Precast concrete products - Beam-and-block floor systems - Part 4: Expanded polystyrene blocks

This European Standard deals with the requirements and the basic performance criteria for blocks made in expanded polystyrene (EPS), used in conjunction with precast concrete beams in compliance with
EN 15037-1, with or without cast-in-situ concrete for the construction of beam-and-block floor systems.
EPS block may be totally made in EPS or combined with different materials such as plaster or wood wool.
If EPS is combined with other materials, these materials should not contribute to more than 50 % of the mechanical resistance of the block. If not, the block is covered by EN 15037-5, Precast concrete products - Beam-and-block floor systems - Part 5: Lightweight blocks for simple formwork.
Examples of typology of floor systems are given in Annex B of EN 15037-1:2008.

Betonfertigteile - Balkendecken mit Zwischenbauteilen - Teil 4: Zwischenbauteile aus Polystyrolhartschaum

Diese Europäische Norm legt die Anforderungen und die grundlegenden Leistungskriterien für Zwischenbauteile
aus Polystyrolhartschaum (EPS) fest, die zusammen mit vorgefertigten Betonbalken nach EN 15037-1
mit oder ohne Ortbeton zur Herstellung von Balkendecken mit Zwischenbauteilen verwendet werden.
EPS-Zwischenbauteile können sowohl gänzlich in Polystyrolhartschaum ausgeführt sein als auch mit
unterschiedlichen Werkstoffen wie z. B. Gips oder Holzwolle kombiniert werden.
Wenn Polystyrolhartschaum mit anderen Werkstoffen kombiniert ist, sollte der Anteil dieser Werkstoffe an der
mechanischen Festigkeit des Zwischenbauteils nicht mehr als 50 % betragen. Andernfalls wird das Zwischenbauteil
durch EN 15037-5 Betonfertigteile  Balkendecken mit Zwischenbauteilen  Teil 5: Zwischenbauteile
aus Leichtwerkstoffen für einfache Schalungen abgedeckt.
EN 15037-1:2008, Anhang B enthält Beispiele für die verschiedenen Typen von Deckensystemen.

Produits préfabriqués en béton - Systèmes de planchers à poutrelles et entrevous - Partie 4: Entrevous en polystyrène expansé

La présente Norme européenne spécifie les prescriptions et les critères de performance de base relatifs aux
entrevous en polystyrène expansé (PSE) utilisés conjointement avec des poutrelles préfabriquées en béton
conformes à l'EN 15037-1, avec ou sans béton coulé en place, pour la construction de systèmes de planchers
à poutrelles et entrevous.
Un entrevous en PSE peut être entièrement constitué de PSE ou être associé à différents matériaux tels que
le plâtre ou la laine de bois.
Si le PSE est combiné à d'autres matériaux, il convient que ceux-ci ne contribuent pas à plus de 50 % de la
résistance mécanique de l'entrevous. Sinon, l'entrevous est couvert par l'EN 15037-5, Produits préfabriqués
en béton  Systèmes de planchers à poutrelles et entrevous Partie 5 : Entrevous légés de coffrage
Des exemples de typologie de systèmes de planchers sont donnés dans l'Annexe B de l'EN 15037-1:2008.

Montažni betonski izdelki - Stropni sistemi iz nosilcev in polnil - 4. del: Polnila iz ekspandiranega polistirena

Ta evropski standard obravnava zahteve in osnovna merila za zmogljivost za polnila iz ekspandiranega polistirena (EPS), ki se uporabljajo v povezavi z montažnimi betonskimi nosilci v skladu z EN 15037-1, z ali brez ulivanja betona in-situ za izgradnjo stropnih sistemov iz nosilcev in polnil. Polnilo iz ekspandiranega polistirena je lahko v celoti izdelano iz EPS ali združeno z različnimi materiali, kot sta mavec ali lesna volna.  Če je EPS združen z drugimi materiali, ti materiali ne smejo prispevati več kot 50 % mehanske odpornosti polnil. Če ni tako, polnilo zajema EN 15037-5, Montažni betonski izdelki - stropni sistemi iz nosilcev in polnil – peti del:  Lahka polnila za preprosto oblikovano strukturo za ulivanje betona. Primeri tipologije stropnih sistemov so podani v Dodatku A EN 15037-1:2008.

