ASTM F1547-99
(Guide)Standard Guide for Listing Relevant Standards and Publications for Commercial Shipbuilding
Standard Guide for Listing Relevant Standards and Publications for Commercial Shipbuilding
1.1 This guide is a compendium of relevant publications, standards, and other necessary information related to commercial shipbuilding.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
An American National Standard
Designation: F 1547 – 99
Standard Guide Listing
Relevant Standards and Publications for Commercial
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1547; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope ABS Americas (ABS)
A Division of the American Bureau of Shipping
1.1 This guide is a compendium of relevant publications,
16855 Northchase Drive
standards, and other information related to commercial ship-
Houston, TX 77060
Telephone: 281–877–6000
2. Significance and Use
Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA)
2.1 This guide has been developed to aid naval architects,
30 W. University Drive
ship designers, material and equipment suppliers, buyers, ship
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
owners and operators, and government agencies by providing
Telephone: 708–394-0150
pertinent information in one document that can be used during
various stages of commercial shipbuilding. These stages in-
American Boat and Yacht Council, Inc. (ABYC)
clude design, planning, purchasing, material fabricating, as-
3069 Solomon’s Island Road
sembling, testing, quality assurance, and inspection.
Edgewater, MD 21037-1416
2.2 This guide does not specify the use of a particular
Telephone: 410–956-1050
standard usage nor does it detail what the standard covers.
Fax: 410–956-2737
2.3 There may be more than one standard listed for a
particular product, test, or specific application. However, this
American Gas Association (AGA)
guide does not compare the different standards or specify
1515 Wilson Boulevard
which particular standard should be used.
Arlington, VA 22209
2.4 A partial list of sources for obtaining various standards
Telephone: 703–841-8400
are included below. Other sources may be located by contact-
ing various information centers such as those at ASTM, the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
National Institute for Standards and Technology (Codes Stan-
25 W. 43rd Street, 4th Floor
dards and Information), and the American National Standards
New York, NY 10036
Institute. Information is also available through various sites on
Foreign/International 212–642-4995
the Internet World Wide Web (for example, http\
Domestic: 212–642-4900
\\nssn\). When ordering, organizations
Telex: 42 42 96 ANSI UI
should consider obtaining the latest copies of standards as
Fax: 212–302-1286
complete sets or portions of sets in whatever media are
appropriate (for example, hard copy, CD-ROM, or microform
since purchasing, quality assurance, and engineering depart-
American Petroleum Institute (API)
ments are frequently looking for information about standards
1220 L Street, N.W.
called out in contract specifications, and these standards vary
Washington, DC 20005–4070
from one contract to another. The abbreviations used in Table
Telephone: 202–682–8375
Fax: 202–962–4776
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F25 on Ships
Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE)
and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.07 on
Publication Sales Department
General Requirements.
1791 Tullie Circle, NE
Current edition approved March 10, 1999. Published July 1999. Originally
published as F 1547 – 94. Last previous edition F 1547 – 97. Atlanta, GA 30329
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 1547
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Crows Nest NSW 2065
ASME International Headquarters Australia
Three Park Avenue Telephone: 02–906-5566
New York, NY 10016–5990
Fax: 02–906-6049
American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) Standards Association of Australia
1452 Duke Street
PO Box 458
Alexandria, VA 22314–3458
North Sydney NSW 2059
Telephone: 703–836–6727
Fax: 703–836–7491
Telephone: 02–963-4111
Fax: 02–959-3896
American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
DA Book & Journals
Box 21142
648 Whitehorse Road
Columbus, OH 43221
Mitcham 3132
Victoria, Australia
ASTM-Customer Sales and Service
Telephone: 03–873-4411
100 Barr Harbor Drive
Fax: 03–873-5679
PO Box C700
West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Institute of Metals and Materials
Telephone: 610–832-9585
Australasia Ltd.
