ASTM E2816-11
(Test Method)Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems
Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems
These test methods are intended to evaluate the ability of the HVAC duct system and its supporting construction to do the following:
Resist the effects of a standardized fire exposure, and
Retain its integrity.
These test methods provide for the following measurements and evaluations where applicable:
Ability of the fire-resistive material to resist flaming (combustion) when exposed to 1382°F (750°C).
Ability of the tested support system to carry the load of the HVAC duct and its fire-resistive material(s) during a standardized fire-engulfment test.
Ability of the firestops to meet the requirements of Test Method E814 when used as part of a HVAC duct system.
Ability of the HVAC duct system to resist the passage of flames and hot gases onto its unexposed surface during a standardized fire-resistance test.
Transmission of heat through the HVAC duct system during a standardized fire-resistance test.
Ability of the firestop to resist the passage of water during a standardized hose stream test.
Comparative measurement of temperature aging of the fire-resistive material(s) when subjected to a standardized thermal cycling during the durability test.
Measurement of flame spread over the surface of the fire-resistive material or HVAC duct system.
These test methods do not provide the following:
Full information as to performance of the fire-resistive material, supporting construction, or the HVAC duct system constructed with components, densities, or dimensions other than those tested.
Evaluation of the degree by which the fire-resistive material or HVAC duct system contributes to the fire hazard by generation of toxic gases, or other products of combustion.
Measurement of the degree of control or limitation of the passage of smoke or products of combustion through the HVAC duct system.
The test specimens are subjected to one or more specific tests under laboratory conditions. When different test conditions are substituted or the end-use condi...
Note 1—Use of the standard designation ISO 6944 refers to both ISO 6944:1985 and ISO 6944-1:2008.
1.1 These test methods evaluate the fire-resistive materials and the HVAC duct systems surface burning characteristics, non-combustibility, fire resistance, durability, and fire-engulfment with horizontal and vertical through-penetration firestops.
Note 2—The intent of these test methods is to provide authorities having jurisdiction a means to evaluate the fire performance of HVAC duct systems to enable their application and use.
1.2 These test methods evaluate the fire performance of HVAC ducts, including both supply (pressurized: Condition A – Horizontal and Condition B – Vertical) and return (exhaust: Condition C – Horizontal and Condition D – Vertical).
1.3 These test methods evaluate the ability of a HVAC duct system to resist the spread of fire from one compartment to other compartments separated by a fire resistance rated construction when the HVAC duct system is exposed to fire under one or more of the following conditions:
1.3.1 Condition A—Fire exposure from the outside of the horizontal HVAC duct system without openings,
1.3.2 Condition B—Fire exposure from the outside of the vertical HVAC duct system without openings,
1.3.3 Condition C—Fire exposure from the outside with hot gases entering the inside of the horizontal HVAC duct system with unprotected openings, and
Note 3—Unprotected openings are openings that are not protected by fire dampers.
1.3.4 Condition D—Fire exposure from the outside with hot gases entering the inside of the vertical HVAC duct system with unprotected openings.
1.4 These test methods provide a means for determining the fire-resistance of vertical and horizontal HVAC duct systems, when subjected to the standard time-temperature curve of Test Methods E119.
1.4.1 Condition A—These test methods provide a means for evaluating a horizontal HVAC duct system, without op...
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Designation: E2816 − 11 AnAmerican National Standard
Standard Test Methods for
Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2816; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) duct systems may be subjected to fire- exposure
conditions. ISO 6944 is a standard test method used to evaluate ventilation ducts. However, ISO 6944
does not address all of the fire resistive attributes deemed necessary by some authorities having
jurisdiction,forexample, (1)thefire-resistive,combustibility,flamespreadandsmokegeneration,and
durability properties of the fire-resistive materials protecting the HVAC duct, (2) the transition from
the horizontal to a vertical HVAC duct, (3) the attachment of the HVAC duct’s supports to the
fire-separating elements, (4) the termination of an HVAC duct system and the protection of its ends,
(5) the effects of rapid cooling and erosion upon the HVAC duct system, (6) the use of fire dampers
and (7) the effect of the HVAC duct system on its supporting construction. Many types of fire-resistive
materials are used to protect HVAC ducts. These fire-resistive materials are either applied to HVAC
ducts in the field or are fabricated as an integral part of the HVAC duct system when shipped from the
factory. Evaluating fire-resistive materials used to protect a HVAC duct from fire is an aid for
predicting their fire performance and helps to establish uniformity in requirements of various
authorities. To do this it is necessary that the fire-resistance properties of HVAC ducts protected with
fire-resistive materials be measured and specified according to a common standard expressed in terms
that are applicable alike to a wide variety of materials, situations, and conditions of exposure.
1. Scope 1.3.1 Condition A—Fire exposure from the outside of the
NOTE 1—Use of the standard designation ISO 6944 refers to both ISO
horizontal HVAC duct system without openings,
6944:1985 and ISO 6944-1:2008.
1.3.2 Condition B—Fire exposure from the outside of the
1.1 These test methods evaluate the fire-resistive materials
vertical HVAC duct system without openings,
and the HVAC duct systems surface burning characteristics,
1.3.3 Condition C—Fire exposure from the outside with hot
non-combustibility, fire resistance, durability, and fire-
gases entering the inside of the horizontal HVAC duct system
engulfment with horizontal and vertical through-penetration
with unprotected openings, and
NOTE 3—Unprotected openings are openings that are not protected by
NOTE 2—The intent of these test methods is to provide authorities
fire dampers.
having jurisdiction a means to evaluate the fire performance of HVAC
duct systems to enable their application and use.
1.3.4 Condition D—Fire exposure from the outside with hot
1.2 These test methods evaluate the fire performance of gases entering the inside of the vertical HVAC duct system
HVAC ducts, including both supply (pressurized: Condition A with unprotected openings.
– Horizontal and Condition B – Vertical) and return (exhaust:
1.4 These test methods provide a means for determining the
Condition C – Horizontal and Condition D – Vertical).
fire-resistance of vertical and horizontal HVAC duct systems,
1.3 These test methods evaluate the ability of a HVAC duct
when subjected to the standard time-temperature curve of Test
system to resist the spread of fire from one compartment to
Methods E119.
other compartments separated by a fire resistance rated con-
1.4.1 Condition A—These test methods provide a means for
struction when the HVAC duct system is exposed to fire under
evaluating a horizontal HVAC duct system, without openings
one or more of the following conditions:
exposed to fire, passing through a vertical fire-separating
These test methods are under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee E05 on Fire
1.4.2 Condition B—These test methods provide a means for
Standards and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.11 on Fire
evaluating a vertical HVAC duct system, without openings
exposed to fire and outfitted with a horizontal connection,
Current edition approved May 1, 2011. Published June 2011. DOI: 10.1520/
E2816-11. passing through a horizontal fire-separating element.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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E2816 − 11
1.4.3 Condition C—These test methods provide a means for E136 Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a
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