This document specifies performance test procedures to determine the passive safety properties of support structures such as lighting columns, sign posts, signal supports, structural elements, foundations, detachable products and any other components used to support a particular item of equipment on the roadside.
This document provides a common basis for the vehicle impact testing of items of road equipment support structures.
This document does not apply to road restraint systems.

  • Standard
    69 pages
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This Technical Report gives guidance on principles and methods to determine the forces due to the collision of an errant vehicle with a vehicle restraint system (vrs) in bridge design and classify vehicle restraint systems with load.
This Technical Report specifies the general requirements for the competence to perform virtual testing in order to assess the performance of vehicle restraint systems. It covers virtual testing performed using finite element methods and multi-body methods.
This Technical Report is applicable to all organizations performing virtual testing dealing with vehicle restraint systems.
Laboratory customers, regulatory authorities and accreditation bodies may also use this Technical Report in confirming or recognizing the competence of laboratories.

  • Technical report
    11 pages
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This document specifies methods and criteria for assessing the general safety and environmental performance of road traffic noise reducing devices under typical roadside conditions. Appropriate test methods are provided where these are necessary. The treatment of each topic is covered separately in Annexes A to F.

  • Standard
    30 pages
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This document specifies criteria to categorize road traffic noise reducing devices according to basic mechanical characteristics under standard conditions of exposure, irrespective of the materials used. A range of conditions and optional requirements is provided in order to take into account the wide diversity of practice in Europe. Individual aspects of performance are covered separately in the annexes. Safety considerations in the event of damage to road noise reducing devices are covered in EN 1794-2.
This document covers the current behaviour of the product. For the assessment of its long-term characteristics, EN 14389 is applicable.
NOTE   The test procedure described in Annex A does not consider the fatigue effect.

  • Standard
    29 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for individual electrically operated light devices, called warning lights, emitting a continuous or regular intermittent light of a single colour which, by their colour and position alone, are used to warn, inform or guide road users. It specifies the requirements for visual, structural and operational performances and the relevant test methods to be used. These devices rely upon existing furniture to provide the mounting.
This European Standard is not applicable to lighting devices which convey messages by additional means (e.g. variable message signs) or which convey a mandatory instruction (e.g. traffic signals) or which are covered by vehicle lighting regulations.
This European Standard does not consider horizontal loads because it is the mounting to which they are fixed, which is not covered by this European Standard, which has to resist applied horizontal loads.

  • Standard
    37 pages
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This document provides Product Category Rules (PCR) for the declaration of the Sustainability of RTNRDs according to EN 15804:2012+A2:2019.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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This document specifies requirements, test/assessment methods and acceptance criteria for safety barrier terminals to be used in a
permanent or temporary manner on roads and in vehicle circulation areas.
The present document should be read in conjunction with EN 1317-1:2010 and EN 1317-2 2:2010 and EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012.

  • Technical specification
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  • Technical specification
    49 pages
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This document specifies performance, categories and test methods for the assessment of removable barrier sections.
The transitions between the Removable Barrier Section and the two connected safety barriers are outside the scope of this document
and should be assessed according to CEN/TR Transitions: _.
The present document should be read in conjunction with EN 1317-1:2010 and EN 1317-2 2:2010 and EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012

  • Technical specification
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  • Technical specification
    13 pages
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This Technical Report defines assessment methods for transitions, considered as the linkage between safety barriers or between
safety barriers and removable barrier sections defined by CEN/TS RBS.
This Technical Report also defines assessment methods for connection-transitions to terminals and crash cushions.
Road Authorities and regulatory authorities are free to determine assessment methods, values, measurements etc. and to fix the
details of the requirements.
Assessment methods and design rules can also be utilised in connection to evaluation of changed versions.

  • Technical report
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  • Technical report
    22 pages
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This document specifies a method for evaluating the working life of noise reducing devices used alongside roads according to the relevant exposure conditions.
It also specifies a method for determining the acoustic characteristic at the end of the working life.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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This document outlines a method to measure the typical external noise emission produced when tyres of passenger car roll over a structured road marking. The result is a measure for the noise perceived in the surroundings of the road, hence not for interior noise in the car.
This method can be used for three purposes:
- determination of initial acoustic properties of a road marking, yielding a noise label for a given system;
- testing of the acoustic conformity of a particular marking to the noise label determined during the determination of initial acoustic properties;
- monitoring of the acoustic properties in the course of its lifetime.
The test result allows the road owner to make an assessment of the risk of nuisance when s/he considers a particular road marking system for application on a road in a noise sensitive area, e.g. built up areas. The method is also applicable to measurements on milled rumble strips.