Fax: 610–832-9555
PO Box 19
Victoria 3052
ASTM European Office
27-29 Knowl Piece
Telephone: 03–326-7266
Wilbury Way
Fax: 03–326-7272
Hitchin, Herts SG4
SAE Brasil
Telephone: 0462-437933
Av. Paulista, 2.073
Fax: 0462-433678
Horsa II—CJ.2.001
01311-940 Sao Paulo
All European orders are serviced by the ASTM European
Office. Customers in other countries may order from ASTM
Telephone: 11–287-2627
(U.S.), ASTM (Europe), or one of the following sources.
Fax: 11–288-6599
Publicacoes Tecnias Internacionais Ltda.
R. peixoto Gomide, 209
01409 Sao Paulo-SP
Asociados S.A.
Belgrano 333
Telephone: 11–259-6644
1642-San Isidro B.A.
Fax: 11–258-6990
Republica, Argentina
Telephone: 54–742-1466
Livraria Independente Ltda.
Fax: 54–743-6461
Rua De Flores, 105 S/805
Parto Alegre RS
American Books
90020 Brazil
Tucuman 994
Telephone: 27-1732
1049 Buenos Aires
Telephone: 54–396-3704
China National Sci-Tech Information
Fax: 54–326-3704
9/F Real Estate Bldg.
Renminnan Road
Shenzhen 518001,
ACEL Information Pty. Ltd.
58 Atchison St., P.R. China
POB 471 Telephone: 239290
F 1547
Fax: 0755-252385 Fax: 33–439-1094
CNPIEC Maruzen Company, Ltd.
No. 15 Xueyuan Lu Book Division
Beijing 10083 PO Box 5050
P.R. China
Tokyo 156
Telephone: 2010821 Japan
Fax: 2010821 Telephone: 33–272-7211
Fax: 33–278-1937
Hong Kong/ Pacific Rim
Global Info Centre Hong Kong
Unit 1 11/F Korean Standards Association
Multifield Plaza 13-31 Yoido-dong
3-7A Prat Avenue
Tsim Sha Tsui Seoul, Korea 150-010
Kowloon, Hong Kong Telephone: 02–369-8114
Fax: 02–780-3340
Book Supply Bureau Korea Technical Exchange Co.
Rm. 1104,
South Extension Mapo Jaeil Bldg.
New Delhi-110049 256-13 Kongduk-dong
Telephone: 11–611991 Seoul 121-020
Fax: 11–692-337 Korea
Telephone: 02–718-0391
Allied Publishers Private Ltd. Fax: 02–718-0569
ASTM Dept.
751 Mount Road Kumi Trading Co.
Madras 600-002 PO Box 3553
India Seoul 100
Telephone: 44–863938, 863948, 863958 Korea
Fax: 44–470-649 Telephone: 02–588-6667
Fax: 02–588-8291
C.V. Djakarta Raya International Professional Associates
32, Jalan Raya
C.P.O. Box 246
Jatinegara Timur Seoul 100-602
Jakarta Timur 13310 Korea
Telephone: 02–704-1733
Telephone: 21–819-3487 Fax: 02–704-7585
Fax: 21–850-6529
Korea Stock Book Centre
Japan POB 34, Yeoeido
Japanese Standards Association Seoul, Korea
1-24, Akasaka 4 Telephone: 02–785-1631
Minato-Ku Fax: 02–784-0315
Tokyo 107
Japan Latin/South America & Mexico
Telephone: 33–583-8001 Global Info Centre
Fax: 33–586-2029 3909 NE 163rd Street
Suite 110
Kinokuniya Co. Ltd. North Miami Beach, FL 33160
Book Division
Telephone: 305–944-1099
PO Box 5050 Fax: 305–944-1029
Tokyo Intl 100-31
Japan International Library Service
Telephone: 33–439-0124 2722 N. 650 East
F 1547
PO Box 735 Everglades, FL 33316
Provo, UT 84601
Telephone: 954–525-4114
Telephone: 801–374-6214
Fax: 954-763-9718
Fax: 801–374-0634
Canadian Standards Association
178 Rexdale Boulevard
IHS De Mexico
Rexdale, ON Canada M9W 1R3
AZ. Rio Churubusco
Telephone: 416–747-4058
No. 364 Col. El Carmen
Coyoacan D.F. 04100
Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
1725 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1004
Telephone: 5–659-5889
Arlington, VA 22202
Fax: 5–658-1215
Telephone: 703–412-0900
Fax: 703–412-0128
New Zealand
Standards Association of New Zeland
Customs Standards Services
Private Bag 2439
802 Oakland, Suite 5
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
New Zealand
Telephone: 313–930-9277
Telephone: 04–384-2108
Fax: 04–384-3938
Department of the Navy
(General Specifications for T Ships of the
U.S. Navy (TSGS))
American Book & Subscription Agency
Naval Sea Systems Command
Green Hotel Bldg.
