ASTM D7026-04
(Guide)Standard Guide for Sampling and Reporting of Results for Determination of Biobased Content of Materials via Carbon Isotope Analysis (Withdrawn 2013)
Standard Guide for Sampling and Reporting of Results for Determination of Biobased Content of Materials via Carbon Isotope Analysis (Withdrawn 2013)
1.1 This guide provides a framework for collecting and handling samples for determination of biobased content of materials by means of the carbon isotope method described in Test Methods D 6866. Tests for sampling adequacy based on the standard statistical tools are provided. In addition, reporting of the results, including sampling techniques and handling procedures and chain-of-custody issues are discussed.
1.2 This guide is concerned with collecting representative samples within a given material or a lot, not with lot-to-lot variations such as considered in quality control schemes.
1.3 Biobased materials often represent sampling problems specific to a given material, such as heterogeneity, and so forth, which require employment of material-specific sampling methods. The use of specialized sampling methods already accepted and validated by industries that manufacture and/or use the biomaterial is encouraged. However, all sampling techniques, especially non-standard techniques developed for specific materials must be reported in sufficient detail to allow critical assessment of the techniques used.
1.4 Carbon isotope analysis involves thermal processing in presence of oxidants. Compatibility of any given material with Test Methods D 6866 must be assessed. Special attention must be given to materials with potential for explosion hazards, such as peroxides, nitrated compounds, azides, and so forth. Examples of peroxide-forming compounds are ethers, some ketones and a number of other compounds.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use.
Note 1—There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard.
This guide provided a framework for collecting and handling samples for determination of biobased content of materials by means of the carbon isotope method described in Test Methods . Tests for sampling adequacy based on the standard statistical tools were provided. In addition, reporting of the results, including sampling techniques and handling procedures and chain-of-custody issues were discussed.
Formerly under the jurisdiction of Committee D20 on Plastics, this guide was withdrawn in January 2013 in accordance with section of the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, which requires that standards shall be updated by the end of the eighth year since the last approval date.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: D7026 − 04
StandardGuide for
Sampling and Reporting of Results for Determination of
Biobased Content of Materials via Carbon Isotope Analysis
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7026; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
The biobased content of a material and the resources consumed in creation of the material, both
energy and raw materials are defined in Guide D6852. These resources are expressed as carbon
equivalent. Biobased carbon represents new or recently fixed carbon, opposed to fossil carbon fixed
millions of years ago.Test Methods D6866 presents two methods for experimentally determining the
amount of recently fixed carbon in a sample by means of its radioisotope content, allowing direct
determination of its biobased content. The following guide represents a companion document to Test
Methods D6866and defines the sampling and sample handling procedures for the radioisotope
methods for determination of biobased content.
There are a great variety of biobased materials that may be tested using one of the radioisotope
methods, with a wide range of physical characteristics and special sampling problems.
It is not the intent of this guide to provide specific sample collection and handling instructions for
a specific material. Rather, the guide presents general outlines to be followed in sampling procedures
and encourages the use of existing material-specific sampling procedures validated by extensive use
in industry. The emphasis in the guide is to provide thorough and transparent reporting that allows
subsequent evaluation of the validity of the claims regards biobased content.
1. Scope terials must be reported in sufficient detail to allow critical
assessment of the techniques used.
1.1 This guide provides a framework for collecting and
handling samples for determination of biobased content of 1.4 Carbon isotope analysis involves thermal processing in
materials by means of the carbon isotope method described in presence of oxidants. Compatibility of any given material with
Test Methods D6866. Tests for sampling adequacy based on Test Methods D6866 must be assessed. Special attention must
thestandardstatisticaltoolsareprovided.Inaddition,reporting begiventomaterialswithpotentialforexplosionhazards,such
of the results, including sampling techniques and handling as peroxides, nitrated compounds, azides, and so forth. Ex-
procedures and chain-of-custody issues are discussed. amples of peroxide-forming compounds are ethers, some
ketones and a number of other compounds.
1.2 This guide is concerned with collecting representative
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
samples within a given material or a lot, not with lot-to-lot
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
variations such as considered in quality control schemes.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
1.3 Biobased materials often represent sampling problems
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.
ods.Theuseofspecializedsamplingmethodsalreadyaccepted NOTE 1—There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard.
and validated by industries that manufacture and/or use the
biomaterial is encouraged. However, all sampling techniques, 2. Referenced Documents
especially non-standard techniques developed for specific ma-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D20 on Plastics and
isthedirectresponsibilityofSubcommitteeD20.96onEnvironmentallyDegradable For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Plastics and Biobased Products. contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved May 1, 2004. Published June 2004. DOI: 10.1520/ Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
D7026-04. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D7026 − 04
D6852Guide for Determination of Biobased Content, Re- obtained by means of chemical synthesis or by means of
sources Consumption, and Environmental Profile of Ma- fermentation from biobased raw material. This represents a
terials and Products (Withdrawn 2011) “yesorno”answer,towhichtheLSCmethodisideallysuited.