  • Technical specification
    12 pages
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This document provides the current road equipment suppliers’ visions and their associated short term and medium-term priority deployment scenarios. Potential functional/operational standardization issues enabling a safe interaction of road equipment/infrastructure with automated vehicles in a consistent and interoperable way are identified. This is paving the way for a deeper analysis of standardization actions which are necessary for the deployment of priority short-time applications and use cases.
This deeper analysis will be done at the level of each priority application/use case by identifying existing standards to be used, standards gaps/overlaps and new standards to be developed to support this deployment.
The release 1 is focusing on short-term (2022 to 2027) and medium-term deployment. Further releases will update this initial vision according to short term deployment reality.
The objectives of this document are to:
-   Support the TC 226 and its WG12 work through the development of a common vision of the roles and responsibilities of a modern, smart road infrastructure in the context of the automated vehicle deployment from SAE level 1 to SAE level 5. The roles and responsibilities of the road infrastructure are related to its level of intelligence provided by functions and data being managed at its level.
-   Promote the road equipment suppliers and partners visions associated to their short-term and medium- term priorities to European SDOs and European Union with the goal of having available relevant, consistent standards sets enabling the identified priority deployment scenarios.
NOTE   Road equipment/infrastructure includes the physical reality as its digital representation (digital twin). Both need to present a real time consistency.

  • Technical report
    56 pages
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This document specifies the product characteristics, laboratory test methods, the way of expressing results and the relevant procedures for assessment and verification of the constancy of performance for retroreflecting road studs, non depressible and depressible by design (designated as Type A and B, respectively) and which reflectors are made of glass, plastic or plastic with abrasion resistance layer (designated as Type 1, 2 and 3, respectively), to be used for permanent road markings, and delineation purposes, in circulation areas.
This document covers retroreflecting road studs (types - 1, 2, 3 - A, B) of white, yellow, amber, red and green colour of their reflectors.
This document does not cover:
-   non-retroreflective road studs;
-   temporary retroreflective road studs.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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This document describes the test method for carrying out road trials on retroreflecting road studs. Specifications are given for test sites, for the organization of the tests, and for the presentation of the results in the form of a test report.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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This document describes a test method for measuring a quantity representative of the intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation for traffic noise reducing devices: the sound insulation index.
The test method is intended for the following applications:
-   determination of the intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation of noise reducing devices to be installed along roads, to be measured either in situ or in laboratory conditions;
-   determination of the in situ intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation of noise reducing devices in actual use;
-   comparison of design specifications with actual performance data after the completion of the construction work;
-   verification of the long term performance of noise reducing devices (with a repeated application of the method);
-   interactive design process of new products, including the formulation of installation manuals.
The test method is not intended for the determination of the intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation of noise reducing devices to be installed in reverberant conditions, e.g. inside tunnels or deep trenches or under covers.
Results are expressed as a function of frequency in one-third octave bands, where possible, between 100 Hz and 5 kHz. If it is not possible to get valid measurement results over the whole frequency range indicated, the results will be given in a restricted frequency range and the reasons for the restriction(s) will be clearly reported.

  • Standard
    50 pages
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This document specifies the requirements for conducting road trials for road marking intended for use in both permanent and temporary road marking. Details are given for test sites, for the application of road marking materials on the test sites, for the parameters to be measured and the frequency of the measurements and for the presentation of the results in the form of a test report.

  • Standard
    35 pages
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This document covers testing of physical properties of road marking materials by laboratory methods.
The products covered and specified by this document are white and yellow paint, thermoplastic and cold plastic materials, with or without premix glass beads, to be used for permanent and/or temporary road markings on highways and other areas used by vehicular traffic. Other products and colours intended for road markings are not covered in this document.
Not all physical properties listed in this document have to be specified.

