Standard Specification for Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Heat-Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insulation

1.1 This specification applies to flexible, crosslinked and noncrosslinked poly(vinyl chloride) heat-shrinkable tubing for electrical insulating purposes. It is supplied in an expanded form and will shrink to its extruded diameter when heated.  
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard except temperature, which shall be stated in degrees Celsius. Values in parentheses are for information only.

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ASTM D3150-00 - Standard Specification for Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Heat-Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insulation
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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An American National Standard
Designation: D 3150 – 00
Standard Specification for
Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Heat-
Shrinkable Tubing for Electrical Insulation
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3150; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2.4 IEC Standards:
60684–3–201 Flexible insulating sleeving, Part 3, Sheet
1.1 This specification applies to flexible, crosslinked and
201: Heat shrinkable sleeving, general purpose, flexible,
noncrosslinked poly(vinyl chloride) heat-shrinkable tubing for
cross-linked PVC, shrink ratio 2:1
electrical insulating purposes. It is supplied in an expanded
form and will shrink to its extruded diameter when heated.
3. Terminology
NOTE 1—This standard is similar but not identical to IEC
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 For definitions pertaining to electrical insulation, refer
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
to Terminology D 1711.
as the standard except temperature, which shall be stated in
3.1.2 For definitions pertaining to fire standards, refer to
Terminology E 176.
2. Referenced Documents
4. Classification
2.1 ASTM Standards:
4.1 Type I—Flexible, noncrosslinked poly(vinyl chloride)
D 1711 Terminology Relating to Electrical Insulation
tubing capable of being shrunk at 135°C (275°F) in 15 min.
D 2671 Test Methods for Heat-Shrinkable Tubing for Elec-
4.2 Type II—Flexible, crosslinked poly(vinyl chloride) tub-
trical Use
ing capable of being shrunk at 175°C (347°F) in 15 min.
D 3636 Practice for Sampling and Judging Quality of Solid
5. Ordering Information
Electrical Insulating Materials
E 176 Terminology of Fire Standards
5.1 When tubing is ordered to this specification, the pur-
2.2 Military Standards: chaser should define the size, color, and type of the required
MIL-STD-104 Limits for Electrical Insulation Color
MIL-H-5606 Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum Base, Aircraft,
6. Materials and Manufacture
Missile, and Ordnance
MIL-T-5624 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Grades JP-4 and JP-5 6.1 The polymers used in the manufacture of heat-
MIL-L-7808 Lubricating Oil, Aircraft, Turbine Engine, shrinkable tubing shall be modified poly(vinyl chloride) and
Synthetic Base the finished compound shall be free of all foreign matter other
MIL-L-23699 Lubricating Oil, Aircraft, Turbine Engines, than intended formulation additives as appropriate.
Synthetic Base 6.2 The tubing shall be extruded, crosslinked (Type II only),
MIL-A-8243 Anti-Icing and De-Icing Defrosting Fluid and then expanded to the required dimensions.
2.3 Federal Standards:
7. Chemical and Physical Property Requirements
SS-S-550 Sodium Chloride, Technical, for Water-Softening
Units 7.1 The material shall conform to the chemical and physical
property requirements specified in Table 1.
7.2 Every lot of material shall be tested for dimensional
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D09 on
requirements, restricted shrinkage, tensile strength, elongation,
Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials and is the direct responsibility of
longitudinal change, and dielectric breakdown. Other require-
Subcommittee D09.07 on Flexible and Rigid Insulating Materials.
ments may be tested less frequently or at a frequency agreed
Current edition approved Apr. 10, 2000. Published July 2000. Originally
published as D 3150 – 73. Last previous edition D 3150 – 95.
upon between the supplier and the purchaser.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.02.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
5 6
May be obtained from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., New
Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. York, NY 10036.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 3150
TABLE 1 Chemical and Physical Property Requirements
Type I Type II
Restricted shrinkage, Procedure A:
Type I—30 min, 135 6 2°C (275 6 4°F) no cracks
Type II—30 min, 175 6 2°C (374 6 4°F) no cracks
2000-V proof voltage no failures no failures
Longitudinal change, max, % 0, − 25 + 1, − 10
Dielectric strength, V/mil (kV/mm) 400 (15.75) 400 (15.75)
Color MIL-STD-104 MIL-STD-104
Color stability, 24 h at 130 6 2°C (266 6 4°F) MIL-STD-104 MIL-STD-104
Water absorption, 24 h at 25 6 2°C (77 6 4°F), max, % 1.0 1.0
Specific gravity, max 1.40 1.40
11 11
Volume resistivity, min, ohm·cm 10 10
Flammability, max, s, Procedure A 15 15
Heat shock:
Type I—4 h at 180 6 2°C (236 6 4°F) no dripping, flowing, or cracking
Type II—4 h at 200 6 2°C (3926 4°F) no dripping, flowing, or cracking
Low-temperature flexibility, Procedure B, all sizes1hat no cracking no cracking
− 10°C (14°F) on as-received specimens
Tensile strength, min, psi (MPa) 2000 (13.8) 2000 (13.8)
Elongation, min, % 200 200
Heat resistance, 168 h at 136 6 2°C (277 6 4°F), followed
by tests for:
Elongation, min, % 150 130
Elongation, % of original, min 65 65
Fluid resistance, 24 h at 25 6 2°C (77 6 4°F):
Hydraulic Fluid, MIL-H-5606
JP-4 Fuel, MIL-T-5624
Lubricating Oil, MIL-L-7808
Lubricating Oil, MIL-L-23699
De-icing Fluid, MIL-A-8243
5 % NaCl, SS-S-550
Followed by tests for:
Dielectric strength, V/mil (kV/mm) 280 (11.0) 280 (11.0)
Tensile strength, min, psi (MPa) 1800 (12.4) 2000 (13.8)
Copper corrosion, Procedure B:
168 h at 136°C (277°F) no blackening or pitting of copper no blackening or pitting of copper
Copper dust humidity test, Procedure C no corrosion or discoloration of copper dust no corrosion or discoloration of copper dust
Shelf life
The required shelf life is 2 weeks at 40 6 2°C (104 6 4°F). The supplier must advise and caution the customer if special storage and handling precautions must
be observed to maintain required product dimensions and characteristics.
TABLE 3 Type I and II Dimensions
8. Dimensional Requirements
As Supplied After Unrestricted Shrinkage
8.1 Type I material shall conform to the applicable require- Nominal Inside Diameter, Inside Diameter,
Wall Thickness, in. (mm)
Size, in. min, in. (mm) max, in. (mm)
ments listed in Table 2 or Table 3.
⁄64 0.046 (1.16) 0.023 (0.59) 0.020 6 0.003 (0.51 6 0.08)
8.2 Type II material shall conform to the requirements listed
⁄16 0.063 (1.60) 0.031 (0.76) 0.020 6 0.003 (0.51 6 0.08)
in Table 3.
⁄32 0.093 (2.34) 0.046 (1.16) 0.020 6 0.003 (0.51 6 0.08)
⁄8 0.125 (3.18) 0.062 (1.60) 0.025 6 0.003 (0.63 6 0.08)
⁄16 0.187 (4.75) 0.093 (2.34) 0.025 6 0.003 (0.63 6 0.08)
⁄4 0.250 (6.35) 0.

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