Standard Terminology Relating to Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products

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ASTM E253-00 - Standard Terminology Relating to Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products
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Designation: E 253 – 00
Standard Terminology Relating to
Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 253; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
absolute judgment, n—an evaluation of a stimulus made astringency, n—the complex of sensations due to shrinking,
without direct comparison (1996). drawing, or puckering of the epithelium as a result of
acceptability/unacceptability, n—degree to which a stimulus exposure to substances such as alums or tannins (1996).
is judged to be favorable or unfavorable (1996). attitude, n—a predisposition to respond in a characteristic way
acuity, n—the ability to repeatedly detect or discriminate toward a class of objects, concepts, or stimuli (1996).
sensory stimuli (1996). attitude scale, n—a means for eliciting indications of the
adaptation, sensory, n—a decrease in sensitivity to a given attitudes or opinions held, usually on a measuring system
stimulus which occurs as a result of exposure to that stimulus using marks or value designations (1996).
(1996). attribute, n—a perceived characteristic (1996).
affective test, n—any method to assess acceptance, attitudes, audition, n—the sense of hearing (1996).
emotions, of preference for a stimulus(i) (1998). aversion, n—feeling of dislike provoking avoidance of a
after effects, n—total array of sensations that occur after stimulus (1996).
elimination of the physical stimulus from the sensing field bias, n—systematic error manifested as a persistent positive or
(1996). negative deviation of the method average from its accepted
aftersensation, n—sense impression after direct stimulation of true value (1996).
the sense organ has ceased (1996). bite, chemical, n—stinging experienced primarily in the oral
aftertaste, n—the oral or nasal sensations that occur after the cavity as a result of exposure to substances such as highly
source of the stimulus has been removed from the oral carbonated beverages (1997).
cavity. See after effects (1996). bitter, (taste), adj—taste produced by substances such as
ageusia, n—lack of sensitivity to taste stimuli (1996). quinine or caffeine when in solution (1997).
anchoring point, n—a reference point against which other body (food), n—the quality of a food or beverage relating
items are judged (1996). either to its consistency, compactness of texture, fullness,
anosmia, n—lack of sensitivity to odor stimuli (1996). flavor, or combination thereof (1997).
antagonism, n—joint action of two or more stimuli whose burn chemical, n—perception of increased temperature and
combination elicits a level of sensation lower than that irritation resulting from exposure to such substances as ethyl
expected from combining the effects of each stimulus taken alcohol, or high concentrations of NaCl or acids. The
separately (1996). sensation lingers a short time after the stimulus is removed
aroma, n—perception resulting from stimulating the olfactory (1997).
receptors; in a broader sense, the term is sometimes used to chroma, n—one of three terms used in the Munsell notations
refer to the combination of sensations resulting from stimu- to denote color, referring to the saturation or purity dimen-
lation of the entire nasal cavity (1996). sion (1997).
classification, n—a method of sorting stimuli into predefined
DISCUSSION—Aroma, odor, and smell have the same basic meaning;
categories (1997).
however, in common usage they may have different connotations.
color blindness, n—total or partial inability to differentiate
assessor, n—a general term for any individual responding to
certain hues (1997).
stimuli in a sensory test (1996).
consumer panel, n—a group that is representative of the
potential user population and that does not have technical
DISCUSSION—The terms assessor, judge, panelist, panel member, and
knowledge of the products to be tested (1997).
respondent all have the same basic meaning, although sometimes
different connotations. Usage of these terms varies with the training and context effect, n—effect upon the perception of a stimulus
experience of the investigator, habit, tradition, personal preference, and
arising from its interrelationship with other stimuli in a
other factors.
presentation set (1997).
contrast, n—visual, the degree of dissimilarity in appearance
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E18 on Sensory
of two parts of a field of view seen simultaneously or
Evaluation of Materials and Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcom-
successively (1998).
mittee E18.01 on Terminology.
contrast eff

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