Walking aids manipulated by one arm - Requirements and test methods - Part 4: Walking sticks with three or more legs (ISO 11334-4:1999)

Gehhilfen für einarmige Handhabung - Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren - Teil 4: Gehstöcke mit drei oder mehr Beine (ISO 11334-4:1999)

Dieser Teil der ISO 11334 legt die Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren für Geh- stöcke mit drei oder mehr Beinen fest, die vollständig mit Handgriffen und Stockpuffern ausgerüstet sind. Die Verfahren legen die Prüfung der Stand- sicherheit, statischen Beanspruchbarkeit und Ermüdung fest. Die Norm gibt ebenfalls die Anforderungen an Sicherheit, Ergonomie, Leistungsfähigkeit, Kennzeichnung und Aufschritten an.

Aides à la marche manipulées avec un bras - Exigences et méthodes d'essai - Partie 4: Cannes de marche avec au moins trois jambes ou plus (ISO 11334-4:1999)

La présente partie de l'ISO 11334 spécifie les exigences et les méthodes d'essai relatives à la stabilité, à la résistance à la charge statique et à la fatigue des aides à la marche avec au moins trois jambes ou plus, équipées d'une poignée et d'un embout. Elle spécifie également les exigences en matière de sécurité, d'ergonomie, de performances, de marquage et d'étiquetage. Les essais et les exigences sont basés sur un usage quotidien des cannes de marche avec au moins trois jambes ou plus, fabriquées pour un utilisateur ayant un poids (une masse) de 35 kg minimum. La présente partie de l'ISO 11334 n'est pas applicable aux cannes de marche avec au moins trois jambes ou plus avec appui d'avant-bras ou appui axillaire.  
NOTE L'annexe A contient des recommandations relatives aux exigences contenues dans la présente partie de l'ISO 11334.

Pripomočki za hojo, ki se upravljajo z eno roko - Zahteve in preskusne metode - 4. del: Sprehajalne palice s tremi ali več nogami (ISO 11334-4:1999)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Gehhilfen für einarmige Handhabung - Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren - Teil 4: Gehstöcke mit drei oder mehr Beine (ISO 11334-4:1999)Aides a la marche manipulées avec un bras - Exigences et méthodes d'essai - Partie 4: Cannes de marche avec au moins trois jambes ou plus (ISO 11334-4:1999)Walking aids manipulated by one arm - Requirements and test methods - Part 4: Walking sticks with three or more legs (ISO 11334-4:1999)11.180.10JLEDQMHAids and adaptation for movingICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN ISO 11334-4:1999SIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000en01-januar-2000SIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000SLOVENSKI
AReference numberISO 11334-4:1999(E)INTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO11334-4First edition1999-02-01Walking aids manipulated by one arm —Requirements and test methods —Part 4:Walking sticks with three or more legsAides à la marche manipulées avec un bras — Exigences et méthodesd'essai —Partie 4: Cannes de marche avec au moins trois jambes ou plusSIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

ISO 11334-4:1999(E)©
ISO 1999All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronicor mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.International Organization for StandardizationCase postale 56 · CH-1211 Genève 20 · SwitzerlandInternetiso@iso.chPrinted in SwitzerlandiiContentsPage1 Scope.12 Normative references.13 Terms and definitions.14 Requirements.95 Test methods .106 Marking and labelling.147 Test report.15Annex A (informative)
Recommendations.16SIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

© ISOISO 11334-4:1999(E)iiiForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISOmember bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technicalcommittees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established hasthe right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, inliaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International ElectrotechnicalCommission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.International Standard ISO 11334-4 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 173, Technical systems andaids for disabled or handicapped persons.ISO 11334 consists of the following parts, under the general title Walking aids manipulated by one arm —Requirements and test methods:¾ Part 1: Elbow crutches¾ Part 4: Walking sticks with three or more legsAnnex A of this part of ISO 11334 is for information only.SIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

