Imperfections in thermoplastic welds - Classification

This document specifies a system for classifying imperfections that may be encountered in thermoplastic welded joints during manufacture and provides examples of imperfections for the following welding processes:
-   heated tool butt welding;
-   heated tool socket welding;
-   electrofusion socket welding;
-   hot gas welding;
-   extrusion welding;
-   solvent socket welding.
This document does not describe imperfections that may be generated during service or imperfections present before welding, which are due to poor preparation or assembly of components (e.g. fit up). The correct preparation and assembly of components (e.g. fit up) are described in the relevant welding procedure specification (WPS).
This document is also not concerned with the search for the possible influence of these imperfections on the behaviour of joints in relation to the different types of stress to which the latter may be subjected or on methods for preventing such imperfections.
This document can be used in conjunction with EN 16296 [1] to determine the acceptance of welds.
Only imperfections giving rise to discontinuities of materials or changes in shape are taken into consideration in this document, specifying their type, their shape and their positions. This classification can be used to determine the possible origin or causes of the imperfections.

Unregelmäßigkeiten an Schweißverbindungen von thermoplastischen Kunststoffen - Einteilung

Dieses Dokument legt ein System zur Einteilung von Unregelmäßigkeiten, die während der Herstellung in Schweißverbindungen von thermoplastischen Kunststoffen auftreten können, fest und enthält Beispiele von Unregelmäßigkeiten für die folgenden Schweißverfahren:
-   Heizelementstumpfschweißen;
-   Heizelementmuffenschweißen;
-   Heizwendelmuffenschweißen (E-Muffenschweißen);
-   Warmgasschweißen;
-   Extrusionsschweißen;
-   Klebemuffenschweißen (Diffusionskleben).
Dieses Dokument beschreibt keine Unregelmäßigkeiten, die während des Betriebs entstehen können oder vor dem Schweißen vorhanden sind, die auf mangelhafte Vorbereitung oder Zusammensetzung der Bestand¬teile (z. B. mangelhafte Passung) zurückzuführen sind. Die ordnungsgemäße Vorbereitung und Zusammen¬setzung der Komponenten (z. B. Passung) ist in der entsprechenden Schweißanweisung (WPS, en: Welding Procedure Specification) beschrieben.
Dieses Dokument befasst sich auch nicht mit der Suche nach möglichen Auswirkungen dieser Unregel-mäßigkeiten auf das Verhalten von Verbindungen in Bezug auf die unterschiedlichen Belastungen, denen diese Verbindungen ausgesetzt sein können, oder mit Verfahren zur Vermeidung solcher Unregelmäßig-keiten.
Dieses Dokument kann im Zusammenhang mit EN 16296 [1] für die Bewertung von Schweißnähten ver-wendet werden.
Nur Unregelmäßigkeiten, die Inhomogenitäten der Werkstoffe oder Formveränderungen zur Folge haben, sind in diesem Dokument berücksichtigt und zwar unter Angabe ihrer Art, ihrer Form und ihrer Lage. Diese Einteilung kann zur Bestimmung des möglichen Ursprungs oder der Ursachen von Unregelmäßigkeiten ver¬wendet werden.

Défauts dans les assemblages soudés en thermoplastiques - Classification

Le présent document  spécifie un système de classification des défauts susceptibles d’être rencontrés dans les assemblages soudés en thermoplastiques lors de la fabrication et fournit des exemples de défauts pour les procédés de soudage suivants :
-   soudage bout à bout par élément chauffant ;
-   soudage d’emboîture par élément chauffant ;
-   soudage d’emboîture par électrofusion ;
-   soudage au gaz chaud ;
-   soudage par extrusion ;
-   soudage d’emboîture par adhésif.
Le présent document ne décrit pas les défauts qui pourraient être générés au cours du service ni les défauts présent avant le soudage, qui sont causés par une mauvaise préparation ou un mauvais assemblage des composants (par exemple, l'ajustement). La bonne préparation et le bon assemblage des composants (par exemple, l’ajustement) sont décrits dans la spécification des modes opératoires de soudage (WPS) correspondante.
Le présent document ne traite également pas de la recherche de l’éventuelle influence de ces défauts sur le comportement des assemblages en fonction des différents types de contraintes auxquels ces derniers peuvent être soumis ni sur les méthodes pour éviter de tels défauts.
Le présent document peut être utilisé conjointement avec l'EN 16296 [1] pour déterminer  l’acceptation des soudures.
Seuls les défauts donnant lieu à des discontinuités de matériau ou à des modifications de forme sont pris en compte dans le présent document, en spécifiant leur type, leur forme et leurs positions. Cette classification peut être utilisée pour déterminer les possibles origines ou causes des défauts.

