Specification for Steel Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Tin-Coated by Electrodeposition

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ASTM A599-84 - Specification for Steel Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Tin-Coated by Electrodeposition
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ASTM A599 84 m 0759510 O002584 7 m
Designation: A 599 - 84
1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.
Standard Specification for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 599; the number immediately foilowing the designation indicates the year of
. original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superwipt epsilon (c) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. scope A 620/A 620M Specification for Steel Sheet,
Carbon, Cold-Rolled, Drawing Quality,
1.1 This specification covers cold-roiled steel
Special Killed’
sheet in coils or in cut lengths, tin-coated by
A 624 Specification for Tin Plate, Single-Re-
electrodeposition. The product is commoniy
dud Electrolytic3
known as electrolytic tincoated sheet, and is for
A 630 Method of Determination of Tin Coat-
applications that need good solderability, good
ing Weights for Hot-Dip and Electrolytic
surfiace appearance, and a degree of corrosion
Tin Plate’
resistance. Tin-coated sheet is produced to var-
A 700 Recommended Practices for Packag-
ious designations of tin coating, as outlined in
ing Marking, and Loading Methods for
Table 1.
Steel Products for Domestic Shipment4
1.1.1 Electrolytic tinaated sheet is custom-
arily available as commercial quality, drawing
3. Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Stand-
quality, drawing quality special killed, and struc-
fully described in Speci-
turai quality which are
3.1 chemical treatment-a passivating chem-
fications A366, A611, A619/A6191MY and
ical treatment, normally applied to the tinned
A620/620M. Tin-coated sheet is produced in
surface to stabilize the surface to control tin oxide
thicknesses from 0.015 to 0.033 in. (0.84 to 0.38
formation and growth. Sodium dichromate is
mm). The tin coating is available as unmelted or
most commonly used. Without such treatment,
severe tin oxide growth, and its resultant discol-
1.2 Limitations-This specification does not
oration, is a hazard. Excessive oxide growth may
cover material covered by Specification A 624 in
also cause poor solderability and poor adhesion
thicknesses 0.0149 in. (0.38 mm) and thinner.
of organic coatings. If a speciai surface treatment
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are
is required, it should be negotiated with the sup-
be regarded as the standard.
3.2 Finishes:
2. Applicable Documents
3.2.1 No. 5 Finish-a shot-blasted roll base
2. I ASTMStandards:
metal finish usually employed on unmelted tin-
A366 Specification for Steel, Carbon, Cold-
coated sheet.
Rolled Sheet, Commercial Quality’
I This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-
A568 Specification for Steel, Carbon and
mittee A-5 on Metaiiic-Cmted Iron and Steel products and is
High-Strength Low-Alloy Hot-Rolled Sheet
the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A05.11 on Sheet
and Cold-Rolled Sheet, General Require-
Current edition approved March U), 1984. Published July
1984. Onginally published as A 599 - 69. Last previous edition
A 6 1 1 Specification for Steel, Cold-Rolled
A 599 - 77 (1981).
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol O1 -03.
Sheet, Carbon, Structural’
Annual Book ofASTh4 Standardr, Vol O1 .Oó.
A 619/A619M Specification for Steel Sheet,
‘AnnualBookofASTMSlandardc, Vols01.01,01.03,01.04,
Carbon, Cold-Rolled, Drawing Quality’
and O I .OS.

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
A 599
3.2.2 No. 7 Finish-a ground-roil base metal
4.1.8 Special requirements, if required.
finish usually employed on melted tin-coated
NOTE-A typical ordering description is as follows:
Electrolytic Tin-Coated Sheet-Drawing Quality Spe-
cial Killed, Coating Designation 25, Unmelted, No. 5
3.2.3 It is possible to produce either No. 5 or
Finish, 0.018 by 263/~6 in. by coil, 60 in. max OD, 16
No. 7 Finish as unmelted or melted; however,
in. ID, 18 o00 lb max, coil for oil-filter shells. ASTM
end application is important and should be ne-
A 599--
gotiated with the producer.
. 3.3 melted tin coating-tin coat by electro-
5. General Requirements for Delivery
. .
deposition on a base steel normally having a
5.1 Material furnished under this specification
ground-roll finish (see 3.2), and then melted to
shall conform to the applicable requirements of
reflow the tin. The resultant coating has a brigh-
the latest edition of Specification A 568 unless
ter appearance than unmelted tin. An iron-tin
otherwise specified herein.
alloy layer is developed during the melting op-
5.2 Tin-coated steel sheet shall be ordered to
eration, thus reducing the amount

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