© ISOISO 11334-4:1999(E)1Walking aids manipulated by one arm — Requirements and testmethods —Part 4:Walking sticks with three or more legs1 ScopeThis part of ISO 11334 specifies requirements and methods of testing the stability, static load capacity and fatigueof walking sticks with three or more legs and fully equipped with handle and tips. It also gives the requirementsrelating to safety, ergonomics, performance, marking and labelling.The requirements and tests are based on everyday usage of walking sticks with three or more legs, manufacturedfor a user weight (mass) of not less than 35 kg.This part of ISO 11334 is not applicable to walking sticks with three or more legs with underarm or forearm support.NOTE
Recommendations further to the requirements are given in annex A.2 Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis part of ISO 11334. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publicationsdo not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 11334 are encouraged to investigate thepossibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undatedreferences, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintainregisters of currently valid International Standards.ISO 9999:1998, Technical aids for disabled persons — Classification.ISO 10993-1,
Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 1: Evaluation and testing.3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this part of ISO 11334, the following terms and definitions apply (see also Figures 1 to 7).3.1walking stick with three or more legswalking stick with three or more legs and a handle, but without an underarm or forearm supportNOTE 1Classification No. 12 03 16 in accordance with ISO 9999:1998.NOTE 2Throughout this document the term walking stick refers to a walking stick with three or more legs.SIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

ISO 11334-4:1999(E)© ISO23.2handgripthat part of the walking stick which is normally held in the hand when the walking stick is in use3.3handgrip lengthdimension of the handgrip measured longitudinally where the hand restsSee Figure 4.NOTE
Where the front end or the rear end of the handgrip is not clear, the full length of the handgrip that can support theweight of the user is defined as the handgrip length.3.4handgrip widthdimension of the handgrip measured horizontally at the thickest point where the hand restsSee Figure 4.3.5handlethat part of a walking stick to which the handgrip is attached3.6tipthat part of a walking stick which is in contact with the ground3.7walking-stick heightdimension measured vertically from the highest point on the handgrip to the ground where the tips of the walkingstick restSee Figures 5, 6 and 7.NOTE Walking sticks are grouped in six sizes, as given in Table A.1.3.8walking-stick depthmaximum outside dimension of a walking stick measured horizontally in the direction of movementSee Figures 5, 6 and 7.3.9walking-stick widthmaximum outside dimension of a walking stick measured horizontally at right angles to the direction of movementSee Figures 5, 6 and 7.3.10telescoping membersthose parts of a walking stick which slide into each other to provide height adjustment3.11locking devicethat part of a walking stick which provides locking of the height and/or other adjustment mechanisms3.12user weightbody mass of the person using the product as a technical aidNOTE
Standard user weight is 100 kg for adults and 35 kg for children.SIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

© ISOISO 11334-4:1999(E)3Key1Front2Handgrip3Rear4Telescoping members5Side leg6Rear leg7Tip8Front leg9Height-adjusting and locking deviceFigure 1 — Example of a walking stick with three legsSIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

ISO 11334-4:1999(E)© ISO4Key1Front2Handgrip3Rear4Telescoping members5Rear legs6Tip7Front legs8Height-adjusting and locking deviceFigure 2 — Example of a walking stick with four legsSIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

© ISOISO 11334-4:1999(E)5Key1Front2Handgrip3Rear4Telescoping members5Side leg6Rear legs7Tip8Front legs9Height-adjusting and locking deviceFigure 3 — Example of a walking stick with five legsSIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

ISO 11334-4:1999(E)© ISO6Key1Handgrip length, l2Handgrip widthFigure 4 — Details of handle and handgripSIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

© ISOISO 11334-4:1999(E)7Key1Handgrip length, l2Width3Depth4Height, hFigure 5 — Measurements of a walking stick with three legsSIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

ISO 11334-4:1999(E)© ISO8Key1Handgrip length, l2Width3Depth4Height, hFigure 6 — Measurements of a walking stick with four legsSIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

© ISOISO 11334-4:1999(E)9Key1Handgrip length, l2Width3Depth4Height, hFigure 7 — Measurements of a walking stick with five legs4 Requirements4.1 HandgripThe handgrip width shall be not less than 25 mm and not more than 50 mm.NOTE
This requirement does not apply to anatomic handgrips.The handgrip shall be replaceable or easy to clean.4.2 Leg section and tipsThe leg section shall end in tips of a design which will prevent the legs from piercing through it when testedaccording to 5.6 and 5.7.SIST EN ISO 11334-4:2000

ISO 11334-4:1999(E)© ISO10That part of the tip in contact with the walking surface shall have a minimum diameter of 35 mm.4.3 Adjusting devicesThe means of height adjustment shall not work loose when the walking stick is in use.The height adjustment mechanism shall be clearly marked with its maximum extension as specified by themanufacturer.The telescoping members shall exhibit an easy running fit.Minimum vertical clearance at the centre of the ba

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