Napake v plastomernih zvarih - Razvrstitev

Ta evropski standard določa sistem za razvrstitev napak, ki se lahko pojavijo v plastomernih zvarnih spojih med izdelavo, in podaja primere napak pri naslednjih postopkih varjenja:
–   soležno varjenje z ogrevanim orodjem;
–   obojno varjenje z ogrevanim orodjem;
–   elektrofuzijsko obojno varjenje;
–   varjenje z vročim plinom;
–   ekstrudersko varjenje;
–   obojno varjenje s topilom.
Ta dokument ne opisuje napak, ki se lahko pojavijo med uporabo, ali napak, ki so prisotne pred varjenjem, kot je npr. slabo prileganje. Pravilna priprava (npr. prileganje) je opisana v ustrezni specifikaciji varilnega postopka (WPS). Ta dokument prav tako ne obravnava iskanja morebitnega vpliva teh napak na obnašanje spojev v povezavi z različnimi vrstami obremenitev, ki so jim spoji lahko podvrženi, ali metod za preprečevanje takšnih napak.
Zato tega dokumenta ni mogoče uporabiti za določevanje sprejemljivosti zvarov, kar je opredeljeno v standardu EN 16296 [1].
Ta dokument obravnava samo napake, ki povzročajo nehomogenost materialov ali spremembe oblike, in sicer določa njihovo vrsto, obliko ter položaj. Ta razvrstitev se lahko uporabi za določanje možnega izvora ali vzrokov napak.

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Napake v plastomernih zvarih - RazvrstitevUnregelmäßigkeiten an Schweißverbindungen von thermoplastischen Kunststoffen - EinteilungDéfauts dans les assemblages soudés en thermoplastiques - ClassificationImperfections in thermoplastic welds - Classification83.080.01Polimerni materiali na splošnoPlastics in general25.160.40Varjeni spoji in variWelded joints and weldsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 14728:2019SIST EN 14728:2019en,fr,de01-maj-2019SIST EN 14728:2019SLOVENSKI

EN 14728
t r s { ICS
t wä s x rä v r Supersedes EN
s v y t zã t r r wEnglish Version
Imperfections in thermoplastic welds æ Classification Dßfauts dans les assemblages soudßs en thermoplastiques æ Classification
Unregelmäßigkeiten an Schweißverbindungen von thermoplastischen Kunststoffen æ Einteilung This European Standard was approved by CEN on
s v December
t r s zä
egulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alterationä Upætoædate lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CENæCENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN memberä
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CENæCENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versionsä
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austriaá Belgiumá Bulgariaá Croatiaá Cyprusá Czech Republicá Denmarká Estoniaá Finlandá Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoniaá Franceá Germanyá Greeceá Hungaryá Icelandá Irelandá Italyá Latviaá Lithuaniaá Luxembourgá Maltaá Netherlandsá Norwayá Polandá Portugalá Romaniaá Serbiaá Slovakiaá Sloveniaá Spainá Swedená Switzerlandá Turkey and United Kingdomä
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre:
Rue de la Science 23,
B-1040 Brussels
t r s { CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Membersä Refä Noä EN
s v y t zã t r s { ESIST EN 14728:2019

Explanations for each character .29 Bibliography .33
IEC Electropedia: available at
ISO Online browsing platform: available at SIST EN 14728:2019

