Standard Terminology of Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units

1.1 This terminology contains terms, definitions of terms, nomenclature, and explanations of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols specific to concrete masonry units and related units.
1.2 The definitions and descriptions of terms in this terminology pertain to Specifications C55, C73, C90, C129, C139, C744, and C1319 and Test Methods C140, C426, C1006, and C1262.

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ASTM C1209-99a - Standard Terminology of Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units
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Designation: C 1209 – 99a
Standard Terminology of
Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1209; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope within a concrete masonry unit or related unit between a
saturated and oven-dry condition in accordance with the
1.1 This terminology contains terms, definitions of terms,
requirements of Test Methods C 140. It is expressed as
nomenclature, and explanations of abbreviations, acronyms,
weight of water per volume of concrete.
and symbols specific to concrete masonry units and related
concrete brick, n—a concrete masonry unit made from
portland cement, water, and suitable aggregates, with or
1.2 The definitions and definitions of terms in this terminol-
without the inclusion of other materials. See Specification
ogy pertain to Specifications C 55, C 73, C 90, C 129, C 139,
C 55.
C 744, and C 1319 and Test Methods C 140, C 426, C 1006,
calcium-silicate brick, n—a pressed and subsequently auto-
and C 1262.
claved unit that consists of sand and lime, with or without
2. Referenced Documents
the inclusion of other materials.
drying shrinkage, n—in this test method, the change in linear
2.1 ASTM Standards:
dimension of the test specimen due to drying from a
C 55 Specification for Concrete Building Brick
saturated condition to an equilibrium weight and length
C 73 Specification for Calcium Silicate Face Brick (Sand-
under specified accelerated drying conditions. C 426
Lime Brick)
hollow masonry unit—unit whose net cross-sectional area in
C 90 Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry
any plane parallel to the bearing surface is 75 % or less of its
gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane.
C 129 Specification for Nonloadbearing Concrete Masonry
C 1232
lightweight concrete masonry unit—unit whose oven-dry
C 139 Specification for Concrete Masonry Units for Con-
3 3
density is less than 105 lb/ft (1680 kg/m ).
struction of Catch Basins and Manholes
lot—any number of concrete masonry units or related units
C 140 Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete
designated by the producer of any configuration or dimen-
Masonry Units and Related Units
sion manufactured by the producer using the same materials,
C 426 Test Method for Drying Shrinkage of Concrete
concrete mix design, manufacturing process, and curing
C 744 Specification for Prefaced Concrete and Calcium
medium weight concrete masonry unit—unit whose oven-
Silicate Masonry Units
3 3
dry density is at least 105 lb/ft (1680 kg/m ) and less than
C 1006 Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Ma-
3 3
125 lb/ft (2000 kg/m ).
sonry Units
moisture content—amount of water contained within a con-
C 1232 Terminology of Masonry
crete masonry unit or related unit at a given time expressed
C 1262 Test Method for Evalu

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