(Specification)Standard Specification for Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) Version 1.2
Standard Specification for Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) Version 1.2
This specification provides a framework for an interchange format to address the current and future needs of the additive manufacturing technology. The additive manufacturing file (AMF) may be prepared, displayed, and transmitted on paper or electronically, provided the requirements presented in this specification are met. When prepared in a structured electronic format, strict adherence to an extensible markup language (XML) schema is required to support standards-compliant interoperability.
1.1 This International Standard provides the specification for the Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF), an interchange format to address the current and future needs of additive manufacturing technology.
1.2 The AMF may be prepared, displayed and transmitted provided the requirements of this specification are met. When prepared in a structured electronic format, strict adherence to an extensible markup language (XML)(1)2 schema is required to support standards-compliant interoperability.
1.3 A W3C XML schema definition (XSD) for the AMF is available from ISO from and from ASTM from An implementation guide for such an XML schema is provided in Annex A1.
1.4 It is recognized that there is additional information relevant to the final part that is not covered by the current version of this International Standard. Suggested future features are listed in Annex A2.
1.5 This International Standard does not specify any explicit mechanisms for ensuring data integrity, electronic signatures, and encryptions.
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ISO/ASTM 52915:2016(E)
Standard Specification for
Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) Version 1.2
This standard is issued under the fixed designation ISO/ASTM 52915; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.
This International Standard describes an interchange format to address the current and future needs
of additive manufacturing technology. For the last three decades, the stereolithography (STL) file
format has been the industry standard for transferring information between design programs and
additive manufacturing equipment.An STLfile defines only a surface mesh and has no provisions for
representing colour, texture, material, substructure and other properties of the fabricated object. As
additive manufacturing technology is evolving quickly from producing primarily single-material,
homogeneous objects to producing geometries in full colour with functionally-defined gradations of
materials and microstructures, there is a growing need for a standard interchange file format that can
support these features.
The additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) has many benefits. It describes an object in such
a general way that any machine can build it to the best of its ability, and as such is technology
independent. It is easy to implement and understand, scalable and has good performance. Crucially,
it is both backwards compatible, allowing any existing STL file to be converted, and future
compatible, allowing new features to be added as advances in technology warrant.
1. Scope 1.5 ThisInternationalStandarddoesnotspecifyanyexplicit
mechanisms for ensuring data integrity, electronic signatures,
1.1 This International Standard provides the specification
and encryptions.
for the Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF), an inter-
change format to address the current and future needs of
2. Terminology
additive manufacturing technology.
2.1 Definitions: For the purposes of this document, the
1.2 The AMF may be prepared, displayed and transmitted
following terms and definitions apply.
provided the requirements of this specification are met. When
2.1.1 AMF consumer—software reading (parsing) theAddi-
prepared in a structured electronic format, strict adherence to
tive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) file for fabrication,
an extensible markup language (XML)(1) schema is required
visualization or analysis.
to support standards-compliant interoperability. Discussion—AMF files are typically imported by
1.3 A W3C XML schema definition (XSD) for the AMF is
available from ISO from and
and verification software.
from ASTM from
2.1.2 AMF editor—software reading and rewriting the Ad-
amf.xsd.An implementation guide for such an XMLschema is
ditive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) file for conversion.
provided in Annex A1. Discussion—AMF editor applications are used to
1.4 It is recognized that there is additional information
convert an AMF from one form to another, for example,
relevant to the final part that is not covered by the current
convert all curved triangles to flat triangles or convert porous
version of this International Standard. Suggested future fea-
material specification into an explicit mesh surface.
tures are listed in Annex A2.
2.1.3 AMF producer—software writing (generating) theAd-
ric data.
This International Standard is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F42 Discussion—AMF files are typically exported by
on Additive Manufacturing Technologies and is the direct responsibility of
computer-aided design (CAD) software, scanning software, or
Subcommittee F42.04 on Design, and is also under the jurisdiction of ISO/TC 261.
Current edition approved Oct. 19, 2015. Published April 2016. Originally
directly from computational geometry algorithms.
published as ASTM F2915-11. Last previous edition ISO/ASTM 52915-13.
2.1.4 attribute—characteristic of data, representing one or
standard. more aspects or descriptors of the data in an element.
© ISO/ASTM International 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO/ASTM 52915:2016(E) Discussion—In the XML framework, attributes are improving resolution and accuracy of manufacturing equip-
characteristics of elements. ment. This includes being able to handle large arrays of
identical objects, complex periodic internal features (for
2.1.5 comments—all text comments associated with any
example, meshes and lattices), and smooth curved surfaces
data within theAdditive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) t
This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
ISO/ASTM 52915:2013(E)
ISO/ASTM 52915 − 2016(E)
Standard Specification for
Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) Version 1.11.2
This standard is issued under the fixed designation ISO/ASTM 52915; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.
This International Standard describes an interchange format to address the current and future needs
of additive manufacturing technology. For the last three decades, the stereolithography (STL) file
format has been the industry standard for transferring information between design programs and
additive manufacturing equipment. An STL file defines only a surface mesh and has no provisions for
representing colour, texture, material, substructure and other properties of the fabricated object. As
additive manufacturing technology is evolving quickly from producing primarily single-material,
homogeneous objects to producing geometries in full colour with functionally-defined gradations of
materials and microstructures, there is a growing need for a standard interchange file format that can
support these features.
The additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) has many benefits. It describes an object in such
a general way that any machine can build it to the best of its ability, and as such is technology
independent. It is easy to implement and understand, scalable and has good performance. Crucially,
it is both backwards compatible, allowing any existing STL file to be converted, and future
compatible, allowing new features to be added as advances in technology warrant.
1. Scope
1.1 This specification describes a framework for International Standard provides the specification for the Additive Manufac-
turing File Format (AMF), an interchange format to address the current and future needs of additive manufacturing technology.
For the last three decades, the STL file format has been the industry standard for transferring information between design programs
and additive manufacturing equipment. An STL file contains information only about a surface mesh and has no provisions for
representing color, texture, material, substructure, and other properties of the fabricated target object. As additive manufacturing
technology is quickly evolving from producing primarily single-material, homogenous shapes to producing multimaterial
geometries in full color with functionally graded materials and microstructures, there is a growing need for a standard interchange
file format that can support these features.
1.2 The additive manufacturing file (AMF) AMF may be prepared, displayed,displayed and transmitted on paper or
electronically, provided the information required by requirements of this specification is included.are met. When prepared in a
structured electronic format, strict adherence to an extensible markup language (XML)(1) schema is required to support
standards-compliant interoperability. The adjunct to this specification contains a W3C XML schema and Annex A1 contains an
implementation guide for such representation.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations prior to use.
1.3 A W3C XML schema definition (XSD) for the AMF is available from ISO from and from
ASTM from An implementation guide for such an XML schema is provided in
Annex A1.
This specification International Standard is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing Technologies and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee F42.04 on Design, and is also under the jurisdiction of ISO/TC 261.
Current edition approved April 9, 2013Oct. 19, 2015. Published May 2013. April 2016. Originally published as ASTM F2915-11. Last previous edition ASTMISO/ASTM
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references Bibliography at the end of this standard.
© ISO/ASTM International 2016 – All rights reserved
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ISO/ASTM 52915:2016(E)
1.4 This standard also does not purport to address any copyright and intellectual property concerns, if any, associated with its
use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to meet any intellectual property regulations on the use of information
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