EN 12261:2002/AC:2003
(Corrigendum)Gas meters - Turbine gas meters
- 24-Sep-2003
- 27-Mar-2018
- 17.120.10
- 2004/22/EC
- M/374
- CEN/TC 237
Gas meters - Turbine gas meters
TC -, E.2.1, working pressure
Gaszähler - Turbinenradgaszähler
Compteurs de gaz - Compteurs de gaz à turbine
Plinomeri - Turbinski plinomeri - Dopolnilo AC
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Plinomeri - Turbinski plinomeri - Dopolnilo ACGaszähler - TurbinenradgaszählerCompteurs de gaz - Compteurs de gaz a turbineGas meters - Turbine gas meters91.140.40Sistemi za oskrbo s plinomGas supply systemsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 12261:2002/AC:2003SIST EN 12261:2004/AC:2004en,fr01-februar-2004SIST EN 12261:2004/AC:2004SLOVENSKI
EUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMEN 12261:2002/ACSeptember 2003Septembre 2003September 2003ICSEnglish versionVersion FrançaiseDeutsche FassungGas meters - Turbine gas metersCompteurs de gaz - Compteurs de gaz àturbineGaszähler - TurbinenradgaszählerThis corrigendum becomes effective on 25 September 2003 for incorporation in the official Englishand French versions of the EN.Ce corrigendum prendra effet le 25 septembre 2003 pour incorporation dans les versions officiellesanglaise et française de la EN.Die Berichtigung tritt am 25.September 2003 zur Einarbeitung in die offizielle Englische undFranzösische Fassung der EN in Kraft.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPÄISCHE
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The methods for measuring the air flow rate inside ducts do not apply to:
- ducts that are not circular or rectangular (e.g. oblong ducts);
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It is recognized that for some CCIs certain tests cannot be carried out.
The data obtained from the testing of CCIs in accordance with the requirements of the Measuring Instruments Directive [1] or EN ISO 4064-1 [2] can be used to meet, in part, the requirements specified in this document. However, for the avoidance of doubt, compliance with the requirements of this document does not equate to compliance with the requirements of the Measuring Instruments Directive or EN ISO 4064-1.
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This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of wedge meters when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flow rate of the fluid flowing in the conduit.
NOTE 1 As the uncertainty of an uncalibrated wedge meter can be too large for a particular application, it could be deemed essential to calibrate the flow meter according to Clause 7.
This document gives requirements for calibration which, if applied, are for use over the calibrated Reynolds number range. Clause 7 could also be useful guidance for calibration of meters of similar design but which fall outside the scope of this document.
It also provides background information for calculating the flow rate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167‑1.
This document is applicable only to wedge meters in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. Uncalibrated wedge meters can only be used within specified limits of pipe size, roughness, β (or wedge ratio) and Reynolds number. It is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of uncalibrated wedge meters in pipes whose internal diameter is less than 50 mm or more than 600 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 1 × 104.
NOTE 2 A wedge meter has a primary element which consists of a wedge-shaped restriction of a specific geometry. Alternative designs of wedge meters are available; however, at the time of writing there is insufficient data to fully characterize these devices, and therefore these meters are calibrated in accordance with Clause 7.
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This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of cone meters when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flow rate of the fluid flowing in the conduit.
As the uncertainty of an uncalibrated cone meter might be too high for a particular application, it might be deemed essential to calibrate the flow meter in accordance with Clause 7.
This document also provides background information for calculating the flow rate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167‑1.
This document is applicable only to cone meters in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. Uncalibrated cone meters can only be used within specified limits of pipe size, roughness, β, and Reynolds number, Re. This document is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of uncalibrated cone meters in pipes sized less than 50 mm or more than 500 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 8 × 104 or greater than 1,2 × 107.
A cone meter is a primary device which consists of a cone-shaped restriction held concentrically in the centre of the pipe with the nose of the cone upstream. The design of cone meter defined in this document has one or more upstream pressure tappings in the wall, and a downstream pressure tapping positioned in the back face of the cone with the connection to a differential pressure transmitter being a hole through the cone to the support bar, and then up through the support bar.
Alternative designs of cone meters are available; however, at the time of writing, there is insufficient data to fully characterize these devices, and therefore, these meters shall be calibrated in accordance with Clause 7.
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- 01-Nov-2022
- 17.120.10
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This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of nozzles and Venturi nozzles when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flowrate of the fluid flowing in the conduit.
This document also provides background information for calculating the flowrate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167‑1.
This document is applicable to nozzles and Venturi nozzles in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. In addition, each of the devices can only be used within specified limits of pipe size and Reynolds number. It is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of nozzles and Venturi nozzles in pipe sizes less than 50 mm or more than 630 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 10 000.
This document deals with
a) three types of standard nozzles:
1) ISA 1932[1] nozzle;
2) the long radius nozzle[2];
3) the throat-tapped nozzle
b) the Venturi nozzle.