Washington, DC 20362-5101
Bahadur Yar Jang Road
PO Box 3513
Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
Karachi Pakistan
North and Central America Admin.
Telephone: 21–715187
70 Grand Avenue, Suite 201
Fax: 21–6312621
River Edge, NJ 07661
Singapore Telephone: 201–343-0800
Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research Fax: 201–343-4061
1 Science Park Drive
Singapore 0511
Document Center
Telephone: 778-7777
Unit 9
Fax: 778-0086
1504 Industrial Way
Belmont, CA 94002-4044
Telephone: 415–591-7600
Tao’s Publishers & Book Co., Ltd.
Fax: 415–591-7617
Room 502, 5th Floor
No. 121
Document Engineering Company, Inc.
Chung Ching S Road,
15210 Stagg Street
Sec, 1
Van Nuys, CA 91405
Taipei Taiwan
Telephone: 213–873-5566
Telephone: 02–331-5773
DOD Single Stock Point (DoDSSP)
Fax: 02–375-2555
Standardization Documents Order Desk
700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg. 4D
Transmission Books & Microforms Co., Ltd.
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094
PO Box 96-337
Telephone: 215–697-2179
Taipei, Taiwan
Fax: 215–607-1462
Telephone: 02–736-7071
Fax: 02–736-3001
Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc. (EJMA)
25 N. Broadway
Bureau Veritas (BV), North America, Inc.
1850 Eller Drive Tarrytown, NY 10591
Suite 201 Telephone: 914–332-0040
F 1547
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) London SEI 754, United Kingdom
400 Seventh Street, SW Telephone: + 44(1)71-735-7611 x2230
Washington, DC 20590 Fax: + 44(1)71-587-3210
Telephone: 202–366–0537
International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)
Fluid Controls Institute, Inc. (FCI) 30-32 St. Mary’s Axe
Plaza 222, U.S. Highway One London, UK ED3A8ET
Tequesta, FL 33458
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
General Services Administration (GSA) 1 rue de Varembe
Specifications Branch Geneva, Switzerland
Seventh and D Streets, SW
Washington, DC 20407 International Organization for Standardization (ISO):
Central Secretariat Address
Telephone: 202–708-9205
Fax: 202–708-9862 For general information and questions on ISO:
1, rue de Varembé
Germanischer Lloyd (USA), Inc. (GL) Case postale 56
111 Pavonia Avenue, Suite 1410 CH-1211 Genève 20
Jersey City, NJ 07310-1755 Switzerland
Telephone: 201–216-1725 Telephone: + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax: 201–216-1727 Telefax: + 41 22 733 34 30
Telex: 41 22 05 iso ch
Global Engineering Documents
Telegrams: isorganiz
7730 Carondelet Avenue
Room 407 Orders for ISO International Standards and other ISO
St. Louis, MO 63105 publications should be addressed to the ISO member bodies
Telephone: 800–854-7179 (non-USA users, if subscribing to Internet from a USA-based
provider, should consult the member list for ordering ISO
Fax: 314–726-6418 standardsintheircountry)whicharenormallytheprimaryISO
sales agents, or for customers in countries where there is no
Illumination Engineering Society (IES) member body, to the ISO Central Secretariat.