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Standards Content (Sample)

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Montažni betonski izdelki - Stropni sistemi iz nosilcev in polnil - 4. del: Polnila iz ekspandiranega polistirenaBetonfertigteile - Balkendecken mit Zwischenbauteilen - Teil 4: Zwischenbauteile aus gedehntem PolystyrolProduits préfabriqués en béton - Systèmes de planchers à poutrelles et entrevous - Partie 4: Entrevous en polystyrène expanséPrecast concrete products - Beam-and-block floor systems - Part 4: Expanded polystyrene blocks91.100.30Beton in betonski izdelkiConcrete and concrete products91.060.30Stropi. Tla. StopniceCeilings. Floors. StairsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 15037-4:2010SIST EN 15037-4:2010en,fr01-junij-2010SIST EN 15037-4:2010SLOVENSKI
EN 15037-4
January 2010 ICS 91.100.30 English Version
Precast concrete products - Beam-and-block floor systems - Part 4: Expanded polystyrene blocks
Produits préfabriqués en béton - Systèmes de planchers à poutrelles et entrevous - Partie 4: Entrevous en polystyrène expansé
Betonfertigteile - Balkendecken mit Zwischenbauteilen - Teil 4: Zwischenbauteile aus gedehntem Polystyrol This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1 November 2009.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels © 2010 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 15037-4:2010: ESIST EN 15037-4:2010

Sampling for initial type testing and for independent testing of consignments . 27A.1 General . 27A.2 Sampling procedure . 27Annex B (normative)
Factory production control . 29Annex C (normative)
Gravity loading tests . 31C.1 Test rig . 31C.2 Procedure . 36C.3 Test report . 36Annex D (normative)
Calibration of concentrated loads testing machine . 38D.1 Sample . 38D.2 Procedure . 38D.3 Validity . 39Annex E (normative)
Compliance criteria for resistance to concentrated loads . 40Annex F (informative)
Calculation assumptions for calculating the thermal resistance of floors . 41Annex ZA (informative)
Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of the EU Construction Products Directive . 44ZA.1 Scope and relevant characteristics . 44ZA.2 Procedure for attestation of conformity of EPS blocks for beam-and-block floor systems. 45ZA.3 CE marking and labelling . 47Bibliography . 50 SIST EN 15037-4:2010

Beam-and-block floor systems, consists of five parts:  Part 1: Beams  Part 2: Concrete blocks  Part 3: Clay blocks  Part 4: Expanded polystyrene blocks  Part 5: Lightweight blocks for simple formwork 1)
For common aspects of concrete products, reference is made to EN 13369, from which also the relevant requirements of the EN 206-1 are taken. The references to EN 13369 by CEN/TC 229 product standards are intended to make them homogeneous and to avoid repetitions of similar requirements. Eurocodes are taken as a common reference for design aspects. The installation of some structural precast concrete products is dealt with by ENV 13670-1. In all countries it may be accompanied by alternatives for national application and it should not be treated as a European Standard. The program of standards for structural precast concrete products comprises the following European Standards, in some cases consisting of several parts: EN 1168, Precast concrete products — Hollow core slabs EN 12794, Precast concrete products — Foundation piles EN 12843, Precast concrete products — Masts and poles EN 13224, Precast concrete products — Ribbed floor elements
1) To be developed. SIST EN 15037-4:2010

EN 15037-1, with or without cast-in-situ concrete for the construction of beam-and-block floor systems. EPS block may be totally made in EPS or combined with different materials such as plaster or wood wool. If EPS is combined with other materials, these materials should not contribute to more than 50 % of the mechanical resistance of the block. If not, the block is covered by EN 15037-5, Precast concrete products
Beam-and-block floor systems
Part 5: Lightweight blocks for simple formwork. Examples of typology of floor systems are given in Annex B of EN 15037-1:2008. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 826, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of compression behaviour EN 1365-2, Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements — Part 2: Floors and roofs EN 12390-4:2000, Testing hardened concrete — Part 4: Compressive strength — Specification for testing machines EN 12667, Thermal performance of building materials and products — Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods — Products of high and medi

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