ASTM F2489-06
(Guide)Standard Guide for Instrument and Precision Bearing Lubricants-Part 2 Greases
Standard Guide for Instrument and Precision Bearing Lubricants-Part 2 Greases
1.1 This guide is a tool to aid in the choice of lubricating grease for precision rolling element bearing applications. The recommendations in this guide are not intended for general purpose bearing applications There are two areas where this guide should have the greatest impact: (1) when lubricating grease is being chosen for a new bearing application and (2) when grease for a bearing has to be replaced because the original grease specified for the bearing can no longer be obtained. The Report (see Section ) contains a series of tests on a wide variety of greases commonly used in bearing applications to allow comparisons of those properties of the grease that the committee thought to be most important when making a choice of lubricating grease. Each test was performed by the same laboratory. This guide contains a listing of the properties of greases by base oil type, that is, ester, perfluoropolyether (PFPE), polyalphaolefin (PAO), and so forth. This organization is necessary since the operational requirements in a particular bearing application may limit the choice of grease to a particular base oil type and thickener due to its temperature stability, viscosity index or temperature-vapor pressure characteristics, etc. The guide provides data to assist the user in selecting replacement greases for those greases tested that are no longer available. The guide also includes a glossary of terms used in describing/discussing the lubrication of precision and instrument bearings.
1.2 The lubricating greases presented in this guide are commonly used in precision rolling element bearings (PREB). These greases were selected for the testing based on the grease survey obtained from DoD, OEM and grease manufactures and evaluated according to the test protocol that was designed by Subcommittee F34 on Tribology. This test protocol covers the essential requirements identified for precision bearing greases. The performance requirements of these greases are very unique. They are dictated by the performance expectations of precision bearings including high speed, low noise, extended life, and no contamination of surrounding components by the bearings lubricant system. To increase the reliability of test data, all tests were performed by a DoD laboratory and three independent testing laboratories. There were no grease manufacturers data imported except for base oil viscosity. Most of tests were performed by U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) and three independent laboratories, and the results were monitored by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). This continuity of testing should form a solid basis for comparing the properties of the multitude of lubricating greases tested by avoiding some of the variability introduced when greases are tested by different laboratories using different or even the "same" procedures. Additional test data will be considered for inclusion, provided the defined protocol is followed and the tests are performed by independent laboratories.
1.3 This study was a part of DoD Aging Aircraft Replacement Program and supported by Defense Logistic Agent (DLA) and Defense Supply Center Richmond (DSCR).
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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Designation: F2489 − 06
StandardGuide for
Instrument and Precision Bearing Lubricants—Part 2
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2489; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope bearing’s lubricant system. To increase the reliability of test
data, all tests were performed by a DoD laboratory and three
1.1 This guide is a tool to aid in the choice of lubricating
independent testing laboratories. There were no grease manu-
grease for precision rolling element bearing applications. The
facturer’s data imported except for base oil viscosity. Most of
recommendations in this guide are not intended for general
tests were performed by U.S. Army Tank–Automotive
purpose bearing applications There are two areas where this
Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC)
guide should have the greatest impact: (1) when lubricating
and three independent laboratories, and the results were moni-
grease is being chosen for a new bearing application and (2)
tored by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). This continu-
when grease for a bearing has to be replaced because the
ity of testing should form a solid basis for comparing the
original grease specified for the bearing can no longer be
properties of the multitude of lubricating greases tested by
obtained. The Report (see Section 5) contains a series of tests
avoiding some of the variability introduced when greases are
on a wide variety of greases commonly used in bearing
tested by different laboratories using different or even the
applications to allow comparisons of those properties of the
“same” procedures. Additional test data will be considered for
grease that the committee thought to be most important when
inclusion, provided the defined protocol is followed and the
tests are performed by independent laboratories.
by the same laboratory. This guide contains a listing of the
properties of greases by base oil type, that is, ester, perfluo- 1.3 This study was a part of DoD Aging Aircraft Replace-
ropolyether (PFPE), polyalphaolefin (PAO), and so forth. This ment Program and supported by Defense Logistic Agent
organization is necessary since the operational requirements in (DLA) and Defense Supply Center Richmond (DSCR).
a particular bearing application may limit the choice of grease
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
stability, viscosity index or temperature-vapor pressure
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
selecting replacement greases for those greases tested that are
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
used in describing/discussing the lubrication of precision and
2. Referenced Documents
instrument bearings.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
1.2 The lubricating greases presented in this guide are
D217 Test Methods for Cone Penetration of Lubricating
commonly used in precision rolling element bearings (PREB).
These greases were selected for the testing based on the grease
D972 Test Method for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating
Greases and Oils
evaluated according to the test protocol that was designed by
D1264 Test Method for Determining the Water Washout
Subcommittee F34 on Tribology. This test protocol covers the
Characteristics of Lubricating Greases
essential requirements identified for precision bearing greases.
D1742 Test Method for Oil Separation from Lubricating
The performance requirements of these greases are very
Grease During Storage
unique. They are dictated by the performance expectations of
precision bearings including high speed, low noise, extended
life, and no contamination of surrounding components by the
Rhee,In-Sik,“PrecisionBearingGreaseSelectionGuide,” U.S.Army TARDEC
Technical Report No. 15688, Defense Technical Information Center, 8725 John. J.
Kingman Rd., Suite 0944, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060–6218.
1 3
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F34 on Rolling For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Element Bearings contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved May 1, 2006. Published May 2006. DOI: 10.1520/ Standards volume information, refer to the standard
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