  • Standard
    43 pages
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This document defines the accuracy, credibility and confidence in the results of virtual crash test to vehicle restraint systems through the definition of procedures for verification, validation and development of numerical models for roadside safety application. Finally it defines a list of indications to ensure the competences of an expert/organization in the domain of virtual testing.

  • Standard
    85 pages
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This document specifies the technical and functional requirements including test methods for parking terminals. It applies to unattended terminals used to obtain the right to park for visual and / or electronic control of multiple road vehicles, with payment where applicable.
This document only covers parking terminals.
For parking terminals connected to centralised system, this document covers the minimum information to be exchanged with a centralised system. It does not define a standard protocol between parking terminals and centralised systems. It does not define the centralised system.
This document does not cover pay-on-foot terminals.

  • Standard
    65 pages
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This document applies to signal heads with one or more signal lights of the colours red, yellow and/or green signal lights for road traffic with 200 mm and 300 mm roundels and to optical units to be integrated in signal heads to produce the individual signal lights. It defines the product characteristics for the visual, structural, environmental performances and testing of signal heads and optical units for pedestrian and road traffic use, and the rules for the evaluation of the conformity of these products.
This document can be partly or fully applied on a voluntary basis to other signal heads outside of the scope specified above like for instance white optical units or small signal heads with a diameter smaller than 200 mm.

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This European Standard provides specifications for two types of variable message signs (VMS); i.e. continuous (see 3.4) and discontinuous (see 3.7).
This European Standard covers mobile, temporary and permanently installed VMS used in circulation areas, on public and private land, including tunnels for the information, guidance, warning and/or direction of traffic. Test modules are used to demonstrate compliance with the requirements.
This European Standard specifies visual and physical characteristics of VMS as well as their durability aspects. It also provides relevant requirements and corresponding test methods, assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) and marking.
NOTE Provisions for the evaluation of conformity with regards to type testing are further specified in 6.2; provisions with regards to factory production control (FPC) are further specified in 6.3.
This European Standard does not cover
a) sign gantries, cantilevers, posts (supports) and foundations,
b) signal heads,
c) sizes and shapes of VMS messages,
d) control units and monitoring units unless inside the VMS,
e) control of sign luminance.

  • Standard
    121 pages
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This document specifies requirements for new traffic cones and new traffic cylinders with retroreflective properties.
This document specifies minimum essential visual and physical performance characteristics; test methods for determination of product performance and the means by which this performance may be communicated to the user and the public including safety enforcement agencies.
The document provides a series of categories or classes by which a traffic cone or traffic cylinder may be specified for use in different applications in accordance with best practice.
In the case of physical properties, performance levels and indicative tests are provided for cold weather, stability, and impact resistance when dropped. Requirements for visual recognition properties, colour, retroreflectivity and luminance are provided.
Provision for identification and marking to declared levels of performance is provided.
There are other product shapes which perform similar functions. This document does not cover devices made in other shapes, or which do not meet the design requirements of this document.

  • Standard
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This document specifies requirements for the impact performance of systems designed for the reduction of impact severity for PTW riders impacting safety barriers whilst sliding along the ground, having fallen from their PTW vehicle. The protection systems concerned are those fitted to barriers or barriers that have an inherent PTW rider protection or risk reduction capability. This document excludes the assessment of the vehicle restraint capabilities of barriers and the risk that they represent to the occupants of impacting cars. The assessment of barrier performance with respect to impacting vehicles is covered by EN 1317-1 and EN 1317-2.
This document defines performance classes taking into account rider speed classes, impact severity and the working width of the system with respect to rider impacts.
For systems designed to be added to a standard barrier, the test results are valid only when the system is fitted to the model of barrier used in the tests since the performance will not necessarily be the same if the system is fitted to a different barrier.

  • Technical specification
    48 pages
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This document specifies the laboratory method for measuring the airborne sound insulation performance of road traffic noise reducing devices in reverberant conditions. It covers the assessment of the intrinsic performance of barriers that can reasonably be assembled inside the testing facility described in EN ISO 10140-2 and EN ISO 10140-4.
This method is not intended for the determination of the intrinsic characteristics of airborne sound insulation of noise reducing devices to be installed on roads in non-reverberant conditions.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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This European Standard specifies the performance for road users of white and yellow road markings, as expressed by their reflection in daylight or under road lighting, retroreflection in vehicle headlamp illumination, colour and skid resistance. Furthermore, the standard specifies test methods and conditions.

