Design of glass structures - Part 4: Glass selection relating to the risk of human injury - Guidance for specification

(1) This document provides guidance for the development or improvement of rules deemed to help with the choosing of appropriate glazing for protection against injuries and falling, hereafter called "the Specifications". The Specifications to be written or revised can be a national regulation, a national standard, recommendations from a professional association, requirements for a particular project, etc.
(2) This document deals with the choice of the mode of breakage (see 5.2) with regard to the safety of people against:
-   the risk of injury in the event of a collision with a glazed element, e.g. a partition,
-   the risk of falling through or over a glazed element, e.g. a balustrade, and
-   the risk of accidental falling of glass fragments on people not having caused the breakage, e.g. an overhead glazing.
(3) These risks can be evaluated in the function of a normal use of the building or construction work. This includes use by the elderly, children and people with disabilities, but excludes deliberate risk taking. It presupposes a rational and responsible behaviour of the users or, in case of children, of those responsible for supervising them.
(4) The information contained in this document can be used to define minimum glass configuration. It does not exempt from the verification according to CEN/TS 19100-1 and CEN/TS 19100-2 and where appropriate CEN/TS 19100-3.
(5) Safety against burglary, vandalism, bullet attack, explosion, exposition to fire and seismic actions are not covered in this document. Preventing these risks needs further appropriate requirements.
(6) This document does not apply to the following glass products:
-   glass blocks and paver units;
-   channel-shaped glass.
(7) It also does not apply to the following applications:
-   escalators and moving walkway;
-   lifts;
-   accesses to machinery;
-   animal enclosures and aquariums;
-   greenhouses and agricultural installations;
-   temporary scaffolds.

Bemessung und Konstruktion von Bauteilen aus Glas - Teil 4: Bestimmung der Glaskonfiguration in Abhängigkeit des Verletzungsrisikos - Anleitung zum Erstellen von Regeln

(1) Dieses Dokument dient als Anleitung für die Entwicklung oder Verbesserung von Regeln, die als Hilfe bei der Auswahl einer geeigneten Glaskonfiguration für den Schutz gegen Verletzungen und Herabfallen gedacht sind. Diese Regeln werden nachfolgend als „die Spezifikationen“ bezeichnet. Bei den zu verfassenden oder zu überarbeitenden Spezifikationen kann es sich um eine nationale Regel, eine nationale Norm, Empfehlungen einer Berufsorganisation, Anforderungen für ein bestimmtes Projekt usw. handeln.
(2) Dieses Dokument behandelt die Auswahl des Bruchverhaltens (siehe 5.2) in Bezug auf die Sicherheit von Menschen hinsichtlich
-   des Risikos einer Verletzung im Fall eines Zusammenstoßes mit einem verglasten Bauteil, z. B. einer Trennwand,
-   des Risikos des Stürzens durch oder über ein verglastes Bauteil, z. B. eine Balustrade und
-   des Risikos des unbeabsichtigten Herabfallens von Glasbruchstücken, z. B. einer Überkopfverglasung, auf Menschen, die den Glasbruch nicht verursacht haben.
(3) Diese Risiken können für die übliche funktionale Nutzung des Gebäudes oder während der Bautätigkeit ermittelt werden. Dies umfasst die Nutzung durch ältere Menschen, Kinder und Menschen mit Behinderungen, schließt aber das bewusste Eingehen von Risiken aus. Es setzt ein rationales und verantwortungsvolles Verhalten der Nutzer oder, im Fall von Kindern, der verantwortlichen Aufsichtspersonen, voraus.
(4) Die Informationen, die in diesem Dokument enthalten sind, können dazu dienen, Mindestanforderungen an Glaskonfigurationen festzulegen. Dies befreit nicht von der Nachweisführung nach CEN/TS 19100 1 und CEN/TS 19100 2, und gegebenenfalls nach CEN/TS 19100 3.
(5) Schutz gegen Einbruch, Vandalismus, Angriff mit Schusswaffen, Explosion, Einwirkung von Feuer und Erdbeben ist nicht Gegenstand dieses Dokuments. Für die Vermeidung dieser Risiken sind weitere geeignete Maßnahmen zu ergreifen.
(6) Dieses Dokument ist nicht anwendbar für die folgenden Glaserzeugnisse:
-   Glassteine und Betongläser;
-   Profilbauglas.
(7) Es ist auch nicht für die folgenden Anwendungen anwendbar:
-   Fahrtreppen und Fahrsteige;
-   Aufzüge;
-   Zugänge zu Maschinen;
-   Tiergehege und Aquarien;
-   Gewächshäuser und landwirtschaftliche Anlagen;
-   vorübergehende Einrüstungen.