The three types of standard nozzle are fundamentally different and are described separately in this document. The Venturi nozzle has the same upstream face as the ISA 1932 nozzle, but has a divergent section and, therefore, a different location for the downstream pressure tappings, and is described separately. This design has a lower pressure loss than a similar nozzle. For all of these nozzles and for the Venturi nozzle direct calibration experiments have been made, sufficient in number, spread and quality to enable coherent systems of application to be based on their results and coefficients to be given with certain predictable limits of uncertainty.
[1] ISA is the abbreviation for the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations, which was superseded by ISO in 1946.
[2] The long radius nozzle differs from the ISA 1932 nozzle in shape and in the position of the pressure tappings.
- Standard51 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for×1 day
- 01-Nov-2022
- 17.120.10
- CEN/SS F05
This document defines terms and symbols and establishes the general principles for methods of measurement and computation of the flow rate of fluid flowing in a conduit by means of pressure differential devices (orifice plates, nozzles, Venturi tubes, cone meters, and wedge meters) when they are inserted into a circular cross-section conduit running full. This document also specifies the general requirements for methods of measurement, installation and determination of the uncertainty of the measurement of flow rate.
ISO 5167 (all parts) is applicable only to flow that remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. It is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow.
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- Draft49 pagesGerman languagesale 10% offe-Library read for×1 day
- 28-Jun-2022
- 30-Dec-2022
- 17.120.10
- CEN/SS F05
This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of orifice plates when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flow rate of the fluid flowing in the conduit.
This document also provides background information for calculating the flow rate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167‑1.
This document is applicable to primary devices having an orifice plate used with flange pressure tappings, or with corner pressure tappings, or with D and D/2 pressure tappings. Other pressure tappings such as “vena contracta” and pipe tappings are not covered by this document. This document is applicable only to a flow which remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single phase. It is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow[1]. It does not cover the use of orifice plates in pipe sizes less than 50 mm or more than 1 000 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 5 000.
- Standard62 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for×1 day
- Draft68 pagesGerman languagesale 10% offe-Library read for×1 day
- 28-Jun-2022
- 30-Dec-2022
- 17.120.10
- CEN/SS F05
This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of Venturi tubes[1] when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flow rate of the fluid flowing in the conduit.
This document also provides background information for calculating the flow rate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167-1.
This document is applicable only to Venturi tubes in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. In addition, Venturi tubes can only be used uncalibrated in accordance with this standard within specified limits of pipe size, roughness, diameter ratio and Reynolds number, or alternatively they can be used across their calibrated range. This document is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of uncalibrated Venturi tubes in pipes sized less than 50 mm or more than 1 200 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 2 × 105.
This document deals with the three types of classical Venturi tubes:
a) “as cast”;
b) machined;
c) fabricated (also known as “rough-welded sheet-iron”).
A Venturi tube consists of a convergent inlet connected to a cylindrical throat which is in turn connected to a conical expanding section called the divergent section (or alternatively the diffuser). Venturi nozzles (and other nozzles) are dealt with in ISO 5167-3.
NOTE In the USA the classical Venturi tube is sometimes called the Herschel Venturi tube.
[1] In the USA the classical Venturi tube is sometimes called the Herschel Venturi tube.
- Standard35 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for×1 day
- Draft34 pagesGerman languagesale 10% offe-Library read for×1 day
- 28-Jun-2022
- 30-Dec-2022
- 17.120.10
- CEN/SS F05
This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation in a system and operating conditions) of critical flow nozzles (CFNs) used to determine the mass flow rate of a gas flowing through a system basically without the need to calibrate the CFN. It also gives the information necessary for calculating the flow rate and its associated uncertainty.
This document is applicable to nozzles in which the gas flow accelerates to the critical velocity at the minimum flowing section, and only where there is steady flow of single-phase gas. When the critical velocity is attained in the nozzle, the mass flow rate of the gas flowing through the nozzle is the maximum possible for the existing inlet condition, while the CFN can only be used within specified limits, e.g. the CFN throat to inlet diameter ratio and Reynolds number. This document deals with the toroidal- and cylindrical-throat CFNs for which direct calibration experiments have been made in sufficient number to enable the resulting coefficients to be used with certain predictable limits of uncertainty.
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- Draft122 pagesGerman languagesale 10% offe-Library read for×1 day
- 28-Jun-2022
- 30-Dec-2022
- 17.120.10
- CEN/SS F05
ISO 20456:2017 applies to industrial electromagnetic flowmeters used for the measurement of flowrate of a conductive liquid in a closed conduit running full. It covers flowmeter types utilizing both alternating current (AC) and pulsed direct current (DC) circuits to drive the field coils and meters running from a mains power supply and those operating from batteries or other sources of power.
ISO 20456:2017 is not applicable to insertion-type flowmeters or electromagnetic flowmeters designed to work in open channels or pipes running partially full, nor does it apply to the measurement of magnetically permeable slurries or liquid metal applications.
ISO 20456:2017 does not specify safety requirements in relation to hazardous environmental usage of the flowmeter.
- Standard38 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for×1 day
- 15-Oct-2019
- 29-Apr-2020
- 17.120.10
- CEN/SS F05
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