  • Standard
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This Technical Specification establishes test methods for whole Truck Mounted Attenuator systems (TMAs) under impact..

  • Technical specification
    17 pages
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This European Standard specifies the functional safety requirements for traffic signal controllers. It is applicable to traffic signal control equipment permanent¬ly and temporarily installed, but excludes portable traffic control equip¬ment. Traffic signal controllers, as defined by this European Standard, are required to control conflicting traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian,  e.g. junction signals, pedestrian crossings, shuttle signals, public transport signals, in a safe manner.  
The electrical safety requirements and additional traffic safety requirements, the interfacing with external equip¬ment and the test methods for verifying compliance with this European Standard are contained in HD 638.
NOTE  National requirements may specify special conditions for public transport signals (PT) and for any other signal that is not specified in a European Standard.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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This document provides guidance for removal or/and masking existing road markings. It includes methods of removal and criteria for selecting the removal method, as well as the requirements for the masking materials and the performance requirements of the resulting surface.
It does not apply to removable temporary road markings, which shall be removed in accordance to the manufacturer instructions.
Some recommendations are given for removing and masking road studs, removing wet paints, removing curing membranes in new cement concrete pavements and cleaning existing road markings.

  • Technical report
    25 pages
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This European Standard specifies the laboratory method for measuring the sound absorption performance of road traffic noise reducing devices in reverberant conditions. It covers the assessment of the intrinsic sound absorption performance of devices that can reasonably be assembled inside the testing facility described in EN ISO 354.
This method is not intended for the determination of the intrinsic characteristics of sound absorption of noise reducing devices to be installed on roads in non-reverberant conditions.
The test method in EN ISO 354 referred to in this European Standard excludes devices that act as weakly damped resonators. Some devices will depart significantly from these requirements and in these cases, care is needed in interpreting the results.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies requirements for the following road traffic noise reducing devices (as defined in 3.1):
-   noise barriers (as defined in 3.2);
-   claddings (as defined in 3.5);
-   road covers (as defined in 3.6); and
-   added devices (as defined in 3.7).
These devices may include both acoustic and structural elements, where:
-   an acoustic element is an element whose primary function is to provide a noise reducing device with sound insulation, diffraction and/or sound absorption, it is a part of noise reducing device to be used along roads, and
-   a structural element is an element whose primary function is to support or hold in place acoustic elements, it is a part of noise reducing device to be used along roads. Depending upon the design of the noise reducing device, structural elements may potentially be tested separately from acoustic elements.
They may be made of different materials for which specific standards are to be applied in accordance with the specifications prescribed hereafter. Some of the materials may contain dangerous substances, the reason why all the materials are declared.
This European Standard identifies the relevant characteristics of road traffic noise reducing devices, the corresponding methods of evaluation and specifies the provisions on evaluation of conformity and marking.
This European Standard covers acoustic, non-acoustic and long term performance, but not aspects such as resistance to vandalism or requirements of visual appearance.
This European Standard does not cover road surfaces or the airborne sound insulation of houses.

  • Standard
    38 pages
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This European Standard describes a test method for measuring a quantity representative of the intrinsic characteristics of sound reflection from road noise reducing devices: the reflection index.
The test method is intended for the following applications:
- determination of the intrinsic characteristics of sound reflection of noise reducing devices to be installed along roads, to be measured either on typical installations alongside roads or on a relevant sample section;
- determination of the in situ intrinsic characteristics of sound reflection of noise reducing devices in actual use;
- comparison of design specifications with actual performance data after the completion of the construction work;
- verification of the long-term performance of noise reducing devices (with a repeated application of the method).
The test method is not intended for the following applications:
- determination of the intrinsic characteristics of sound reflection of noise reducing devices to be installed in reverberant conditions, e.g. inside tunnels or deep trenches.
Results are expressed as a function of frequency, in one-third octave bands between 100 Hz and 5 kHz. If it is not possible to get valid measurements results over the whole frequency range indicated, the results shall be given in a restricted frequency range and the reasons of the restriction(s) shall be clearly reported.