Conception et calcul des structures en verre - Partie 4 : Choix du verre en fonction du risque de blessure - Document d'orientation pour les spécifications

(1) Le présent document fournit des recommandations pour le développement ou l’amélioration de règles considérées comme utiles pour le choix de vitrages appropriés pour la protection contre les blessures et les chutes, ci-après désignées par « Spécifications ». Les Spécifications rédigées ou révisées peuvent être une réglementation nationale, une norme nationale, les recommandations d’une association professionnelle, des exigences pour un projet particulier, etc.
(2) Le présent document traite du choix du mode de bris (voir 5.2) en lien avec la sécurité des personnes contre :
-   le risque de blessure en cas de heurt avec un élément vitré, par exemple une cloison ;
-   le risque de chute à travers ou sur un élément vitré, par exemple une balustrade ; et
-   le risque de chute accidentelle de fragments de verre sur des personnes n’ayant pas causé le bris, par exemple un vitrage suspendu.
(3) Ces risques peuvent être évalués dans le cadre d’une utilisation normale du bâtiment ou de travaux de construction. Cela inclut l’utilisation par une personne âgée, un enfant ou une personne en situation de handicap, mais exclut une prise de risque délibérée. Cela présuppose un comportement rationnel et responsable des utilisateurs ou, dans le cas des enfants, des personnes responsables de leur surveillance.
(4) Les informations contenues dans le présent document peuvent être utilisées pour définir une configuration de verre minimale. Elles ne dispensent pas de la vérification conforme aux normes CEN/TS 19100 1 et CEN/TS 19100 2 et, le cas échéant, CEN/TS 19100 3.
(5) La sécurité contre l’effraction, le vandalisme, l’attaque par tirs d’armes à feu, l’explosion, l’exposition aux incendies ou aux séismes, n’est pas couverte dans le présent document. La prévention de ces risques impose des exigences appropriées supplémentaires.
(6) Le présent document ne s’applique pas aux produits verriers suivants :
-   briques et pavés de verre ;
-   verre profilé en U.
(7) Le présent document ne s’applique pas non plus aux applications suivantes :
-   escaliers mécaniques et trottoirs roulants ;
-   ascenseurs ;
-   accès aux machines ;
-   enclos animaliers et aquariums ;
-   serres et installations agricoles ;
-   échafaudages provisoires.

Projektiranje steklenih konstrukcij - 4. del: Določitev konfiguracije stekla glede na nevarnost poškodb - Navodilo za specifikacijo

