Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness (ISO 2808:2019)

This document describes methods for measuring the thickness of coatings applied to a substrate. Methods for determining wet-film thickness, dry-film thickness and the film thickness of uncured powder layers are described.
For each method described, this document provides an overview of the field of application, existing standards and the precision.
Information on measuring film thickness on rough surfaces is given in Annex B.
Information on measuring film thickness on wooden substrates is given in Annex C.

Beschichtungsstoffe - Bestimmung der Schichtdicke (ISO 2808:2019)

Dieses Dokument legt Verfahren für die Messung der Dicke von Beschichtungen auf einem Substrat fest. Es werden Verfahren zum Bestimmen der Nassschichtdicke, der Trockenschichtdicke sowie der Dicke von nicht eingebrannten Pulverschichten beschrieben.
Zu jedem beschriebenen Verfahren werden der Anwendungsbereich, bereits bestehende Normen und die Präzision angegeben.
Informationen über die Messung der Schichtdicke auf rauen Oberflächen sind im Anhang B enthalten.
Informationen über die Messung der Schichtdicke auf Holzsubstraten sind im Anhang C enthalten.

Peintures et vernis - Détermination de l'épaisseur du feuil (ISO 2808:2019)

Le présent document décrit des méthodes pour mesurer l'épaisseur des revêtements appliqués sur un subjectile. Les méthodes de détermination de l'épaisseur de feuil humide, de feuil sec et de l'épaisseur des couches de poudre non réticulées y sont décrites.
Le présent document fournit une vue d'ensemble du champ d'application, des normes existantes et de la fidélité pour chaque méthode décrite.
L'Annexe B donne des informations sur les mesures de l'épaisseur de feuil sur surfaces rugueuses.
L'Annexe C donne des informations sur les mesures de l'épaisseur du feuil sur des subjectiles en bois.

Barve in laki - Ugotavljanje debeline plasti (ISO 2808:2019)

Ta standard opisuje metode za merjenje debeline plasti, nanesenih na podlago. Opisane so metode za določanje debeline mokre plasti, suhe plasti in debeline plasti nestrjenih prašnih plasti. Za vsako opisano metodo ponuja ta dokument pregled področja uporabe, obstoječih standardov in natančnosti. Informacije o merjenju debeline plasti na grobih površinah so podane v dodatku B. Informacije o merjenju debeline plasti na lesenih podlagah so navedene v dodatku C.

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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN ISO 2808:2007
Barve in laki - Ugotavljanje debeline plasti (ISO 2808:2019)
Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness (ISO 2808:2019)
Beschichtungsstoffe - Bestimmung der Schichtdicke (ISO 2808:2019)
Peintures et vernis - Détermination de l'épaisseur du feuil (ISO 2808:2019)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 2808:2019
87.040 Barve in laki Paints and varnishes
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN ISO 2808
September 2019
ICS 87.040 Supersedes EN ISO 2808:2007
English Version
Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness (ISO
Peintures et vernis - Détermination de l'épaisseur du Beschichtungsstoffe - Bestimmung der Schichtdicke
feuil (ISO 2808:2019) (ISO 2808:2019)
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 21 July 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 2808:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3

European foreword
This document (EN ISO 2808:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35 "Paints and
varnishes" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 139 “Paints and varnishes” the
secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by March 2020, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by March 2020.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN ISO 2808:2007.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of
North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the
United Kingdom.
Endorsement notice
The text of ISO 2808:2019 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 2808:2019 without any modification.

Fifth edition
Paints and varnishes — Determination
of film thickness
Peintures et vernis — Détermination de l'épaisseur du feuil
Reference number
ISO 2808:2019(E)
ISO 2019
ISO 2808:2019(E)
© ISO 2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

ISO 2808:2019(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Determination of wet-film thickness . 5
4.1 General . 5
4.2 Mechanical methods . 5
4.2.1 Principle . 5
4.2.2 Field of application . 5
4.2.3 General. 5
4.2.4 Method 1A — Comb gauge . 5
4.2.5 Method 1B — Wheel gauge . 6
4.2.6 Method 1C — Dial gauge . 7
4.3 Gravimetric method . 9
4.3.1 Principle . 9
4.3.2 Field of application . 9
4.3.3 General. 9
4.3.4 Method 2 — By difference in mass . 9
4.4 Photothermal method .10
4.4.1 Principle .10
4.4.2 Field of application .10
4.4.3 General.10
4.4.4 Method 3 — Determination using thermal properties .11
5 Determination of dry-film thickness .11
5.1 General .11
5.2 Mechanical methods .11
5.2.1 Principle .11
5.2.2 Field of application .12
5.2.3 General.12
5.2.4 Method 4A — By difference in thickness .12
5.2.5 Method 4B — Depth gauging .15
5.2.6 Method 4C — Surface profile scanning .17
5.3 Gravimetric method .18
5.3.1 Principle .18
5.3.2 Field of application .19
5.3.3 General.19
5.3.4 Method 5 — By difference in mass .19
5.4 Optical methods .19
5.4.1 Principle .19
5.4.2 Field of application .22
5.4.3 General.22
5.4.4 Method 6A — Cross-sectioning . .23
5.4.5 Method 6B — Wedge cut .24
5.4.6 Method 6C — White-light interferometry .24
5.5 Magnetic methods .25
5.5.1 Principle .25
5.5.2 Field of application .25
5.5.3 General.25
5.5.4 Method 7A — Magnetic pull-off gauge .25
5.5.5 Meth

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