  • Standard
    58 pages
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This Technical Report specifies geometrical and technical requirements for the design and manufacture for pedestrian parapets on road bridges, on footbridges, on top of retaining walls and on similar elevated structures.
This Technical Report also specifies test methods and provision for the labelling and marking of these products.
This Technical Report does not cover:
—   vehicle restraint systems;
—   pedestrian restraint systems in residential, commercial or industrial buildings and within their perimeter;
—   non-rigid rails i.e. rope, cables.
This Technical Report may be used for pedestrian parapets on structures which cross over railways, rivers and canals.

  • Technical report
    49 pages
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This European Standard describes a test method for determining the intrinsic characteristics of sound diffraction of added devices installed on the top of traffic noise reducing devices. The test method prescribes measurements of the sound pressure level at several reference points near the top edge of a noise reducing device with and without the added device installed on its top. The effectiveness of the added device is calculated as the difference between the measured values with and without the added devices, correcting for any change in height (the method described gives the acoustic benefit over a simple barrier of the same height; however, in practice the added device can raise the height and this could provide additional screening depending on the source and receiver positions).
The test method is intended for the following applications:
•   preliminary qualification, outdoors or indoors, of added devices to be installed on noise reducing devices;
•   determination of sound diffraction index difference of added devices in actual use;
•   comparison of design specifications with actual performance data after the completion of the construction work;
•   verification of the long term performance of added devices (with a repeated application of the method);
•   interactive design process of new products, including the formulation of installation manuals.
The test method can be applied both in situ and on samples purposely built to be tested using the method described here.
Results are expressed as a function of frequency, in one-third octave bands between 100 Hz and 5 kHz. If it is not possible to get valid measurements results over the whole frequency range indicated, the results shall be given in the restricted frequency range and the reasons of the restriction(s) shall be clearly reported. A single-number rating is calculated from frequency data.
For indoors measurements see Annex A.

  • Standard
    34 pages
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This European Standard specifies construction products which are white and yellow, removable or non-removable, preformed road marking materials, under the form of tape, cold plastic, thermoplastics with or without drop-on materials, to be used for permanent and/or temporary road markings in circulation areas. Other products and colours intended for road markings are not covered in this European Standard.
This European Standard also gives specifications for the evaluation of conformity for white and yellow, removable or non-removable, preformed road materials under the form of tape, cold plastic, thermoplastics with or without drop-on materials to be used for permanent and/or temporary road markings in circulation areas including type testing and factory production control.
This European Standard includes an Annex ZA for tapes, preformed cold plastic road marking and thermoplastic road marking with and without drop-on materials with the clauses addressing the provisions of the EU Construction Product Directive for permanent road marking.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for wear simulator test for road marking materials intended for use in both permanent and temporary road markings including those with increased retroreflection under wet and rain conditions, without road studs.
It gives description for the equipment and for test plate’s characteristics; it also gives description for the test method involving road marking materials application, test conditions during wear test, parameters to be measured, frequency of the measurements and expression of the results as a test report.
This document gives also the requirements to be followed when the test is to be used for CE marking purposes.

  • Standard
    26 pages
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CEN/TC 226 - Modifications to 4.1.3, 4.2.2 and 4.3.3.

  • Corrigendum
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This European Standard specifies requirements for evaluation of conformity of the following vehicle restraint systems:
a)   safety barriers;
b)   crash cushions;
c)   terminals (will be effective when ENV 1317-4 becomes an EN);
d)   transitions (will be effective when ENV 1317-4 becomes an EN);
e)   vehicle / pedestrian parapets (only for the vehicle restraint function).
Pedestrian parapet requirements are not covered in this document.
Requirements for the evaluation of durability with respect to weathering are included in this document.
Requirements for other forms of durability (e.g. marine environment, sand abrasion) are not included.
Temporary barriers are not within the scope of this document.

  • Standard
    41 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements applicable to glass beads, anti-skid aggregates, and the mixture of the two, which are applied as drop-on materials on road markings products (i.e. paints, cold plastics and thermoplastics).
Glass beads and/or anti-skid aggregates, or their mixture, applied during the process of manufacturing other road marking products are not covered by this European Standard.

  • Standard
    70 pages
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This Part 5 of EN 12899 describes the requirements for initial type testing (ITT), of Parts 1, 2 and 3 of EN 12899.

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This Part of EN 12899 describes the requirements for Factory production control (FPC), for Parts 1, 2 and 3 of EN 12899.

