This document specifies two methods for testing the resistance of raw optical glasses to attack by aqueous acidic solutions and defines a classification of optical glasses according to the acid resistance determined by these methods. The surface method tests the resistance of the polished plate-shaped optical glass to attack by aqueous acidic solutions at 25 °C for a specified time and indicates the class determined by this method as “SR-S”. The powder method tests the resistance of crushed granular optical glass to attack by an acidic aqueous solution at above 98 °C for 1 h, and indicates the class determined by this method as “SR-P”.

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This document defines terms relating to raw optical glass and related manufacturing processes. The list is not complete and only comprises those terms for which the definition is considered necessary for correct and adequate understanding of the terminology. It is understood that the interpretations given are those corresponding to the practical usage in this field and that they do not necessarily coincide with those used in other fields.

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This document gives rules for the specification of raw optical glass. It serves as a complement to the ISO 10110 series, which provides rules specifying finished optical elements. Since raw optical glass can be quite different in shape and size from the optical elements, its specification also differs from that of optical elements. This document provides guidelines for the essential specification characteristics of raw optical glass in order to improve communication between glass suppliers and optical element manufacturers. For specific applications (e.g. lasers, the infrared spectral range), specifications based on this document need supplements. While the intent of this document is to address the specific needs of raw optical glass, many of the parameters and characteristics are common to other optical materials, which are not necessarily glass. While this document can be used for non-glass materials, the user is informed that only optical glass has been considered in the development of this document, and other materials can have issues, which have not been taken into consideration. NOTE Additional information on how to translate optical element specifications into raw optical glass specifications is given in Annex A.

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ISO 14719:2011 specifies a spectral photometric method with 1,10-phenanthroline for the quantitative determination of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in oxidic raw and basic materials for ceramics, glass and glazes, e.g. feldspar, kaolinites, clay, limestone, quartz refractory materials. ISO 14719:2011 could be extended to other aluminosilicate materials, providing that uncertainty data is produced to support it. However, there might be problems in the decomposition of high-purity alumina and chrome ore samples.
The method is not suitable for reduced materials, such as silicon carbide, graphite-magnesia, etc.

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This International Standard describes the stress optical method for determining the birefringence in glass, especially in raw optical glass in bulk and preshaped forms. This method is also used in photo-elasticity.

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Specifies a method for testing the resistance of raw optical glasses and a classification of optical glasses according to the aqueous alkaline phosphate-containing detergent resistance (phosphate resistance) determined by this method.

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ISO 12123:2010 gives rules for the specification of raw optical glass. It serves as a complement to ISO 10110, which provides rules specifying finished optical elements. Since raw optical glass may be quite different in shape and size from the optical elements, its specification also differs from that of optical elements. ISO 12123:2010 provides guidelines for the essential specification characteristics of raw optical glass in order to improve communication between glass suppliers and optical element manufacturers. For specific applications (e.g. lasers, the infrared spectral range) specifications based on this International Standard will have to be supplemented.

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Relates to a test method for determining inclusions in raw optical glass. Gives a classification for raw optical glass in bulk form according to the type of inclusions determined by this test method, as well as a designation of a raw optical glass in preshaped form according to the type of the inclusions.

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Defines terms relating to raw optical glass and related manufacturing processes. Contains types of optical glasses, processes and materials, optical properties, non-optical properties and glass defects.

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    80 pages
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