2CAAI Shrinkage cavity Cavity due to shrinkage of weld during solidification. This cavity may be distinguishable by evidence of ductility or stress whitening.
Surface bubble On weld bead.
Particulate inclusion Foreign material trapped at weld interface. Foreign material on surface of weld beads.
3JAAI Parent material inclusion Inclusion of parts of parent material at weld interface.
Degraded polymer Inclusion of decomposition products at weld interface. Inclusion of decomposition products on surface of weld beads.
4BAAA Lack of fusion No fusion across weld interface.
4QBAF Groove in upset or reinforcement Excessive groove depth at centre of weld bead.
4WAAA Cold fusion Incomplete fusion across weld interface.
5EIAAa Linear misalignment Deviation from specified tolerances in coplanarity between two welded pieces.
5EJAAa Angular misalignment Deviation from specified angle between two welded pieces.
5GAAAa Irregular width Excessive variation in weld or bead width.
6DAAAa Excessive width Width of the weld bead greater than specified.
6HAAAa Excessive asymmetry of welds Asymmetric weld bead.
6MAAAa Insufficient upset material Upset material smaller than the specified value.
7VAAAa Excessive toe in Deviation between the outside diameter at the end of the pipe and the outside diameter remote from the pipe end.
9CAAA Tool mark Local damage due to clamping.
good fusion at interface
cold fusion at interface
lack of fusion at interface a Not applicable to fabricated fittings according to EN 12201-3:2011+A1:2012, Annex B. SIST EN 14728:2019

2MAAA Surface bubble On weld bead.
3AAAF 3AAAI Particulate inclusion Foreign material trapped in the weld and/or on the surface of the weld bead.
4BAAA Lack of fusion Area of no fusion between pipe and fitting.
Incomplete penetration Insufficient penetration of the pipe(s) into the socket.
4PAAA Material extrusion Extrusion of material from the joint (sheeting).
4WAAA Cold
fusion Incomplete fusion around the circumference of
Angular misalignment Deviation of alignment between pipe and fitting.
5GAEF Irregular width Excessive variation of the width of the weld bead.
6DAAA Excessive width Excessive weld bead dimension.
Excessive asymmetry Deviation from specified weld bead shape.
6MAAA Insufficient upset material Weld bead smaller than the specified value.
7BAAA Thermal damage Surface alteration resulting from the accidental action of a source of heat.
9CAAA Tool mark Local damage due to weld preparation tool.
cold fusion at interface
good fusion at interface NOTE All imperfections can occur on one or both sides of the joint. SIST EN 14728:2019

2CAAA Shrinkage cavity Cavity due to shrinkage of weld during solidification.
3AAAA Particulate inclusion Foreign material trapped in the weld.
3DAAA Oxide inclusion No evidence of pipe scraping or incomplete scraping. No figure required 4BAAA Lack of fusion Area of no fusion between pipe and fitting.
4CAAA Incomplete penetration Insufficient penetration of pipe into the socket.
4TAAA Displaced heating wire Excessive movement of heating wire during welding cycle.
4UAAA Failure of melt indicator No movement of melt indicator during welding.
4WAAA Cold fusion Incomplete fusion between pipe and fitting.
5EJAA Angular misalignment Deviation of alignment between pipe and fitting.
9CAAA Tool mark Local damage due to weld preparation tools.
Key “no line”
good fusion at interface
cold fusion at interface
lack of fusion at interface NOTE All imperfections can occur on one or both sides of the joint. SIST EN 14728:2019

3AAAH 3AAAJ Particulate inclusion Foreign material trapped between weld run and parent material or between weld runs.
3JAAC Parent material inclusion Parent material inclusion between weld run and parent material.
3KAAH 3KAAJ Degraded polymer Inclusion of decomposition products between weld run and parent material. Inter-run degraded polymer.
4BAAH 4BAAJ Lack of fusion Area without fusion between the weld run and the parent material or between successive weld runs.
4DAAG Excessive penetration Excess of material at the root of the weld.
4EAAF Undercut Lack of material on the edges of the weld.
4QBAJ Groove in upset or reinforcement Excessive groove depth between external weld runs.
4WAAC 4WAAJ Cold fusion Incomplete fusion between weld run and parent material Inter-run incomplete fusion.
5BAEE Excessive distortion of parent material Excessive distortion of parent material due to overheating.

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