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This Part 3 of EN 12899 specifies requirements for new delineator posts and for new retroreflectors as separate products or combined together to be used in traffic circulation areas.
It covers performance requirements and test methods.
Colorimetric and retroreflective properties are specified taking into account CIE recommendations.
Structural requirements include performance under static and dynamic loading.
Provision is made for safety in use, including vehicle impact.
To define durability this standard also includes performance levels to be maintained after natural weathering exposure.
No requirements are given for the use of colours, dimensions and tolerances of delineator posts and retroreflectors.

  • Standard
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This Part 2 of EN 12899 specifies requirements for new transilluminated traffic bollards (TTBs) including their fixing, which may incorporate traffic signs (type 1 TTB) or may support traffic signs (type 2 TTB) to be used in traffic circulation areas.
It covers performance requirements and test methods.
Colorimetric and retroreflective properties as well as luminance of transilluminated illuminated portions are specified taking into account CIE recommendations.
Structural requirements for TTBs include performance under static and dynamic loading.
Provision is made for safety in use, including vehicle impact.
Devices of similar function, but without transillumination or less than 600 mm in height, are not covered.
NOTE   Foundations are not specified in this standard but should be adequate to support the loads to be carried.
Unless otherwise stated, clauses in this standard apply to both type 1 and type 2 TTBs.

  • Standard
    26 pages
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This European Standard specifies requirements for evaluation of conformity of the following vehicle restraint systems:
a)   safety barriers;
b)   crash cushions;
c)   terminals (will be effective when ENV 1317-4 becomes an EN);
d)   transitions (will be effective when ENV 1317-4 becomes an EN);
e)   vehicle / pedestrian parapets (only for the vehicle restraint function).
Pedestrian parapet requirements are not covered in this document.
Requirements for the evaluation of durability with respect to weathering are included in this document.
Requirements for other forms of durability (e.g. marine environment, sand abrasion) are not included.
Temporary barriers are not within the scope of this document.

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
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This document specifies laboratory methods for the identification of road marking materials used in horizontal signalization. It is not necessary, unless required, to perform all of the tests described.

  • Standard
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This document gives the requirements for factory production control (FPC) for the manufacturer of road marking materials
This document specifies which types of test have to be taken into consideration within the FPC but it leaves the precise methods to be applied to be dependent on the characteristics of the manufacturer’s installation and production methods. The precise parameters and methods will be found in the written procedures agreed between the manufacturer and the third party responsible for the initial assessment of the FPC.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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This document specifies methods to obtain representative samples of road marking materials for testing and gives the appropriate test methods. The methods to obtain representative samples are described as appropriate for the main product types, i.e. paint, cold plastics, thermoplastics, premix glass beads, drop-on materials, preformed road markings and retroreflecting road studs.
NOTE   This document may apply to the verification and/or identification of consignments of road marking materials or materials held in stock, for example in a warehouse or at the manufacturer's storage facility, or for materials which require checking prior to application.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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This European Standard specifies requirements for the performance of crash cushions during vehicle impacts. It specifies performance classes and acceptance criteria for impact tests, which should be read in conjunction with EN 1317-1 and EN 1317-5.
The modifications included in this European Standard are not a change of test criteria, in the sense of EN 1317-5:2007, ZA.3.

  • Standard
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This European Standard contains provisions for the measurement of performance of products for the road restraint systems, under impact and impact severity levels, and includes:
-   Test site data;
-   Definitions for road restraint systems;
-   Vehicle specification (including loading requirements) for vehicles used in the impact tests;
-   Instrumentation for the vehicles;
-   Calculation procedures and methods of recording crash impact data including impact severity levels;
-   VCDI.
The modifications included in this standard are not a change of test criteria, in the sense of EN 1317-5:2007, ZA.3.

  • Standard
    36 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies requirements on impact performance of safety barriers, including vehicle parapets, classes of containment, working width, vehicle intrusion and impact severity levels.
NOTE   This European Standard should be read in conjunction with EN 1317-1. Both these standards support EN 1317-5.
The modifications included in standard are not a change of test criteria, in the sense of the EN 1317-5:2007, ZA.3.

  • Standard
    28 pages
    English language
    sale 10% off
    e-Library read for
    1 day