Road restraint systems - Guidelines for computational mechanics of crash testing against vehicle restraint system - Part 4: Validation Procedures

The aim of this part is to provide a methodology for the validation of the simulation performed to demonstrate compliance with the essential requirements for CE marking. The use of computational mechanics in the approval process for CE market of a test item is defined and regulated within EN 1317.

Rückhaltesysteme an Straßen - Richtlinien für Computersimulationen von Anprallprüfungen an Fahrzeug-Rückhaltesysteme - Teil 4: Validierungsverfahren

Ziel dieses Teils ist es, Methoden der Validierung für die durchgeführte Simulation von Anprallprüfungen zum Nachweis der Übereinstimmung mit den wesentlichen Anforderungen für die CE-Kennzeichnung festzulegen. Die Anwendung von Computersimulationen im Nachweisverfahren für die CE-Kennzeichnung ist in EN 1317 festgelegt und geregelt.

Dispositifs de retenue routiers - Recommandations pour la simulation numérique d'essai de choc sur des dispositifs de retenue des véhicules - Partie 4: Procédures de validation

La présente partie a pour but de fournir une méthodologie pour la validation de la simulation accomplie pour
démontrer la conformité aux exigences essentielles du marquage CE. L'utilisation de simulations numériques
dans le processus d'approbation pour le marché CE d'un élément d'essai est définie et régulée dans
l'EN 1317.

Oprema cest - Smernice za računalniške simulacije preskusnih trčenj v sisteme za zadrževanje vozil - 4. del: Validacija postopka

Ta del je namenjen zagotovitvi metodologije za validacijo izvedene simulacije, s katero se dokaže skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami za označbo CE. Uporabo računalniške mehanike pri postopku odobritve preskusnega vzorca za trg CE določa in ureja standard EN 1317.

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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 16303-4:2012
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Road restraint systems - Guidelines for computational mechanics of crash testing against
vehicle restraint system - Part 4: Validation Procedures
Rückhaltesysteme an Straßen - Richtlinien für Computersimulationen von
Anprallprüfungen an Fahrzeug-Rückhaltesysteme - Teil 4: Validierungsverfahren
Dispositifs de retenue routiers - Recommandations pour la simulation numérique d'essai
de choc sur des dispositifs de retenue des véhicules - Partie 4: Procédures de validation
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 16303-4:2012
13.200 3UHSUHþHYDQMHQHVUHþLQ Accident and disaster control
93.080.30 Cestna oprema in pomožne Road equipment and
naprave installations
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 16303-4
January 2012
ICS 13.200; 93.080.30
English Version
Road restraint systems - Guidelines for computational
mechanics of crash testing against vehicle restraint system -
Part 4: Validation Procedures
Dispositifs de retenue routiers - Recommandations pour la Rückhaltesysteme an Straßen - Richtlinien für
simulation numérique d'essai de choc sur des dispositifs Computersimulationen von Anprallprüfungen an Fahrzeug-
de retenue des véhicules - Partie 4: Procédures de Rückhaltesysteme - Teil 4: Validierungsverfahren
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 7 November 2011. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 226.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 16303-4:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 General . 5
4 Validation Process . 6
5 Standard report and Output parameters . 9
Annex A Validation report . 10
Bibliography . 16

This document (CEN/TR 16303-4:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 226 “Road
equipment”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document consists of this document divided in five Parts under the general title: Guidelines for
Computational Mechanics of Crash Testing against Vehicle Restraint System:
 Part 1: Common reference information and reporting
 Part 2: Vehicle Modelling and Verification
 Part 3: Test Item Modelling and Verification
 Part 4:Validation Procedures
 Part 5: Analyst Qualification