D6866Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content
4.2 Representative sampling and handling methods are
of Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocar-
clearly a prerequisite to obtaining accurate results form the
bon Analysis
radiocarbon composition determination and any other quanti-
E105Practice for Probability Sampling of Materials
tative analytical method.
Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a 4.3 Thisguideprovidesforaccurateandcompletereporting
of the sample collection, handling, chain of custody, sample
Lot or Process
preparation and treatment that allows any independent party to
2.2 Other Reference:
assess the validity of the reported biobased content of the
Cramer, H.,“Elements of Probability Theory,” Wiley &
Sons, NY, 1961
3. Terminology
5. Sample Collection
3.1 Definitions:
5.1 This guide is designed for materials that can be classi-
3.1.1 representative sample—a sample or subunit of mate-
fied either as solids or liquids.
rial that shows a composition, within statistical limits, that is
5.2 Ifthereisastandardsamplingtechniqueforthematerial
the same as would be detected if the whole material would be
to be tested that is widely accepted by the industry, such a
analyzed as a sample.
3.1.2 biobased content—in this guide, designates biobased
called for under Reporting.
carbon content,whichcanbeconvertedtobiobasedcontentas
a fraction of weight, based on the molecular weights of the
5.3 The primary requirements for any sampling strategy are
components in the material.
that (a)thesampleberepresentativeofthematerialtobetested
and that (b) the quantity or weight of sample be accurately
3.1.3 biobased carbon content—carbon in a sample that is
of recent origin, as evidenced by its C isotope content. Discussion— C decays with a half-life of about
5.4 The biobased content is to be reported based on dry
5200 years and thus fossil carbon, whose age since fixation is
weight. Moisture content of the sample must be controlled
measured in millions of years, does not contain any C.
carefully. If feasible, the sample should be dried prior to
3.1.4 µ(0)—true biobased content of lot.
weighing and the sample subsequently kept in dry, controlled
environment, such as a desiccator. If there is a possibility of
3.1.5 µ(n)—lot average biobased content based on analysis
of n samples from the lot.
to retain constant moisture level, the water content determined
3.1.6 E=Iµ(0) – µ(n)I, abs—maximum tolerable error for
by an appropriate, accepted analytical method and the dry
the sample average, or maximum acceptable difference be-
weight of the sample calculated.
tween average of samples and true average of the lot, µ(0) Discussion—The I____Iare supposed to designate
5.5 TestMethodsD6866presentstwomethodsfordetermin-
absolute value.
ing biobased carbon content: (1) LSC or Liquid Scintillation
Counting, a relatively widely available method, but less
3.1.7 n(k)—number of samples that must be tested to
accurate of the two, with presently established maximum error
provide assurance that the average of these samples lies within
(range) of 15% (which is expected to be reduced as more data
E of the true average with a probability defined by k.
is accumulated), and (2) AMS/IRMS or Accelerated Mass
3.1.8 k—factor defining the degree of accuracy desired in
Spectrometry, coupled with Isotope Ratio mass Spectrometry,
estimation of the lot average from the average of n samples.
with maximum error of about 1 to 2%, but which can be
3.1.9 σ(0)—estimated or experimentally determined stan-
performed by only a few laboratories in U.S. Standard devia-
dard deviation of the analytical procedure.
tion (S.D.) values for the two methods will be established as
3.1.10 S.D.—standard deviation (abbreviation used in text). more data becomes available. LSC requires a sample that
contains 1.0 to 2.0 g of carbon.AMS/IRMS requires a sample
4. Significance and Use
that contains 0.5 to 1.0 g of carbon.
4.1 Thecarbonisotopeanalysisisdesignedtobeanadjunct NOTE2—Asanexample,carbohydratessuchascellulose,starches,and
so forth, contain about 40% wt carbon.
to other information in determination of biobased content,
specifically the manufacturer’s records. It is also a means of
5.6 Samples should be taken from the most homogenous
verifying the authenticity of a disputed lot of material which
subunit of an object or material. If there are suspected gradual
may be manufactured by different means, from different raw
materials. An example would be ethanol, which can be
of smaller units or sub lots that can be
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