(1) Ta dokument podaja navodilo za oblikovanje ali izboljšanje pravil za pomoč pri izbiri ustrezne zasteklitve za zaščito pred poškodbami in padcem (v nadaljevanju: »specifikacije«). Specifikacije, ki jih je treba napisati ali revidirati, so lahko nacionalni predpisi, nacionalni standard, priporočila strokovnega združenja, zahteve za določen projekt itd.
(2) Ta dokument obravnava izbiro načina razbitja (glej točko 5.2) v zvezi z varnostjo oseb, kadar obstaja:
–   nevarnost poškodb v primeru trka z zastekljenim elementom (npr. predelna stena);
–   nevarnost padca skozi zastekljeni element ali čez njega (npr. podestna ograja); in
–   nevarnost nenamernega padanja drobcev stekla na osebe, ki niso povzročile razbitja (npr. stropna zasteklitev).
(3) Te nevarnosti je mogoče ovrednotiti med normalno uporabo stavbe oziroma gradbenega objekta. To vključuje uporabo s strani starejših oseb, otrok in invalidov, pri čemer je izključeno namerno tveganje. Ob tem se predvideva racionalno in odgovorno ravnanje uporabnikov oziroma, v primeru otrok, oseb, ki jih nadzirajo.
(4) Informacije v tem dokumentu je mogoče uporabiti za določitev minimalne konfiguracije stekla. Uporabnika ne odvezujejo preverjanja v skladu s standardoma CEN/TS 19100-1 in CEN/TS 19100-2 ter, kjer je primerno, s standardom CEN/TS 19100-3.
(5) Varnost v primeru vloma, vandalizma, strelskega napada, eksplozije, požara in potresa ni zajeta v tem dokumentu. Za preprečevanje teh tveganj so potrebne dodatne ustrezne zahteve.
(6)   Ta dokument se ne uporablja za naslednje steklene proizvode:
–   steklene bloke in tlakovce;
–   steklo v obliki kanala.
(7) Prav tako se ne uporablja za naslednje vrste uporabe:
–   tekoče stopnice in premične steze;
–   dvigala;
–   območja dostopa do strojev;
–   ograjene prostore in akvarije;
–   rastlinjake in kmetijske objekte;
–   začasne gradbene odre.

General Information

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Standards Content (Sample)

Projektiranje steklenih konstrukcij - 4. del: Določitev konfiguracije stekla glede na
nevarnost poškodb - Navodilo za specifikacijo
Design of glass structures - Part 4: Glass selection relating to the risk of human injury -
Guidance for specification
Bemessung und Konstruktion von Bauteilen aus Glas - Teil 4: Bestimmung der
Glaskonfiguration in Abhängigkeit des Verletzungsrisikos - Leitfaden zum Erstellen von
Conception et calcul des structures en verre - Partie 4: Choix des vitrages en fonction du
risque de blessure - Guide pour les spécifications
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TS 19100-4:2024
81.040.20 Steklo v gradbeništvu Glass in building
91.080.99 Druge konstrukcije Other structures
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TS 19100-4
March 2024
ICS 81.040.20; 91.080.99
English Version
Design of glass structures - Part 4: Glass selection relating
to the risk of human injury - Guidance for specification
Conception et calcul des structures en verre - Partie 4 : Bemessung und Konstruktion von Bauteilen aus Glas -
Sélection du verre en fonction du risque de blessure - Teil 4: Bestimmung der Glaskonfiguration in
Document d'orientation pour les spécifications Abhängigkeit des Verletzungsrisikos - Leitfaden zum
Erstellen von Regeln
This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 29 January 2024 for provisional application.

The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to
submit their comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard.

CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS
available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in
parallel to the CEN/TS) until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TS 19100-4:2024 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
0 Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms, definitions and symbols . 7
3.1 Terms and definitions . 7
3.2 Symbols . 9
4 Possible content of the Specifications . 11
5 Basic notions . 12
5.1 Type of occupancy and/or type of buildings . 12
5.2 Mode of breakage of glass . 12
5.3 Types of safety glass . 13
5.3.1 General. 13
5.3.2 Additional considerations for thermally toughened safety glass . 13
5.3.3 Laminated safety glass made of thermally treated glass plies . 14
5.4 Accessible glass edges . 14
6 Vertical glazing . 15
6.1 Protection from the risk of injury in the event of a collision with glazed element . 15
6.1.1 General requirements . 15
6.1.2 Additional requirements related to the type of glazed element . 20
6.1.3 Additional considerations related to the mode of fixing . 21
6.2 Prevention of the risk of person falling through or over a glazed element . 22
6.2.1 General requirements . 22
6.2.2 Additional requirements related to the type of glazed element . 24
6.2.3 Additional considerations related to the mode of fixing . 27
6.3 Protection against the risk of accidental fall of glass fragments . 29
6.3.1 General requirements . 29
6.3.2 Additional requirements related to the type of glazed element . 30
6.3.3 Additional considerations related to the mode of fixing . 30
7 Non-vertical glazing . 32
7.1 Protection from the risk of injury in the event of a collision with glazed element . 32
7.1.1 General requirements . 32
7.1.2 Additional requirements related to the type of glazed element . 33
7.1.3 Additional considerations related to the mode of fixing . 33
7.2 Prevention of the risk of person falling through a glazed element . 33
7.2.1 General requirements . 33
7.2.2 Additional requirements related to the type of glazed element . 34
7.2.3 Additional considerations related to the mode of fixing . 34
7.3 Protection against the risk of accidental fall of glass fragments . 35
7.3.1 General requirements . 35
7.3.2 Additional requirements related to the type of glazed element . 36
7.3.3 Additional considerations related to the mode of fixing . 36
Annex A (informative) Suggested values for the quantities used in this document . 38
A.1 Use of this annex . 38
A.2 Suggested values for the quantities used in this document . 38
A.3 Suggested values for the quantities used in Annex C . 39
Annex B (informative) Examples of choice of type of glass . 40
B.1 Use of this annex . 40
B.2 Possible table of glass to be used in several applications . 40
Annex C (informative) Possible guidance for guarding design . 45
C.1 Use of this annex . 45
C.2 Space between guarding components . 45
C.3 Limitations on the guarding protrusion . 46
C.4 Normal and temporary standing zones . 48
C.5 Drop between the normal standing zone and the guarding. 51
C.6 Differences in the level of the normal standing zone . 51
Bibliography . 53
European foreword
This document (CEN/TS 19100-4:2024) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 250
“Structural Eurocodes”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI. CEN/TC 250 is responsible for all
Structural Eurocodes and has been assigned responsibility for structural and geotechnical design matters
by CEN.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This Technical Specification has been drafted to be used in conjunction with relevant execution, material,
product and test standards, and to identify requirements for execution, materials, products and testing
that are relied upon by this document.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national standards body.
A complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to announce this Technical Specification: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of
North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and the
United Kingdom.
0 Introduction
0.1 Introduction to CEN/TS 19100-4
This document is based on several European documents covering the choice of appropriate glazing for
the protection against injuries and falling, e.g. national standards, national building codes, professional
association recommendations, etc.
The aim of this guidance is to assist experts who want to write new safety Specifications or to revise
existing ones, whatever the type of document. It does not pretend to be exhaustive.
The values given are examples only and are based on different practices in Europe. Experts using this
guidance are free to choose other values.
In the same spirit, they can also take all or only some of the topics covered in this document and can add
requirements for situations not considered here.
0.2 Verbal forms used in the Eurocodes
The verb “shall” expresses a requirement strictly to be followed and from which no deviation is permitted
in order to comply with the Eurocodes.
The verb “should” expresses a highly recommended choice or course of action. Subject to national
regulation and/or any relevant contractual provisions, alternative approaches could be used/adopted
where technically justified.
The verb “may” expresses a course of action permissible within the limits of the Eurocodes.
The verb “can” expresses possibility and capability; it is used for statements of fact and clarification of
1 Scope
(1) This document provides guidance for the development or improvement of rules deemed to help with
the choosing of appropriate glazing for protection against injuries and falling, hereafter called “the
Specifications”. The Specifications to be written or revised can be a national regulation, a national
standard, recommendations from a professional association, requirements for a particular project, etc.
(2) This document deals with the choice of the mode of breakage (see 5.2) with regard to the safety of
people against:
— the risk of injury in the event of a collision with a glazed element, e.g. a partition,
— the risk of falling through or over a glazed element, e.g. a balustrade, and
— the risk of accidental falling of glass

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