In preparation
In order to improve safety the design of roads may require the installation of vehicle restraint systems, which
are intended to contain errant vehicles safely for the benefit of the occupants and other road users, on
sections of road and at particular locations defined by the National or Local Authorities. The EN 1317 standard
identifies test methods and impact test acceptance criteria that need to be met to demonstrate compliance
with the essential requirements for CE marking. This document allows in some cases the use of computational
mechanics in order to obtain CE certification. That is why it becomes necessary to develop a methodology to
verify and validate the result obtained with computational mechanics work and guarantee the reliability of the
simulation itself.
CEN/TR 16303-2 and CEN/TR 16303-3 give informative guideline to develop a complete and efficient
numerical model of a vehicle and a test item in order to properly simulate a crash event. These parts address
the user in the creation of a reliable and efficient model both for finite element (FE) methodology and multi-
body (MB) approach.
The purpose of this document, “Validation Procedures”, is to define the validation and verification process for
the use as defined and regulated within EN 1317 and provides support in the application of simulation for
studies of real life installations.
This part includes procedures and acceptance criteria for the use of computational mechanics in approval
process of products for roads safety design and a scheme that can be applied to any simulation in order to
certify its reliability.
1 Scope
The aim of this part is to provide a methodology for the validation of the simulation performed to demonstrate
compliance with the essential requirements for CE marking. The use of computational mechanics in the
approval process for CE market of a test item is defined and regulated within EN 1317.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 1317-1, Road restraint systems — Part 1: Terminology and general criteria for test methods
EN 1317-2, Road restraint systems — Part 2: Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test
methods for safety barriers including vehicle parapets
EN 1317-3, Road restraint systems — Part 3: Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test
methods for crash cushions
ENV 1317-4, Road restraint systems — Part 4: Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test
methods for terminals and transitions of safety barriers
EN 1317-5, Road restraint systems — Part 5: Product requirements and evaluation of conformity for vehicle
restraint systems
prEN 1317-8, Road restraint systems — Part 8: Motorcycle road restraint systems which reduce the impact
severity of motorcyclist collisions with safety barriers
CEN/TR 16303-2, Road restraint systems — Guidelines for computational mechanics of crash testing against
vehicle restraint system — Part 2: Vehicle Modelling and Verification
CEN/TR 16303-3, Road restraint systems — Guidelines for computational mechanics of crash testing against
vehicle restraint system — Part 3: Test Item Modelling and Verification
3 General
Obtaining accurate and reliable models requires careful attention to detail and careful verification of material
properties, energy management, numerical stability and a number of other important computational
characteristic. Without careful verification and validation the result of the simulations cannot be depended
This part of the guidelines puts its attention to the process necessary to guaranty the reliability of the
performed simulation; this is a process that consists of modelling, validation of the model and verification of
the result.
Modelling consists of creating a suitable model of the test item and vehicle, described in CEN/TR 16303-2 and
CEN/TR 16303-3.
Verification consists of determining that a computational model accurately represents the underlying
mathematical model and its solution and that result are numerically stable, described in CEN/TR 16303-2 and
CEN/TR 16303-3.
Validation consists of determining the degree to which a model is an accurate representation of the real word
from the perspective of the intended uses of the model.
CME group has evaluated different approaches in order to obtain a validation methodology suitable for
different modelling techniques, different test items and different applications. The methodology describe within
this chapter consist of a direct comparison between data that can be recorded during the crash test. That
gives the possibility to the user to analyse the crash event step by step identifying possible inconsistency and
eventually write an explication for the mismatching.
4 Validation Process
4.1 General
Validation is based on the comparison between a physical test and a numerical simulation based on an equal
original setup.
The validation criteria are described in 4.2; in case of tests performed with cars (900 kg, 1300 kg or 1500 kg)
additional criteria are described in 4.3.
If the comparison between tests and simulation does not satisfy limits, the author can explain his motivations
inside the final validation report, see Annex A.
4.2 Comparison table
The simulation can be considered validated when the physical test matches the requirements of the Table 1.
“Yes” is to be ticked if there is agreement between the numerical simulation and the physical test; when a
criteria is defined, “yes” means that the criteria is satisfied.
Table 1 - Comparison table
Critical behaviour type Comparison: Yes / No
Containment Required Yes/no
Rollover Required Yes/no
Exit box for barrier Required Yes/no (1317-2-3-4 criteria)
Wheel trajectory Required Yes/no (1317-2-3-4 criteria)
Redirection zone for crash Required Yes/no (1317 -3-4 criteria)
cushion and terminals
Suspension failure Informative Yes/no
Failure of longitudinal elements Required Yes/no
Dynamic deflection for barrier Required Yes/no (Paragraph 4.1.1 criteria)
Vehicle intrusion Required Yes/no (Paragraph 4.1.2 criteria)
Lateral displacements for crash Required Yes/no (Paragraph 4.1.3 criteria)
cushion and terminals
Penetration of parts inside the Required Yes/no
comparison between final Informative Yes/no (Paragraph 4.1.4 criteria)
shapes of test article
This Table is part of the final validation report, see Annex A.
4.2.1 Dynamic deflection for barrier
The dynamic deflection from the physical test, as defined within EN 1317, has to be compared whit the one
calculated from the numerical simulation.
The difference between the two dynamic deflections has to be less than the value calculated with the equation
Diff < ± (0,05 m + 0,1*(Measure))
When the dynamic deflection reaches its maximum, the difference in time (second) between the value
recorded in the physical test and the value calculated during the numerical simulation has to be less than
0,05 s.
Time shift < 0,05 s
4.2.2 Vehicle intrusion
The Vehicle intrusion from the physical test, as defined within EN 1317, has to be compared whit the one
calculated from the numerical simulation.
The difference between the two Vehicle intrusions has to be less than the value calculated with the equation
Diff < ± (0,05m + 0,1*(Measure))
4.2.3 Lateral displacements for crash cushion and terminals
The Lateral displacement for crash cushion and terminals from the physical test, as defined within EN 1317,
has to be compared whit the one calculated from the numerical simulation.
The difference between the two lateral displacements has to be less than the value calculated with the
equation below:
Diff < ± (0,05 m + 0,1*(Measure))
4.2.4 Comparison between final shapes of test article
In order for the simulation to be validated, the test and the simulate VRS shall have the final shape after the
crash impact.
4.2.5 Comparison between failure modes
In order for the simulation to be validated, the tested and the simulate VRS shall have the same failure mode
(CEN/TR 16303-4, 6.4), i.e. the same component shall fail in the same order.
In practice, a tolerance is admitted for the last component to fail (e.g. posts/bolts at the end of a pocket)
4.3 Additional Comparison table
4.3.1 General
When the numerical simulation and the physical test are performed with a car additional parameter can be
compared to assess the quality of the simulation. Therefore, the validation process requires additional criteria
that are described in Table 2. “Yes” is to be ticked if there is agreement between the numerical simulation and
the physical test in accordance with the criteria defined.
Table 2 - additional comparison table
Criteria Type Comparison: Yes / No
ASI Required Yes/no (Paragraph 4.2.1 criteria)
Thiv Required Yes/no (Paragraph 4.2.1 criteria)
Time histories Required Yes/no (Paragraph 4.2.2 criteria)

This table is part of the final validation report

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