
Glass Manufacturing
4.4.1 Other inorganic materials and refractories will not
3. Terminology
melt in the glass melting process. Other inorganics can be
porcelains, ceramics, or high-temperature glasses. Refractories
3.1 For definitions of terms used in this specification, refer
can be remnants of furnace construction materials or minerals
to Terminology C162.
contained as unmelted inclusions in the cullet. See Table 3.
4. General Requirements The container cullet mixture must not contain glass
types or other materials whose composition contains anything
4.1 Glass cullet from municipal waste is primarily soda-
lime bottle glass and shall be one of three grades depending that is either harmful to the fiberglass production process or
which affects the user’s ability to meet Federal or state
upon the total usage rate requirement of the user. The three
environmental, safety, or health laws. Examples of such
grades shall satisfy the following chemical composition, color
materials are anything which contains elements or oxides of
mix, contamination, and particle size requirements as listed in
phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and chlorides.
Section 4:
4.5 Particle Size—For all grades of cullet, the particle size
4.2 Chemical Composition—See Table 1.
shall be 100 % < ⁄4 in. and <15 % < 200 mesh. The
4.3 Color Mix—Color is an indicator of the oxidation state
specification for the particle size distribution between these
of container cullet. SO gas solubility in the glass melt is a
two end points shall be agreed to on an individual basis
function of the glass oxidation state. Changes in the oxidation
between the cullet supplier and the cullet user.
This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D34 on Waste
5. Sampling and Testing
Management and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D34.03 on Tr
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