345 E. 47th Street
ISO Member Bodies for Ships and Marine Technology:
New York, NY 10017
Telephone: 212–248-5000
Brazil (ABNT)
Fax: 212–248-5017
Associaçao Brasileira de Normas Téchnicas
Av. 13 de Maio, no 13, 27o andar
Information Handling Services
Caixa Postal 1680
15 Iverness Way East
20003-900-Rio de Janeiro-RJ
Englewood, CO 80150
Telephone: + 55 21 210 31 22
Telephone: 303–790-0600
Telefax: + 55 21 532 21 43
Telex: 213 43 33 abnt br
Telegrams: normatécnica rio
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.
Bulgaria (BDS)
1828 L Street, N.W.
Committee for Standardization and
Suite 1202
Washington, DC 20036–5104 Metrology at the Council of Ministers
Telephone: 202–785–0017 21, 6th September Str.
1000 Sofia
Instrument Society of America (ISA) Telephone: + 359 2 85 91
PO Box 12277 Telefax: + 359 2 80 14 02
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Telex: 2 25 70 dks bg
Telephone: 919–549-8411
Fax: 919–549-8288 China (CSBTS)
China State Bureau of Technical Supervision
International Maritime Organization (IMO) 4, Zhichun Road
Publications Section Haidian District
4 Albert Embankment PO Box 8010
F 1547
Beijing 100088 Telegrams: manaksanstha
Telephone: + 86 10 203 24 24
Telefax: + 86 10 203 10 10 Italy (UNI)
Telegrams: 1918 beijing Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
Via Battistotti Sassi 11/b
Cuba (NC) I-20133 Milano
Oficina Nacional de Normalización Telephone: + 39 2 70 02 41
Calle E No. 261 entre 11 y 13
Telefax: + 39 2 70 10 61 06
Vedado, La Habana 10400 Telegrams: unificazione
Telephone: + 53 7 30 00 22
Telefax: + 53 7 33 80 48 Japan (JISC)
Telex: 51 22 45 cen cu Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
c/o Standards Department
Czech Republic (COSMT) Ministry of International Trade
Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing and Industry
Biskupsky dvur 5 1-3-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
113 47 Praha 1
Tokyo 100
Telephone: + 42 2 232 44 30 Telephone: + 81 3 35 01 92 95
Telefax: + 42 2 232 43 76 Telefax: + 81 3 35 80 14 18
Telex: 12 19 48 funm c
Telex: 02 42 42 45 jsatyo j
Telegrams: normalizace praha Telegrams: mitijisc tokyo
Denmark (DS) Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of (CSK)
Dansk Standard Committee for Standardization of the
Baunegaardsvej 73 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
DK-2900 Hellerup Zung Gu Yok Seungli-Street
Telephone: + 45 39 77 01 01 Pyongyang
Telefax: + 45 39 77 02 02 Telephone: + 85 02 57 15 76
Telex: 11 92 03 ds stand Telex: 59 72 tech kp
Telegrams: danskstandard Telegrams: standard
France (AFNOR) Korea, Republic of (KIAA)
Association française de normalisation Industrial Advancement Administration (KIAA)
Tour Europe
2, Chungang-dong, Kwachon-city
F-92049 Paris La Défense Cedex Kyonggi-do 427-010
Telephone: + 33 1 42 91 55 55 Telephone: + 82 2 503 79 38
Telefax: + 33 1 42 91 56 56
Telefax: + 82 2 503 79 41
Telex: 2 84 56 fincen k
Germany (DIN) Telegrams: koreaiaa
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
Burggrafenstrasse 6 Netherlands (NNI)
D-10787 Berlin Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut
Postal address: Kalfjeslaan 2
D-10772 Berlin PO Box 5059
Telephone: + 49 30 26 01-0 NL-2600 GB Delft
Telefax: + 49 30 26 01 12 31 Telephone: + 31 15 2 69 03 90
Telex: 18 42 72 din d Telefax: + 31 15 2 69 01 90
Telegrams: deutschnormen berlin Telex: 3 81 44 nni nl
Internet: Telegrams: normalisatie delft
India (BIS)
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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