ASTM D5664-99
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Effects of Fire-Retardant Treatments and Elevated Temperatures on Strength Properties of Fire-Retardant Treated Lumber
Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Effects of Fire-Retardant Treatments and Elevated Temperatures on Strength Properties of Fire-Retardant Treated Lumber
1.1 This test method covers procedures for obtaining data to assess the initial adjustments to allowable design stresses for lumber treated with candidate commercial fire-retardant (FR) formulations and further procedures for obtaining data to assess the effect of extended exposure to elevated temperature of 66 ± 2oC (150 ± 4oF).
1.2This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: D 5664 – 99 An American National Standard
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Standard Test Method for
Evaluating the Effects of Fire-Retardant Treatments and
Elevated Temperatures on Strength Properties of Fire-
Retardant Treated Lumber
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5664; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope accordance with Terminologies D 9 and E 176 and Nomencla-
ture D 1165.
1.1 This test method covers procedures for obtaining data to
assess the initial adjustments to allowable design stresses for
4. Summary of Test Method
lumber treated with candidate commercial fire-retardant (FR)
4.1 The general objectives of this test method are to develop
formulations and further procedures for obtaining data to
data to adjust allowable design stresses of FR-treated lumber
assess the effect of extended exposure to elevated temperature
for the initial effects for the tested FR-formulation(s) and to
of 66 6 2°C (150 6 4°F).
develop data on in-service thermal stability after extended
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the
exposure to environmental conditions up to 66 6 2°C (150 6
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
4°F) and $50 % relative humidity.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
4.2 Procedure 1—This procedure uses small clear speci-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
mens cut from end-matched nominal 2 by 4 (38 by 89-mm)
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
dimension lumber (see Fig. 1) to compare the initial effects of
2. Referenced Documents fire-retardant treatments to untreated controls for bending,
tension parallel, compression parallel, and horizontal shear
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 9 Terminology Relating to Wood
4.3 Procedure 2—This procedure uses small clear speci-
D 143 Methods of Testing Mechanical Properties of Small
mens cut from end matched nominal 2 by 4 (38 by 89-mm)
Clear Specimens of Wood
dimension lumber. This second set of specimens is used to
D 1165 Nomenclature of Domestic Hardwoods and Soft-
assess the differential trends between end-matched fire-
retardant treated and untreated specimens on bending and
D 3500 Test Methods for Structural Panels in Tension
tension parallel properties over the course of a prolonged
D 4761 Test Method for Mechanical Properties of Lumber
exposure to elevated temperature.
and Wood-Base Structural Material
4.4 Procedure 3—The optional third procedure uses full-
E 176 Terminology of Fire Standards
sized nominal 2 by 4 (38 by 89-mm) dimension lumber to
2.2 Other Standards:
modify the small clear specimen results from 4.2 and 4.3 for
AWPA C20 Lumber—Fire Retardant Treatment by Pressure
size effects.
U.S. Product Standard PS 20 American Softwood Lumber
5. Significance and Use
5.1 The mechanical properties evaluated by this test method
3. Terminology provide the following:
5.1.1 Data for use in developing modification factors for the
3.1 Definitions—Definitions used in this test method are in
allowable design properties of fire-retardant treated lumber
when used at or near room temperatures (see 6.1).
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-7 on Wood
5.1.2 Data for use in developing modification factors for
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D07.07 on Fire Performance of
allowable design properties of fire-retardant treated lumber
when exposed to elevated temperatures and humidity (see 6.2).
Current edition approved April 10, 1999. Published July 1999. Originally
published as D 5664–95. Last previous edition D 5664–95e1.
5.1.3 Data (optional) for use in modifying these factors for
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.10.
size effects when fire-retardant treated lumber is used at or near
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
room temperature and when exposed to elevated temperatures
Available from American Wood-Preservers Assoc., P.O. Box 849, Woodstock,
MD 21163. and humidity (see 6.3).
Available from The American Lumber Standard Committee, P.O. Box 210,
5.2 Data from the first two procedures in this test method of
Germantown, MD 20875-0210.
D 5664
species/species groupings into “and better” categories. If available, Select
Structural often is desirable because it provides an adequate yield of small
clear specimens. It should also be noted that initial use of $30 specimens
will usually ensure 25 acceptable specimens when using lower grades
which have lower yields.
6.1.2 Those specimens designated to be treated shall be
treated with the candidate FR formulation and conform to all
performance requirements of AWPA Standard C-20. All pro-
cessing parameters shall be monitored and reported to ensure
that treatment retention is representative and near the maxi-
mum used in later commercial processing. After treatment, the
specimens shall be redried at a temperature within 5 % of the
maximum allowed in AWPA Standard C-20.
6.1.3 After treating and redrying are completed, each treated
and untreated nominal 2 by 4 (38 by 89-mm) piece shall be cut
into small clear specimens as shown in Fig. 1. Care shall be
taken to avoid cutting specimens containing strength-reducing
characteristics such as knots, cross-grain, or slope-of-grain in
excess of 1 in 12. When cutting small test specimens, an
original wide surface shall remain unmachined and each
specimen shall later be tested so that this surface is exposed to
the greater stress during that particular mechanical test. Each
end-matched treated and untreated specimen shall be tested
with the same relative surfaces in tension and compression.
Tension parallel specimens shall be machined as shown in Fig.
2. Horizontal shear specimens shall be machined as shown in
FIG. 1 Hypothetical Cutting Patterns to Obtain One Bending, Two
Fig. 3.
Tension Parallel, One Compression Parallel, One Block Shear,
and One Specific Gravity Block from Each 1.2-m (4-ft) Lumber 6.1.4 After cutting, all specimens (treated and untreated)
shall be equilibrated to constant weight at 22 + 5°C (72 + 9°F)
and 65+1% relative humidity.
evaluation are indicative only for that species.
6.1.5 Appropriate treated and untreated specimens shall be
NOTE 1—The results of the three listed species (Southern pine, Douglas alternately tested in bending, compression parallel, and hori-
fir, white spruce) may be used together to make inference on untested
zontal shear using Methods D 143 and tension parallel using
wood species because the three tested species represent the full spectrum
Test Methods D 3500, but with the exceptions listed in Table 1.
of expected treatability.
6.2 Procedure 2—For each species (Southern pine, Douglas
5.3 Data from the optional third part of this three-part
fir and white spruce, four sets of 25 end-matched treated and
method of evaluation are indicative for all species because it is
untreated small clear bending and tension parallel specimens
primarily used to assess size effects.
shall be cut from at least 25 nominal 2 by 4 (38 by 89 mm)
2.44-m (8-ft) long pieces. These specimens shall be used to
6. Procedures
assess the differential effects of exposure to elevated tempera-
6.1 Procedure 1—The first procedure presents a methodol-
ture between untreated and FR-treated clear wood specimens.
ogy using small clear wood specimens to assess the initial
6.2.1 One set of 25 FR-treated and untreated specimens of
effect of fire-retardant treatment on median mechanical prop-
each species shall be used as an unexposed control (that is, 0
erties. The results may be used to adjust the allowable design
days of exposure).
stresses of lumber based on estimates of median reductions in
6.2.2 Three FR-treated and untreated groups of 25 speci-
bending, tension parallel, compression parallel, and horizontal
mens of each species shall be exposed in a controlled environ-
shear properties using small clear specimens cut from larger
ment of 66 + 2°C (150 + 4°F) and >50 % relative humidity.
end-matched dimension lumber specimens.
6.2.3 One treated and one untreated group of 25 shall be
6.1.1 For each species (Southern pine, Douglas fir, and
withdrawn after 36 +3, 72 +3, and 108 +3 days.
white spruce), 25 specimens 2.44 m (8 ft) long, high-grade
6.2.4 Each group of specimens shall be equilibrated to
nominal 2 by 4’s (38 by 89-mm) shall be obtained and cut into
constant weight at 22 + 5°C (72 + 9°F) and 65+1% relative
1.22-m (4-ft) halves. Each specimen shall be marked to
humidity then tested in bending in accordance with Methods
identify it with its matched-sister(s) specimen(s). For each
D 143 an
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